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The reward system on Battlegrounds is now secure against attempts to obtain Units in an unfair way!

The reward system on Battlegrounds is now secure against attempts to obtain Units in an unfair way!

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
2 июль 2016, 20:5502.07.16
LadyDragon said:

I would like to see our bank.  i would like to know just how much I have to kill  before I can get a payout. So far they are just crumbs

We will never show bank value to our players. This information is classified. BGs were designed to be a secret, and our players always had to figure them out on their own.

2 июль 2016, 22:5502.07.16
2 июль 2016, 22:56(отредактировано)
Nemanja said:

My Lords,

I think it would be great to have one legendary unit which could destroy at least some of the troops hidden in catacombs.
That rather defeats the point of having catacombs and would allow players to be completely wiped out when repeated enough
3 июль 2016, 02:0603.07.16
3 июль 2016, 02:10(отредактировано)

Tony Hobson said:

exxxe said:

guys winning a good payout from BG's has always been a hard thing to do that is not new 

i guess that with this update BG's have not changed that much such that 

 winning a BG with unit losses you will always  earn some  units back ( i played BG today this is true) however :-

a) the units rewarded will not be bigger or better( in terms of total power) than the units lost because you also earn exp points, resources, hero items, tournament points and others (note that this was always the case even before the update)

b) no losses no reward (same also before the update)

c) the bank is still there all you have to do is to adapt and find a better strategy ( that is the only thing the update affected)

so in my point of view the update only requires some players to find a new strategy to play BG and this has always been hard since the beginning of the game 

Many questions remain unanswered.

If we send units to weaken battlegrounds, then what happens to their resource value?

It is my belief that this nerf allows them to sit there forever and are never added to our resource bank until the bg is killed.

This means that there is only one 'strategy' - hit battlegrounds one by one and wait (endlessly) for a big payout

their resource value is there 

IF your strategy is to weaken (yellow BG) filling the bank and then hitting one BG for a big payout then you will notice that this update will force you to hit more BG for the payout (what the update does is slowing the process you will get the payout but later than you used to because you will need to hit more BG)

please note that the strategy still works but only an exploit within it has been fixed which unfortunately would affect us all (the effect is that players who stay on this strategy have to hit more BG and thus waiting longer for big payouts)

maybe you can start working on a new strategy 

3 июль 2016, 08:5103.07.16

Camulos said:

Nemanja said:

My Lords,

I think it would be great to have one legendary unit which could destroy at least some of the troops hidden in catacombs.
That rather defeats the point of having catacombs and would allow players to be completely wiped out when repeated enough


I disagree, Emptying catacombs would turn inactive players castles into the farms. There are plenty low leveled castles in which you can hide your deff. 
3 июль 2016, 11:3103.07.16
3 июль 2016, 11:34(отредактировано)

Kill your troops while they are in the cats? Thats one of the most retarded ideas i have heard in a long time.

with the amount of alts that some have, let alone the subleagues and ally leagues. You will go to bed with 220mil in your cats and wake up to find you have been raided thousands of times and have nothing left.
3 июль 2016, 12:0703.07.16
3 июль 2016, 12:11(отредактировано)

Nemanja said:

Camulos said:

Nemanja said:

My Lords,

I think it would be great to have one legendary unit which could destroy at least some of the troops hidden in catacombs.
That rather defeats the point of having catacombs and would allow players to be completely wiped out when repeated enough


I disagree, Emptying catacombs would turn inactive players castles into the farms. There are plenty low leveled castles in which you can hide your deff. 

It's really hard to follow your ideas.

Inactive players are already farms.

You can't hide troops in castles, because they are visible except when they are in catacombs. If I will decide to keep troops public, then I will choose my castle with my walls and infirmary, and friend support.

I hope that your shine idea is just your, not next Plarium surprise.

For MODERATOR (you): Please don't pollute this thread more. Instead of that, please remove all non-related posts, towards original message, into new post somewhere where such text belongs. Please do your job.
3 июль 2016, 13:4903.07.16
3 июль 2016, 13:51(отредактировано)

Hi all

reading all post here and in FB it has made me wonder some things i would like to traslade and get answered if possible

all we know rewards are based on banking and its supposed the payout arrives when the bank is full and ready

is this really this way now ?? are big rewards awaiting if i hit with my full bank and going to get this ??

ok, this adjustment you, the devs and admins, did .... what its the purpose ???

so one year ago u changed the system rewards, usually the bg payed only the 10% of its max value if bank was not ready.

so we all or almost all have been constructing our bank yellowing the bgs, why ?? because our armies and troops werent large enough to hit high bgs in one shot

so we, with ur change banked properly to get the big prize and then finish the yellowing getting a big payouts and many 10% payouts.

our bank sometimes got in negative numbers so the next time we wanted to have a big payout we had to bank the amount required for that payout + all the amount needed to leave the negative amount.

so this is consecuence about your change last july of 2015. now result that thas is 'unfair' ... why ? we have sometimes to bank the double for same prize as before july 2015.

now i read with this change that big rewards are missing even if your bank is ready for the payout, and read We need to bank like 3000 dragons to receive 1500 dragons reward. is this true, and if true What is the point of word "Fair" in this contest?

we only need a little light to see the tunnel. hope you can give us a clue for how to work with bgs now.


3 июль 2016, 15:0703.07.16
3 июль 2016, 15:42(отредактировано)

Juglar del Viento said:

Hi all

reading all post here and in FB it has made me wonder some things i would like to traslade and get answered if possible

all we know rewards are based on banking and its supposed the payout arrives when the bank is full and ready

is this really this way now 

ok, this adjustment you, the devs and admins, did .... what its the purpose ???

so this is consecuence about your change last july of 2015. now result that this is 'unfair' ... why ? we have sometimes to bank the double for same prize as before july 2015.

Plarium did not intend to claim that yellowing was unfair - they just did that because none of them understand how to speak to their customers.... nor do they understand how to apologise for their blunder

Apparently, they are trying to claim that an 'unfair exploit' was used by one or two players on their yellowed bg - so many hundreds of genuine players who use yellowing will now wait longer and longer for payouts, because plarium devs do not understand how the exploit can be repaired.

They are desperate to keep this 'exploit' secret because they have not identified it and removed it correctly - they find it easier to nerf the entire system .... but the loophole has not been removed

This loophole could not exist using the original bg system - they added 'guaranteed rewards' last year in a blatant attempt to reduce the frequency of giant payouts - this change had absolutely nothing to do with helping new players, they just used that excuse for spin and sound-bites

Now we are told bg payouts will be even less frequent - A double-nerf .... and we are now paying double-tax

Perhaps now they have opened an expensive new office in London they will be able to find one person who understands how to use the English language without branding most of their best customers as cheats - Undoubtedly, they are now mustering all their resources to keep this blunder a secret from Avi Shalel


3 июль 2016, 17:4903.07.16
3 июль 2016, 17:51(отредактировано)

Again, Plarium needed to change BG, because after all their logic nonsense, they lost most our fights, and Plarium lost money.

Most of players played only BG, avoiding loosing 50-70% of troops in PVPs, and accepting taxes in BG (whatever number is but much less).

How to stop that?

Simple, make fake story, and go further as usually. Keep all change under fog, calling on secret, and repeat fairy tale until it becomes acceptable.

Mechanics is changed, some people will have big trouble, and maybe some of them will use wallet. The others will get less, and Plarium will get more. They couldn't simple change BG mechanics like last time, because they wasn't sure what could be happenned.

Last BG changes led Lord Oberon into nowhere, who will be next one?

How this started?

Stupid mini payouts, allowed negative bank. And pushed us to have so many yellowed tasks. Is something changed in that? NO

Or, to be more precise, we have to yellow tasks, because we can't spend enough troops to fill bank with one task - we have to yellow some of them.

What will be consequences of that?

After some full payout we will not have get next one from almost finished tasks with still full bank, because it will mean yellow line, and it's prohibited now. Instead of that you will have to finish several yellowed tasks, get mini payouts, and repeat process with similar task when you get them tomorrow. So, you will pay taxes several times for similar tasks because tomorrow you will be in the same position, for new goal task (task with full payout). Slower getting full payout will just delay n taxes for same thing (Tony I think that you wrong with term double, I believe that that number will be n, just opinion, sorry for mentioning you).

Notice next:

Can you repeat main reason for this change - going into negative balance after you yellow all tasks? YES

For that situation nothing is changed. Before changes you could have negative balance and now you could have negative balance.

I believed in Santa Claus, but when I was young.

3 июль 2016, 21:2503.07.16
3 июль 2016, 21:27(отредактировано)
I dont know why all people is angry with plarium, i know that i play in a game similar to a coin machine, is funiest as money i can spend on it, i playing knowing it and think that people dont know it while playing. Yellow bar method is unfair because we not need to spend money for get good army and we can be equals as pay for win players, That is a fact... Oposite to repair "the xploit" and put a visible bank balance in the BG´s for know when the bank is ready for a big reward... or give us a minimal text, how they think we can make the BG´s, or is the correct way, and the most important if players cheat the system... why arent banned about it? because spend money on it i think.. hahahaha are a lot ot players with two or more castles on same server, unfair is that you only can be stronger if spend money, upgrade buildings more than 20 its only avaiable for pay for win players, this is another fact, i like to look info about the thinks i not untherstand, BG´s is one of them, i like to find some tutorial or tex from plarium explaining us why is the way for complete BG´s, what we must spend on it, what is our profit making them.... but i not found nothing... a strategy game that you dont know how you give a reward or when you give it and that if you try to planify it you are a cheater... its sound as a slot machine!!!!
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
4 июль 2016, 12:1804.07.16
4 июль 2016, 12:18(отредактировано)

As I said previously many times, the "yellow bar" strategy is not our target to remove. The thing is that some players used to exploit our game by using some elements of "yellow bar" strategy. 

Unfortunately, the only way to prevent those exploit was to implement these changes, which affected the "yellow bar" strategy. The strategy is still exists, but it's now less effective.

We have no desire in making some hidden changes.Why would we make them, knowing that players will figure out that something changed? 

4 июль 2016, 13:2804.07.16
lies lies lies Every Bg does NOT!!!!!! reward you with units   I do thank you for helping to ruin the Game. BGs are now for the coiners that have money to throw away  And you will not Gain better units. So Much Manure!!!!!
4 июль 2016, 15:1904.07.16

Hello I just read the whole topic and I must say it is really hillarious.

On one side we have CC players who are mad about loosing so hard payed troops. Well I have one sentence to them: "Don't buy the troops you sillies!"

On the other one we have regular players, who are fed up by CC for constantly overpowering them with money.

Well I have great news for you, Plarium doesn't care. All they need is money.

It is obvious from so called "Tournaments" and mostly from Battlegrounds.

So what is the purpose of battlegrounds ? Well back in the days when your troops were leaving you after they found out that you can't feed them, it was a good way how to ensure that all the resources and time invested into those troops will remain in your castle for a small fee + you would upgrade them into higher tier troops. Loosing approx. 5% of the resources  + loosing +/- 25% of the offense/defense points in a proces of upgrading.

Well, still better to loose 5% of resources then 25% or more.

However, Plarium removed this "Leash" and started to tweak more and more the system of BGs.

By removing the food cap, Plarium ensured, that CC players will have even more strength, because they now can buy as many troops as they can leaving regular players in disadvantage.

So they forced regular players to find a way how to make more troops for free to match CC players.

And now again Plarium is punishing regular players for THEIR mistakes!

I am sorry to say this, I don't like when someone is insulting anyone and others are standing aside and even laughing at bullied person. But I am glad they did it.

But YOU reap what you sow. Pretty simple you had it long time coming.

I think this should be a warning and you should start fixing other bugs that are being exploited, so that newly incoming players would not immediately leave!

Also redesigning BG system would be welcome.

4 июль 2016, 22:1304.07.16
4 июль 2016, 22:44(отредактировано)

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

We have no desire in making some hidden changes.Why would we make them, knowing that players will figure out that something changed? 

You have made a secret change and this player has figured it out, but this particular secret change is to the bg combat algorithm.

How is it possible for 12,904 offense to be beaten by 12,860 defense?

12904 offense - http://prnt.sc/botreh

12860 defense - http://prnt.sc/botsp3

Why does 4,086 defense only kill 3,840 offense?

4086 defense - http://prnt.sc/botv5o

3840 offense - http://prnt.sc/botx84

It does not add up, someone has nerfed the algorithm?


Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

The strategy is still exists, but it's now less effective.

You have completely missed the point - A less effective yellow barring strategy is unacceptable - go back to the drawing board

4 июль 2016, 23:4004.07.16

The "bank" was not removed otherwise there would be a reward system for every battleground, after "testing" what was previously stated in this thread to just go ahead and do the battlegrounds (clear them out) the person who tested this completed 46 battlegrounds between levels 10 and 62 - this many were done in order to get the maximum rewards for the Battle Ground tournament currently running.  At the end of it all they are down in troop stats.  After a reward was given, it took several bg's with substantial losses before receiving another reward.  If this person had not had enough troops to continue to complete the bg's their troops would have ended up "stuck" in the bg's until they could build enough troops to get them back out.  The bg's were completed without using any tools that are offered at a price, the only enhancement used was the Hero gear gained from bg's.  You have not "evened out the playing field" you have made it impossible for someone who doesn't wish to spend money to compete with all those who do spend.

So the recommended method that Plarium is promoting is an epic FAIL for all so don't follow their advice.  I recommend you build for the purpose of doing battle grounds and don't waste your army that you have toiled so hard to build on the battle grounds.  It may take longer but at least you will be throwing away troops that were built for that purpose.

Also note that if the gap between the reward levels in the tournament were smaller they may have stopped sooner. Why couldn't there be a tier between 3500 and 20000?  That is a big gap.  Obviously Plarium wants us to lose our armies to play these tournaments.

5 июль 2016, 06:1305.07.16
5 июль 2016, 06:16(отредактировано)

So another test run was completed using the "yellow bar" method, this did not go well, offense and defense enhancers were used and paragon was activated.  This player yellowed the top level skull rune bg's and 3 or 4 below these then cleared the bg they wanted (re: offense or defense).  There was one decent payout then nothing for about 4 rounds of this method, so they cleared the yellowed bg and still did not get their troops back out.  They proceeded to complete a few of the highest level bg to try to get their troops back out which was unsuccessful.  So, yeah the bank is nerfed somehow so don't try this method.  

This also makes me wonder how the players that have a negative bank will ever get out of it since Plarium has taken away the ability to use the bank effectively.  Sooooo all those players with a big negative bank shall never play bg again?? That is a lot of players that will no longer be touching bg ... good play Plarium.
5 июль 2016, 07:0705.07.16
5 июль 2016, 07:10(отредактировано)
Tony Hobson said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

We have no desire in making some hidden changes.Why would we make them, knowing that players will figure out that something changed? 

You have made a secret change and this player has figured it out, but this particular secret change is to the bg combat algorithm.

How is it possible for 12,904 offense to be beaten by 12,860 defense?

12904 offense - http://prnt.sc/botreh

12860 defense - http://prnt.sc/botsp3

Seems like Balur is still using some of Players bonuses for his advantage.
5 июль 2016, 09:0805.07.16
5 июль 2016, 09:28(отредактировано)

djmoody said:

Tony Hobson said:

12904 offense - http://prnt.sc/botreh

12860 defense - http://prnt.sc/botsp3

You have to be careful when quoting the average value of troops.

The first example is quite interesting. The spreadsheet you are using does have the correct value for defence against infantry and as you have 100% of your army in infantry that value will be the appropriate weighted average to use (I checked the maths from the calculator you are using and the numbers are correct). Assuming your troops hit with all the bonuses on that are showing in the offence screenshot then you should have won the fight. Does seem to be something a bit odd there.

The second example was added as an afterthought and the strength of archers is not 100% accurate, but I have seen identical results when using Huntress units, which do not have any variance.

The first example is worrying - either the algorithm has been nerfed (and we have seen examples of pvp algorithm giving 7% EXTRA casualties to defenders, even when they win the battle) .... but it is possible that Hero Avavtar equipment is bugged, maybe the rings

I might recreate the battle with hero rings removed - This would be for my own peace of mind, no reason to make the dev's job any easier having lost all respect for them now


Also, DWORKA777 is correct - Balur units do seem to gain from our fortress knowledge bonus - http://prntscr.com/bozwqd

I repored this weeks ago, but our heroic devs have chosen to ignore it

I wonder if anything in this game is working as the original team of game designers intended - they must be spinning in their graves

5 июль 2016, 21:2205.07.16
Tony Hobson said:

Also, DWORKA777 is correct - Balur units do seem to gain from our fortress knowledge bonus - http://prntscr.com/bozwqd

I repored this weeks ago, but our heroic devs have chosen to ignore it

What setting is this taken from? I've been unable to confirm it in saga quest or bgs.
6 июль 2016, 13:1206.07.16

Camulos said:

Tony Hobson said:

Also, DWORKA777 is correct - Balur units do seem to gain from our fortress knowledge bonus - http://prntscr.com/bozwqd

I repored this weeks ago, but our heroic devs have chosen to ignore it

What setting is this taken from? I've been unable to confirm it in saga quest or bgs.

Read this thread, and read Juglar response too - that was in APRIL

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