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The reward system on Battlegrounds is now secure against attempts to obtain Units in an unfair way!

The reward system on Battlegrounds is now secure against attempts to obtain Units in an unfair way!

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
26 июнь 2016, 11:0426.06.16

Stormfall said:

I saw few comments here and in game chat claiming that there is a way of doing BGs and actually gaining troops and power, an exploit. People I asked either didnt know or didnt trusted me enough to share that information with me.

Can someone confirm that that was the case and this is why Plarium changed BGs mechanics. Or did that great method was yellow barring and in that case shame on you Plarium.

17 September, 2015, 11:50 AM UTC

There are certain core ideas that are needed to clearly understand

These ideas will help players to better understand the system and get rewards.

1) BG’s Works on a bank system

2) The Big Rewards are given once the bank has been paid, plus interest

3) Any Small Reward increases the bank, plus interest

4) Every BG needs its own amount banked to get a big payout from it.


The bank represents a total value of the last reward you received from a Regular Bg. This value must be considered a loan, and the next reward will arrive after successfully eliminating a mission once the loan has been satisfied, with interest.

Nothing in this game is a guarantee, especially when dealing with mathematical algorithms. There are variances, changes and randomness added all the time.


The bank value, also known as ‘The Bank’ is what you need to repay before you get another reward. By adding 12.5% interest to the bank, you reduce the chance of coming in under your bank. Technically the bank should reward you as soon as you reach it, however, it doesn’t always. The Interest will reduce your efficiency in reaching the bank, but help ensure a reward when you arrive.

Can the interest be reduced? Yes, but you run the chance of underestimating and by undershooting the bank on a successful elimination, may either run out of missions or overspend by too much to make the next reward profitable.

Ok, then lets go with an example:

I have received my last big payout lets say, 2800 necromancers.

I have to construct my bank from now and the first i have to do is to set how much in resources are those 2800 necromancers, so i realized they are 29.708.000 in resources.

Now i have to add the interest of 12.5% to that amount: 3.713.500 so my new bank to construct is a total of 33.421.500 of resources.

I begin to spend troops yellowing all bgs i have in my Eagle nest and in some moment i know i have spent 34.000.000. Then is the moment to see which bg is going to pay me. I noticed i have yellowed a level 65 which need arround 32.500.000 to bank for a payout, so i finish it and i should receive a big payout from it.

The process beguins again.

What happens if i finish one bg during my banking run and it pays me a small payout???

Then you have to calculate how much in resources is that small payout.

In the example, that i have to bank 33.421.500 for my big payout i finish one bg and it pays me let say 210 necromancers in a level 58. Then we have to add that amount to the bank plus the 12.5% of interest.

210 necros  2.228.100 resources

12.5% interés  278.512 resources

Total to add _>2.506.612

So now my new bank to construct is 33.421.500 + 2.506.612 = 35.928.112 resources.

This have to be done for every small payout i could get during my banking run.

The point is completing the bank and get the big payout when bank is full and then start all process again.

Hope this can help you all.


this was posted by a forum moderator.

no big secret. no loophole to be exploited by a select few.


26 июнь 2016, 11:0426.06.16

Nemanja said:

Lord Bohara,

as you can see we are Forum moderators not Game moderators. Our role is to maintain culture of dialogue in this Forum and to advice players. Plarium employess are seriously considering all of your remarks.

Instead of complaining for your loss you should be grateful to Plarium for recent BG algorithm changes. From now on no one will misuse BG's and you won't facing anymore an armies with 40m troops. 

also you say "instead of complaining for your loss you should be greatful to plarium?

So I spend a few hundred dollars and buy and build an army and I should be happy with plarium when I loose everything cause they wanted to make changes to there BG's

guess you play for free cause the coiners are mad!

how would you feel if you spent $500 on 1000 dragons only to have plarium turn around and change there strength from dragon to the strength of a pikeman... bet you would feel really ripped off right?

you spend money for something and then they change it to screw you over.

money well spent.
26 июнь 2016, 11:0926.06.16

Bohara said:

guys there is no big secret, all the required info is available from the forum. or by searching the net.

clearing bg's and getting rewards all the time wrecks the bank. even turning the rewards straight back into the bank will eventually mean that the amount you have banked will be way higher than the possible reward.

a simple sread sheet to track your losses and rewards is all you need to keep track

I do BG's every day. building up bit by bit. but today I loose pretty much everything I have worked to build since the start of server 2.

sure lots of things are still the same but these changes are bad really really bad.. we will no longer be able to build armies like we used to its just going to eat up our troops.

we loose way more then we gain now..
26 июнь 2016, 11:2426.06.16

Techway_GrandMarshal said:

Bohara said:

guys there is no big secret, all the required info is available from the forum. or by searching the net.

clearing bg's and getting rewards all the time wrecks the bank. even turning the rewards straight back into the bank will eventually mean that the amount you have banked will be way higher than the possible reward.

a simple sread sheet to track your losses and rewards is all you need to keep track

I do BG's every day. building up bit by bit. but today I loose pretty much everything I have worked to build since the start of server 2.

sure lots of things are still the same but these changes are bad really really bad.. we will no longer be able to build armies like we used to its just going to eat up our troops.

we loose way more then we gain now..

which brings back to the point that only one being disadvantaged by the old system was plarium, and there was no select few eploiting the system.
just a big load of horse shit to force people to purchase there big armies instead of earning them by playing the game.
I use the term horse shit as it the poorest form of natural fertaliser, were as bull shit is slightly better.

26 июнь 2016, 11:5326.06.16

This might just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. The coiners are seething (understandably so) because they realise they are now being fleeced. 

Good luck to plarium getting players to spend at every offer they throw our way (even if it's an 80% offer). As for me, I will save my money & wait for a better game to come along. They always do.

26 июнь 2016, 12:0826.06.16

Basically, and finally, Mods are on their right places, and we can talk on forum without their constantly mining our conversations.

Long time ago we stated need for someone who really know how to answer on our questions, we asked for Developer, or any other title, but someone from who we can bring to us right information.

Why we haven't such role on forum Mods should continue to represent it. Mods, you finally have right (100%) but don't be crying child and continue to work with us until you will be finally changed. After all what you did you deserved the rest, but make a little ore effort in empty time. TY!
26 июнь 2016, 13:0426.06.16

ok one more thing.

what attracted me to this game in the first place was its balance, between free play and pay to play.

there were plenty of options for free players to compete with pay to play people.

that has slowly been erroaded over the last twelve months, and wether plarium likes it or not

free to play players make up the greatest portion of people who play. and now all you have done

is make it so they cannot be competative.which explains why there are so many dead accounts on the map.

I have spent my fare share of my hard earned money to suport the game, but all the recent changes have not 

been in the best intrest of your customers.or your free players.

put the battleground system back the way it was so free to play people can be competative. and offer a better packages sytem that 

allows people to spend less all the time, don't keep increasing the cost of pakages each time you buy one, to the point where 

they becomes unafordable.

26 июнь 2016, 14:2726.06.16
27 июнь 2016, 18:14(отредактировано)

Nemanja said:

Instead of complaining for your loss you should be grateful to Plarium for recent BG algorithm changes. From now on no one will misuse BG's and you won't facing anymore an armies with 40m troops. 

You claim to be only a forum moderator, so where is your evidence that anyone is misusing BG's and receiving armies of 40m troops?
This is total propaganda, a smokescreen to hide the truth

Nobody has ever been given more units than their resource bank would allow - what they got out, they first paid in... same as everyone else did.

Plarium are now claiming that yellow lining is an unfair exploit, but if this were true then why did they ask the author's permission to publish this on their website?



Ok, so 2 different types of payouts. Tell me how to fill the Bank!

The easiest way what most refer to as ‘Grinding’. This is accomplished by raiding (for the red infests) or defending (the green infests) without actually destroying them. This keeps the resources in the bank without having them paid out. Hit the infests until the status bar on them turns yellow. It’s easier to grind down the Defensive (Green) infests because the total amount of mutant or troops will be displayed on the combat report. If you are unsure if what you send will be too much and kill the infest, there is always the option to send defensive units to an offensive infest and vice versa.

This article was written by player Steven Van Scoter, who granted permission for it to be posted on Plarium.com."


This was written for Total Domination, but we all know that their Infestations are identical to our Battlegrounds

This proves to me, beyond any doubt, that yellow lining has always been a legitimate strategy ... and has never given EXTRA units - only the units that were legitimately earned by filling the resource bank

26 июнь 2016, 14:4526.06.16
26 июнь 2016, 14:46(отредактировано)

I narrowed my comments because last several posts revealed this cheat.

Reason for change is nothing than dust in eyes.

And I don't like it.

If something takes taxes from you, there is no way to get more than you invested.

Truth? Plarium only knows.

Too many sapps Plarium spent for Celebrating. Somebody has to pay for that.

26 июнь 2016, 15:3326.06.16

Falcon said:

This might just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. The coiners are seething (understandably so) because they realise they are now being fleeced. 

Good luck to plarium getting players to spend at every offer they throw our way (even if it's an 80% offer). As for me, I will save my money & wait for a better game to come along. They always do.

I am so glad you brought this point up. its one of the reason for so many of my post cause i'm upset... plarium just lost out on my 5x $49 = $250 from there package cause i'm not buying it to loose all my troops and saphires.. i'm upset cause I was trying to build an army but not stupid enough to spend money if I loose all my troops on BG's

plarium really lacks the understanding that people cant build or buy enough troops fast enough to play the game at a fast paste. it takes time and strategy to be good at this game. but really upsetting when plarium can affect your losses better then you your self can.

26 июнь 2016, 21:0426.06.16

im having players quit over this. 

Techway is right. the game cannot be played at a fast enough pace without having a 6 figure income to pour into building armies.
27 июнь 2016, 08:0427.06.16

My Lords, this is my view on battelgrounds:

Battelground is store that we use to swap low level units, Infantry and Cavalry for higher obes Occults and Bestiary. In this process YOU NEED TO PAY TAX, Why? well just look at occult and bestiary units build time.
From my point of you as player, if there is glitch fix it, but there is still way for good payout / please look at photo and date /. Max payout for lvl 97 is 81 milion in resources and in this photo we have payout of 88milions in resources

27 июнь 2016, 09:0827.06.16
29 июнь 2016, 13:03(отредактировано)

Vladimir Stojanovic said:

My Lords, this is my view on battelgrounds:

Battelground is store that we use to swap low level units, Infantry and Cavalry for higher obes Occults and Bestiary. In this process YOU NEED TO PAY TAX, Why? well just look at occult and bestiary units build time.
From my point of you as player, if there is glitch fix it, but there is still way for good payout / please look at photo and date /. Max payout for lvl 97 is 81 milion in resources and in this photo we have payout of 88milions in resources

True it was for swapping low level units for high level units, but

1)more correctly, it was to convert units with high food consumption to power( be it offense or defense) ratio to units with a low ratio. this requirement is now redundant given that units are no longer dismissed for lack of food.

2)the impaired ability to bank troops because of all the mini payouts of fairly poor quality troops means that those players using lower level battlegrounds are particularly hampered in their ability to build up occult and bestiary troops. This will most affect newer players

3)depending on the purpose of the example you quote, it could be quite misleading. i seriously doubt that you sent only infantry and cavalry to this battleground since with the tax the amount of infantry and cavalry needed to fill the bank would take around 30-40 weeks to produce

So the real question is, with the nerfed payouts and the removal of need to reduce food consumption to preserve troops, why bother with battlegrounds? The constantly reducing value of tournament rewards certainly doesnt make it worthwhile.

Payouts weren't nerfed. They are still the same. You will only feel the difference if you were using 1-bar method.
27 июнь 2016, 10:4227.06.16
27 июнь 2016, 11:08(отредактировано)

Vladimir Stojanovic said:

My Lords, this is my view on battelgrounds:

Battelground is store that we use to swap low level units, Infantry and Cavalry for higher obes Occults and Bestiary. In this process YOU NEED TO PAY TAX, Why? well just look at occult and bestiary units build time.
From my point of you as player, if there is glitch fix it, but there is still way for good payout / please look at photo and date /. Max payout for lvl 97 is 81 milion in resources and in this photo we have payout of 88milions in resources

You have not mentioned yellow-barring. Why not?

That screenshot is from a very high level battleground on the Facebook server, where players are much stronger than plarium.com and get many free benefits from the facebook server (free resource gifts from friends, stronger leagues with many more beacons, cheaper sapphire costs for castle skins etc, facebook group pages and direct messages via facebook). It is very unfair to post it here.

Using Infantry and Cavalry this player will have sacrificed 3.5 million offense on this one battleground, but would have had many yellowed battlegrounds prepared BEFORE this nerf was added, so his resource bank will not have been weakened - hence the good payout.

but it will be MUCH more difficult now

p,s, Where do you get this mythical figure of 81 million? There is no cap on the resource bank.
I understood that the size of the bank increases after every payout, which is why it gets harder to fill it.

There would be so much less mistrust if plarium gave us a bank indicator - (like the eggtimer on bg) to tell us when it is half full, three-quarters full or nearly full.


This Plarium Blog from the devs seems to contradict you on a number of matters - what happened to the superbonus? and why do you think bg levels are capped?


Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
27 июнь 2016, 12:1127.06.16

Hi, guys. I gave the answers to your questions under your comments. Please check them. You can identify my comments by such color. 

If you have any more questions, please ask. I will answer as soon as I get back to you.

Please note that I didn't answer duplicate questions. If your question is still unanswered, please check the previous ones.

Have a great day! 
27 июнь 2016, 15:2827.06.16

Tony Hobson, Each level of BG has a maximum payout figure, In the case of the aforementioned lvl97 it is 81 mil if you count only the gold and iron. But if i was counting the bank it would be 112mil because i count the food in my spreadsheet.

As in the picture it paid a little more, Thats just a bonus i imagine.

or around 7600 dragons from a lvl118

or around 31,000 griff from a lvl125
27 июнь 2016, 18:5327.06.16
27 июнь 2016, 21:38(отредактировано)

Leave me, leave me, I'm not a frog - the writhing frog said to the serpent

And what are you?

It's confidential.

27 июнь 2016, 21:2127.06.16
29 июнь 2016, 13:20(отредактировано)

Unfortunately, the exact information is classified. We gave you all information we can in the start post. There was a vulnerability in the system and some players were trying to cheat BGs. We have removed such opportunity. Unfortunately, we were unable to do it without some changes.

so the same chamges were made on sparta and soldiers inc, yet on soldiers inc you guys provided a different spiel.

you say we won't run into large armies. have those who "cheated" ,allegadly. had there armies reduced? have they had there accounts reset?

if not, then the alledged cheats are still playing with there illgotten armies, so how is we run into the massed troops in there castles on beacons that cannot be taken.

not looking for details, just honest yes no answers. not propaganda, or politcal answers that only provoke more questions.

We made some changes in all our games. Currently BGs work exactly the same in all games (except Mobile ones). 

Due to our Privacy Policy I am unable to disclose any information and the measures taken against those players which were abusing the exploit. We never disclose such information and we never will.

I can ensure you that we did everything possible for a fair play.

27 июнь 2016, 22:1627.06.16

Bohara said:

Unfortunately, the exact information is classified. We gave you all information we can in the start post. There was a vulnerability in the system and some players were trying to cheat BGs. We have removed such opportunity. Unfortunately, we were unable to do it without some changes.

so the same chamges were made on sparta and soldiers inc, yet on soldiers inc you guys provided a different spiel.

you say we won't run into large armies. have those who "cheated" ,allegadly. had there armies reduced? have they had there accounts reset?

if not, then the alledged cheats are still playing with there illgotten armies, so how is we run into the massed troops in there castles on beacons that cannot be taken.

not looking for details, just honest yes no answers. not propaganda, or politcal answers that only provoke more questions.

they removed the food cap on large armies to make it possible to have large armies.....then make this change so we wont run into the large armies that the made the change to provide for.

anyone ever seen the Clark and Dawe skit, "the front fell off".  thats what its like trying to talk to plarium. 
27 июнь 2016, 22:1827.06.16


the front fell off.    this is what its like when we talk to moderators.

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