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Update Highlights 1.15

Update Highlights 1.15

Apr 29, 2020, 14:0404/29/20

Add extra levels to achieve. Won’t they cost a lot of energy to achieve? Then why not add more energy per level? Cuz the player base that spends will have to spend more to achieve the levels. Won’t that make them angry? They are always angry. If not this than something else

Apr 29, 2020, 14:1904/29/20

So skrag under veil buff gets what. 0.15*0.10=1.5%dmg reduction


0.15+0.15*0.1=16.5‰dmg reduction


0.1+0.1*0.15=11.5% dmg reduction

Istead of 25% before patch

Apr 29, 2020, 14:3004/29/20
Finally the clan boss is how it should have been when you made the game.   Fixes to your errors,   Quality of life issues fixing your weird problems.   Chest increases as it was utter garbage before.   And level increase without the energy which was the only significant thing about increasing our levels.  Wtf another minimum effort award for you.  Bet you are going to call this another huge feature update?
Apr 29, 2020, 14:3004/29/20
Plarium, thank you for the update during this very difficult time, not only for us, but also for you and your family.  It is very much appreciated.  There are some very good suggestions in the comments. Please don't let the comments made in frustration obscure those nuggets...Thank you for your efforts!! I wish the best for you and yours.
Apr 29, 2020, 14:5704/29/20

Wow nice ARENA patch.. that was big turn-off for beginners (as they faced lv.60 user with all maxed leveled champions in like Bronze 2~4)

What a thoughtful and quality-enhancing patch. Well done Plarium! way to go!
Apr 29, 2020, 15:0504/29/20

xandergonefar said:

So by making those moves multiplicative rather than additive, would that be a nerf


 Just to be clear what the difference is: 

We have -30% damage reduction from artifact set and -10% from the skill. In total, it's -40%, skills and set are additive.

Example of how it will work after 1.15:

We have -30% damage reduction using the set of artifacts and then we remove -10% from that previously removed number. 

Apr 29, 2020, 15:0804/29/20
Kilgorn said:

I wish you lot would fix Altan's A2.........
Can you, please, elaborate on that, so I can forward your feedback. 
Apr 29, 2020, 15:1004/29/20
Kakophonix said:

I wish to see some day 'training arena' for clanmates. We really needed duels to check how some team works against specific champs or teams.
Thank you for the suggestion. I will forward that to CMs
Apr 29, 2020, 15:2404/29/20
acockerill73 said:

Whilst there are many questionable things here it is important to focus on the positives. The clan boss is a great change and looks good so great work plarium. Please keep fixing champions and bring us the void dungeon. Also the arena tournament looks good.
Thank you for your feedback.
Apr 29, 2020, 15:2804/29/20

Here we go with another round of LOSING PLAYERS because your not listening (for whatever reason) and not willing to make simple and necessary changes to things, such as letting the energy pool go up with the increased player level cap....Lets atleast hope that the 5lvl milestone rewards wont be as underwhelming as the daily login rewards you added. Its such a shame really, so many of us want to be on your side. We want to believe your turning a corner and becoming better as listening to us and what WE need in the game to continue to be your customers...which you should always remember...

I will say that if NOTHING ELSE, I am pleased with the clan boss change. Even if it was something that should have happened long ago, atleast its happening now and is a welcome improvement in the function (not content) of the game. SO we can all get the damage we need without worry.

Apr 29, 2020, 15:3804/29/20
Fractious said:

Love the Clan Boss and Arena update!
Thank you for your feedback.
Apr 29, 2020, 15:4004/29/20
nizhnikovm1 said:

Please please do something about rank upgrading. It is such a pain to scroll through every time to the bottom of the 200 champs to fuse 1 to 2 stars.  Before 1.13 it would just automatically stay at the place where you last chose the champ but after it goes right to the top. That would be such a huge QOL thing for us.  Also, if there was a way to upgrade more than one champ at a time that would be amazing. 
I will forward your suggestion, thank you.
Apr 29, 2020, 16:0104/29/20
герач said:

Main question is about heroes balance.

Skrags 15% damage reduction is now multiplicative but norogs 15% damage reduction stays same addative! Same as coffin smashers 5%. What's the point of nerfing this meanic only on half of the heroes. Or I didn't got it right? 

Thank you for pointing that out. I will find the info about that.
Apr 29, 2020, 16:1604/29/20

Man I love how you deleted my post even though it was amongst the most upvoted here just because I wrote f and a couple of stars. I did make it as polite as I could.

See a negative comment? Just delete it :D

Way to go Plarium, you have lost yet another player.
Apr 29, 2020, 16:5904/29/20
lorelogic said:

Plarium, thank you for the update during this very difficult time, not only for us, but also for you and your family.  It is very much appreciated.  There are some very good suggestions in the comments. Please don't let the comments made in frustration obscure those nuggets...Thank you for your efforts!! I wish the best for you and yours.
Thank you for your kind words.
Apr 29, 2020, 17:0104/29/20
Apr 29, 2020, 17:43(edited)
Rafiki said:

Man I love how you deleted my post even though it was amongst the most upvoted here just because I wrote f and a couple of stars. I did make it as polite as I could.

See a negative comment? Just delete it :D

Way to go Plarium, you have lost yet another player.
Pls follow the forum rules. Posts are only deleted if they go against the rules.
Apr 29, 2020, 17:2104/29/20
Angry Lady said:

Rafiki said:

Man I love how you deleted my post even though it was amongst the most upvoted here just because I wrote f and a couple of stars. I did make it as polite as I could.

See a negative comment? Just delete it :D

Way to go Plarium, you have lost yet another player.
Pls follow the forum rules. Post are only deleted if they go against the rules.
Yes I did read the forum rules. No I don't think I broke any of them. Anyway it doesn't matter to me anymore. I get the message. Good bye
Apr 29, 2020, 17:4704/29/20
So the change to Duchesse Lilitu made her skill useless, unless We use Stalwart? I understand that adding can get problematic when closing in to 100% but why not just hard cap it to 50% instead of nerfing separate champions. Whats the point of having etheral ways now that it does close to nothing?
Apr 29, 2020, 18:3504/29/20
Angry Lady said:

Rafiki said:

Man I love how you deleted my post even though it was amongst the most upvoted here just because I wrote f and a couple of stars. I did make it as polite as I could.

See a negative comment? Just delete it :D

Way to go Plarium, you have lost yet another player.
Pls follow the forum rules. Posts are only deleted if they go against the rules.

Apr 29, 2020, 18:3504/29/20
So if the clan bosses no longer die, will there be no more double chests?