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Arena needs to be changed Now

Arena needs to be changed Now

Sep 18, 2020, 05:5209/18/20

By God i agree with you guys. I was complain sooooo long ago that my fingers almost got broke before my nerves lol. But Plarium didn't change a god damn thing ! Now they even add arena to advanced quests. What bothers me so much is they KNOW damn good how many posts was here from people telling them bout arena and they dare to say its fixed or progressing ect. That is such a BS! I was in g4 long times ago and suddenly i am struggling to stay in silver 2 ! And even this doesn't last long cuz when comes to "reset" after so many days they push me on edge of the begin of silver 2 ! And i am just one in a million of players with the same frustration.

Now Plarium listen, WHY you not leave at last players to stay where they are ???? If lets say we reach silver 2 we should NOT fall in silver 1! Same with all bronze ect.

And i am sure there will be some smart assing answers from some whales , but you know what- i don't care , one day even whale will eat whale than what? Greediness never bring nothing good how Plarium ignore , like eminem sing "what goes around comes around !"
Sep 18, 2020, 06:4709/18/20
Sep 18, 2020, 06:48(edited)

I’m just saying, I am soooooooo glad I wasted six starring Armiger and then never touched him again. That way I got arbiter before arena just died. 

Before, I could run my apothecary with a gorgorab speed aura at 270 and 210 speed respectively, and have the rest of my team at like 180 speed nearly always go before the enemy in GOLD 4. Now, I’ve got my 300 speed arbiter and my 250 speed apothecary, boosting my damage champs at 200 speed, and I’m only going first like half the time. Oh yeah, this is now in SILVER 3. 

This isn’t just a problem of people are progressing, this is cuz Plarium removed probably hundreds of thousands of points from the arena by remove inactive accouts. These accounts generally had around 2000 points (they appeared quite often in gold 4), so before, the average points per player was 1000,  since everyone starts with 1000 points and the arena has a net 0 gain of points, but now it’s probably around like 800 or 900.

Sep 18, 2020, 14:0809/18/20

As sad as it sounds, Plarium only cares about 3% of Gamers who actually play this game. All the efforts go on pleasing whaler who spend tons of money on this game. For example the new champion that's going to be won by completing all the faction Wars is going to be so overpowered that's no one's going to get close after they've unlocked it. How does that make any sense for the rest of the community. Feels like a stab in the back from plarium. If you're new to this game I recommend just given up, not worth your time and your money. Only going to get worse. Plarium suck it , 

Arena is shockingly bad now. Especially for new players. The arena missions are so out of sync with game progression. I'm stuck on an arena mission even though and I've completed all stage 20 of dungeons. How does that make any sense.  And i'm struggle to get Arena gold points now. What a joke

Sep 18, 2020, 14:4309/18/20
Sep 18, 2020, 14:45(edited)

How often do you guys get cut into and how often do you cut in.  I ask because it’s a crap shoot for me in gold 4. I stay away from certain champs, I don’t always go first either but I’m finding a lot of teams don’t speed tune their teams.   I’m only winning 75% of my matches and the ones I’m losing to are properly tuned where I don’t get a chance.

  If my Siphi if faster then them.. my team does not get cut into unless some weird fluke thing happens  I’ve also won  a lot where their arbiter is faster where arbiter goes then one or two of their other champs go but then their nuker doesn’t have enough speed and I cut in and still win. 

@Bruh your close man if your arbiter is at 300 then you Apothecary will need to be 265 speed then other champ 204 and nuker 200 if you go first you shouldn’t get cut into if that’s what’s happening to you  I’m not saying you’ll never get cut into because that fluke can happen.

I run Siphi 303. Arbiter 265 madame 204 and trunda 200 
Sep 19, 2020, 03:2009/19/20

i am so tired of the lvl/rank abusers in arena and i only been playing for a short time..... literally already treat the arena the same way plarium treats it.... don't give a damn and don't even try.

so stupid.
Sep 23, 2020, 22:3109/23/20

I'm just glad I didn't start holding my breath when they said fixing classic arena was their "top priority", because we gotten nothing back from the CM than the generic "we are working on it and want to do it right/need data/etc."

I started playing in May, just after the patch that led arena to where it is now. I can say that it has gotten progressively worse the entire time I've been playing. My team gets a little better - my "matches" get A LOT better. And it's happening at lower and lower ranks.

Seeing max level lego teams in Bronze 3. Now it's easy enough to disregard those as anomalies - lucky shard pull noobs or really bad whales - but they pop up a lot more than they should. One can make the case that just because they are lego doesn't mean they are good, but that's not the point. There is a threshold where newer accounts just can't compete with that kind of raw advantage. That threshold should not exist in Bronze bracket at all, and probably not in low silver either.

Unfortunately I think it's going to take a pretty major overhaul to the arena advancement system to fix it....but it needs to happen.

Feb 26, 2021, 02:5502/26/21

Well your game isn't worth it anymore anyway.  I blew so much money on an unbalanced game.  On arena raids all my legendaries with the possible best armors and all books, masteries, and arena points at near if not at all maxed with all 4 legendaries keep dying in one hit in arena battles from epics and rares.  I quit trying to build it up as it's just useless.  I just don't understand what I am doing wrong and just killing my subscription and the continued course of trying to build my army.  It's just a very unbalanced and poorly made game.  Goodbye plarium.

Mar 6, 2021, 21:1203/06/21

Well your game isn't worth it anymore anyway.  I blew so much money on an unbalanced game.  On arena raids all my legendaries with the possible best armors and all books, masteries, and arena points at near if not at all maxed with all 4 legendaries keep dying in one hit in arena battles from epics and rares.  I quit trying to build it up as it's just useless.  I just don't understand what I am doing wrong and just killing my subscription and the continued course of trying to build my army.  It's just a very unbalanced and poorly made game.  Goodbye plarium.

Ill be honestly in the time that I posted this thread I have learned so much more and now sit in gold 4. When I made that post there were broken things like 200k+ teams sitting in bronze 2 arena and it was completely unfair towards newer players because those were inactive teams that that they didnt remove. 

One thing you have to understand that team power doesnt mean as much as people think, its about team unity. If your team doesnt flow together then it wont do nearly as much as you think. 

My current team is Skullcrown as lead, seeker, warmaiden and kael. My seeker goes first to boost turn meter and atk, my warmaiden goes second to casy her debuff and since its an attack it benifits from seekers atk buff, my skull crown goes third because she has the hardest AoE nuke, and kael is there to mop up the ones Skullcrown didnt kill.

Here are a few things i learned that might help you.

Look at your teams and see if they work together properly

Look at the ger you are using and make sure it works for the champs it is on

Make sure your attackers have their crit rate at 100% and focus on their crit damage as much as you can

Make sure your team is casting the proper buffs and debuffs to help you win, such as atk up for your team and weaken or defense down or both for the enemy team

Make sure that your team goes in the proper order so that things like buffs and debuffs are cast before your nukers or atk champs go

Make sure your team is fast enough to have an entire turn before the enemy goes first

Mar 6, 2021, 21:4403/06/21

Arena is at a point where if you really want to be at the top level in arena, you really need to work on your team and when I say team, I mean max out the masteries, ascension, books/potions, glyphs, best artifacts from dragon and best accesories from spider. I bet the players who are in gold and platinum have really stunning artifacts. besides rest of the players need to pick what they are going to focus on and prioritise. in the end it will take a month or two to get to silver or better gold