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Brawl is a joke - Plarium needs to fix it

Brawl is a joke - Plarium needs to fix it

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22 март 2020, 15:4022.03.20
Crowbar in answere to your post.i agree and understand about investigations being done in house and the need for pivacy.they (Plarium) must and do have the guys to fully understand how this works it does not take  rocket science to undersand the data of there own game. but they still let this foul play continue. i fully understand you as a mod do not get  a feedback on the information. but it has been going on for a very long time but the culprits are still doing the same thing over and over again. it is so frustrating for all that play the game. my final question is how long do they need to investigate this?years and years of abuse and bullying by one person.
22 март 2020, 15:5622.03.20

Chesty said:

[...] you have admitted in here you use a code to do prizes, and that you buy and sell accounts!

If, by "in here", you mean this forum, I would appreciate a link to pass to the Support.

terry said:

Crowbar in answere to your post.i agree and understand about investigations being done in house and the need for pivacy.they (Plarium) must and do have the guys to fully understand how this works it does not take  rocket science to undersand the data of there own game. but they still let this foul play continue. i fully understand you as a mod do not get  a feedback on the information. but it has been going on for a very long time but the culprits are still doing the same thing over and over again. it is so frustrating for all that play the game. my final question is how long do they need to investigate this?years and years of abuse and bullying by one person.

I would assume that they did more than one investigation by now and - if the accounts in question are still active - that these showed no foul play. Whether Plarium is right or wrong in their conclusion, I won't judge, as I don't have access to the data. I can agree or not with you all, but that opinion remains just an opinion, and is worthless as such. Anyone with proofs (not opinions and not "it's obvious" remarks, but actual proofs) is very welcome to supply them to the Support or me.

I will let my CM know of this discussion, but don't expect too much of it, as I haven't seen anything on the subject that wasn't already said before.

22 март 2020, 17:4322.03.20
22 март 2020, 19:25(отредактировано)

using a script is not in the spirit of the game or fair play to all 

I agree until this nonsense is sorted out we as a player community should not spend any more money on the game and not play the brotherhood brawl which would be a shame as so many benefit from playing it 
23 март 2020, 03:0423.03.20

So I was called to this post by one of my players. After viewing what everyone has said I have decided to say this:

Shiv you are the last player on this entire game site that should have anything to say to other players about having multiple accounts. Everyone knows by now what you do and how you do it. The only players on our server that think what you do is cool are those who either follow you like weak sheeple and those who use the same account automator you do. You all sail on one big ship and enjoy ruining the game for thousands of players over the years. This makes you and your allies the worst kind of gamers there are. 

Everyone seen both your BH scores take flight in the Brawls. It is obvious you script and we even have Discord screenshots where you admit to running your many many many accounts using an automator. Too bad Plarium says Discord chat screenshots cannot be used as proof of anything, but surely they will investigate RuAL and EURU now. 

The server is learning to come together and fight as one against you and anyone who supports you. Your days are numbered and one day you will have to start all over and recreate a thousand accounts and we will be right here, waiting to report all new havens you spawn. Eventually Plarium will do something because I like to believe they don't want to have to trash the pirate bay server seeing how it's made them hundreds of thousands of dollars. But if the "light side" of the server abandons this game the dark side will have no one left to fight but themselves and that's where the game will get lame for you dark siders. 

Which of your allies will turn on you first? Which of your allies will you turn on first?  -if the rest of us leave this BS behind.

23 март 2020, 06:0423.03.20
23 март 2020, 06:19(отредактировано)

After a bubble bath and a glass of wine I decided I may as well chime in here - seeing how I was brought into it by shiv accusing others of being me. So. Here. I. Go....

Shiv - while I always found you (mostly) respectful in conversation, you telling me to shut up makes me want to do the exact opposite. I mean, you were actually talking to someone else, but you thought you were talking to me, so it's all the same....

You, sir, think yer so fricken awesome. Yer ego, if it were a tangible object, it wouldn't even fit inside the town in which you reside. Oh, how mighty you are!    "Look at me, I'm a cheater on a massive scale, I'm sooooo great and powerful. My name is shiv and I will destroy you with my Python Script because I'm not a good enough player to dominate the Pirate Bay server on my own..."  (Sorry, I couldn't get the right accent and rearranged English right...)

Whether Plarium finds shiv guilty or not, thousands of players over the years have clearly seen the guilt painted all over the scoreboard and in our battle reports. WE KNOW SHIV CHEATS ON A MASSIVE SCALE and we don't need Plariums confirmation. And no matter what RuAL and EURU scores are, the server will still turn on them and their allies. 

How about the 102 new accounts you created and put in RuAL, EURU, and Path of Daggers, located at the edge of the map, shiv? All accounts were created one right after the other! If I still cared about this game like I used to, I'd puke in disgust.

You want to take me on, shiv? I can guarantee you that once my Bastion falls, 1,000's of players will be sailing in on RuAL Association shores. I'm not like the rest where I will get knocked down, give up, and leave. I can rebuild fast, and stronger too, and I have so many friends in low places. You call me a slowpoke all you want, Mr.Over-CompensatingMan, I'm just waiting for a good reason to pull some rabbits from my hat! 

You have tolerated me for this long - I am one of the only players who will straight-up tell you how it is and what I really think of you. Why haven't you hit me yet? Because you weren't ready to. And what does yer Prize points say about you in RuAL and EURU?? That you are gearing up, but you should consider that many of us have been doing the same for the last 2 years! I'm not low on OFF! I've been building and saving for a long time. :) You poke me, I poke..... (insert mystery here).

Hear me now - No matter what you do, I will win. I might not win a first position in the game, I may not rock the Prizes like you, but no matter what you and your allies do, I can assure you, I will never "lose". I have back-up plans for my back-up plans. And even IF I were to leave this game because of the extreme corruption and unfair playing field that YOU (shiv) created, I can assure you that would be MY ultimate win, because real life trumps this virtual world, grade-A fecal matter, and leaving this game would mean more time for BETTER THINGS while you sit in yer underwear picking yer nose and running yer script every night! ::Laughing Like Hell::

Having said all that I close my reply with a little more relevance to this thread - To the light side of the server: Along with the prize points shiv made with his alts using Python Script, report his new havens and the havens created by some of his most important allies. Message me for coordinates if you can't find them. The more reports made, the more urgency Plarium will see in this matter, but don't expect results, make your own! 

Rise and resist, people.

23 март 2020, 08:3723.03.20

This is not topic, this is cry and chat ARM and NSF (stop using alts for forum).

23 март 2020, 16:5223.03.20

It will be interesting to see if you run Prizes through yer script again next Brawl, or if you are smart enough to lay low for a few weeks. 

Ego or brains? Hmmm.....  

23 март 2020, 17:0223.03.20

It will be interesting to see if you run Prizes through yer script again next Brawl, or if you are smart enough to lay low for a few weeks. 

Ego or brains? Hmmm.....  

23 март 2020, 17:1523.03.20
either he is smart or a complete idiot is not the question. the question that needs to be answerd is. if they (plarium) are allowing him to get away with this, which it seems to me they are allowing him to to continue,then it has to be asked are we the rest of the players smart or complete idiots. the only other answer is Plarium is shiv,because i think enough evidence is public knowledge, so it must be blindingly clear  to them as well,if that is the case we are being taken for fools
23 март 2020, 21:5323.03.20

Bebe said:

Plarium again. How to start programming due to game playing.

Small script for one of the plarium game



Let me know when you manage to create a working script using either of these links. 

I saw the first one years ago, tried it for fun, and it was useless, as they admit in the comments.

The second one is just general, very obvious guidelines. It's a big leap from that to a working script.

None of that says that scripting is impossible. Given the nature of the game, scripting is and always will be possible. But these links are a joke.

23 март 2020, 22:5523.03.20
24 март 2020, 00:34(отредактировано)

Oh my.. everyone.. much bigger problems are afoot in the world and some us may not survive..
so if there was anytime to let bygones be bygones this is it.

those of you who feel cheated .. that  may not be our biggest challenge we need to face
what ever anyone is doing.. anyone can do it.. but many do not want to work that hard for a silly game..

Grymlorde has done really well this month
.. but that is only because we been preparing for over a year to have one great month and this was it..

there is no winning or losing in this game.. only playing or quitting
When faced with insurmountable odds we must choose our own paths

you can see by some miracle we got 1st in last Brawl ..
I'd like to think Euru took mercy on us 
for respecting friend and foe alike

..sure we had dozens of Gryms working over 2 days to score as we did.
and others scored a lot with seemingly little effort.. BUT
I invested in a decent haven with permanent features
and stopped spending on temporary assets in spring 2016
I chose, same may say resigned myself, to stick around and get my money's worth without
anymore distress over the appearances of inequities.
Without some spending there would be nothing to play
are you trying to pay to win.. or pay to play a very involving game?

You must find your fun the best way you can
it behooves everyone to learn and understand prizing
and make the permitted alts as encouraged by in game rewards for inviting friends..
so many say they don't have any friends.. 
to borrow a well known phrase.

"Go Out And Make Friends" ROFLMAO

I only wish that defeated BHs that had level 20 bastions would stop giving them away to those who already control  the game
lol it is not like they need them.. but they have mastered the divide and conquer strategy
they have over 10 years practice.. give credit where credit is due.. 
COTS were my best friends and now belong to them
Ban@ne was 1st to Make a successful stand but many of those involved bailed out and the rest is history

they are not winning through automation.. they are winning the psychological war
this is a forever game.. you play it or you don't.. you spend wisely or not so wisely
if you feel Plarium is allowing this.. then there is no use in pointing fingers

it seems some may even enjoy causing distress.
Bottom line is be true to yourself and no one can hurt you..
you just may not have as much fun as you planned on.
Grymlorde rose to challenge and found satisfaction in doing our best, win or lose.
we did our best in a game that theoretically is supposed to be fun

we passed EURU in experience hunt just so they'd have to bother taking 1st place back
which they did in the very last hour of experience hunt.. about 12 hours ago.. what a blast it was to come so close

consider them the Game AI that is always going to win and the fun is in trying compete as best you can

remember John Henry? He beat the Machine only to die with the Sledge Hammer in his hands from a heart attack
So did he really win.. at that cost?
I'd rather lose and survive to play again.

so stop anguishing and adjust your thought processes

enjoy the friends you have made.
be loyal to yourselves and your brethren,

remember the friends we have lost 

AND the best thing anyone can do is have fun no matter what

My Hats off to EURU for getting Grymlorde  to strive and play better than we ever have even when we lose.
we can't keep that up.. so don't expect us to repeat this last month.. never expected to win 4 brawls in a row
I figured this was the time as I need surgery and don't know what the future will bring
Many Grymlordes are facing rough times and we needed this tiny bit of light in these dark times

May you all find some light of your own and find your fun in this game.

Pardon me if I am sounding to sappy..
but It seemed this conversation needed a change of pace

All the best to everyone.. Friends AND Foes Alike


25 март 2020, 12:2125.03.20
terry said:

either he is smart or a complete idiot is not the question. the question that needs to be answerd is. if they (plarium) are allowing him to get away with this, which it seems to me they are allowing him to to continue,then it has to be asked are we the rest of the players smart or complete idiots. the only other answer is Plarium is shiv,because i think enough evidence is public knowledge, so it must be blindingly clear  to them as well,if that is the case we are being taken for fools

24 апр. 2020, 10:5324.04.20
24 апр. 2020, 10:54(отредактировано)

i would like to reply to one accusation made by CIGNEOUS in a previous post regarding COTS 
he claims Cots belong to them , i presume them being RuAL or Euru ?

I am part of Cots leadership and strongly refute that accusation, Cots belong only to Cots members we have limited diplomacy and respect our ally and those we are at peace with.

As regards the Brawl have you seen CoTs at the top of the league table ?? we have prize players as well 
infact we have lost more Brawls then we have won, but we do not play for the rubies but instead our aim is to complete tier 10 with minimal loss of units, so all members at whatever level providing they get the 1000pts qualify get all the units on offer.

I know a lot of people dislike Cots, and i will tell you why, we are a top PvP BH and 9 times out of 10 win BH PvP tournaments whether Bastion , Presidio or a plain straight pvp, again to which we encourage all members to qualify and reap the rewards. I will not deny we have a few coin players but so does the likes of all the people on this thread BH's.

As regards RuAL or Euru just winning via prize playing so what they lose more units than gained, but if that's what they like doing in game then so be it, i don't see much else either BH does, but i do not blame SHIV after all the flak that's given without any proof what so ever, turning one or both BH's and attacking who has made continual accusations as he has done in the past.

24 апр. 2020, 15:2724.04.20

i should have added this to my other post 

Here is a possible solution to the Brawl Argument, do not remove the prizing aspect of the Brawl 

But simply lower the points gained, to bring Prize playing in line with points gained from other tasks.

Perhaps Plarium could take this into full consideration, and turn the Brawl into an all round fair Tournament .
27 апр. 2020, 08:2427.04.20

Privateer said:

But simply lower the points gained, to bring Prize playing in line with points gained from other tasks.

Perhaps Plarium could take this into full consideration, and turn the Brawl into an all round fair Tournament .

When I raised the focus on prizes as nonsensical (as we already do have Prize tournaments), the responses I got gave me an impression that Plarium is well aware of this and happy with it.

27 апр. 2020, 19:1027.04.20

I have been asked by Ron NSF to Official give NSF Answer to this rather bizarre " argumentum ad verecundiam " by Privateer in regards to Pirate Bay .

Privateer said:

i would like to reply to one accusation made by CIGNEOUS in a previous post regarding COTS

he claims Cots belong to them , i presume them being RuAL or Euru ?

I am part of Cots leadership and strongly refute that accusation, Cots belong only to Cots members we have limited diplomacy and respect our ally and those we are at peace with.


As The Community know fritz, shiv, nightmare, and a few other well know " Miscreants " have alts in COTS The whole Community presume that the different family of shiv ( his words not ours ) are controlled by him and his " unproven as yet " use of " something " not given in the game to ever player. 

We have members in NSF, that was once part of this “rual family brotherhood controlled game system” that were told they require there account log in,s and they could be moved by “ the leadership” to anywhere ( brother hood in the rual family ) 

Best not to link your credit card " Hey !


There for the “Brotherhoods” involved use each other to gerrymander, tournament results.

This to The Community means that any score, ranking, or measurement of " one of them top " players is NULL and VOID and when proved will result in the removal of their statistics.

We at NSF have black listed a number of cots and there known sister brotherhoods players, and feel they are not honourable Men who can be trusted. 

Privateer said:

I know a lot of people dislike Cots, and i will tell you why, we are a top PvP BH

As regards RuAL or Euru just winning via prize playing so what they lose more units than gained, but if that's what they like doing in game then so be it, i don't see much else either BH does, but i do not blame SHIV after all the flak that's given without any proof what so ever, turning one or both BH's and attacking who has made continual accusations as he has done in the past.

The reason most people hate " some of you " is nothing to do with how well you think you may play pvp, It is more to do with that a number of you have played the game in different Brotherhoods and have indulged in treachery, disloyalty, and basically tried to destroyed some of the oldest Brotherhoods in Pirates Bay, for your own selfish ends.

Then you love to pontificate using a superior moral authority argument to the rest of the player base, using some very weak argument " it is the private code ", even some of cots heavens are named as such -

  .... SHAME .... SHAME .... SHAME !

Some thing which will come back to haunt you.

You have killed the game in pirate bay like you did in sirens straights, not many of the Whales are going to spend there ( not a miss spell ) " subway cards " on a cheap con trick game any more.


28 апр. 2020, 22:5028.04.20

Privateer said:

You are being played Privateer and you are probably paying for it in your money. Good Luck 
30 апр. 2020, 10:4030.04.20

You do not have to play them.

They do nothing for your brotherhood as such and the player gets a few free toys if they do not spend money.

The Brotherhoods in the top of the ranking work it between there selves and the whole thing is an excersize in procrastination.