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Arena needs to be changed Now

Arena needs to be changed Now

Jun 15, 2020, 16:0806/15/20

SCArmoury said:

I was actually doing pretty good. I've spent some time speed tuning and gearing and it paid off (except to optimize completely would require me to nerf my speed farmer, which isnt going to happen right now). And pulling a Tayrel helped out immensely.  I was even beating teams with 4 legendaries, (if i noticed they werent fully built) , and was rather confident entering against 60 fully ascended Kaels and such. It got me comfortably into Bronze 3 and I've stayed there for quite some time, even through the end of last week's rankings, I believe. I was heading into Bronze 4  Baby!

Well.... I woke up this morning after the rankings, square into Bronze 1 gain. LOL! And I don't get that much sleep . Arena offense is much different than Arena defense, obviously. ;-)

The Arena is  just upper tier, which is not a bad thing, but missions and challenges, etc, should reflect that as well. I know and completely understand the arguments made by those who attempt to help, and appreciate it completely. However, if you were (honestly) an Early F2P player you would understand the points much better, i think. e.g. Gems are low (do not FTLOG buy into the gem mine as I did, it's a trap) therefore you're DXP lamp is off more often than on, you often find yourself just staring at your energy meter as it ticks up for another go with your chicken farmer. etc.  LOL!

Eventually, I will  make it to farm Dragon, etc. for better gear. but for now, brutal and nightmare campaign has better consistency for very specific items you are looking for (e,g, crit lifesteal gloves, etc), and your chickens level up along the way.

The rewards gained from the challenges and missions, etc. would help out immensely, and it's why they are there to begin with. However, they are not obtainable at the moment. It isn't about 'laser focusing' on the missions at all, but that DXP, energy, and pack o'gems look mighty inciting indeed, when you've been farming on empty for a while.

I am not complaining, even though it may sound like I am.. I likethis game and i'm not going anywhere.  Juuust making an observation,believe me. 


This is a good honest assesment of the situation. You are not whining like most...sorry I had to say it. Arena is WAY more difficult than a few months ago, I have readily admitted that over and over again. You see that accept that but are trying to improve anyways. That is what everyone should do. I got hammered down on alt from top of silver3 to silver 1 overnight (the weekly reset can be a bitch).

What level dragon/golem can you do? I STRONGLY recommend farming dragon for the lifesteal/speed/ACC gear and golem for other gear. The RNG is a pain but getting the rare 5* or even 4* Epic (particularly for weapon/hat/shield) is way better than the common gear. Yes, it will take longer but the common gear will be replaced so fast and that silver is gone forever. I made this mistake on my first account (among many others).

ACC gear is very underrated. If you put two ACC sets on a someone (warmaiden for example) that is +80 ACC.  You are going to need speed as primary on boots of course. But if all your gear is common you get very little from substats.

Good luck.

Jun 15, 2020, 16:3806/15/20

Another Arena tip or just something to consider,

Offense is easier. 1) We get to pick our opponent 2) We are not forced to use auto

If I guess wrong and the other team is faster, I lose badly... end of story. 

For most early/mid-game/f2p our arena offense and defense are the same. We have limited options. Generally our win rate is much higher than when defending. Actually probably always. When I attack, my 1st 3 moves are auto (computer does correct) but I need to do jinglehunter manual because his AI is terrible. In theory his A3 would be a great finishing move. A powerful AOE with TM reduction on all. BUT his A2 is better. I pick one member to kill with A2 and the rest are frozen.  My entire team gets to go again! And with mid-level masteries (yes you should spend some time in Mino) 3 of my 4 have TM reduction on A1. And Jinglehunter still has AOE TM reduction on A3.  As long as I can kill just 1, I usually get 3 turns to take down a real tanky (but slow team).  

I need to be faster than my opponent of choice.  If I guess wrong and the other team is faster, I lose badly... end of story. If I see gorgorab, arbiter in lead I move on. Speed lead plus seeker, move on. I see Apo in lead and gorgorab on team.  This could be 1) A sandbagger trying to win silver medals with a GOLD team or 2) Someone that thinks putting Apo in lead will make him go 1st...

The conspiracy theorists will think the former, but the latter is ALWAYS the case. Now his Apo may be really fast in beat me anyway, but logic says if that was the case he would not be in silver...So I attack, and gues what 90% of the time I am faster and I win.

My offense is 18-3 today. Back to middle of S2.

My defense is 3-6. (SUGGESTION to MOD, how about more stats in GH def win% for the day and week to date)

My defense rate will always be worse, I'd like it to be 50%. This way my wins move me up and not keep me treading water.

On defense against the same opponent I attack. This is what happens:

1. SH Atk Up, WM def down (against green may get weak hits, or opponent with high resist) usually on at least 3. Kael AOE

2. AI uses JH AOE A3. This can kill multiple, but may leave 1 or 2 standing. If it is a reviver or strong CA champ I am dead. Or if the opponent came in with heavy shield and def aura I may not kill anyone.

What can I do, probably nothing. But I will analyze my roster and see if I have a team that will work better on AUTO. not  necessarily a more defensive team. But a team where the AI will sync better and produce more wins.  To figure this out I need to test it by attacking with different teams and seeing how the auto works.  I will be sacrificing medals as I will lose more, but I may learn a new strategy to help me get to gold.


Jun 15, 2020, 19:4406/15/20

JoinME said:

Yes you are correct. Make a character NOW, you will not be able to pass bronze 3. You need more time and luck for this. It could be weeks, months or year. That is how it is suppose to work, like what I said in other previous post, don't rush in finishing missions. Don't rush in climbing arena, you don't need HIGH ACCURACY to climb to GOLD 4.  

LordVika said:

I'll say it again, if you made a character right now, today, you wouldn't be able to get past bronze 3

Getting to silver 1 should not take months or years to complete when you are asked to do it days or weeks after starting.

The more you speak the more whalish you sound, because you don't want the problem fixed, so you can take advantage of the broken system.
Jun 15, 2020, 19:5706/15/20
Jun 15, 2020, 20:09(edited)

L9753 said:

LordVika said:

You are 100% correct, by why waste silver on gear that wont help you. but reguardless of gear lvl if the stats match what should be required to get to where i need to be, why should the gear be upgraded?

Since you didn't have to deal with the current problems, you don't get it.

I'll say it again, if you made a character right now, today, you wouldn't be able to get past bronze 3

You are really barking up the wrong tree here. Trips has acknowledged that there's a problem with arena, but he's trying to help you make progress anyway. GreenKnight, the community manager from Plarium, has also acknowledged that they're aware and looking into it - that doesn't necessarily mean that they'll make helpful changes any time soon, but it does mean there's not much more to be gained from complaining on the forums. 

Moreover, clearly Trips is better placed than most veteran players to understand the issue, considering his fairly new f2p alt. You should probably stop embarrassing yourself by trying to pretend you're as good a player as him and that he would do no better in your position, considering that until yesterday you didn't know about basic game mechanics like accuracy/resistance. Clearly with his experience and his strong focus on developing his account as efficiently as possible, he could achieve more than what seems possible to you. By trying to drag down veteran players, you're only undermining your own points about what it's like for new players. 

So for the next couple of weeks, which seems like the absolute minimum time before any changes might occur, I'd suggest you accept the current reality and progress in arena as much as you can, using the advice you've been given or asking for more if needed. 

See veteran players can never understand exactly what a new player will go through because they know everything there is to know about the game. 

You are assuming that i didn't know or understand about the ACC vs RES in the equation of battles, what i was asking was since certain champions have a 100% debuff chance why they would require greater ACC since the skill states it will always land the debuff. That is entirely different than not knowing about it at all.

I never once stated that I was a better player than anyone, all I did say was that since Tripp is so convinced that their is nothing wrong with arena, and that nothing has changed in the slightest, that he should prove his words by making a new account right now and going through it as a new and free player would, not doing it as a vet would be as a new player, and see how far he would get.

All Tripp has done is basically told me get my bronze lvl account to have stats that would beat gold tier you see how rediculus that sounds? No one should need gold lvl stats to fight in bronze. Gold lvl is where the long term players should be fighting.

Greenknight is basically paid to lie to the players and tell them what they want to hear. Because if the devs were "working on a fix" why are they releasing another broken version of Arena? 3v3 is not gonna be any different than classic arena. It gonna use the same matchmaking ways. So why not fix what you broke before adding more broken things. Why not just change the match making back to the way it was before it went to shit?

I have made several suggestion about how to fix the arena, like completely removing inactive teams instead of just deranking them, so they don't just move down the line and become a problem for the lower ranks that can't help to win against them ( that is the biggest problem the low is occuring in bronze ranks seeing inactive players dropping in ranks and becoming lists of refreshes that players can't beat) or lock the tiers, so that once you get into silver you can never go back to bronze, no matter how many times you lose.

Yes there are sandbaggin teams out there that you can tell shouldnt be that far down with single defense teams, and the players being lvl 60 or higher
Jun 15, 2020, 20:1106/15/20
Jun 15, 2020, 20:1806/15/20
Here is one of my arena team members. This is the gear you should be looking for HK, this is not unreasonable. You said you had been playing for 40+ days.  She has just gotten a speed improvement, up from 198 to 202. This gear is not unreasonable. The gloves are crit damage and the chest is resistance, but they had 6 and 3 respectively in speed substats.  LOL. The boots are common 3 star. I had to bump to 16 (painful waste of silver) because Warmaiden passed her on speed accidentally with an upgrade.
Jun 15, 2020, 20:3906/15/20
Jun 15, 2020, 20:42(edited)

LordVika said:

You are assuming that i didn't know or understand about the ACC vs RES in the equation of battles, what i was asking was since certain champions have a 100% debuff chance why they would require greater ACC since the skill states it will always land the debuff. That is entirely different than not knowing about it at all.

This means exactly that - you don't understand well enough how debuff chance and accuracy vs resistance works. Maybe you have some initial understanding, but your question and this very explanation of you clearly states you didn't have good understanding. Which is OK, no one will make fun of you if you don't know something or do something wrong.

See, the 100% debuff chance doesn't mean the debuff will always land. It just mean it will proc every time you use that skill. You use that skill ten times in a row and it will procs his effect every time (speaking in general, not considering other possible conditions as affinity). And just after every proc the game will make check if your accuracy beats targets resistance and if yes, then that debuff may actually land.

See, its not like how you describe it.

And let me say again, no one will make fun of you if you didn't understand something. See the other threads around and see for yourself if this is the case.

Just, please, don't be such @@@@@ and don't try to put again and again words in @Trips mouth. He clearly states numerous time that - yes, there are certain problems in Arena. Just don't. There is nothing more wrong that twisting someones words to push your agenda.

Jun 16, 2020, 04:1406/16/20

As a somewhat new player, I am stuck on this mission as well.

And the people here saying "git gud" is not really helping. First of all I sincerely thanked the information and suggestions to getting good, but that's not the problem.

The problem is that the mission represent a HUGE DIFFICULTY SPIKE, and honestly when I found out how hard (and how much grind it needs) to get to Silver 1, I immediately think that I have hit a PAYWALL.

On other games, I usually uninstall and moved on to other games when I meet such a paywall. But then I read the next mission, is just to fuse Justicar which I already did

If I can give a bit of a comparison, it's like:

Mission 1: pick which pictures is a bicycle

Mission 2: learn to paddle the bicycle

Mission 3: ride the bicycle at least 1 km


Mission 5: choose which picture is a motorcycle

You see the absurdity of mission 4 in the example?

And I would bet you a lot of people would've quit the game because they think that the mission is a paywall, and that is hurting Plarium.

Jun 16, 2020, 08:2706/16/20
Jun 16, 2020, 08:30(edited)

LordVika said:

You are assuming that i didn't know or understand about the ACC vs RES in the equation of battles, what i was asking was since certain champions have a 100% debuff chance why they would require greater ACC since the skill states it will always land the debuff. That is entirely different than not knowing about it at all.

You are making of confusion here ..100% debuff change= it will (try to)land the debuff all the time BUT it can be resisted!! based on the opponent resist vs your accuracy.

However there are champions who have a skill wich has this :"this debuff can not be resisted" .. this will land the debuff always regardless of opponent resist. Example Sir Nic freeze can`t be resisted

Jun 16, 2020, 15:0606/16/20
FlaRaven said:

LordVika said:

You are assuming that i didn't know or understand about the ACC vs RES in the equation of battles, what i was asking was since certain champions have a 100% debuff chance why they would require greater ACC since the skill states it will always land the debuff. That is entirely different than not knowing about it at all.

You are making of confusion here ..100% debuff change= it will (try to)land the debuff all the time BUT it can be resisted!! based on the opponent resist vs your accuracy.

However there are champions who have a skill wich has this :"this debuff can not be resisted" .. this will land the debuff always regardless of opponent resist. Example Sir Nic freeze can`t be resisted

I understand but when reading the way the skill is worded  can make you think that when fully booked her debuff will land and cause debuff 100% no matter the res of enemy. I understand excatly how res vs acc works because this is not the only game i have played that uses stats like that. 
Jun 16, 2020, 16:5306/16/20

Trips said:

Here are two battle against fully ascended level 60 legendary teams with very high power, one in silver2 and one in silver3.

These are teams I look to attack. I don't care if they are all legendary (I consider MM to be lego btw). This tells me the person probably should be in gold if they have that many good heroes and that high power. 

They are not sandbagging, they are just not good at the game. The teams are too slow and have no synergy.  My team is not very fast, <200 speed with no TM booster. But I have a great strategy. It doesn't always work because my best one is inferior to my opponents worst 1-on-1.

Arena is not 1-on-1. Arena is 4v4.

I pick battles as follows:

1) Do I have high chance to go 1st (If no move on)

2) Does opponent have no aura in lead position but a gorgorab in 2nd spot. Oh this is one of those evil sandbaggers and the gorg has 300 speed and will go 1st right? Wrong, those people don't exist. This is another person setting up their arena team wrong.

3) Does the team have more than 1 60 starter hero. Generally an automatic win. You shouldn't have 2 on your roster (until you have 20+ 60s) let alone your arena team

more to call brb

Thanks for the tips Trips, sorry for the slow reply works been busting my ass. 

I think I might actually be being held back by my apothecary, even though he is probably my best champ overall I feel I need a better turn 1. Sure speed boast is great at getting my team to go first, but it is basically sacrificing an entire champion slot just for that it's very rare his a2 comes in clutch, it's leaving me short and I'm simply not doing enough damage enemy team which sets up and that's curtains for me. 

Jinglehunter seems like a really top top tier early pull. 100% booked chance to freeze if you kill on his A2 oof that's great early game. 

Im trying to farm some Stun gear to stick on Elhain with the hope of pulling off something similar to JH Pumping her full of speed to try and get a turn 1 stun with her a3. Fire knight is a pain though I don't really have a good fire knight team and getting the required gear is taking forever.

Atm there are just too many 50/50 battles for me and a loss just sets me back too much to progress.

Back to the grind I guess lol.

Jun 16, 2020, 19:0706/16/20

maitken87 said:

What is the rest of your team then Trips?

I am on day 46

My arena team is (maxed out full accented unless otherwise stated) 

Apothecary(speed set*3) (his speed atm is 202)

Spirthost(lvl50 1 Sheid set 1 speed set) (Leader for the speed boost)

zargala(1 cruel set 1 speed set 1 off set to utilise 5* speed boots)

Elhain( 2 Offense Set 1 Speed Set) 

They are geared to go in this order and mostly have 5*+ uncommon/rare lvl12-16 artefacts admittedly the sub rolls aren't the best but its all I have at the moment 2/4 rolls are at least beneficial. They all need banners because the spider is a meany and will only give me lizardman banners. 

This team cannot compete with the top of bronze 4. It is 50/50 against other speed teams and Triple lego teams are almost always out of the question especially if their power is almost twice my teams. I get maybe 5 certain wins per 20 refreshes.

My situational swap ins are sandlashed survivor, psylar, crimson helm (and now bellower but I only pulled him this morning).

What would you do besides grind for banners and have full lvl 16 6* Artifacts with the best sub rolls? Min Maxing champions should be end game stuff not one of the first missions. 

My question is where are all the other people that are struggling to get out of bronze 4, that are supposedly doing it wrong, and why aren't I matched with them lol.

You may still need Apo (otherwise you need to get everyone speed up over 180/190 maybe even. We are basicially using the same approach (go 1st, inc atk, dec def and hit hard), I have a couple advantages but you do as well!

I have better aura with JH. JH goes last and gives me that freeze option. You don't have this so you need to wipe at least 2 or 3 in wave 1.

You are faster than me and Apo (TM boost I don't have) lets the rest of your team need not be as fast (not slow though). What are other speeds?

Zargala/WM do same for both of us DEC defense AND hit hard. What is ACC and ATK power for Zarg?

Elhain just needs to hit hard. You are probably using LS gear as she is your farmer, my Kael is same but I have farmed some decent gear.  Good thing is Elhain needs no ACC so easier to gear. What is her speed/ATK/CR/CD?

Other questions:

1) Obv if u don't go 1st u lose like me. If you go 1st do all 4 go b4 other team? If not then whoever isn't needs a little more speed.

2) Does Zargala get resisted, ACC may be too low. Does she do enough damage to soften it up for Elhain.

3) As for Elhain (I chose her on main, and not a great choice but u can work with her). Do u attack auto or manual. On auto I think she uses the A3 which only hits one member twice. The A2 hits ALL twice. I know in some cases the auto picks wrong. This is also why Kael is a better farm. Just better AI in general.

4) Do you have any masteries? 

Good luck, happy to help if you have more questions.


Jun 16, 2020, 19:5206/16/20

maitken87 said:

Im trying to farm some Stun gear to stick on Elhain with the hope of pulling off something similar to JH Pumping her full of speed to try and get a turn 1 stun with her a3. Fire knight is a pain though I don't really have a good fire knight team and getting the required gear is taking forever.

I wouldn't suggest taking that path.

My point is this - Elhain is good damage dealer. She is relatively easy to build, equip and to master properly. She doesn't need accuracy and that makes her perfect candidate for "one hit/nuke" build from Offense and "Retribution + Deterrence" path from Defense tree, which are good choice for Arena.

She has two AoE skills and her A1 is basically two hits if you build her properly. And her damage modifiers are pretty good, so she does have good damage potential.

Now, in order to get most of her kit, you have to build her properly. She must have 100% crit rate, otherwise she will clearly underperform - missing that second hit from her A1 and doing normal hits from time to time can be OK when you run Dungeons, when you have several minutes to finish them and other champions to back up that damage lost, but in Arena this is not the case. You have 3 or 4 turns in Arena at best and you don't have luxury to make normal hits from your damage dealer.

And she doesn't have any CC or debuffs or party buffs to offer, she only offer big yellow numbers. That is why you bring her there and if you don't  build her to deliver those numbers she will be not that useful at all.

So... you must have her at 100% crit rate, good amount of attack and good amount of crit dmg stats and the needed speed, where you want her to be in your turn order.

Since you still don't have end game gear (by farming every dungeon at 20 stage to accumulate some good quality of 5 or 6 * gear, with appropriate main stats, good substats and some lucky rolls on top of that) you have to stick with those sets that will enhance your primary stats. Your best and probably the only way  for now to achieve those stats threshold to make her good damage dealer is to have her with 2 Offense + 1 Speed sets; chest with Atk% main stat, gloves with Crit. Rate main stat and speed boots. Later on, when you get good gear you can get enough Crit Rate from substats and go for Gloves with Crit Dmg, but for now i doubt you can achieve that.

And this brings me back to why i don't think going for Stun Set is a good idea. You can't farm FK 20, meaning even if you get some stun pieces after many runs, they wouldn't be good enough to meet her equipment requirement. And at least one or two of that pieces have to be with exact main stats (Gloves, Chest or Boots at least). Your Elhain probably will ended up with worst stats values all over the place. And on top of that the Stun set have somehow low chance to proc, that can't compensate that. Doing no stun AND no damage is not good for your Arena performance :)

My suggestion is to stick with the classical approach - full one shot/nuke path with Elhain. It will be way more easy, cheap and effective choice for her (and for you).

Jun 16, 2020, 20:1406/16/20


Just to point out that not every high level player dropping down the ranks with a low level team is out to have fun as a troll. I recently quit Raid (recently enough that I still wander the forums), and one of the last things I did was swap my G4 team for a single low level Magekiller just so that I wasn’t one of those people dropping an all Leggo G4 team into the lower tiers.

Maybe if more people thought about it before they quit then Arena might be more balanced and progression wouldn’t be the challenge it is now.
Jun 16, 2020, 21:0306/16/20

Thanks again both of you.

Zargala full masteries but need at leasst 5 more books :/ first 4 all went into her a1. Her debuff lands about 80% of the time at a rough guess.

Stats -

Health - 21371

Attack - 4125

Def - 1280

Speed - 153 ( I had it low as Apoth made up for it)

Crit rate - 92%

Crit dam - 130%

debuff res - 64

Debuff acc - 129

Elhain masteries are as far as cycle of violence and fully booked, her stats are weak atm as I have just moved away from ls gear and trying to build her up. Atm she has one cruel 1- offence, and one off set. I don't really use her to farm at as Zargala is faster for the most part. 

Stats -

Health - 20425

Attack - 3600

Def - 1198

Speed - 138 

Crit rate - 98%

Crit dam - 96%

debuff res - 93

Debuff acc - 64

My spirithoast's speed is 174

My Bellflowers speed is 180 but he's far too weal elsewhere at the moment to use just 6*ed him and still leveling him up.

Cheers again

Jun 16, 2020, 23:1706/16/20
Well, this is not bad. A bit low speed, but you will fix that over time. You are on the right track. One good crit damage amulet for Elhain and your GH soon will start to shine in gold :) 
Jun 16, 2020, 23:5406/16/20
Yes, get Elhain speed right behind Zargala if possible. I'm guessing Elhain doesn't get to go before the other team often. Also watch the AI, you may be better manual her.
Jun 17, 2020, 00:4406/17/20

Two weeks since my first post in the thread.

I was sitting at 90 silver medals at the time and stuck on the progress mission to upgrade a GH bonus to lvl 4.

I'm now sitting at 280 medals, a little under 100 a week.

100 a week from Silver I/II wins... that's 1 medal each.

I wake up every morning in Silver I and sometimes Bronze IV.

I'd imagine I login and refresh arena more frequently than most players too...

Is it Plariums intent that most progress missions take a from a couple minutes to day or so, but the pvp ones take a month+?

Is it Plariums belief that this is good/smooth progression for players new to the game?

Asking for a friend.... Kappa

Jun 17, 2020, 02:4106/17/20

Well I hope they fix the matchmaking sooner than later. I don't know how much more I can take.

Would be absolutely thrilled if they did something to nerf the speed contest that Arena currently is. I know people have worked hard to build around that strategy, but objectively it's really lame that the best strategy is pretty much one path. There seem to be a few others that can compete somewhat, but it's much harder.

I think it would be more intriguing gameplay if you had to gauge your team comp against others without speed nuke being assumed. It would keep people on their toes for sure.

Jun 17, 2020, 04:2206/17/20
Jun 17, 2020, 04:25(edited)

killerclone187 said:

They told me that they are working on it and i hope with the next patch or update they will at last make some kind of changes its crazy now!!

Well unless the fix to matchmaking is coming with 3v3 arena update......expect them to fix the matchmaking when they release void tower and battle pass 2.

They could have changed everything back to the way it was before they made whatever change they made right away, if they wanted to.

Working in gave dev, if the dev team they got was anything like the teams i worked with changes were never made unless a back up was made of the way it was before, in case things didnt work right. So why they didnt correct the problems a long time ago, ill never know.

It's not that everyone single person switched to a speed team right away and the meta instantly changed. The problem was higher tier players dropping down to lower ranks, forcing the lower ranks to get faster, and it filtered to the higher ranks, making bronze tier needing silver - gold tier speed to compete.