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Champion changes (Urogrim)

Champion changes (Urogrim)

Oct 4, 2021, 03:5210/04/21

First where is which is not civil tone. Second, maybe you are not Plarium employees, maybe working you here for free..., but everytime where Plarium did a mistake we feel the loyality towards them and you guys trying to save them, with damage control answers. The truth is truth, no matter how trying someone hide it. Plarium did mistake, they waiting almost 2 months without fix, waiting for users money, who upgraded those Urogrims. Its time compensate them.

We aren't defending Plarium. We're here to keep things calm, help other players in any way we can, and pass your feedback to Plarium, nothing more. 

False information is always going to be edited out and corrected. 

Oct 4, 2021, 10:0510/04/21

I am free-to-play player, but lately I was considering to spend 50-100 euros a month on this game. (It would not hurt my wallet at all). However if this Urogrim nerf will really happen and without resource compensation to players who invested in him,  then spending money on this game , even a bit, will no longer be in consideration. I will remain free-to-play untill I get tired of this game and quit.

Oct 5, 2021, 04:2610/05/21

Anyone who's rational could admit that Urogrim's power level was high, which isnt necessarily a bad thing. There're some champions (even at epic or rare level) that excel over the rest and its healthy since its exciting to seek for, pull and finally use these kind of champions. It feels rewarding. Anyhow it is a void epic which on its own is hard to obtain.

A nerf to Urogrim although I don't agree with, its understandable. However the problem isn't the fact its getting nerfed but how excessive it is, the timing on the nerf and the apparent lack of compensation. Altogether it feels unfair

Now Urgrim soloing stage 25 dungeons requires a level of gear that the average player simply cannot achieve, and should not be the benchmark.

Some of the changes could be fine, but all of them together is extreme. Increasing the A3 cooldown significantly affects it's utility and it throws things off on team composition and tuning

AT LEAST the A1 ability should stay as three hits. Reducing it is unnecessary, and it makes the tier 6 mastery Giantslayer worthless, which requires an entire mastery reset to replace it with Warmaster or any other T6 mastery.

Oct 5, 2021, 13:3310/05/21

Ok, the nerfed Urogrim. But at least they buffed Geomancer in return with the actual upgrade. 800 Mio UNM with 1 key. 🙀


Oct 5, 2021, 15:2810/05/21

Tested the nerfed Uro on my unkillable unm clan boss team. 25% dmg loss and I almost die during the setup because I am missing the extra heal and the extra cd. So I tried it, I still hate it. The one less hit in the A1 really hurts for cb and the one less heal really hurts for a support spot on my teams. 

Oct 6, 2021, 00:5210/06/21

Please refund my investment in Urogrim. That would only be fair to your customers and the players that love this game right. Thank you in advance. 

Oct 6, 2021, 06:5710/06/21

There was a solution 

Promote Urogrim to Sacred without changing it. 

The players who had it would have been happy 

Plarium who had made an epic too strong too

And everyone was happy 

Now we change without compensation, we ignore the player who spent resources or real money for this character...

in short ..... customer satisfaction? what is it? 

Not content with disgusting the F2P you also disgust the players who like me put  money.(reasonably )

Well now if the game is self-financed by the whales say it directly that we do not waste time on the game unnecessarily 

Oct 6, 2021, 07:1610/06/21

Urogrim nerf is just too much. I don't mind if he is nerfed a bit but this nerf is just way too hard. 

I think Plarium should adjust the nerf and re-balance him.

Oct 6, 2021, 07:1610/06/21

Hi Plarium,

All these remarks are valid. If you offer a toon that is very good the whole comunity will chase after that to add to their user experience. People invest time, resources and often real money into building a toon and often a team around a toon like that.

When you write "along with some Champion balance changes to help you get over some common PvP & PvE hurdles." Plarium is doing the opposite and that is pissing a lot of people off.

Even worse with Geomancer, as people bought chards to get him in the guaranteed event. While the chards system is a form of gambling that could bring people in serious trouble (on a side note). CHanging a char so soon after that is like a slap in the face to the players that have invested.

I am not agry, but very disapointed in Plarium!!!

The game is a cash cow, I know, at least let the community have the change to use 'OP' toons for a longer period of time.

A response and action to the players from Plarium would be apreciated.

Oct 6, 2021, 07:4710/06/21

There was a solution 

Promote Urogrim to Sacred without changing it. 

The players who had it would have been happy 

Plarium who had made an epic too strong too

And everyone was happy 

Now we change without compensation, we ignore the player who spent resources or real money for this character...

in short ..... customer satisfaction? what is it? 

Not content with disgusting the F2P you also disgust the players who like me put  money.(reasonably )

Well now if the game is self-financed by the whales say it directly that we do not waste time on the game unnecessarily 

U really think that Plarium care if Urogrim was epic, legendary or SUPRAlegendary champ?

It is unrealistic to expect compensation from Plarium for at least 2 reasons :

- they are nerfing champs on almost every upgrade ( so almost weekly). If they will compensate players each time when they nerf a champ will be a disaster for them . 

- if they start with Urogrim that will be like opening Pandora's box ( each  and every players will ask for compensation on every nerf)

Oct 6, 2021, 07:5810/06/21

the nerf for rebalancing in a game doesn't shock me  

only in Raid a character is linked to resources like books which are long to get and need expensive resources

13 books anyway on Urogrim!

Oct 6, 2021, 08:1410/06/21
Oct 6, 2021, 08:15(edited)

Hi all

joining the others with the frustration from latest patch. Have invested so much in Urogrim it is really dissapointing from Plarium to take such decision. 

I am ok if that was needed for good balance (not into details here..), but without giving people to choose what to do either keep it as it is geared or giving a choice to get resources back is a really bad.

It feels like somebody stole directly from me.

I would want my invested resources back! You can strip down and put back to lv 1 Urogrim back if that is fair..

Oct 6, 2021, 12:0110/06/21


I have invested a lot in Urogrim and built many teams around the character. I understand as well that a nerf is sometimes needed. But not offering players some form a compensation when the character is barely a few months old is unacceptable. Will anyone feel comfortable spending money in this game again? 

Oct 6, 2021, 21:2610/06/21
Oct 7, 2021, 06:06(edited)

 Edited out everything, replaced with a hell hades video about how good Urogrim still . - Harbs

Oct 7, 2021, 05:3810/07/21

I was going to say that the person who lost the most here was whichever dev conceived of and designed Urogrim only to have his/her masterpiece urinated on by some drunk fratboy dev.  Then I realized that the real loser here is Urogrim.  

Oh Urogrim.  You toss those two poisons at the bad guys and pop that one plus sign up over your friends' heads Little Buddy...Keep your beautiful urine-drenched double chin-up.  *sniffle* keep it up...

Oct 7, 2021, 16:2110/07/21

I'm still confused how they can justify, "Compensating," geomancer owners for the possibility on losing  1-2 clanboss chest, but not for a urogrim nerf that was approximated to be a 50% nerf?

Where is the equality in that?

Oct 8, 2021, 14:1510/08/21

Well, I guess Plarium thinks that throwing 1 promocode is enough for compensation. They only care for top 1% of the players.

All Plarium's decisions lately was to punish F2P and low spenders and make our experience in this game as miserable as possible unless we pay. 

At this point I'm hesitant to invest in new dwarf epic (Demytha). What if she's "too good" and need to be "fixed" in few month.

Oct 10, 2021, 01:3210/10/21

So uro gets nerfed as he was too op against paylarium content,  yet siphi and warlord are waaay too op in pvp but that's fine.  Screw you paylarium 

Oct 10, 2021, 13:4710/10/21