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11 серп. 2018, 05:5611.08.18

SpnВованище said:

Добавьте новые доминионы

Add new dominions

скоро :)

soon :)

11 серп. 2018, 05:5711.08.18

BattleFaith said:

The troop selection for deployments.  It’s yo easy to accidently send the wrong ones.   It needs to go back to the way it was.   

Unit selection will return to zero option soon in next game update.

11 серп. 2018, 06:0011.08.18
11 серп. 2018, 06:01(відредаговано)

groves.terry said:

I have been playing this game for years and now I am considering stopping. It used to be that I could log in a few times a day, tend my troops, so a little raiding and go. Sometimes, like when a war was on, you needed to spend a bit more time, but that was ok. Now thereare somany things need to done it takestoo much time, and a lot of the fun has gone out. Too many of the 'enhancements' are clearly just an effort to get players to spend money. I used to occasionally buy a package but I don't any more. I can't compete with with the credit card warriors.

I suggest you focus on the lost arts for the units you are using in Battle Ground first then come to new castle def units.

You don't need to compare yourself with others, just do what you can do easily.
11 серп. 2018, 06:0411.08.18

Tyldesley said:

The latest update is shockingly bad.

I’m not talking about the new game concepts as some of the new features are quite interesting. I’m talking about the bugs in the code. Surely Plarium beta tested the code on various platforms beforehand.

There are still problems in the code that require rectification.  The main one that affects me is the way that units are displayed and selected. 

I acknowledge that it looks prettier than before, but it’s functionality has all but disappeared. It’s harder to select units and the latest bug fix has resulted in all of the units I click on being selected for action.

The entire game has slowed down for me because of issues like this.

Please stop fixing things that are’nt broken. 

One feature I would like is to be able to put some of my units into subgroups which I could then select with a single click. Just a thought ))

Any programming language is prone to bugs. Most of them are fixed now.

Unit selection will return to zero option soon in next game update.

We have already forwarded the idea to game developers to fine-tune the selection window.

11 серп. 2018, 06:3111.08.18

Bonjour :)

J’aime beaucoup ce qu’apporte la nouvelle mise à jour, ça redonne "du sang neuf" et c’est très sympa !

Il y a cependant pour moi deux choses qui ont changé et pas forcément en mieux :

Les choix des unités qui est perturbant. Il est difficile d’évaluer la quantité envoyé. Et personnellement j’attendais l’ajout du l’icône CdP dans la sélection des unités globales.

La perte de temps lors des raids. Avant nous pouvions retourner sur la page précédente et enchaîner les raids facilement. Maintenant nous arrivons sur la carte sans bouton précédent, ce qui multiplie les manipulations et est donc beaucoup plus long... au lieu de deux cliques, j’en suis à six ! C’est vraiment trop long

Voilà mes observations. J’espère que cela vous permettra de continuer à vous améliorer et à nous offrir un super jeu !! Merci ! 👍👍👍

11 серп. 2018, 07:0611.08.18
Good game :)
11 серп. 2018, 07:1411.08.18

Хорошее обновление. 

Дайте сапфиров :)
11 серп. 2018, 07:2311.08.18
This game SUCKS!!!  Update is pure trash just like the creators of this game. 
11 серп. 2018, 07:2411.08.18
Hotchick said:

I’m very disappointed with the latest update. The game changes are not an improvement at all. In fact, they have made the game much more complicated. The new screen for sending troops to battle or the catacombs makes no sense, the troops are no longer divided clearly by type, and the slide bar defaults to the total number of a given troop rather than zero which means it is very easy for someone to send all of a particular troop by accident. The Tower event makes no sense and seems a waste of time and just another way for Plarium to get players to spend money. I am seriously considering quitting the game. I just don’t enjoy it as much with the recent changes and actually feel aggravated by them when playing. 😕

11 серп. 2018, 07:4411.08.18

Лорд Арион said:

Здравствуйте Уважаемая Администрация! Хочу написать Вам конкретные плюсы и минусы обновления 1.96. Начнём с минусов так, как это обновление больше огорчило чем обрадовало:

1. При отправке войска в тайники не показывает грузоподъёмность, которое могут собрать войска в тайнике.

2. При разведки или ограбление замков по территории местность откидывает обратно в свой замок и приходиться искать эту территорию.

3. По домикам тоже самое. Раньше после отправки войска сразу же открывался список и можно было сразу отправлять в следующие домики. После обновление после отправки войска открывается карта и приходиться заного заходить в орлиное гнездо переключать иконку на "атака" или "защита" и листать список. Это занимает очень много времени и не удобно.

4. При отправке войска в подземелья или т.п. интерфейс глючит.

Есть ещё очень много мелких глюков.


1. Турнир по башням. Мне очень понравилось, но хочу чтобы Вы ещё раз пересмотрели награды за этажи. (Если мои расчеты верны, что бы в башне пройти с 80 по 100 этажи требуется 540 легендарных избранных, для каждого этажа по 27. Избранных всего 15 видов. Получается в альянсе должны быть 36 мессиров, которые имеют все 15 легендарных избранных. Я не знаю есть ли такие альянсы в этой игре. А награда за всё это всего лишь 7 Дракон, 7 пожирателей и 1 свиток???? :-) ).

2. Духи для защиты замка, но я так и не понял они дают процентную защиту или суммарную? Если суммарную то, можно было бы дать чуть больше дефа им. В деле ещё их не проверял.

Прошу исправьте пожалуйсты выше перечисленные минусы. Это будет лучший приз по сравнению 2000 сапфир...

Hello Dear Administration! I want to write to you the specific pros and cons of the update 1.96. Let's start with the downsides, as this update more than disappointed than pleased:

1. When sending troops to caches does not show the load capacity, which can collect troops in a hiding place.

2. When reconnaissance or robbery of castles across the territory, the area is thrown back into its castle and have to search for this territory.

3. The houses are the same. Earlier, after sending troops, immediately opened the list and could be immediately sent to the following houses. After the update after sending troops, a card is opened and you have to go into the eagle's nest to switch the icon to "attack" or "defense" and flip the list. It takes a very long time and is not convenient.

4. When sending troops to dungeons or the like. the interface is buggy.

There are still a lot of small glitches.


1. Tournament on the towers. I really liked it, but I want you to reconsider the rewards for the floors once again. (If my calculations are correct, that in the tower to pass from 80 to 100 floors, 540 legendary favorites are required, for each floor there are 27. Selects only 15. It turns out that there must be 36 sisters in the alliance who have all 15 legendary favorites. I do not know whether there are such alliances in this game.And the reward for all this is only 7 Dragon, 7 devourers and 1 scroll ???? :-)).

2. Perfume to protect the castle, but I still do not understand they give a percentage protection or total? If the total then, you could give a little more defax to them. I still did not check them in the case.

Please correct the above-listed disadvantages. This will be the best prize compared to 2000 sapphire ...

Привет, спасибо, что нашли время, чтобы записать здесь

1. Это уже было предложено разработчикам игр и надеюсь, что они могут добавить его

2. Теперь исправлено

3 Теперь исправлено

4. Обновите игру снова,


1. Мы не ожидаем, что все Лиги смогут очистить все этажи Башни сразу;) Это долгожданное событие, и я уверен, что с каждым событием у вас будет больше и больше типов Чемпионов, чтобы подняться выше

2 Не будет никакого увеличения оборота стены. Новая армия будет использоваться и защищаться первой, если кто-то атакует.

Hello Thank you for taking time to write down here

1. It was already suggested to game developers and hope they may add it

2. It is fixed now

3 It is fixed now

4. Please update the game again,


1. We don't expect all Leagues will be able to clear all floors of the Tower at once ;) It's a long termed Event and I'm sure that with each Event you will have more and more Champions' types to go higher

2 There will not be any % increase in wall defence. The new army will be used and protect first in case someone attacks.

11 серп. 2018, 07:4711.08.18

☆☆MarcelSaale☆☆ said:

Bin jetzt 1309 tage daueronline, aber mir wird es immer komplizierter statt einfacher, das letzte Update war die reinste Katastrophe selbst das farmen und die Spionage wurde zu umständlich gemacht 

I'm now 1309 days daueronline, but I'm getting more complicated instead of easier, the last update was the purest catastrophe itself and the espionage was made too cumbersome

Ich bin mir sicher, dass Sie sich an die Auswahl neuer Einheiten gewöhnen und es vielleicht bald mögen.

Langzeitspieler müssen jetzt viel mehr aufrüsten und das Spiel weiterhin genießen.

Bitte aktualisiere das Spiel erneut, um Fehler zu beheben.

I am sure you get used to new unit selection and may like it soon with time.

Long-term players have much more to upgrade now and keep enjoying the game still.

Please update the game again to fix errors.

11 серп. 2018, 07:4811.08.18
patrick.gillissie said:

What would be great is if there were a multi spy option..scrolling back through EVERY TIME gets tiresome. Ty for your time 
Please update the game again
11 серп. 2018, 07:5311.08.18

Grummite said:

At first this update was very upsetting, but have managed to live with most of the changes.  This update has increased the number of clicks up to 2 to 5 times as much per each raid of any type. There should not be a default screen for every action taken. Instead it should stay in the activity that you are doing. If doing BGs then should stay in BGs not go to overland view. If doing trails should stay in trials not go to overland view. This one change would be a tremendous help for the new updates. 

The chat is more difficult. Having to slide to the chat you want and then having to select it again. The only improvement to inhance chat would be to automatically translate chat for everybody so we do not have to exit the game to use google translate

I like the new tower event.

I have not seen any advantage to using the new resource champion. In all my uses of it I have not received anymore resources than I would have if I did not use it.

You will survive for sure haha

 Yesterday we added the game update to Google Play/Apple Store with the following bugfix:

1. After sending Units via Map, you're returning to your Castle;

2. After checking Unit info and returning to Send Units window, all Units are selected;

3. 7% Bonus for resources production doesn't work till all Lost Arts for Spirit Wardens are discovered;

4. Not all numbers of selected Units are displayed for devices with small screen extension;

5. Choose all Units of the same type by clicking on the Units' Icon.

The raid stats don’t change, just the amount of resources you steal goes up for the new champion.

11 серп. 2018, 07:5711.08.18

mitico7772 said:

Good morning Plarium, do you realize that you play this game as a free game?

With each update you are increasingly constraining the players, you would like to force to buy more and more packages .... but you realize that soon only the big players will return in the game? and will they have the same fun in the desolate stormfall lands? so since the answer is NO, you will lose that source of income ... Instead of making the game leaner, faster and therefore fun, you have turned it into a game for the rich ...

Remember if a game is fun, it becomes necessary and the large amount of players have fun ... spend (although very little but with monthly frequency) ....

Hello, Where exactly do you feel getting ripped off?

The new castle defence units use very lesser resources compared to Stoneheart even. Long-term players have much more to upgrade now.

11 серп. 2018, 08:0011.08.18
11 серп. 2018, 08:26(відредаговано)

chileno 777 said:

La actualización esta muí pero como  más artes por escubrir debieron colocar un ovjeto más para descubrir más artes ya que una se hace muí poco para tantas artes por descubrir 

The update is very important but as more arts to be discovered they had to place an ovject more to discover more arts since one is done very little for so many arts to discover

hazlo todo lo que puedas y tu castillo crecerá lentamente...

do it slowly as much as you can and your castle will grow over time.

11 серп. 2018, 08:0711.08.18
11 серп. 2018, 08:08(відредаговано)

Bella Brooke said:

I think with latest update it also came with alot of problems. The original setup for sellecting troops was 10x better then it is now, I think if you have something good, why change it.

 When you decide to change something or add something it should not be something along those lines, I too have been playing this game for over 2 years, once the new updates came, I have been having nothing but problems with battlegrounds and selecting troops, which has taken my interests away from the game, I think having new characters are good, bringing new tournaments, things like this, but changing the setup of everything in my opinion will lose players, it takes a good amount of time to learn the game as it was, then you change everything and you must relearn everything, not worth it in my 

If you continue to change how you originally designed the game, people will start to leave, bc it will begin to get frustrating, the game has enough frustration already, with out more needed, should be a simple fun game for all ages, if you make it too difficult whats the point in playing when there are more games out there that are not as intense but have the same excitement.

 Last but not least, what I disagree with the game is, in order to advance with certain areas u only provide a option to buy it, there are no other options for certain things, example- lumber, I should not have to spend money to buy lumber, there should be some type of means to where I can work to achieve that for free but there is none, in order to advance and improve my castle I must spend money to buy stuff, which you have turned this fun free game into a all about the money game, which has lost my interest tremendously. 

Its been over months since I have actually built anything,  and I noticed that once I received the stonehearts, all my builders went away back to 1 builder at a time, and in order to get another builder it required 15000 sapphire,  which is ridiculous. This game has went from fun to spending money if u want to advance,  which I think you will lose alot of people. 

Overall, there should be a way to earn every item in the game for free, not only by spending money. Already I have lost interest with this game, if I want to advance, I must spend money. What use to be fun has now turned into a money game, continues to lose my attention, what use to take 15 - 20 minutes every night to check, now takes hours, everything has slowed down, lags all the time now, always a glitch,  and setup sucks, not to mention people can cuss now on the chat, ridiculous...

Most of the bugs were fixed by yesterday, please update your game.

Long-term players have much more to upgrade now and new units require far lesser resources than Stoneheart.

Also, please treat the Stoneheart feature and the units that you can build with the Soulstones as a long-term perspective. It wasn't supposed that you will build all the units in one day :) 

You can skip the upgrades that take time and continue the easy way of raiding and training usual regular units only.

Rest of your suggestions will be passed on to game developers to consider for.

11 серп. 2018, 08:1111.08.18

Merc1986 said:

El juego ya no es lo mismo los campos están pésimos ya callo el juego

The game is not the same anymore the fields are terrible and I stop the game

Dale algo de tiempo y lentamente te acostumbrarás.

Give it some time and you may slowly get used to it.

11 серп. 2018, 08:1411.08.18
$ СЫРНИК $ said:

Всем привет ДРУЗЬЯ. Всё отлично. 

11 серп. 2018, 08:1811.08.18

Lord Watersview said:

Here are a few things I do not like about the new update.

1. Catacombs: While the “icon” display takes less time to scroll through, it is harder to see what kind of units you are using, and takes longer to put together an attack. Moving out to the map is also not user friendly at all. I am usually maxing out my available raids and this just adds time.

2. Including the cost of items you have already bought when using them is confusing. It took me a while to realize I wasn’t spending sapphires again when using a quest renew.

3. Towers: Does not need its own chat, also I have no idea how long I have to wait for my champions to unlock, or if I have to spend champion stones to do that.

1. New update always takes some time to navigate to.

2. Yes, those are free if you already have those items.

3 Champions will remain locked till the end of tower event. You can choose not to unlock champions if you don't want to spend stones like me ;)
11 серп. 2018, 08:2211.08.18

cragwolf1 said:

Don't much care for the update.takes too many clicks and alot more time.especially don't like the new troop line-up in the castle.prefer the previous way of choosing troops to send into battle.champ pop-ups are aggravating.

If you ask me, it's all just to get more money.

As if this game wasn't making you guys a bundle already. GREED, pure GREED

I find the game to be MUCH less enjoyable currently.

Don't like the way it jumps to map all the time. 

Most of the bugs were fixed yesterday and some fine tuning can be expected in near future.

You can continue to play for free and still enjoy the game :)