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(Important Notice) Steel Bowyer Rebalance

(Important Notice) Steel Bowyer Rebalance

Aug 8, 2019, 17:5608/08/19
Literally spent money yesterday on skill books for steel bowyer, I didn't mind spending money for the time of entertainment gained, but won't be spending any more money or even bother wasting my time playing the game. Why should we spend time and money levelling up champions for you to effectively destroy weeks of levelling up in an update! 
Aug 8, 2019, 18:0008/08/19

You said the champ was still viable against CB - with attack at 33% of pre nerf that is either a lie or you are deluded.

Complete waste of my time and money. The rare tomes are lost and it will take weeks to replace them as you have decided that to provide any measure of compensation.

Easy fix - quit the game and play something else.

Marius - change your profile pic from that idiot holding the goblet it looks as though you are mocking the community, puts me on life tilt!
Aug 8, 2019, 18:5908/08/19

This champion is now my first 6* in the Vault because you can't use her anymore. Nowhere!

Sorry Plarium but you're digging yourself a grave. Every word you said was just simply to prevent the sh*tstorm and now you got it. I hope more and more players see what kind of game you play with the ppl playing your game.

Saying she will still be "viable" and just gets a little adjustment was simply lied into the faces of the users. The players who brought her to 6* can't even use her as fodder. F*ck the skillbooks, gimme 5 5* chicken and 2k energy for Minotaur as compensation! 

Aug 8, 2019, 21:1808/08/19
Cirilla said:

Hello all! The SB will be nerfed in 1.10, as you may have already heard. The downgrade won't be critical. The champion will still be great for Clan Bosses, as well as for Dungeons. You will find out more very soon.
I have spent money on your game - and will never again. This absolutely ridiculous lie - great for cbs at around 20% of the previous damage. Crilla- you need sacked or disciplined. Probably best you don’t post anymore.
Aug 8, 2019, 23:4008/08/19

I have been silently observing what is going on with this game and on this forum and now feel like is time to speak up as well.

I do not frequent this forum on a daily basis but I was lucky enough to read this announcement in time.

I did not invest skill books but I have invested time and energy to level up the character to 50 and unlocked the first two mastery tiers.

From my point of view the skills of this character are just of use for Clan Boss therefore I also spent time and energy to farm specific equipment.

What I expected after reading the announcement was a slight adjustment that would put damage output in line with Coldheart.

I fail to see how Steel Bowyer after this patch is supposed to be a "viable" character for Clanboss.

While not all posts are phrased politely I feel like the customers are right to be angry.

This drastic change should have been announced in the in game news section and players should have been compensated properly as the update was released.

All energy, skill books, silver spent in this game have a real world money value.

If characters are changed in such extreme ways customers need to be provided with the option to transfer skill books, mastery scrolls and equipment to other characters. 

As others suggested a compensation in the form of energy and chickens spent on the character seems reasonable as well.

Customers need to be able to trust that the time and money they invest in this game are treated with respect.

Aug 9, 2019, 03:4708/09/19
And mine is LV60 so I can't even use her as food ;(
Aug 9, 2019, 07:3308/09/19
Hey guys, i call this robery during white day. I spent week to put her on level 60 and invested 18 skill books, not even counting money for energy and now you did totaly useless crap from that champ without any compensation and on support you sent me just prewrited answer. Thats how you treat paying customers? She was not even that mutch op, like other rare champs, like cold heard, belower or apothecary. I spent over 1000 euro for this game, but this was last drop. You lost one well paying customer right now and i hope it was worth of it for you. Well done 
Aug 9, 2019, 07:4608/09/19

Yeah Standard answer from the support. I demanded compensation, they came with "if you have login problems, please try to use a vpn". I think there are no words I can use right now which aren't against the tos here. 

Aug 9, 2019, 10:5608/09/19
Aug 9, 2019, 11:58(edited)
I really thought with all the time it took to finally implement the SB change that it was going to be a well thought out change that resulted in a useful character after the “rebalance”. Instead, you simply removed ability without adding anything useful, just like you did with PK, making it garbage. You allowed people to invest in the character this whole time, then just nerfed it to hell. That’s pretty egregious.  

Marius stated earlier that rebalancing in competitive multiplayer games is not uncommon. Sure, I get that, but that’s a BS reason. Neither PK or SB were throwing off the balance of the (barely) competitive side of this game. Nobody was complaining about either of them throwing off arena balance. You killed them both because you felt they were too good on CB for rares, and rares are easier to get than legendaries. It wasn’t a player vs player balance issue. It was a Plarium vs player’s wallet issue for you.

So tell me, with a game that’s based entirely on collecting and building champions, that commoditizes EVERYTHING related to collecting and building those champions (even energy to play is a commodity in this game!), why should I bother investing in characters when you will just nerf them to uselessness without any compensation? Why would I trust you enough to spend a dime on this game after the PK and SB nerfs have shown me I may be throwing money away? Why should anyone?

Why is it not obvious this is the message you’re sending to your playerbase? Do you not care about customer retention and long term stability or do you just lack the business acumen to know better?    
Aug 9, 2019, 19:5208/09/19

It has been said before here but if it's true: you nerfed SB into uselessness. She was good agains CB, but not the best on my team (Jotun outperforms her in every fight in damage output and durability). She was ONLY good against CB, but now even that is gone.

Some have said that they understand the nerf, but I don't. 
Aug 10, 2019, 03:1308/10/19

I received a response that I would not be compensated for maxing out all skills for steel bowyer. I have wasted time, energy, and money leveling up the best champ I could obtain. I will give plarium a week to compensate me (books/energy or return the champ to its previous stat line are what I see as “fair”). 

After a week, I will delete the game and move on with my life.  I understand the need to balance the game, but compensate for YOUR mistake.
Aug 10, 2019, 14:5608/10/19
Wow so I wasted all of the resources and TIME getting the steel bowyer to 50 for her to get nerfed? And I’m not getting compensated for everything I invested? Looks like I’m done spending money on this game. Turned into a complete waste of time and effort. Once you realized the champ was getting nerfed why didn’t you disable her instead of giving people a month to waste a good portion of resources on her. ive spent well over 100$ on this game to get one POS legendary (ma’shalled) and now I’ve had about enough with this steel bowyer scenario. Reducing the damage of an ability on a champ by 66% isn’t called nerfing them it is completely destroying them just like you are doing to your fan base. 
Aug 11, 2019, 06:5308/11/19

chandler232 said:

Wow so I wasted all of the resources and TIME getting the steel bowyer to 50 for her to get nerfed? And I’m not getting compensated for everything I invested? Looks like I’m done spending money on this game. Turned into a complete waste of time and effort. Once you realized the champ was getting nerfed why didn’t you disable her instead of giving people a month to waste a good portion of resources on her. ive spent well over 100$ on this game to get one POS legendary (ma’shalled) and now I’ve had about enough with this steel bowyer scenario. Reducing the damage of an ability on a champ by 66% isn’t called nerfing them it is completely destroying them just like you are doing to your fan base. 
It's actually more than 66 percent when you add in the increased cool down

Aug 12, 2019, 00:1608/12/19
Aug 12, 2019, 00:19(edited)

lindechene said:

I have been silently observing what is going on with this game and on this forum and now feel like is time to speak up as well.

I do not frequent this forum on a daily basis but I was lucky enough to read this announcement in time.

I did not invest skill books but I have invested time and energy to level up the character to 50 and unlocked the first two mastery tiers.

From my point of view the skills of this character are just of use for Clan Boss therefore I also spent time and energy to farm specific equipment.

What I expected after reading the announcement was a slight adjustment that would put damage output in line with Coldheart.

I fail to see how Steel Bowyer after this patch is supposed to be a "viable" character for Clanboss.

While not all posts are phrased politely I feel like the customers are right to be angry.

This drastic change should have been announced in the in game news section and players should have been compensated properly as the update was released.

All energy, skill books, silver spent in this game have a real world money value.

If characters are changed in such extreme ways customers need to be provided with the option to transfer skill books, mastery scrolls and equipment to other characters. 

As others suggested a compensation in the form of energy and chickens spent on the character seems reasonable as well.

Customers need to be able to trust that the time and money they invest in this game are treated with respect.

I do not agree with some of your ideas. I think that energy is free, so mastery scrolls won't happen. Even if you bought energy in a pack, it still makes no sense. 

As for chickens it is a shady area are because on one side you can technically use any nerfed champion as food. On another if u paid money for 5* chickens and used them to lvl up to 6* you are losing out a lot, but I cannot imagine them lvl down that hero. However, without an option to refund books invested plarium ties ours hands from using that nerfed full of books champion as food because its too precious. It is like throwing money to the bin. 

Books should be returned to people that pay for them because nerfing a champion is devaluing the value of that digital asset bought with money. 

Ideally a method to track all purchasable goods like books and chickens should be developed to track where this resources where used. If any nerfed/buff do happen an option to return these should be presented to people as a form of good will.

We all know that books are not cheap, thus please keep that in mind Plarium and do what is just. 

Aug 12, 2019, 15:5308/12/19
So are we gonna get compensated for all the time, gems, and skill books we wasted on her? This is really making me reluctant to buy/use anything on any of my champions because if they get too strong they just get downgraded and its a waste 
Aug 12, 2019, 16:2308/12/19
glizdazla said:

lindechene said:

I have been silently observing what is going on with this game and on this forum and now feel like is time to speak up as well.

I do not frequent this forum on a daily basis but I was lucky enough to read this announcement in time.

I did not invest skill books but I have invested time and energy to level up the character to 50 and unlocked the first two mastery tiers.

From my point of view the skills of this character are just of use for Clan Boss therefore I also spent time and energy to farm specific equipment.

What I expected after reading the announcement was a slight adjustment that would put damage output in line with Coldheart.

I fail to see how Steel Bowyer after this patch is supposed to be a "viable" character for Clanboss.

While not all posts are phrased politely I feel like the customers are right to be angry.

This drastic change should have been announced in the in game news section and players should have been compensated properly as the update was released.

All energy, skill books, silver spent in this game have a real world money value.

If characters are changed in such extreme ways customers need to be provided with the option to transfer skill books, mastery scrolls and equipment to other characters. 

As others suggested a compensation in the form of energy and chickens spent on the character seems reasonable as well.

Customers need to be able to trust that the time and money they invest in this game are treated with respect.

I do not agree with some of your ideas. I think that energy is free, so mastery scrolls won't happen. Even if you bought energy in a pack, it still makes no sense. 

As for chickens it is a shady area are because on one side you can technically use any nerfed champion as food. On another if u paid money for 5* chickens and used them to lvl up to 6* you are losing out a lot, but I cannot imagine them lvl down that hero. However, without an option to refund books invested plarium ties ours hands from using that nerfed full of books champion as food because its too precious. It is like throwing money to the bin. 

Books should be returned to people that pay for them because nerfing a champion is devaluing the value of that digital asset bought with money. 

Ideally a method to track all purchasable goods like books and chickens should be developed to track where this resources where used. If any nerfed/buff do happen an option to return these should be presented to people as a form of good will.

We all know that books are not cheap, thus please keep that in mind Plarium and do what is just. 

why only people that paid for books and stuff should be compensated? thats just stupid.. I purchased some stuff in this game but everybody should be compensated because it was THEIR MISTAKE to get out this hero and after 2 weeks nerf him.. nobody should suffer because of that because those players will quit this game.. and even when somebody pay for books and stuff, what if they used for this hero their non purchased book? they are screwed? that is the most stupid idea that I heard in a while to compensate only those that paid for stuff to upgrade that hero
Aug 13, 2019, 02:0708/13/19

Upgrade Rarity instead of Nerfing?

If a rare champion is performing better then epic or legendary champions would it not be an alternative option to simply adjust the rarity of the champion to match the performance?

Instead of completely changing the mechanic of the champion would it not have been an option to simply change the rarity to epic?

- Players would need to spend more potions to ascend.

- Players would need epic skill books.

- The champion would be more difficult to attain

Aug 13, 2019, 07:2508/13/19
funny how Marius and Cirilla doesnt even want to reply anymore because they know how greedy liars they are...
Aug 13, 2019, 11:4408/13/19
Aug 13, 2019, 11:44(edited)

alette11 said:

funny how Marius and Cirilla doesnt even want to reply anymore because they know how greedy liars they are...

Marius got "promoted" so he doesn't respond to posts anymore. Cirilla I got nothing on and I haven't seen Valkyrie in forever.

Aug 21, 2019, 11:5408/21/19
scepticllama said:

I hope you guys are planning on giving us a way to get back the books we have invested. You literally released the champion less than 2 weeks ago, and now you guys are nerfing her making all the effort a lot of us went trough completely useless. Some of us spent money to make this character good for clan boss. If you don't give us a way of getting the resources back im gonna go demand a refund imedietly. This is scammy!
I asked for a refund for these reasons and they said they'd be happy to refund me if I didn't use the items. 
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