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UDK is unbeatable...

UDK is unbeatable...

Nov 6, 2022, 22:3711/06/22

UDK is unbeatable...

...or so I've been told. I see posts on here, the discord and the other socials how he is impossible to beat. Arguments to the contrary, or suggestions, they fall on deaf ears. I am told that new accounts and F2P accounts can not beat him, and games devolve into pure stalemates where the Turn Count Limit is the only winner.

Well, I set off to test this theory. I hopped into a fresh account and ranked up  my starter, Athel, and UDK to 6 stars. What does it look like from Bronze 4 up into Silver? Is UDK oppressive? Is there nothing anyone can do to win?

My rules were simple. Hit every single team on every single page, no skips, all the way into at least Silver. How much would I struggle?

In the posts below, I will let the match results and my arena record speak for itself. At the end of the Arena screens I share my UDK and Athel builds in a hope others struggling in Bronze and Silver can get some very basic build requirements if they wish to replicate my results.

Lets dig in:

First fights down in Bronze 1 were quick things. I am not using a speed team in any way, but just ranking up your DPS champ and your UDK in 12-3 campaign makes for a huge disparity in champ performance.




A few fights and we were already pushing Bronze 2:




We're still not seeing what you might call "complete teams" here, but then again mine is a hodgpodge of a few champs thrown in as well. Let's go ahead and look at some of the matchups so far:



There's a typical 8 matches from a typical slate. A mix of UDK team, and some Shamans and Jizohs starting to pop up with the starter champs.

Nov 6, 2022, 22:4311/06/22

Onto Bronze 3!




Our current slates look similar to the ones in B2...and I'm still starting with all the UDK teams before clearing the rest of the page, just to see if I can run into an unbeatable team, or a "timed out" match.




And onto Bronze 4!

Nov 6, 2022, 22:4911/06/22
Nov 6, 2022, 23:28(edited)

Bronze 4... we're starting to see more epics here and there, but ultimately a 90% crit rate Athel just wearing the starter lifesteal is still dunking all over enemy UDKs. 



Ultimately we cruise directly into Silver 1...




Nov 6, 2022, 22:5411/06/22
Nov 6, 2022, 22:56(edited)

As we move into Silver 2, we are yet to lose, holding a 60-0 record while hitting every team that Raid puts on our slates:






Nov 6, 2022, 23:0111/06/22

As we move into Silver 3, we finally are starting to see teams close in power to our own, but superior builds and bringing even a level 40 Tayrel is making a lot of difference. (Even if he isn't speed tuned in the slightest and is going last after Athel and UDK lol)








As we can see, we are starting to see a couple legendaries pop up here and there, as well as people with 60s. Some very questionable choices on team leads still, but folks are obviously still learning.

Nov 6, 2022, 23:2311/06/22
Nov 6, 2022, 23:43(edited)

A long fight nearly makes us turn in a loss, but we pull it out by stopping the Auto and maximizing our skill usage. Was too close to 100-0 to quit out, although I would have without the record:


Finally, we move up into Silver 4 on a 3 champ team that nearly nukes us out:


We finally catch a single loss right at 100 wins, unforunately. A tough, well built speed nuke team snipes us not too long after we move into S4.


Still, we went 100-1 never having skipped a fight, using starter lifesteal gear. Our builds are not over the top in any way.

Here's Athel, in the starter Lifesteal:


Here's UDK, in the login reward Regen (he came with the starter Lifesteal that is on Athel)


What I've learned from this experience:

  • UDK is NOT on every team you see in Bronze and Silver. Even though I didn't do this, picking your fights from the teams that aren't even using UDK would eliminate any issues with him.
  • UDK is NOT unbeatable, instead you just need to have your starter well enough equipped to deal with his sustain. See above for my Athel build, which even at 2850 attack and 76% crit damage, could do the job.
  • A 190 Athel was enough speed to go first in at least 95 of my 101 matches from B1-S4. Historically a 225-250 High Khatun would be outsped in most matches in Silver 4.
  • I got into a SINGLE long fight, where a very well built UDK managed to nearly outheal my damage turn after turn. 
  • Farm campaign until you have a least SOME of your champs at 6 stars. A 6 star champ is so much stronger than a 5 star champ. 3x stronger is a good estimate of the difference.

Overall, I hope this gives people some hope that with some food farming and some gear upgrades on the starter gear you get, that you can challenge the UDKs in Arena from at least Bronze 1 and into Silver 4. I could certainly tell things were getting tougher at the edge of S3/S4, and to continue progressing into Gold, I would either need to start skipping a team here and there, or wait for and build High Khatun to ensure I got off a proper speed nuke with UDK protection backup.


Nov 6, 2022, 23:4611/06/22

As we move into Silver 3, we finally are starting to see teams close in power to our own, but superior builds and bringing even a level 40 Tayrel is making a lot of difference. (Even if he isn't speed tuned in the slightest and is going last after Athel and UDK lol)








As we can see, we are starting to see a couple legendaries pop up here and there, as well as people with 60s. Some very questionable choices on team leads still, but folks are obviously still learning.

Neat stuff. How much of a difference do you think Athel with her triple hitter A1 made versus say, Kael in terms of working against UDK’s passive?

Hopefully frustrated folks can see this and realize with a bit of work UDK isn’t invincible, but rather a check on gearing champs (at least your DPS) properly. 

Nov 6, 2022, 23:5411/06/22

Neat stuff. How much of a difference do you think Athel with her triple hitter A1 made versus say, Kael in terms of working against UDK’s passive?

Hopefully frustrated folks can see this and realize with a bit of work UDK isn’t invincible, but rather a check on gearing champs (at least your DPS) properly. 

Athel can put 66% of her A1 damage into a UDK protected champ, which is of course excellent. If you have nuked someone down to 1-10% of their health and need to drop them before they nuke you, she is a great choice.

It is also nice that Athel self buffs and grants herself an extra turn, enabling you to get back to her nuke a touch faster when the first nuke doesn't get the job done. Although, I am not sure that problem of needing a second nuke will apply to everyone; starter using decent gear of ANY kind should have significantly more attack and crit damage than my baby account Athel does. 

Really though , it just shows the benefits of multihitter A1s and even AoE A1s when facing a damage mitigator like UDK.

Nov 7, 2022, 00:2011/07/22

Holy crap, now THIS is how you make an arena post. 

Nov 7, 2022, 00:5011/07/22

You lost me at UDK is unbeatable. 

Nov 7, 2022, 01:0411/07/22

You lost me at UDK is unbeatable. 

...or so they say.

Nov 7, 2022, 01:1411/07/22

They won't listen....they never do. Seen way too many people stack ATK on their damage dealer and complain that they don't hit hard enough, seen people in 6 pieces of Lifesteal gear, seen people take on teams way above their paygrade, seen people fit their champs in sets even if the stats are trash, seen countless people who have no speed on their champs.....some people would rather complain than learn to play. 

They'll just complain that you have Tayrel and Kinagashi, even though you can do all that and more with farmable champs (I ran Diabolist, Spirithost, Warmaiden and Kael way into silver). 

Nov 7, 2022, 01:2611/07/22

They won't listen....they never do. Seen way too many people stack ATK on their damage dealer and complain that they don't hit hard enough, seen people in 6 pieces of Lifesteal gear, seen people take on teams way above their paygrade, seen people fit their champs in sets even if the stats are trash, seen countless people who have no speed on their champs.....some people would rather complain than learn to play. 

They'll just complain that you have Tayrel and Kinagashi, even though you can do all that and more with farmable champs (I ran Diabolist, Spirithost, Warmaiden and Kael way into silver). 

Whelp, now you have someplace to send 'em.

And they don't need to go 100-1 when climbing to Silver 4. Although it would certainly be easier with a well built Warmaiden over the unbooked, 138 speed double garbage Tayrel I could scrape together. lol


Nov 7, 2022, 01:2911/07/22
Nov 7, 2022, 01:31(edited)

They won't listen....they never do. Seen way too many people stack ATK on their damage dealer and complain that they don't hit hard enough, seen people in 6 pieces of Lifesteal gear, seen people take on teams way above their paygrade, seen people fit their champs in sets even if the stats are trash, seen countless people who have no speed on their champs.....some people would rather complain than learn to play. 

They'll just complain that you have Tayrel and Kinagashi, even though you can do all that and more with farmable champs (I ran Diabolist, Spirithost, Warmaiden and Kael way into silver). 

Respectfully, as it pertains to generalizing players not listening: This is a bad take. 

There are a lot of people who simply get overwhelmed by the game - especially if they don't have experience in similar games - and make mistakes, get frustrated easily and quit. Some people are just the types who need to see that something is doable with the same resources/advantages they have. If one is not used to dealing with this much information at once, the beginning of Raid can be quite a lot to take in. 

I think a lot of us forget what it's like to start out in the game, run into roadblocks and bust through them. I've seen more than a few players on the forum have their minds changed about UDK and other roadblocks. Sure, there will be some who argue with a post like this, make similar points to you in terms of champs used. But there will definitely be others who become more inquisitive, try to get better at the game and learn. 

That's what threads like these are for, to show what is possible which will prevent someone from throwing their hands up and giving up on Arena because of UDK.  

Nov 7, 2022, 12:1111/07/22

I really struggled with UDK when I first started playing. I'll admit that I haven't quite come to grip with all the game mechanics, but now I am 70 days into the game, I don't have too much trouble with UDK anymore, but only if he isn't also paired with some other monster that I have not yet come to grips with (I'm looking at you Madam Serris)

In my view, for what that's worth, and as @dthorne04 pointed out, the triple hit of Athel seems far more useful against UDK than my starter Kael is/was. 

Recently I have bumped into several UDK's that appear to be equipped with Retaliation gear, which seems to me far less effective than those in Regeneration gear with very high Resist stats (which, imo, were the most difficult to beat).   

As a new player, it's still fairly difficult to fathom how to either discern what is decent gear, choose which gear set is most suited, and probably most importantly, where to obtain such gear. It's possible that the "UDK is no problem" camp take this kind of knowledge for granted. 

I do as much research as I can on every aspect of the game, and that has helped, but I still feel like I'm only just starting to poke my head above water. 

Thanks for a great post. 

Nov 7, 2022, 13:1711/07/22

If you have heal reduction and dec def hero its ok, but if you dont have, the battles in low pvp leagues its a nightmare. Sometimes over 10 minutes need to win with three lvl60s hero. I think thats not too fun for players.

Nov 7, 2022, 15:4911/07/22

If you have heal reduction and dec def hero its ok, but if you dont have, the battles in low pvp leagues its a nightmare. Sometimes over 10 minutes need to win with three lvl60s hero. I think thats not too fun for players.

I didn't have heal reduction. And as you can see, my Dec Def champ was built with 14k HP, 1,288 Defense, 100 Accuracy and 138 Speed. Him being totally unbooked wasn't helpful either. He mostly just died, or watched my 190 speed Athel kill the enemy team. :D

Out of 101 fights, I only had a single long fight. And only a single loss. It is not a miniscule sample size. I think it goes to show you don't NEED a Heal Reduction champ. You just need to focus on making 60s and then equipping them. I can't even say you need amazing builds, cause you don't. Just try to crit cap your starter and get them fast enough to be useful.

Nov 7, 2022, 15:5411/07/22

I really struggled with UDK when I first started playing. I'll admit that I haven't quite come to grip with all the game mechanics, but now I am 70 days into the game, I don't have too much trouble with UDK anymore, but only if he isn't also paired with some other monster that I have not yet come to grips with (I'm looking at you Madam Serris)

In my view, for what that's worth, and as @dthorne04 pointed out, the triple hit of Athel seems far more useful against UDK than my starter Kael is/was. 

Recently I have bumped into several UDK's that appear to be equipped with Retaliation gear, which seems to me far less effective than those in Regeneration gear with very high Resist stats (which, imo, were the most difficult to beat).   

As a new player, it's still fairly difficult to fathom how to either discern what is decent gear, choose which gear set is most suited, and probably most importantly, where to obtain such gear. It's possible that the "UDK is no problem" camp take this kind of knowledge for granted. 

I do as much research as I can on every aspect of the game, and that has helped, but I still feel like I'm only just starting to poke my head above water. 

Thanks for a great post. 

Glad you enjoyed the post. As far as gearing, I can recommend a couple videos for that, if that might help?

How to build a great speed/nuke team to climb to Silver and Gold Arena 

This video will show you what kind of builds you are looking for. Hellhades shows what kind of stats we want to see on our nukers, debuffers and speed champs during a takeover, as he sets an account up to challenge Gold arena.

CLEANSE YOUR GEAR! (What do I upgrade?) 

A gear cleanse is a good place to see what kind of pieces are good, and what kind are just for selling to gete silver. :)

Nov 7, 2022, 18:5211/07/22

I didn't have heal reduction. And as you can see, my Dec Def champ was built with 14k HP, 1,288 Defense, 100 Accuracy and 138 Speed. Him being totally unbooked wasn't helpful either. He mostly just died, or watched my 190 speed Athel kill the enemy team. :D

Out of 101 fights, I only had a single long fight. And only a single loss. It is not a miniscule sample size. I think it goes to show you don't NEED a Heal Reduction champ. You just need to focus on making 60s and then equipping them. I can't even say you need amazing builds, cause you don't. Just try to crit cap your starter and get them fast enough to be useful.

You forgot few things. You have over three years Raid experience. The new players not have. And what happened with you, with over three years experience ? You fought against UDK over 20 minutes long fight. You wrote not everyone have UDK in low leagues. Yes its true, but 99.99999 percent use it, and mostly at silvers. 

You not need to focus lvl 60s, but thats tell everything if three lvl 60 and one 50s lvl champs battle against a single UDK and can just beat over 20 minutes. That was i said, thats really fun for new players, isnt ???

Ok 1 champ was weak affinity that was Kael and skills and masteries was uncompleted for all champs, except Kael. But a lvl60 Kael,lvl60 Valkyrie with over 200 speed,lvl60 UDK and lvl50 Rector Drath stugling against him and need over 20 minutes, thats unacceptable for me. And im not a new player, i know many game mechanic rules. For your topic title a littlebit misleading i think. Every character beatable in game, but thats matter how many times need for new players at PvP

Nov 7, 2022, 19:3911/07/22

You forgot few things. You have over three years Raid experience. The new players not have. And what happened with you, with over three years experience ? You fought against UDK over 20 minutes long fight. You wrote not everyone have UDK in low leagues. Yes its true, but 99.99999 percent use it, and mostly at silvers. 

You not need to focus lvl 60s, but thats tell everything if three lvl 60 and one 50s lvl champs battle against a single UDK and can just beat over 20 minutes. That was i said, thats really fun for new players, isnt ???

Ok 1 champ was weak affinity that was Kael and skills and masteries was uncompleted for all champs, except Kael. But a lvl60 Kael,lvl60 Valkyrie with over 200 speed,lvl60 UDK and lvl50 Rector Drath stugling against him and need over 20 minutes, thats unacceptable for me. And im not a new player, i know many game mechanic rules. For your topic title a littlebit misleading i think. Every character beatable in game, but thats matter how many times need for new players at PvP

There's nothing misleading here at all. I think the 30 match results I posted, the 100-1 record and the terrible builds that got me such a record speak for themselves. Seems more like complete transparency. I hit every single team on every page until I lost, I skipped nothing. I even included my terribly long fight and pointed it out, explaining I had to manual that one to finish it out.

As far as my experience, I'm happy to share my 3 years experience with anyone who asks. That's what the forums are for. For example, if you want help with builds and suggestions so you're not stuck on UDK for 20 minutes, all you have to do is make a post here. Happy to make suggestions, as are several here.

Have a good day!

Nov 7, 2022, 20:0811/07/22

You forgot few things. You have over three years Raid experience. The new players not have. And what happened with you, with over three years experience ? You fought against UDK over 20 minutes long fight. You wrote not everyone have UDK in low leagues. Yes its true, but 99.99999 percent use it, and mostly at silvers. 

You not need to focus lvl 60s, but thats tell everything if three lvl 60 and one 50s lvl champs battle against a single UDK and can just beat over 20 minutes. That was i said, thats really fun for new players, isnt ???

Ok 1 champ was weak affinity that was Kael and skills and masteries was uncompleted for all champs, except Kael. But a lvl60 Kael,lvl60 Valkyrie with over 200 speed,lvl60 UDK and lvl50 Rector Drath stugling against him and need over 20 minutes, thats unacceptable for me. And im not a new player, i know many game mechanic rules. For your topic title a littlebit misleading i think. Every character beatable in game, but thats matter how many times need for new players at PvP

Moving the goalposts is a very lazy and pointless way to make an argument. :) 

At first it was we need heal reduction/dec defense, then it was cherry picking one fight to refute the other 100 fights. That approach doesn't paint a very honest picture, now does it?

@harleQuinn is electing to use her experience in the game to build out a brand new account and show actionable information on how to beat UDK's, rather than let other players throw their hands up and feel distressed like you seem to be.

The fact of the matter is picking out 1 fight from 101, changing the topics rather than focusing on trying to give tried and true ways of building out champions is a pretty dead end approach. 

As for your last fight: If you would like some tips on how to effectively build out Valkyrie, who is one of the best legendaries in the game and has a positive affinity in this matchup then feel free to start a thread. 20 minute fights should be and are avoidable for the most part.