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11 серп. 2018, 05:2011.08.18

Myxoz said:

Доброе.Еще проблема чтопри отправке  выделяется вся группа,и поэтому надо все время сбрасываешь и выбираешь колличество юнитов.С башней зачет.Есть возможность качнуть желающих избранных.

Dobroe.Esche problem is that when sending the entire group is allocated, and therefore you must always fold and select the number of units. With the tower offset. There is an opportunity to swing the wishing select.

В следующем обновлении игры выбор блока вернется к нулю.

Unit selection will return to zero option soon in next game update

11 серп. 2018, 05:2111.08.18

news said:

Планируется ли ввести обмен адамантином? Ведь это же ресурс как и прочие. Предлагаю в следующим апдейте ввести возможность ограниченной, но помощи этим игровым ресурсом.

Is it planned to introduce the exchange of adamantine? After all, this is a resource like the others. I suggest in the next update to introduce the possibility of limited, but help with this game resource.

Для этого нет никакого плана.

There is no plan for that.

11 серп. 2018, 05:2311.08.18

Ferdinand FFF1 said:

Interesant joc. Foarte bună grafica .super ,nu te poti dezlipi de el

Interesting game. Very good super graphics, you can not untie it

bine să aud de la tine

good to hear from you

11 серп. 2018, 05:2511.08.18

Hartfordshire said:

While the Tower event seems really fun, the rest of the updates seem to impede the game to the point of not even wanting to play. From the new clunky chat features, to the bad troop movement options now, there are a ton of wasted actions that make the game significantly less fun to play. Please consider reverting those to the way they were prior to the updates. Thanks.

Its too late to revert back now lol

I am sure you get used to new unit selection and may like it soon with time. Most of the bugs are fixed now.

Long-term players have much more to upgrade now and keep enjoying the game still.

As for chat, in the very near future, devs will make League chat opened by default :)

11 серп. 2018, 05:2611.08.18

news said:

Почему над воротами не видно усиление крепости духами? Предложил бы выводить общую цифру (нашёл ее только в меню всех показателей героя, а отъелось бы видеть в динамике).

Why can not you see the strengthening of the fortress by spirits over the gates? I would propose to output a common figure (I found it only in the menu of all the hero's indices, but I would like to see it in dynamics).

Может быть в будущем :)

May be in future :)

11 серп. 2018, 05:2911.08.18

tara1987 said:

Турнир "Захват флага" можно сделать короче по времени.  Все равно все решается в первый час. 

З. Ы.  Изменения говняные.  Неудобно с войсками в подземелье - ужас

Tournament "Capture the flag" can be made shorter in time. All the same everything is decided in the first hour.

Z. Y. Changes are shitty. Uncomfortable with the troops in the dungeon - horror

Я с тобой согласен
Большинство ошибок в игре теперь исправлены в обновлении игры, и в ближайшее время можно ожидать более тонких изменений.
I agree with you
Most of the game errors are fixed now in the game update and more fine changes can be expected soon.

11 серп. 2018, 05:3011.08.18
11 серп. 2018, 05:31(відредаговано)

DeathBringerjr said:

Overall i don't like the recent updates , i think it should be reversed and then add in the new features such as the raid champion and tower event ,we didn't need a new user face which makes everything more difficult and annoying to use .Also in regards to the tower event make it so we can regen every 24hrs not 7 days , i've mentioned this elsewhere but to only be able to make 14 moves without cashing in emeralds for a 7 day event is crazy. 

so if you can bring back how the old game worked but add in new champion and a better version of the tower event it would be a amazing update :)

Oops too late now to revert back lol

You will get hang of new features soon, so don't worry :)

Also, we don't expect all Leagues will be able to clear all floors of the Tower at once ;) It's a long termed Event and I'm sure that with each Event you will have more and more Champions' types to go higher :)

11 серп. 2018, 05:3211.08.18

Shar Draco BD said:

I can't recommended this game highly enough. Even though there is a learning curve each time with each new feature implemented I am excited. Thank you for keeping this game new and fresh!

Good to hear you are enjoying the game.

11 серп. 2018, 05:3411.08.18

news said:

Для чего нужно отдельное меню чатов без возможности напрямую писать в текущий чат? Лишние действия снова. Никто давно не пишет в региональный и общий чат, меню башни отдельное - тоже лишнее. Возможно ли отключить как-то это нововведение, не планируете ли вернуть к удобному старому виду? Меню башни можно оставить, но сделать для него такой же скользящий вход с листанием самих меню вправо-влево.

Why do you need a separate chat menu without the ability to directly write to the current chat? Superfluous actions again. No one has written to the regional and general chat for a long time, the tower's menu is separate - too superfluous. Is it possible to disable somehow this innovation, do not you plan to return it to a convenient old look? You can leave the tower menu, but make it the same sliding entry with the left and right menu paging.

Что касается чата, в самом ближайшем будущем разработчики игр сделают чат в Лиге открытым по умолчанию :)

As for chat, in the very near future, game developers will make League chat opened by default :)

11 серп. 2018, 05:3511.08.18

fddgdsgs dgdsgsdgds said:

Бесит то что после каждой отправке войск на доминионы, меня выкидывает на карту штомфолла. А

Infuriates the fact that after each sending troops to the dominions, he throws me on the card shtomfolla. A

Теперь он исправлен

Its fixed now

11 серп. 2018, 05:3611.08.18

batraev.vowa said:

Зачем в башнях после похада блокируется

Why in the towers after pohada is blocked

Вы можете разблокировать камни, если хотите

You can unlock with stones if you want

11 серп. 2018, 05:3711.08.18

Hatty said:

I do not like the way youve recently changed unit selection for raids an battlegrounds also 

The bug is fixed now for the screen jumping back to the castle.

11 серп. 2018, 05:3911.08.18

KingAndreyAks said:

Здравствуйте, хотелось бы,чтобы было видно сообщение, которое набираешь в чате. Ввести захват замка. Убрать лаг, когда при выборе защитных войск атака равна защите и аналогично на атаке(выбираешь атаку у них АК же атака = защите). Улучшить графику,чтобы можно было разглядеть войска поближе. Уменьшить затраты на защитные войска(так как они выходят дороже).

Hello, I would like to see the message that you type in the chat. Enter the lock of the lock. To clear the lag when, when selecting defensive troops, the attack is equal to the defense and likewise on the attack (you choose the attack they have the AK attack = defense). Improve the graphics so that you can see the troops closer. Reduce the costs of defensive troops (since they go more expensive).

Выбор скоро изменится до нуля.

Что касается чата, в самом ближайшем будущем разработчики игр сделают чат в Лиге открытым по умолчанию :)

The selection will change to zero soon.

As for chat, in the very near future, game developers will make League chat opened by default :)

11 серп. 2018, 05:4011.08.18

news said:

Зачем сделали при выборе юнитов на отправку автоматический выбор их максимума (это особенно неудобно при отправки разведки - обычно по одному).

Why did you make automatic selection of their maximum when sending units to send (this is especially inconvenient when sending reconnaissance, usually one at a time).

Вы отправляете слишком много отдельных сообщений haha
он будет исправлен

You are posting too many separate posts haha
it will be fixed

11 серп. 2018, 05:4211.08.18

Thorwall said:

Hy denke es wurde zuviel auf einmal geändert!!

Der chat und das Einheiten feld find ich nicht so toll

Animus Wächter find ich klasse und vor allem nicht so überteuert wie felsherz 

Neue champs hätt ich noch gewartet ...

Auch min ligaturm aber die Idee ist toll!!!

Lg thorwall

y think it was changed too much at once !!

I find the chat and the units field not so great

Animus guardians I find great and above all not as overpriced as rock heart

New champs I would have waited ...

Also min ligaturm but the idea is great !!!

Lg thorwall

So dass Sie damit beschäftigt sind, sie zu aktualisieren, haha

Was den Chat angeht, werden die Spieleentwickler in naher Zukunft den League Chat standardmäßig öffnen :)

So that you become busy updating them haha
As for chat, in the very near future, game developers will make League chat opened by default :

11 серп. 2018, 05:4311.08.18

Testa di Ferro said:

I tornei aggiunti sono un elemento favorevole, ma sul resto ho qualche appunto d fare: razzie e garitte con i nuovi aggiornamenti sono meno fluidi, andrebbe a mio avviso ripristinato il metodo precedente

The added tournaments are a favorable element, but on the rest I have some notes to do: raids and boxes with the new updates are less fluid, it would be in my opinion restored the previous method

L'errore è stato corretto e spero che continui a goderti il gioco

The error was fixed and hope you continue to enjoy the game

11 серп. 2018, 05:4511.08.18

City of Fred said:

The new up dates Are terrible sending   Troops just does not make sense why would I pick a troop that I want to send on a small raid and the game automatically Sends them all instead of starting at zero And have if the play raise it to what he/she wants to send . Also heaven forbid you touch something you did not plan to send and there goes 600  demons to their death . Yes it did happen and It sucks when it does. Sending raids from your reports you were able to go back after sending your troops on the raid and get rid of that report and go right to the next one. Now you have to go all the way back in get rid of the last report before you send the next.  Nothing about the update is user friendly 

Most of the bugs are fixed. I am sure you get used to new unit selection and may like it soon with time.

Unit selection will return to zero option soon in next game update.

11 серп. 2018, 05:4711.08.18

news said:

При выборе войск для атаки или защиты часто в левом верхнем углу идут завышенные показатели (в разы). Там 4акие-то ошибки в подсчетах. Приходится открывать марш и проверять реальную цифру часто, что неудобно. Уточните по поводу данного показателя. Это ошибка калькуляции в игре?

When choosing troops for attack or defense, often in the upper left corner there are overestimated figures (at times). There are some errors in the calculations. It is necessary to open the march and check the real figure often, which is inconvenient. Specify about this indicator. Is this a calculation error in the game?

Это была ошибка, которая исправлена сейчас. Надеюсь, вы привыкнете к новому обновлению с течением времени и получите удовольствие от своей игры.

Будьте уверены, что все вычисления должны работать нормально, хорошо.

It was an error which is fixed now. I hope you get used to new update over time and enjoy your game.

Rest assured all calculations should work as normal be okay

11 серп. 2018, 05:4911.08.18

Of all the modifications less functional was that of when we selected the unit, be it spy, attack or defense, this selection automatically play all the units present to be used. It was better when we could indicate how many would go into action, than having to subtract all and then select one.

11 серп. 2018, 05:5211.08.18
11 серп. 2018, 05:55(відредаговано)

Neptunium said:

Overall like the new updates and appreciate the constant refreshing of the game to maintain interest. I like the Tower and it will be interesting to see how the strategy develops; good way of involving league members

For people complaining about expense then leave! We all know what the score is re in app purchases

A few points:

I agree that defaulting to max no troops when raiding is silly; I really don't want to lose all my thieves by accident due to this silly issue

Not sure about Archmage; can it boost raided resources above the 50K limit for a single raid? If not then no point to it

When training is there any way of selecting max number to fill available training time rather than messing around with the slider

The beacon system is broken; not sure how you can fix it though; get the developers thinking!

I have stacks of dragon points and nothing to do with them; you found a new use for soul stones (which are too hard to come by in my view)

Holy bonds/sketches need to be (slightly) easier to come by - not suggesting you give them away but far too scarce currently

Overall very happy

- Unit selection will return to zero option soon in next game update.

- When you get the raid for less than 50k resource you may notice the change and it will also depend on your champ level

- The training menu may not change.

- Game developers are working on it now and we hope next updates will make Beacons more interesting. Plarium is collecting feedback from players regarding Massacre. If you have any feedback or good ideas for improving beacons strategy you may please suggest on a separate thread post here

- New dragon arts will come in future.

- Its all matter of luck, keep playing