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Brawl is a joke - Plarium needs to fix it

Brawl is a joke - Plarium needs to fix it

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7 июнь 2020, 10:4007.06.20
7 июнь 2020, 13:00(отредактировано)

shiv said:

Hi Luna, write with your main acc, why with alt? )) Maybe talk about Grim , NSF? or about acc s which you and DF buy? Don t want?

Very cool take 100 alts and write with 100 alts on forum 

I propose to shut your mouth and learn your players how to play. All your ARM team "slowpoke". How u want will be top BH, if u spent time on FS , HOW?

Maybe check your buy acc s? (screen 3). Don t want? 

AMBUSH, NORMA JEAN 3 - Rav , my small rat hello :) do u like write post with alts? 


Ya right ya Gobnik Rat shiv

21 июнь 2020, 03:4921.06.20

What I would like to understand with this Brawl is how is it that they put our BH, a BH of 17 with 5 inactive, we hold no presidio's our bastion is only at 5 and we never have a score of over 200k but yet we are always in the Gold Tier with Bh's of over 100 members who have high scores of 1 million, some of them but for the most part most of them have scores of anywhere from 300k to a million. But when I look Rual is in the silver tier with scores always higher than ours so how is it our little BH is ranked for the gold tier????? Every week....This makes no sense. Every week I look at this and every week we are in the Gold Tier, every week we have very low scores. How is this possible? How is it that they rank us in the next to the top tier?? So yea I think there is something to this accusation about Plarium. Otherwise there is no way that we would be in the Gold Tier every week with all these high level BH's. 

AlinaCommunity Manager
24 июнь 2020, 10:3424.06.20
Dane The One said:

What I would like to understand with this Brawl is how is it that they put our BH, a BH of 17 with 5 inactive, we hold no presidio's our bastion is only at 5 and we never have a score of over 200k but yet we are always in the Gold Tier with Bh's of over 100 members who have high scores of 1 million, some of them but for the most part most of them have scores of anywhere from 300k to a million. But when I look Rual is in the silver tier with scores always higher than ours so how is it our little BH is ranked for the gold tier????? Every week....This makes no sense. Every week I look at this and every week we are in the Gold Tier, every week we have very low scores. How is this possible? How is it that they rank us in the next to the top tier?? So yea I think there is something to this accusation about Plarium. Otherwise there is no way that we would be in the Gold Tier every week with all these high level BH's. 

Hello, Dane! Thanks for sharing your opinion with us. I know that the matchmaking may be confusing. However, there is no bug here. Please note that your tier in the current tournament depends on your performance in the previous one. Even if your BH is not big, but very active, it's quite possible that you'll be in the same tier with bigger BHs. Remember that big doesn't mean active :) I wish you and your BH good luck in the future tournaments! Cheers! 
27 июнь 2020, 02:3827.06.20
27 июнь 2020, 02:50(отредактировано)
We do the brawls every week,  but we lose every one. We never come close to winning. We are as active as 14 players can be.  The winners top out at a million in points or higher, we are always just as I posted, above.. Sometimes a little higher, but most of the time, it's under 200k, never above 200k. With that being said, still how can this put us in the Gold Tier. I've seen BH's that score more than us  have more members but are in the Bronze Tiers. I'm not saying it's a bug, I just don't understand how we can be ranked each week in the Gold Tier, and this week the top BH's are Aussie Sharks United 105 members and  Pride of the Ocean, 120 members who within the first 30 minutes jumped out at over 500k each, and after 6 hours we are just barely over 40k. So far we are ranked at 32nd place which will go way down the longer this goes on. The way these are placed each week is so unfair, there is no way that a BH of our size would ever come close to placing in the top spots, or even close to half the points this week. The same this week as last, we're lucky if we get above 100k, the same each week.   I give up, I don't know why we even participate in the brawls because they are so unfair. Which is probably what we are going to do, just stop doing them. We get nothing out of them, so what's the point.  It would be different if we were in the silver or bronze level and could compete on more of an even playing field.
27 июнь 2020, 11:2927.06.20

These more active BHs in lower tiers are calculating. They stay as dormant as possible (no prizes, treasure islands, finished upgrades, etc) for one Brawl, then they go all out on the next one, and so forth.

IMO, you're not losing much by not winning. The BH rewards (so, ignoring Gigs, which are personal) you get are split in 3 categories: ranking, victory, stages (points achieved). Of these, the ones for victory are the least interesting (some Daggers, boosts, and a not-very-useful item... totally uninteresting, IMO). Ranking rewards, which you get if you're among top 10, are the best ones ruby-wise, but you don't get anything else. They range (IIRC) from a few hundred to a few thousand rubies per member for higher tiers (no idea about lower ones). The stages rewards are a mix of goodies (ships, res, some rubies,...) and likely the most worth of the bunch. Just compare below: 7.5k rubies vs. a few boosts and Daggs vs. over 1k rubies and some quite useful items.

Here, see the composite that I made when my BH made #1 in Diamond tier:

Now, ranking - of course - kinda depends on which tier you end up in and for that you might want to consider a more calculating approach (what I described in the first paragraph). However, if other BHs are doing that as well, then the others who do it will still push you out of top 10, even in a lower tier. There is no helping that.

Other than trying to manipulate your tier in an effort to get in top 10 (which would reduce stages rewards), just go for the points and it totally doesn't matter if you win or lose. The victory reward is really all but useless.

11 июль 2020, 13:2611.07.20
good Point
16 авг. 2020, 10:5716.08.20
16 авг. 2020, 10:57(отредактировано)

Plarium  is still giving to much importance in lighthouse treasures.

Some BH are just doing that with "specialiized" accounts made just for this, it's kiling the Brawl interest

some make  hundreds of thousands of pointsjust with this  and if you  do all parts of game with fighting a bit too (everything except big treasures) to you made 10 000 points....

16 авг. 2020, 11:3716.08.20

uijj555888 said:

Plarium is still giving to much importance in lighthouse treasures.

I both agree and disagree with you. Lemme explain.

Personally, I feel that the Brawl is not very different from BH Prize Ransack, because of the important of Prizes that you complain about. Like you, I feel that this could've been done better, i.e., more balanced. So, in terms of how I would like the Brawls to work, I agree with you.

However, when the Brawls first started, I complained to my CM about that, and they said that it is intentional and it won't be changed. So, I disagree with your statement in terms of the Brawls behaving exactly as those who make up the rules want them to behave. Us not liking those rules is hardly relevant, as long as those making the rules are happy with the outcome.

2 сент. 2020, 07:4802.09.20

amazes me is the level of troops the game is pitting against players.

And it also exists outside of the Brawl.

There was a time attacking prizes was rewarding if you committed to the program.

Not any more.

It is one giant scam