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Arena needs to be changed Now

Arena needs to be changed Now

Jun 29, 2020, 09:5806/29/20
The silence is, there's going to be a new update soon-ish...but  where do we find out about the update  & it's content? Isit here on this forum? No, we find all this out from youtubers videos.  We know that the information didn't fall from the sky, because we've seen screenshots of conversations between Plarium reps & the youtubers...I don't have a problem with their conversations with youtubers etc, but I do have a problem with how lacking in any credible information the community managers post on this, we get told that it's the weekend & blah, blah, blah, but... they're able to communicate with the youtubers, even during said weekends! Do your jobs! This forum is an official site run by paid employees, helped by volunteer mods! Do your jobs! Community managers can't even tell us when exactly, some of us will free falling down to minus zillion in classic arena...or maintain this extremely badly designed forum that's not easy to navigate! Do your jobs! We've heard about the hacking & also that Plarium  will be dealing with it...via their communications with youtubers... we're your customers too! Well, I've just about had enough, unfortunately, for me, I have 1.3k gems, so, I will wait till Friday to spend all my gems & then I will be deleting my, it's no buts...the community managers have been on the whole absent from this forum & have not provided this forum community with any solution with the issues going on in classic arena. Thank you, anyway for making my decision easy. I am done! 
Jul 18, 2020, 02:5907/18/20
I've been playing for what 3 months 4 lvl 60,s with team power at 187k only just made silver had to use afew thousand Jem to find ppl I could acuatly beat 187k power can easily solo nightmare with each hero but 36k team power 1 shots me I carnt get any better till I got bonus stats but carnt get them cause arena is to messy they need to stop with events in arena n kick inactive players have a lvl or power gap for each arena lvl
Jul 18, 2020, 12:5707/18/20
Jul 18, 2020, 12:58(edited)

Totally agree i was sitting gold 4 easy then come monday complete change, wwnt from farming in gold 4 to not even being able to stay in gold 1.

At this rate no hope ticking off the arbiter missions 

Arena needs work, im not spending $$$$$ like suggested earlier 4k on this game which plarium seems to just want us spending to progress silly.

Eg ancient shard pk out 50 or 60 odd dollars then another ancient pk today half the price with more silver really if it wasnt all about the $$$ id see this turning over more money as thats just blatant slap in ur face haha look what we can do.

Raid seems to be all about the whales and its a shame because the way it is theyll lose alot of players if it doesnt get sorted
Jul 18, 2020, 14:5807/18/20

I've enjoyed the game but I have to agree when you face off against 4 legendary maxed it doesn't matter your makeup.

The arena is completely and utterly broken.

I've decided to hold off on any purchases with them until it's fixed and if not after 2 months I'll end up just leaving as I'm not eager to pay thousands to play a simple game.

It seems like an easy fix so I don't know why it's taking so long to fix

Jul 20, 2020, 17:5907/20/20

Lxzy said:

Hey hey I understand how you feel. Arena is hard when you're just starting out.

Maybe you can show us your roster here instead so we could help you come up with a team that can help you progress in arena?

Well , its not Hard when u just start the game, i was in gold 4 and now i am not able to keep my Team in Gold 4, seeing myself in silver 2 soon. The Problem is that plarium does not even realize that arena is broken in EVERY state of the Game. As a F2P-Player u are not able to get Arbiter from the Missions because u need gold 4 for it. Problem is, that u need Chars like Arbiter, Rotos, Siphi, Warlord to be at least a Contender. 

Arena needs a rework ASAP, or ill leave the game and i am pretty sure that i am not the only one thinking this way. New ppl will feel frustrated really soon, cant imagin the play for long when they realize they have no chance to Achieve the Missions , no Chance to benefit from gold 4 +20% buff and cannot build their great hall.
Jul 20, 2020, 20:2507/20/20

You don't need any Leggos to compete in Arena  2nd team down has all epics in Gold 3.  When I was coming up through Gold 2 I saw plenty of teams with HK as lead then either Spirithost or Apo then Warmaiden and Kael.  As you see with 3rd team down they don't have Arbiter in lead position with team power of 176k and my team is 128k.  I saw a post awhile back from Trips(I think) saying those are the teams you want to attack because they don't really know what they are doing regardless of their power. 

Jul 21, 2020, 17:5107/21/20

The mentioned in the announcement for 2.10 that they will be changing the matchmaking algorithm, but no mention of it in the Highlights post. 

Any change to the shit-show that arena currently is should be THE highlight for the patch.

I can't help but be skeptical. 

Please Plarium, make arena a priority or you are going to lose a lot of customers.
Jul 21, 2020, 18:5007/21/20

Well , i play the Game for over a year now, so i will share my experience:

Plarium will not change the Classic Arena thing in the next Patch, and pretty sure they will not do it in 2.2. I don't really think that they understand what they are doing to their community to not put it in prio 1.

Only if u read the current patch notes you realize how Plarium really works:

The AI Change of Arbiter is moved to 2.2. This has been an issue for quiet a long time, and i have a hard time to imagine that this is really a complicated thing to do. I work as a software developer and i would suggest its like changing 50 lines of Code at max.

The only really thing working at Plarium seem to be marketing area. I think the gamedevs is a team of 2-3 interns that dont really know what to do.

So after more than a year i am about to stop playing this game. Literally every patch Plarium released made the game even worse, they give a shit about their community and they never respond to the issues that people experiance while playing the game.

Jul 22, 2020, 03:3507/22/20

spot on the money there  if they were interested in helping their players this would be right at the top of the list of priority tasks, but its fine longer they hold off sorting it the longer I hold onto my money and start investing that into other games I had put on the back burner to play this

just a shame they have managed to turn something with so much potential into a world of pain for their players unless you whale it up and throw $$$$$$$ at it

Jul 22, 2020, 19:5807/22/20
Valdys said:

ClosedPoly said:

I have been here a month as of today.  I am getting better at arena offense.  I can get to B3 but then wake up and find out my defense was squashed during the night and I am just above B1.  Its back and forth but I am trending higher.  I change my defense team but that only works for 1-2 days before everyone figures out how to beat it. 

Plarium allows us to play for free.  They could charge a monthly free.  For free, this is what we get.  Take it or leave it.  Plarium does not care how many f2p players leave.  If whales start leaving then things will change. 


Thank you for your feedback.

I don't agree with this:

"Plarium does not care how many f2p players leave. If whales start leaving then things will change."

All the players are equal, it doesn't matter if you're a f2p or a whale/dolphin.

If that's true, why is it that the only aspect of arena that is being looked at by the devs is the people buying plat wins? There is a major problem in the arena at the bronze and silver level. I purposely dropped to bronze 1 to see how bad it is. In bronze 1 i came across a majority of defense teams that had at least 2 fully ascended lv60 legos. That isn't a rare thing either. It's nearing the majority of what you see. And it's because instead of inactives being purged, they just drop in rank and sit in bronze, often advancing to bronze 3 and 4 just off defense wins. How is it that none of the mods will admit this is a problem? 
Jul 22, 2020, 21:1407/22/20

@everyone please do not spend any money on this game until classic arena gets fixed. It's seriously affecting us and our entire game experience. So I beg you to join in on this SPENDING STIKE

Jul 28, 2020, 03:1307/28/20

Why do so many believe the problem is caused by old/inactive accounts?

Jul 28, 2020, 13:5507/28/20

NickFrost said:

Why do so many believe the problem is caused by old/inactive accounts?

Because they just don't get it, unfortunately I don't think plarium does either. 

Inactives are a small problem. 
Jul 28, 2020, 16:4607/28/20

I have finally seen fully ranked and ascended Rotoses, Rotosi, Rotosesses... however you pluralise him.. in late bronze. In fact great teams built for high level arena-at least the champs, all legos fully ranked. 

I've finally managed to dip my toe into Silver, but dont stay there long..  

I dont think these players purposefully stay in Bronze, but rather are stuck there like the rest of us because of the increasingly  high level of competition. Gold iv is now Bronze iv.. theres some really good and well managed (built) teams in Bronze atm. The gear used is definitely late-game or purchased at a premium (they're still based on rng, so they likely bought a bunch to get there).  

Jul 28, 2020, 19:3607/28/20

hi all

Until the devs recognize that their arena pairing system is wrong their game will just be a failure.

it's ridiculous to slow down,or even prevent,the progression of new players to supposedly punish inactivity of "whales"

I read on one of the topics someone who suggested leaving inactives in the highest category they reached (silver 1/2/3, gold 1/2/3 obviously not for platinum). it seems to me that the idea is good and that the challenge would be logical! why not keep it?

Jul 28, 2020, 22:3907/28/20


The issue is clearly on your end!

There isn't anything wrong with Arena.

It is all in your mind!

Jul 28, 2020, 23:3707/28/20
Jul 28, 2020, 23:39(edited)

Mich said:

hi all

Until the devs recognize that their arena pairing system is wrong their game will just be a failure.

it's ridiculous to slow down,or even prevent,the progression of new players to supposedly punish inactivity of "whales"

I read on one of the topics someone who suggested leaving inactives in the highest category they reached (silver 1/2/3, gold 1/2/3 obviously not for platinum). it seems to me that the idea is good and that the challenge would be logical! why not keep it?

that was my idea I think, to introduce a checkpoint, that anyone who have reached silver should not be able to degrade further than Silver 1, so is for those who have reached gold and platinum should not degrade further than gold 1. This is a fairly common practice in a lot of other gacha games of this kind

That I think would provide safety net for players, protect lower tiers from inactive high level players.

For plarium I think it will incentivise player to cough up money to reach those checkpoints.

Another problem I see is pairing, what can be used (right now) to create a "fair" pairing?

Player level is definitely not a good parameter since each players can have different priorities in the game, allocating resources to different part of the game;

Team power is definitely out of whack and need its formula to be rewritten EXTENSIVELY, some stats definitely needs to be accounted more and rarity of champions also need to be counted a lot more

Tier position is also out of whack, there's a lot of high tier worthy accounts right now hanging around in the lower tiers

so I think, it's the million dollar question, how to make a "fair (enough)" pairing?

Jul 29, 2020, 08:5407/29/20
Jul 29, 2020, 14:47(edited)

plarium is greedy basters, frutriation are point

frustrated peaple buy more stuff... etc.

arena is a lotery...

I have 300 speed, and i'm not start turn... even with lead +33%speed boos on arena...

I have resist 190 and i can ressitd def. derese debuf...

I have over 3000 Attak, 100%cryt rate + 260% cryt dmg. - my hit 840 dmg... how? why? it is work ?

about pairing systemi can even comment

so they not do any think with this. NO!

at least i have glith in tab arena :)

Jul 29, 2020, 20:0307/29/20
Unknown_Ranger said:

The silence is, there's going to be a new update soon-ish...but  where do we find out about the update  & it's content? Isit here on this forum? No, we find all this out from youtubers videos.  We know that the information didn't fall from the sky, because we've seen screenshots of conversations between Plarium reps & the youtubers...I don't have a problem with their conversations with youtubers etc, but I do have a problem with how lacking in any credible information the community managers post on this, we get told that it's the weekend & blah, blah, blah, but... they're able to communicate with the youtubers, even during said weekends! Do your jobs! This forum is an official site run by paid employees, helped by volunteer mods! Do your jobs! Community managers can't even tell us when exactly, some of us will free falling down to minus zillion in classic arena...or maintain this extremely badly designed forum that's not easy to navigate! Do your jobs! We've heard about the hacking & also that Plarium  will be dealing with it...via their communications with youtubers... we're your customers too! Well, I've just about had enough, unfortunately, for me, I have 1.3k gems, so, I will wait till Friday to spend all my gems & then I will be deleting my, it's no buts...the community managers have been on the whole absent from this forum & have not provided this forum community with any solution with the issues going on in classic arena. Thank you, anyway for making my decision easy. I am done! 
that stuff is posted on the raid discord
Jul 29, 2020, 20:0807/29/20

sire1985 said:

plarium is greedy basters, frutriation are point

frustrated peaple buy more stuff... etc.

arena is a lotery...

I have 300 speed, and i'm not start turn... even with lead +33%speed boos on arena...

I have resist 190 and i can ressitd def. derese debuf...

I have over 3000 Attak, 100%cryt rate + 260% cryt dmg. - my hit 840 dmg... how? why? it is work ?

about pairing systemi can even comment

so they not do any think with this. NO!

at least i have glith in tab arena :)

just to let you know Speed auras only count towards your base speed stat, it does not count whatever gear you have on that boosts your speed, so if your base speed is 100 you will only get the % from the aura towards that 100.........then you add the speed from your gear on top of that.

Speed buffs from champs like Apothacary count towards gear as well