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The reward system on Battlegrounds is now secure against attempts to obtain Units in an unfair way!

The reward system on Battlegrounds is now secure against attempts to obtain Units in an unfair way!

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
25 июнь 2016, 19:3225.06.16
threw 100 pikeman, 30 paladins and 5 wraiths and lost around 80 total and got a necromancer ;)
25 июнь 2016, 22:1225.06.16
thank you for messing this  game , the payouts  was already so-so compared to the losses now BG meant to wipe out the whole troups so you can buy new ones , this is  similar to vampirism 
25 июнь 2016, 22:4425.06.16
27 июнь 2016, 11:55(отредактировано)

You got to love how plarium ignores everyone. people complaining and asking easy to answer questions but with no clear logical response

I'm a coiner and I spend lots. I understand the BG's after the first year... still frustrating sometimes. but there was NOTHING that was unfair.

You never really gain on BG cause you only ever get back 95% you do this over and over enough times and you loose everything.

we all want big armies and sometimes we sacrifice those armies for tournament rewards or we keep building for a beacon hit witch now takes massive armies. nothing is unfair.

plarium is being secretive about what they are doing behind there code/mechanics but one this is very clear.

You are lying about this so called unfair advantage and the payouts. if it's not a lie then just show us and break it all down for us and we will respect that! You cant just tell us its "better now" We are not idiots. you make changes everyone test and comes back to the forums complain if they haven't already quite. you cant fool us plarium RERSPECT YOUR CLIENTS!

If it's all about getting people to pay to play then you need to have better offers cheaper packages for those that cant afford to spend hundreds. why not have some decent $5 and $10 packages that wouldn't break the bank for most people. you keep doing this and all the free players leave cause they are not going to spend the money to build an army to loose it on the next BG


Community Manager doesn't work on weekends, guys. I will gladly answer your questions today. I have already answered many of them under each comment. 

We are not planning to show your BG progress or reveal more information about changes. As I already said here, there was a vulnerability which was eliminated. 

It's not about your strategy, it's about SOME players who have found a way to use this strategy to cheat the system.

25 июнь 2016, 23:2225.06.16
27 июнь 2016, 11:56(отредактировано)

A few players have identified weaknesses in the Battleground mechanics and exploited them to gain significantly more Units than they were supposed to. Such actions negatively influence the game balance and are unfair to other players. To remedy the situation, we have slightly modified the Battleground mechanics.

Unfortunately, these modifications will also affect those players that engage Battlegrounds utilizing the following strategy:

- First, they almost defeat Balur at multiple Battlegrounds of different levels, i.e. there is a small number of Balur’s Units remaining at each one of them.

- Next, they engage Battlegrounds of higher levels, receiving a reward.

- Then, they finish all the remaining Battlegrounds.

I like to do my BG's by yellow baring  higher levels to fill my bank and then dropping down to collect my rewards of infantry and cavalry on the lower bg's to build up my army. since the low level only gives out intanty and cavalry witch you can never get on the higher levels witch also is annoying

will I be affect going the other way now as well by building my bank to get payouts on lower level?

You will be affected only in case you use the described strategy. It doesn't matter which levels you raid with it.

26 июнь 2016, 00:0026.06.16
27 июнь 2016, 11:58(отредактировано)

And one last thing I would like say.. And I even tried to find the post on the forums from plairum with no luck but maybe someone else can help find it

About a year ago did plairum not say how they wanted large armies cause they wanted to see epic battles?

Correct. But only if you earn them in a fair way.

26 июнь 2016, 05:4926.06.16
27 июнь 2016, 12:00(отредактировано)


These modifications will not influence those players that engage (and finish) the Battlegrounds one at time.

I'm confused about the strategy of having to engage and finish a battle ground. what happens now if we send a few troops to see whats there so we know what type of troops to attack with?  Would this not be the same as yellow baring?

Cause if testing a bg affects your pay out then that forces us to attack blind on each battle ground. or am I wrong or missing something here.

testing a bg to know what to hit with is important strategy would you not agree? has the changes affected this at all?

Can you confirm any of this and please let us know if this strategy will no longer work as well?

In case you send a few Units on BGs, you will not feel any difference. If it's not 1000 Dragons to scout.

26 июнь 2016, 07:0026.06.16

My Lords, there is nothing wrong with battelgrounds and battelground bank HAS NEVER BEEN RESETED. You all need to track and build up your battleground bank. If you have a problem, seek advice from experienced players, I'm sure that they will help.

Someone has already said that the moderator are here to maintain order in the forum so, please, do not ask me how coz Im just maintaining order in the forum.

26 июнь 2016, 07:2226.06.16
26 июнь 2016, 07:34(отредактировано)

Vladimir Stojanovic said:

My Lords, there is nothing wrong with battelgrounds and battelground bank HAS NEVER BEEN RESETED. You all need to track and build up your battleground bank. If you have a problem, seek advice from experienced players, I'm sure that they will help.

Someone has already said that the moderator are here to maintain order in the forum so, please, do not ask me how coz Im just maintaining order in the forum.

Most of us are experienced players. That is until plarium changes the mechanics then no one is an expert and we have to go through the trouble of testing to learn the new mechanics and whats been changed. And the worst part about this is that it cost us money every time plarium makes these kinds of changes. why not ask us first if we would like this or that. common sence and you wouldn't get everyone complaining and losing money. Go waste your own money not mine! I pay to play not pay to get screwed over!

Also since you say you are just here to maintain order? wow.. what kind of blow us all off type of statement is that.

since you Moderators are the middle man to plairum and us we all feel that it should be YOU the MODERATORS running back and forth to plarium letting them know "hey people of flipping out on the forums. order is lost they are demanding answers" that's what you should be doing. you want order then go get us answers! don't blow us off like we don't matter.

You say not to ask you questions cause your just maintaining order then who do we ask? You act like you where not chosen to help in more ways then just order. but if we cant ask the mods here then whats left should we all start sending support tickets about everything.. i'm sure plarium would love that.

26 июнь 2016, 07:3426.06.16
27 июнь 2016, 12:02(отредактировано)

Bohara said:

the system was not unfair, it worked just fine.

the only people who would think it to be unfair are those

who lack the inteligence to understand it.

evry change you make to this game makes me and many others

less interested in playing.

fixing something that isant broken is a wate of time and the money we give you.

put less effort into pointless changes and just make it run properly.

that would be great.


They are claiming is was broken in that some players were somehow able to gain way more units than they should.  Assuming these players were exploiting a bug that the rest of the players did not know about, I can understand closing the glitch that they were exploiting.  This is, of course, assuming someone was exploiting a bug for unfair gain and not that Plarium decided we were getting too much for free from bgs.  

So, if there really were players exploiting a bug in the old bg system, how has that been dealt with other than closing the glitch?  Were their ill gotten gains taken from them?  Will there be any compensation to the players they attacked?  What about tournament rewards?  If someone was using ill gotten troops to rank higher than people who have been playing fairly, then you have several parties being injured by this bug exploit.

Due to our Privacy Policy, we strive to protect personal information of our players while it is under our control. That’s why we keep the measures taken confidential and do not disclose them to any other person.

26 июнь 2016, 07:4226.06.16
lngjnslvr said:

wow this new system is the best fuckup from plarium ever.

10 bg's down and my reward has been 1 dwarf and 9 pikeman.


please explain to me how this is better.

They didn't say who it would be better for.  I'm assuming this benefits Plarium by forcing players to spend more money for the same growth we used to get for free.
26 июнь 2016, 08:0126.06.16
27 июнь 2016, 12:04(отредактировано)

Techway_GrandMarshal said:

And one last thing I would like say.. And I even tried to find the post on the forums from plairum with no luck but maybe someone else can help find it

About a year ago did plairum not say how they wanted large armies cause they wanted to see epic battles?

They want to see epic battles, but they also want to see us pay real money for them rather than earn our troops through planning and patience. 

 Also, there must still be some glitches with their update to bgs because I did 10 lvl 30-40 bgs and got only 1 payout.  If we should never leave a bg empty handed, then shouldn't I have at least gotten one unit from each?  Or are they counting equipment as part of the payout now?  Note:  These were untouched bgs, not ones yellow barred prior to the bg change.

Another concern is they say it will take longer to get the payout if we yellow bar a bg.  I find that when yellow barring, it takes more troops to defeat the bg than if I send one massive wave to beat it in one go.  So, if yellow barring actually fills the resource bank more per each bg we do, then why would it take longer for us to get a payout using this tactic?  Would our payout when we do finally get it be larger than if we just one shot each bg?  Logically, it should since we paid more into the bank.

Unfortunately, I am unable to answer this question without sharing confidential information.

26 июнь 2016, 08:2326.06.16
I have had a couple of battleground encounters, which I won, where I did not get any units.  If there is "wizard" listening you can access my records and look at 26-06-2016 20:57 Defense battleground.
26 июнь 2016, 09:1026.06.16
27 июнь 2016, 12:05(отредактировано)

are the moderators reporting back to the developers all the disdain for the game?

the developers understand how upset every one is with the game?

We do understand your feelings, and I have passed your feedback to our developers. However, we are not going to change anything back. I'm sure you'll get used to this new system very soon.

26 июнь 2016, 09:5026.06.16

Lord Bohara,

as you can see we are Forum moderators not Game moderators. Our role is to maintain culture of dialogue in this Forum and to advice players. Plarium employess are seriously considering all of your remarks.

Instead of complaining for your loss you should be grateful to Plarium for recent BG algorithm changes. From now on no one will misuse BG's and you won't facing anymore an armies with 40m troops. 
26 июнь 2016, 10:1026.06.16

Nemanja said:

Lord Bohara,

as you can see we are Forum moderators not Game moderators. Our role is to maintain culture of dialogue in this Forum and to advice players. Plarium employess are seriously considering all of your remarks.

Instead of complaining for your loss you should be grateful to Plarium for recent BG algorithm changes. From now on no one will misuse BG's and you won't facing anymore an armies with 40m troops. 

if the system was so unfair why dont they remove the armies from those people instead of taking away the opertunity of others to be able to compete with them.

surely you must realise that the method that has been removed has been promoted on these forums and other game links. 
26 июнь 2016, 10:1826.06.16

further more the only thing that greatly unbalanced the game was taking away the rule that troops would leave your service if you could not feed them. and we all know that this was done in conjunction with the release of plariums big troop packages. otherwise people would not buy them.

which brings us back to the point of most people believe that plarium was the only being disadvantaged buy the battleground system as it was.
26 июнь 2016, 10:3426.06.16

I saw few comments here and in game chat claiming that there is a way of doing BGs and actually gaining troops and power, an exploit. People I asked either didnt know or didnt trusted me enough to share that information with me.

Can someone confirm that that was the case and this is why Plarium changed BGs mechanics. Or did that great method was yellow barring and in that case shame on you Plarium.

26 июнь 2016, 10:3626.06.16

Dear Lords and Ladys

Lord Nemanja is right, we are only mods in forum themes. we only watch the forums and take care of them answering inside our knowledgmets and posibilites. we are also players of this game and our doubts with new systems are the same as yours.

about this change, i still cant talk about it cause it has been to recent and still cant check what the changings affects to BGs. my army its not so long and cant waste them in bgs cause the problems you have to fill your bank are the same (more or less) than mine.

i think this is not bat at all. those people who mastered the strategy and knowledge of doing bgs and keep the secret for themselves sure have more motives to blaming than those who still are stuyding how to get good payouts. 

personally, i prefer not getting any reward of finishing some bgs (like used to be) cause it means my bank is increasing in a constant way. now if i receive a bunch of a small rewards or medium rewards my bank is constantly increasing and decreasing in such way that i lost all my tracking without knowing if my bank is negative, positive or whatever it go, and the big payout get a significant time to arrive.

hope we all can help one each others to understand the system to be able for ALL PEOPLE to get their huge payouts, sure then we all will be more happy than now.

If the system is only knew by a bunch of players, the frustrating of the rest grows and grows in such way that happens all this issues

hope we all we able to understand it in a near future


26 июнь 2016, 10:4326.06.16

Nemanja said:

Lord Bohara,

as you can see we are Forum moderators not Game moderators. Our role is to maintain culture of dialogue in this Forum and to advice players. Plarium employess are seriously considering all of your remarks.

Instead of complaining for your loss you should be grateful to Plarium for recent BG algorithm changes. From now on no one will misuse BG's and you won't facing anymore an armies with 40m troops. 

really? are you telling us all the truth here. No one is going to ever get hit again with a 40mil army cause they changed the battle grounds.

Personally I believe you are talking out your azz with more BS telling us more lies.

But I guess we will just have to trust you know what your talking about and that your word is good.
26 июнь 2016, 10:4526.06.16

guys there is no big secret, all the required info is available from the forum. or by searching the net.

clearing bg's and getting rewards all the time wrecks the bank. even turning the rewards straight back into the bank will eventually mean that the amount you have banked will be way higher than the possible reward.

a simple sread sheet to track your losses and rewards is all you need to keep track
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