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Arena needs to be changed Now

Arena needs to be changed Now

Jun 4, 2020, 15:1706/04/20
Jun 4, 2020, 15:19(edited)


What bothers me most is the balance between: PVE v PVP mission quests

To be able to continue to advance I must pass rank Argent1 in arena and while the following 2 quests (and I stop at these 2, too long the list) are:

stage 7 of the narbuk catacombs in difficulty

10 times step 5 or higher of the catacombs in automatic

While I finished the campaign in brutal with all the stages at 3 stars them

Because of the arenas it's more a wall than I have in front of me, but the Himalayas followed by the Marianas pit

Jun 4, 2020, 16:2406/04/20


when I started about a year ago it was pretty much similar in terms of that.

complete arena mission, then fast forward next 5 missions as already completed long time ago or if not retroactive - can be done in a day of free energy by now
Jun 5, 2020, 01:2706/05/20
Jun 5, 2020, 01:35(edited)

Honestly, it's depressing what is a team of Foli, Tower, Nethril, Apothecary all maxed, out fully accended doing in bronze 3? 

Trying to fight off the random hoard of maxed out Santa Clause's last week was bad enough now we get this craziness thrown at us this week...

Its like every time you grind up a bit they move the goalposts just a little bit more out of reach.
Jun 6, 2020, 15:2906/06/20

The pacing/flow of the game is completely obliterated by the Arena GH progress missions.

It is jarring.

It is disheartening.

It is discouraging.

It is bad game design.

Getting to a low/mid level mission and realizing it's going to take you a month or more of active time investment in arena to complete is really poor design.

Waking up every morning to realize I've been pushed down from Silver II to the bottom of Silver I or maybe even Bronze IV just makes me not want to play.

It's good to have long term goals.

It's not good for those long term goals to be thrust upon entry level players in a way that halts their progression.

Jun 7, 2020, 16:0906/07/20
Jun 7, 2020, 16:11(edited)

I totally agree with you! I don't want to make the game simpler but I want to fight in the arena with players at the level I am on! Does anyone from Plarium read this forum? I don't think so...

Perhaps the easiest solution would be to make Platinum I, II, III and IV?

Jun 7, 2020, 20:4506/07/20

Wow so many responces since i posted and not able to respond. Currently my arena team is Sandlashed Survivor, Seeker, Kael and Apoth. I am leveling up High Kathune and Warmaiden for arena but idk if they can help me or not, or if i am wasting time and resources doing it.

The problem with arena is 2 fold.

1 so many abandoned accounts on defense, making new players have to wait months to get strong enough to best them

2 so many players activally dropping ranks because they dont want to waste a silver or gold medals on guild hall upgrades so drop to lower ranks to get those medals.

Since i posted this i have been able to rarely get into bronze 4, but get to 1 win from silver 1 and then over night get reset back to bronze 3 or bronze 2. All because plarium doesn't care about the free players or low spenders, because as long as the whales are happy and spending money they could care less about free players that struggle to get things done.

Even on the raid discord server i have been told spend money to get stronger or stop "bitching" about things being to hard and this was by a discord server mod.

I honestly thinking about quiting the game because if i can't comptlete an aspect of the game without spending hundreds of dollars in the hopes of getting champs that can help me complete aspects of the game, why should i play?
Jun 8, 2020, 17:4506/08/20


I can only approve the message of Maldonado, leave the PvP stages as is in the list of quests and an aberration in view of the content PvP ask to get to the silver, at the beginning of the game I can understand, it makes sense: all people were leaving on the same line, but there?

Jun 8, 2020, 19:3406/08/20

I think the solution is to make PVE more difficult to balance this out. That way nobody will speed through missions to get stuck at arena missions. 

If it's about balance then I think this is a perfect solution. 

You are welcome. 
Jun 8, 2020, 19:4006/08/20
Jun 8, 2020, 19:53(edited)

They shouldn't make the Arena part of Missions or quests in order to progress.

 It is certainly the case that the Arena does not operate how they intended it to. Right now, there are tier 6'd legendary champs in Bronze 2, all of them  in their line-up. That would be great, sure, something to aspire to..but instead the subsequent progession Missions (which must be completed in order) indicate that you should merely be able to complete 12/7 on normal. 

Instead, you can be farming 12/6 on Brutal and still sweat breaking out of Bronze 2... so, you'll have no choice but to completely abandon early missions until you're about mid-game ready. And that's the unfortunate and honest truth.

Edit: I know many on this forum are far beyond new player.

So, it is akin to a mission asking you to shoot down 4 enemy MIG 25,s with a subsequent mission of completing you first solo in a Cessna 150. ;-)

Jun 8, 2020, 20:0906/08/20

1. I agree arena has gotten way tougher. They need to do something minor to change it. But...

2. It was always harder. The PVE missions were always easier.

3. If you are stuck in bronze after 45 days u r doing something wrong 

4. My alt account is 100% f2p and been on silver2/3 for a bit now. Less than 2 months and I still have a 4star spirithost in the lineup. I need to replace her. I need better gear on everyone. 

5. People lose sight of actually progressing their teams by focusing on the immediate mission. The mission isn't going anywhere... improve your team

I am probably a few weeks from even trying to get to gold. So what do I do..

If 2xp running I farm chickens.  Otherwise if decent event/tournament I farm gear. If neither I farm scrolls for the last 2 members of CB team which should be able to get top chest in NM at that point. 4 keys will be needed but not bad.

The laser focus on the missions is a trap

Jun 8, 2020, 20:1906/08/20

good old arena u go hard hitting it day after day trying to push you get to gold 4 and the 4 star artifact rewards are junk - reset day comes along then you wake up to you losing 100 plus trophies and have to push the next 2 days to try get back into gold 4 again so that you get that 4 start junk

plariums really struggling to reward those pushing on in arena, the pairing system is out of whack I have a baby account that's way low and its all rares yet each arena reset is full of teams with hegemons and other legos yeah nice like I even stand a chance there

on plus side at least the reward drops for nightmare clan boss aren't too bad at the moment fingers crossed stays like that mind you its been 3 weeks since I got a splash of silver in a nm chest - brews are great not lol

Jun 8, 2020, 20:5806/08/20
Jun 8, 2020, 21:37(edited)

Like Trips said- Laser focus on missions is a trap. Progress with your account as a whole- work on your CB team, try and work with your dungeon teams, etc. and arena will follow. Arena rewards are only weekly anyway unlike CB/dungeons.

I've already said this here on the forums before, Plarium is aware with the complaints about arena and it's already being looked into. 

So in the meantime the best thing we can do right now is actually take a look at your arena teams and figure out comps, check gear/masteries so you guys can actually compete in arena better. I guarantee you having a full team of 6*legendaries would only get you so far- you need to have proper gear, proper team comp, more importantly you need to know what teams your champions can beat. 


Jun 9, 2020, 14:3206/09/20

You're not penalized, are you, for losing Arena battles? From what I've read, it's something to avoid for some reason.

But you still have dailies to complete which include 5 Arena matches. Which for new players ultimately means taking a few daily losses. Even if you check your phone every 15 minutes.. which is completely impractical.
Jun 9, 2020, 16:2606/09/20

I noticed today when reviewing my defense log that you can select the player that beat you and see their defense team. Many of them have a single low level as their arena defense. This tells me that they are staying in the Bronze brackets intentionally so they can score a bunch of easy wins.

Feels great (sarcasm) as a new player to know I'm just farm food for whales. It makes it that much more frustrating when I get within spitting distance of the next bracket to see that I got taken down a peg by a farmer. 

I'm having enough fun in the game for the moment that I'm not going to quit over it, but eventually this will ruin the game.

I'd like to know what the devs are considering to help remedy the problem. 

Being farmed wouldn't bother me so much if most of the matches were just outright impossible to win in Bronze III. I can only imagine Bronze IV is worse since the farmers probably try to stay there. for the most part.
Jun 9, 2020, 16:5606/09/20

Rauthma said:

I noticed today when reviewing my defense log that you can select the player that beat you and see their defense team. Many of them have a single low level as their arena defense. This tells me that they are staying in the Bronze brackets intentionally so they can score a bunch of easy wins.

Yes and no. Keeping in mind that a silver medal counts for two bronze, and a gold medal for two silver or four bronze, the only people who have anything to gain from farming bronze 3 or 4 are people who aren't strong enough to win a lot in silver I or II (meaning they are almost certainly not whales, lol). All those who are stronger than that will be farming in higher tiers than bronze because they'll get more medals there. Those people with gold IV - worthy teams in bronze didn't go there on purpose, unless they're just trolling. So how'd they get there then - by some combination of being dropped down tiers automatically for low activity, and just getting knocked down by stronger players. 

But yes, of course people deliberately drop their rating a bit to get more wins. Everybody needs those medals for great hall upgrades / progress missions... 
Jun 9, 2020, 17:0506/09/20
I’ve finished the arbiter progress mission a month ago. My take on most of the issues with the progress missions is when it was originally created the order was probably correct in terms of difficulty, but as time went on arena missions became significantly more difficult than non arena missions. Making the progress missions not be linear for completion within there individual parts might make it less frustrating.
Jun 9, 2020, 17:2606/09/20

This thread cannot get enough attention! I got bored with my first account and started over. I know what I'm doing and am not strictly f2p - I bought a few packs. However I cannot get to silver 1 after a month of playing and about half of that time I've been stuck on this quest. I'm about to throw my phone every day from frustration in the arena. It's impossible to progress and I'm nearly level 50. 

Please fix this broken mess of arena. Take a look at the suggestions on discord and you'll see this is the most recurring suggestion. Before making any 3x3, fix what is broken! It shouldn't take much effort on your part Plarium. All you have to do is want to change it and hire a programmer that does something other than make art for your new pack sales for a few days to fix it.


Jun 9, 2020, 19:1906/09/20
Jun 9, 2020, 19:21(edited)

SCArmoury said:

You're not penalized, are you, for losing Arena battles? From what I've read, it's something to avoid for some reason.

But you still have dailies to complete which include 5 Arena matches. Which for new players ultimately means taking a few daily losses. Even if you check your phone every 15 minutes.. which is completely impractical.

yes you are penalized for losing in arena. 

if a fight is worth 9 points, a win gains you 9 points and a loss loses 9 points, which could set you back a rank
Jun 9, 2020, 19:3906/09/20

Lxzy said:

Like Trips said- Laser focus on missions is a trap. Progress with your account as a whole- work on your CB team, try and work with your dungeon teams, etc. and arena will follow. Arena rewards are only weekly anyway unlike CB/dungeons.

I've already said this here on the forums before, Plarium is aware with the complaints about arena and it's already being looked into. 

So in the meantime the best thing we can do right now is actually take a look at your arena teams and figure out comps, check gear/masteries so you guys can actually compete in arena better. I guarantee you having a full team of 6*legendaries would only get you so far- you need to have proper gear, proper team comp, more importantly you need to know what teams your champions can beat. 


See that is just wrong.

Missions and quests are supposed to show you the way to progress. By completing missions and quests it is supposed to make you stronger, not halt your progress. There are even missions and quests that require you to actually win in arena, not just fight but win. So when inactive teams get deranked guess what, they are still there now just hurting the lower ranked players and stopping them from getting any progression. People are not going to want to wait months to get past inactive players, wait months to gain any progression, they will just find another of the millions of games out there to play where aspects of the game are not completely cut off from them.

It is a widely known fact that when Plarium took over this game, they made changes to the way arena works and it has made it 100000000000000000000x harder then it was before. While that might be okay for players that have been playing for a long time and have gotten champs that can be used in the different meta, it hurts and drives away new players and F2P players because they feel like they are being made to spend money in hopes of getting the champs they need to make any kind of progression.

Some of the easiest fixes to arena would be, to completely remove inactive players from arena completely, don't just derank them. By deranking inactive players, it only hurts the lower ranks, because if a gold ranked player goes inactive then he becomes a problem for the silver and bronze ranked players, simply because they can not hope to beat a team that has a much higher upgraded guildhall and is filled with 5s and 6s fully ascended champs. Also another way to fix arena is making ranks locked, meaning if you get to silver you can not fight in bronze. If your are able to fight and grind in silver never should you be allowed to drop to bronze. Yes there are players that will intentionally put 1 low champ as their defense to drop ranks, so they can actually fight and derank weaker players, since they can't PK players, that is the next best option for them, being that they are trolls.

Jun 9, 2020, 23:1706/09/20

Lxzy said:

Like Trips said- Laser focus on missions is a trap. Progress with your account as a whole- work on your CB team, try and work with your dungeon teams, etc. and arena will follow. Arena rewards are only weekly anyway unlike CB/dungeons.

I've already said this here on the forums before, Plarium is aware with the complaints about arena and it's already being looked into. 

So in the meantime the best thing we can do right now is actually take a look at your arena teams and figure out comps, check gear/masteries so you guys can actually compete in arena better. I guarantee you having a full team of 6*legendaries would only get you so far- you need to have proper gear, proper team comp, more importantly you need to know what teams your champions can beat. 


For F2P, the rewards for those missions go a long way in helping get that team built up that can actually compete. 

So while I agree that laser focus on missions is a bad idea, there is a certain sense of hopelessness when you are early in the mission path and stuck on an arena achievement because even in the low brackets your options are mostly teams comprised of champions and builds that you don't stand a chance against. Then to top it off, just when you make a little progress, you get knocked down by someone powerful farming easy wins.

We aren't talking the difference between a 1 month player and a 2 month player. The gap is much larger than that in terms of relative time/money investment. 

Fixing this should be priority #1. The same people struggling to get early arena mission requirements are going to have it that much worse in tag team arena.

Nobody's asking for a free pass up arena roster, just a fair shot.