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UDK is unbeatable...

UDK is unbeatable...

Mar 17, 2023, 06:4303/17/23
Mar 17, 2023, 06:43(edited)

Im a little confussed, using a UDK team to beat a UDK team proves what exactly?

Mar 17, 2023, 07:2103/17/23
Rambo Rick

Im a little confussed, using a UDK team to beat a UDK team proves what exactly?

See the post directly above yours for more explanation. @Kankle69 lays it out pretty clear there.

And there are a few screenshots in this very post about beating UDK without using him. I can get back on that account and do some more arena farming, if it would help?

Really though, the best thing you can do is to post your own thread, with your roster, and your current arena team, and we'll help you improve. Arena has never been easier throughout the entire time I've been playing, hopefully we can help you take advantage.

Mar 17, 2023, 10:2103/17/23

See the post directly above yours for more explanation. @Kankle69 lays it out pretty clear there.

And there are a few screenshots in this very post about beating UDK without using him. I can get back on that account and do some more arena farming, if it would help?

Really though, the best thing you can do is to post your own thread, with your roster, and your current arena team, and we'll help you improve. Arena has never been easier throughout the entire time I've been playing, hopefully we can help you take advantage.

How rude harleQuinn, The thread that @Kankle69 is presumptuous,
patronising and hypocritical, repeatedly pointing out that players are not listening!
I mean come on that rubbish should be removed! 

Well, I build great teams thank you very much, I build in great synergy, my champions are booked, geared, full masteries and even low star Blessings.  Im gold 3+ rank considering what I have to work with in 90 days, I’m very happy with my progress.  I listen to most of the guys advise like Hell Hades in particular which has been great help in all the content (thanks HH).  And yes, I can crush a crappy UDK team without a UDK. 

But all the serious issues surrounding UDK have not been properly addressed because it’s the not the players frustrated and leaving that are failing to listening. 

The major problem with UDK is not that its OP, its that a huge player base had access to it and it has now dominated an important aspect of the game, creating unnecessary imbalance and frustration.  

Contrary to @Kankle69 's  opinion players won’t find another champion like UDK to complain because all the other champions are not as prevalent or as a result profound on the game. 

Regardless of your all that’s been said about UDK think about this; if we nurf UDK only in arena’s do people quit the game? Will they be frustrated every time they PvP? Will it have a major impact on their enjoyment of the game?  The answer is obviously no

But if we do nurf UDK only in arena, new players get a fair go and are likely to continue, non UDK defensive teams arnt unfairly targeted, better more unique and challenging teams are made, participation rates increase, more activity means more competition, means more fun. It also means players aren’t wasting over 30 min writing abrasive responses to posts on the forums when they could be purchasing more shop items!!!

The longer UDK stays in the game in its current state, the worse it will impact on players and the game as a whole.  

Just a side note, I think raid shadow legends has over 300 champions to choose from, Top 1st place on the arena ladder right now is running with a UDK. 

Mar 17, 2023, 11:5503/17/23

UDK has been the same for about 8 months. He was released in August. He won't be changing.

Now, that said, he's a good Arena champ. So you will see him the leaderboards at times. But he's no Taras or Marichka, who are actually the reasons you see UDK right now as much as you do in Plat at reset.

You see, Taras is such a good DPS he can kill any team, while basically ignoring attack based nukers, and Marichka just revives her whole team when she's killed. So the only way to get through them is to single target kill Marichka first, so that when you kill the rest of the team they stay down and don't CA you dead.

So UDK right now is being used to protect Marichka so you can't AoE the enemy team as she revives them when she dies, and you can't single target kill her until you get through UDK, which gives Taras time to wipe your team.

This is all in a counterplay to people counterplaying a counterplay.

Out of the top 30 plat finishers the last 2 weeks, only about 15% have not had Taras and/or Marichka, and 50% have had both.

Now there's some champs that are meta defining. They are ACTUALLY profoundly impactful on the true competitive side of the game. 

UDK I don't have much trouble with. Not on my regular account, nor any I made just for testing. The complaints I've seen in this thread and others are the same ones I saw about most every champ... Including Ninja who was also a daily login champ. And others like Reinbeast and Duchess and Siphi.

People build arena defense teams to be difficult. That's the entire point of an arena defense. Part of the game, and the most enjoyable part for me, is finding ways to win anyhow, with the champs I have..And yes, I've taken this philosophy to F2P Plat finishes and G4 Tag.

Not everyone finds the same enjoyment out of developing new strategies to defeat meta champs though, and that's okay. But to ask for nerfs to something cause you have trouble with it, while others who use counterplays don't? Not gonna see agreement from me.

People built their UDKs and spent actually money and/or resources on him with his skills and abilities as they are now. Much easier to ask you to improve your play than to, in effect, take away those resources from every player that built him just cause people struggle against him the same way they used to versus Duchess or Siphi.

Mar 17, 2023, 12:3503/17/23
Mar 17, 2023, 13:01(edited)

 "How rude harleQuinn, The thread that @Kankle69 is presumptuous, patronizing and hypocritical, repeatedly pointing out that players are not listening! I mean come on that rubbish should be removed!" 

My post was meant to be patronizing. I tend to get like that when someone takes the time and effort such as harleQuinn has in an attempt to help the community, only to be subjected to 10+ pages of post that continue to try and defend the idea that UDK is an unbeatable juggernaut and should be removed or nerfed to oblivion. Especially when there are screenshots proving that this is easily achievable on a new account. 

I don't see how my post was the least bit hypocritical. "a person whose actions contradict their stated beliefs or feelings"  Please explain my hypocrisy. I fail to see how my actions contradict my beliefs.

"repeatedly pointing out that players are not listening" - The vast majority don't, even more so when it comes to UDK / Arena. This has been going on for 6+ months. As I stated, there are already a huge number of post concerning UDK and how to defeat him yet week after week there is a new post calling for UDK to be removed or Nerfed.

"But all the serious issues surrounding UDK have not been properly addressed because it’s the not the players
frustrated and leaving that are failing to listening."

The UDK "issue" was most certainly addressed. Ronda was GIVEN to everyone who logged in for 7 days over a 3 month period. Her kit negates every single ability that UDK possesses. Her A1 hits 3 times (4 if the target is below 50%). UDK only blocks the first hit on one of his team mates. Her A2 completely shuts down UDK's Active & Passive skills, ignores his shield, & 30% of his Defense. The Savage set that was given away along with Ronda ignores an additional 25%. Her A3 hits 2 times. Again, UDK can only block the first hit. I dare you to find a more perfectly designed counter to UDK.

So what are the additional "issues" that need to be addressed? Please list them so that the community can assist with overcoming them. Just be aware that "UDK is OP", "I can't win against a UDK", & "UDK needs to be nerfed" are not issues that can be realistically addressed. These are not "issues", these are complaints. An issue would be "I am unable to defeat UDK due to the healing passive". The solution for this would be to check your gear and team composition to ensure that you are not bringing any healing through passive skills, gear, or active skills. 

"The major problem with UDK is not that its OP, its that a huge player base had access to it and it has now dominated an important aspect of the game, creating unnecessary imbalance and frustration."  

If UDK is not OP, if he is a well-designed Champion, then why do you believe that he needs to be nerfed? Furthermore, what exactly in UDK's kit needs to be changed to make him more easily countered?

"Contrary to @Kankle69 's  opinion players won’t find another champion like UDK to complain because all the other champions are not as prevalent or as a result profound on the game." 

Really? 95% of the Defense teams in G5 right have an Arbiter lead. 3 refreshes this morning (30 different teams) and I haven't seen the first UDK. What I have seen is Arbiter in 27 of those 30 teams. And before you say that Arbiter is not comparable to UDK, A +30% Speed passive, 50% Attack buff + 30% turn meter fill, & a full team revive is, in my opinion, a great deal more profound on the game for Arena. 

"Just a side note, I think raid shadow legends has over 300 champions to choose from, Top 1st place on the arena ladder right now is running with a UDK."  

There are currently over 700 champions in RSL right now. Out of those, in higher level Arena, you will encounter around 50 of those. This isn't really a valid point.

Mar 18, 2023, 06:5803/18/23

 "How rude harleQuinn, The thread that @Kankle69 is presumptuous, patronizing and hypocritical, repeatedly pointing out that players are not listening! I mean come on that rubbish should be removed!" 

My post was meant to be patronizing. I tend to get like that when someone takes the time and effort such as harleQuinn has in an attempt to help the community, only to be subjected to 10+ pages of post that continue to try and defend the idea that UDK is an unbeatable juggernaut and should be removed or nerfed to oblivion. Especially when there are screenshots proving that this is easily achievable on a new account. 

I don't see how my post was the least bit hypocritical. "a person whose actions contradict their stated beliefs or feelings"  Please explain my hypocrisy. I fail to see how my actions contradict my beliefs.

"repeatedly pointing out that players are not listening" - The vast majority don't, even more so when it comes to UDK / Arena. This has been going on for 6+ months. As I stated, there are already a huge number of post concerning UDK and how to defeat him yet week after week there is a new post calling for UDK to be removed or Nerfed.

"But all the serious issues surrounding UDK have not been properly addressed because it’s the not the players
frustrated and leaving that are failing to listening."

The UDK "issue" was most certainly addressed. Ronda was GIVEN to everyone who logged in for 7 days over a 3 month period. Her kit negates every single ability that UDK possesses. Her A1 hits 3 times (4 if the target is below 50%). UDK only blocks the first hit on one of his team mates. Her A2 completely shuts down UDK's Active & Passive skills, ignores his shield, & 30% of his Defense. The Savage set that was given away along with Ronda ignores an additional 25%. Her A3 hits 2 times. Again, UDK can only block the first hit. I dare you to find a more perfectly designed counter to UDK.

So what are the additional "issues" that need to be addressed? Please list them so that the community can assist with overcoming them. Just be aware that "UDK is OP", "I can't win against a UDK", & "UDK needs to be nerfed" are not issues that can be realistically addressed. These are not "issues", these are complaints. An issue would be "I am unable to defeat UDK due to the healing passive". The solution for this would be to check your gear and team composition to ensure that you are not bringing any healing through passive skills, gear, or active skills. 

"The major problem with UDK is not that its OP, its that a huge player base had access to it and it has now dominated an important aspect of the game, creating unnecessary imbalance and frustration."  

If UDK is not OP, if he is a well-designed Champion, then why do you believe that he needs to be nerfed? Furthermore, what exactly in UDK's kit needs to be changed to make him more easily countered?

"Contrary to @Kankle69 's  opinion players won’t find another champion like UDK to complain because all the other champions are not as prevalent or as a result profound on the game." 

Really? 95% of the Defense teams in G5 right have an Arbiter lead. 3 refreshes this morning (30 different teams) and I haven't seen the first UDK. What I have seen is Arbiter in 27 of those 30 teams. And before you say that Arbiter is not comparable to UDK, A +30% Speed passive, 50% Attack buff + 30% turn meter fill, & a full team revive is, in my opinion, a great deal more profound on the game for Arena. 

"Just a side note, I think raid shadow legends has over 300 champions to choose from, Top 1st place on the arena ladder right now is running with a UDK."  

There are currently over 700 champions in RSL right now. Out of those, in higher level Arena, you will encounter around 50 of those. This isn't really a valid point.

This thread started before Rhonda. Ask your self, why created Plarium Rhonda ? Counter against UDK. Why ? Because UDK was too strong at starter leagues.

No UDK in gold ? Most defense team is Arbiter team in G5 ?? Really ???


Mar 18, 2023, 08:3103/18/23
Mar 18, 2023, 08:35(edited)

All this crying is very distressing.

Seeing all these impossible to beat UDK's has really made me think.

After all, there are only like 4 really simple ways to counter UDK - heal reduction, AoE attacks, multi-hitters, or a free champ like Ronda who can block a totally annoying passive regeneration ability. And on top of that a player has to remember not to have too much healing on his own team.

So he has four weaknesses I can exploit, and one strength I need to be aware of to improve my odds of winning. This is a LOT to think about. 

Maybe it would be better for everyone if Plarium really simplified things. We should just get rid of all the characters entirely, and just have one single character. He can be a stick-man called Bob.

We can get rid of all the annoying stats, and just have one stat. We'll call it power, and it starts at 1.

You can play the game by clicking the power-up button. There will be some flashing lights and happy noises, and your power increases by one.

Now of course, we dont want any new players getting upset if they happen to encounter another player with a higher power, so there will need to be a special 'I win' button you can press for PvP encounters. Again some flashing lights and happy noises, and also a shiny medal!

Somehow, even if this happens, I bet some people will still cry. Maybe the 'I win' button isn't prominent enough. Maybe the button is the wrong colour. Maybe learning to understand the mechanics of the 'I win' button is just too difficult. Maybe clicking that button seems like a lot of work.

Some people just like to cry or complain, and you better be damn sure they will find something plausible (yet pointless and easy to remedy) to cry about.

The thing is - with PvP, you're up against other players. They may have better champs. They may have better gear. They may understand the game better. You may just have to accept that you've been outmatched for whatever reason, and it's not really anybodys fault. It's just a dumb game. Do you really think nobody else is allowed to make a strong defence team?

It might also be the case that 90% of players are just lazy, so they throw in UDK because he was free, easy to build, and is a pretty decent defender. Even though he is really, really, REALLY easy to beat unless you have a strong team built around him.

If you can't beat UDK in bronze arena matches, then either you need to learn the game a bit better, or its quite possible this isnt the right game for you. If you are easily frustrated to the point of quitting, then it's probably best that you just quit. If you can't beat UDK in bronze arena, how on Earth are you going to cope with something like Bommal the Dreadhorn? So just quit now and save yourself weeks of crying yourself to sleep at night, blubbering at all the UDK's and the 'impossible to beat' passive heal mechanic.

It's quit natural. Sometimes old players quit, and sometimes new players never stay long enough to get hooked. Who cares? Play for your own enjoyment.

Mar 20, 2023, 12:5103/20/23

This thread started before Rhonda. Ask your self, why created Plarium Rhonda ? Counter against UDK. Why ? Because UDK was too strong at starter leagues.

No UDK in gold ? Most defense team is Arbiter team in G5 ?? Really ???


"This thread started before Rhonda. Ask your self, why created Plarium Rhonda ? Counter against UDK. Why ? Because UDK was too strong at starter leagues." 

I don't recall stating that there was never an issue with UDK. Even though @harleQuinn proved that UDK could be defeated prior to Rhonda's release and many of us climbed the Arena ladder prior to her release when there were UDKs everywhere as well. In fact, my exact statement was:

"The UDK "issue" was most certainly addressed. Ronda was GIVEN to everyone who logged in for 7 days over a 3 month period..."

"No UDK in gold? Most defense team is Arbiter team in G5?? Really ???"

So I state that in 3 refreshes, over 30 different teams, that I observed Arbiter speed lead teams in 27 of the 30... so you post a screenshot of 4 teams w/ UDKs & somehow my observation is completely negated?

I do appreciate the screenshot though. It proves that not only is it possible to make it into the upper tier G5 Arena... within 75 points of Platimun... with ALL of those UDKs in arena defenses. Judging from the time stamps I also note that it was possible to defeat those teams in an average of 30 seconds.

Thank you for assisting in proving that UDK is NOT UNBEATABLE.

Mar 20, 2023, 13:0103/20/23

"This thread started before Rhonda. Ask your self, why created Plarium Rhonda ? Counter against UDK. Why ? Because UDK was too strong at starter leagues." 

I don't recall stating that there was never an issue with UDK. Even though @harleQuinn proved that UDK could be defeated prior to Rhonda's release and many of us climbed the Arena ladder prior to her release when there were UDKs everywhere as well. In fact, my exact statement was:

"The UDK "issue" was most certainly addressed. Ronda was GIVEN to everyone who logged in for 7 days over a 3 month period..."

"No UDK in gold? Most defense team is Arbiter team in G5?? Really ???"

So I state that in 3 refreshes, over 30 different teams, that I observed Arbiter speed lead teams in 27 of the 30... so you post a screenshot of 4 teams w/ UDKs & somehow my observation is completely negated?

I do appreciate the screenshot though. It proves that not only is it possible to make it into the upper tier G5 Arena... within 75 points of Platimun... with ALL of those UDKs in arena defenses. Judging from the time stamps I also note that it was possible to defeat those teams in an average of 30 seconds.

Thank you for assisting in proving that UDK is NOT UNBEATABLE.

Ronda is still being given away, or has been since then. New accounts are getting a Guaranteed Even where they pull her on the fifth Ancient.

So a big UDK counter was still finding it's way into folks hands. :)

Mar 20, 2023, 13:5603/20/23
Mar 20, 2023, 13:57(edited)

Since it seems that I need to post screenshots in order to validate a claim, the ones below were borrowed from @Skadi in another post.... 




Mar 20, 2023, 15:3603/20/23

"So I state that in 3 refreshes, over 30 different teams, that I observed
Arbiter speed lead teams in 27 of the 30... so you post a screenshot of
4 teams w/ UDKs & somehow my observation is completely negated? "

You dont find you, told. (others can find many UDK ) Now... Still on three pages just two arbiter, but 6 UDK. 




Mar 20, 2023, 16:3303/20/23

If it makes you feel better, you are 100% correct. There were in fact more UDKs than Arbiters in the previous screenshots that I "borrowed" from another post.

That's what I get for not taking 10 minuites to take my own screenshots & transfer them from my phone to my computer in order to post proper information.

So here you go... 5 miniutes ago, from my account, in G5 Arena.





Mar 20, 2023, 17:0903/20/23

If you say so. Maybe we playing different leagues... LOL

And a question how you could edit your message ? I dont see any button for edit.

And some other picture from the last 2 enemy page in gold 5. From 20 just 5 Arbiter lead but from 5 two has UDK in Arb team and overall 9 UDK.

Other thing, i fought for Platina league at the closing hour today, i really dont see any Arbiter lead teams, but mostly was Stoneskined UDK. 







Mar 20, 2023, 19:1603/20/23

Same "league" just different places. I tend to hang out at the lower end of G5 (more 1-Man Def teams there) since I'm not really concerned with grinding to Plat at this point. I'm content to maintain G5 for the 22% bonus & grind medals for my Great Hall.

As far as editing your post, click the 3 dots in the screenshot below. It will bring up the edit option.


Mar 20, 2023, 20:2303/20/23

Or differents of Our Player Power, thats can affect our enemies. Thx, the advice for edit, strange with my PC browser, idont have three dots, and i dont seen over years, but i have with my mobile version but i never used before for posts. 

Mar 20, 2023, 20:3603/20/23
Mar 20, 2023, 20:37(edited)

Or differents of Our Player Power, thats can affect our enemies. Thx, the advice for edit, strange with my PC browser, idont have three dots, and i dont seen over years, but i have with my mobile version but i never used before for posts. 

odd, are you on an Apple device? I ask because this is what shows for me (including the 3 dots)


Mar 21, 2023, 16:1303/21/23

I beat UDK on 1485/1500 turns. LOL 

My team: Arbiter,Scyl,Cillian,Madame Serris v their team: Arbiter,Scyl,Oella,Ultimate deathKnight.

55 Minutes arena V.

Why do you bring Scyl to fight UDK? Scyl's passive is healing the enemy UDK every turn. Of course that leads to a long lasting fight.

Mar 21, 2023, 16:2303/21/23

Why do you bring Scyl to fight UDK? Scyl's passive is healing the enemy UDK every turn. Of course that leads to a long lasting fight.

Because people don't want/listen to any advice.... 

Mar 21, 2023, 16:5703/21/23

Because people don't want/listen to any advice.... 

Trips... you can't say that...

It makes you presumptuous, patronizing and hypocritical. Pointing out that players are not listening! I mean come on that rubbish should be removed!"