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Arena. Considering to quit now

Arena. Considering to quit now

Feb 7, 2022, 12:2002/07/22

I was a while ago in Gold.  Got pushed down to silver, and can't get out of silver because the whales have dropped down.  Unless they delete the dead teams this Arena is completely FUBAR.  Hey but a) they wont fix it and b) you fanbois will defend them, again and  again.  You fanbois are probably why they do nothing.  Reflect. 


All  the  real  Fanboi's  are  in  Silver  arena  complaining about  not  being  able  to  get  back  to  Gold.

All  the  Stars  are  in  Gold.

Your  lack  of  skill  is  what  is  holding  you  back.

You  should  improve  yoursel!

The  General  Manager has  assured  the  Players  the  following things:

1.  Arena  is  Working  as  Intended

2.  Arena  doesn't  have  Bugs

3.  Arena  doesn't have  Bots

4.  Arena  Matching  Making  System  is  working  Perfectly

We  have  been  given  the  Green  Light!

This  means  everything on  the  Game  side  is  working  Perfectly.

What  is  the  reason  people can't  get  to  Gold  4?

User  Error!

It  has  nothing to  do  with  the  Game.

It  has  to  do  with  the  Person  Playing  the  Game.

Reflect  upon  that  Ladies  &  Gentleman!

So  easy  for  people to  blame  the  game  instead  of  themselves.

They  just  can't handle  the  dirty  truth  which  is  they  are  horrible at  the  game.

They  should  spend  less  time  complaining about  the  game  and  more  time  improving  themselves!

Feb 7, 2022, 13:1302/07/22
Player J


All  the  real  Fanboi's  are  in  Silver  arena  complaining about  not  being  able  to  get  back  to  Gold.

All  the  Stars  are  in  Gold.

Your  lack  of  skill  is  what  is  holding  you  back.

You  should  improve  yoursel!

The  General  Manager has  assured  the  Players  the  following things:

1.  Arena  is  Working  as  Intended

2.  Arena  doesn't  have  Bugs

3.  Arena  doesn't have  Bots

4.  Arena  Matching  Making  System  is  working  Perfectly

We  have  been  given  the  Green  Light!

This  means  everything on  the  Game  side  is  working  Perfectly.

What  is  the  reason  people can't  get  to  Gold  4?

User  Error!

It  has  nothing to  do  with  the  Game.

It  has  to  do  with  the  Person  Playing  the  Game.

Reflect  upon  that  Ladies  &  Gentleman!

So  easy  for  people to  blame  the  game  instead  of  themselves.

They  just  can't handle  the  dirty  truth  which  is  they  are  horrible at  the  game.

They  should  spend  less  time  complaining about  the  game  and  more  time  improving  themselves!

Plsyer J

Please go back into the hole you crawled out of. Also every line of text does not = pharagraph.

As for me I think there should be a happy medium, not sure what it is but right now you either have enugh speed for your teir or you lose.

I know farm Dragon more and once again there needs to me something inbetween IMO. I have have been farming dragon for the last 2 months on my alt account and improved my speed all of 10 points from 250 to 260, so now I am left to farm the dragon more which I am lucky enough to be able to carry 2 food with me but still there should be more to the gsme than farm dragon, farm dragon , farm dragon...........

Just my crazy ideas 😀

Feb 7, 2022, 16:4402/07/22

I'm with Minin from the start of the thread, in very similar position. Not having fun. Not wanting to grind all that gear but still wanting to play the game. It's a lovely game. The thing is, gear should not be the deciding factor, the Champion and the combo should be the one who wins.

But I guess this kind of game mode would not be so lucrative for Plarium. I'm still here, but probably not for long.

Feb 7, 2022, 19:1502/07/22

Plsyer J

Please go back into the hole you crawled out of. Also every line of text does not = pharagraph.

As for me I think there should be a happy medium, not sure what it is but right now you either have enugh speed for your teir or you lose.

I know farm Dragon more and once again there needs to me something inbetween IMO. I have have been farming dragon for the last 2 months on my alt account and improved my speed all of 10 points from 250 to 260, so now I am left to farm the dragon more which I am lucky enough to be able to carry 2 food with me but still there should be more to the gsme than farm dragon, farm dragon , farm dragon...........

Just my crazy ideas 😀

Once  again,  Minin  is  spreading  false  information through  out  the  forums.

My  fastest  hero  is  215  Speed  and  I  beat  everybody.

I  don't farm  Dragon.

I  only  farm  Dragon  when  they  have  an  event.

I  farm  Ice  Golem!

All  Hail  the  Ice  Golem!

Here  is  my  team  Minin:


Here  are  the  Stats,  Minin:





My  Fastest  hero  is  Seeker  -  215  SPD

Second  Fastest  hero  is  Zelotah  -  187  SPD

Third  Fastest  hero  is  Wurlim  -  178  SPD

Fourth  Fastest  hero  is  Rhazin  -  177  SPD

So  there  you  go  Minin  

You say  you  need  Enough SPD  to  win.

Well  congratulations Minin  -  You  have  Enough  SPD. 

You  have  260  Speed.

I  have  215  Speed

Tell  me  how  you  being  faster  is  going  to  save  you  from  my  team.

My  team  is  going  to  go  2nd  with  a  mission  to  destroy!

Are  you  going  to  join  the  rest  of  the  players  who  attack  me  and  get  defeated  by me?


Feb 7, 2022, 19:2202/07/22
Player J

Once  again,  Minin  is  spreading  false  information through  out  the  forums.

My  fastest  hero  is  215  Speed  and  I  beat  everybody.

I  don't farm  Dragon.

I  only  farm  Dragon  when  they  have  an  event.

I  farm  Ice  Golem!

All  Hail  the  Ice  Golem!

Here  is  my  team  Minin:


Here  are  the  Stats,  Minin:





My  Fastest  hero  is  Seeker  -  215  SPD

Second  Fastest  hero  is  Zelotah  -  187  SPD

Third  Fastest  hero  is  Wurlim  -  178  SPD

Fourth  Fastest  hero  is  Rhazin  -  177  SPD

So  there  you  go  Minin  

You say  you  need  Enough SPD  to  win.

Well  congratulations Minin  -  You  have  Enough  SPD. 

You  have  260  Speed.

I  have  215  Speed

Tell  me  how  you  being  faster  is  going  to  save  you  from  my  team.

My  team  is  going  to  go  2nd  with  a  mission  to  destroy!

Are  you  going  to  join  the  rest  of  the  players  who  attack  me  and  get  defeated  by me?


First and formost please PLEASE learn what a pharagraph is and how to use them 😁

Second so instead of going with the Meta your advice is to spend more time farming resist items in a harder dugeon, I hope you understand how this logic falls way short ( I doubt it but one can hope )

Also please understand not everyone comes at the game from a 3 year end game player perspective.

Feb 7, 2022, 19:4002/07/22

It is good to see a lively debate! But remember to keep it civil. 😀

Feb 7, 2022, 19:4102/07/22

It is good to see a lively debate! But remember to keep it civil. 😀

I thought I was?😜

Feb 7, 2022, 19:5902/07/22

First and formost please PLEASE learn what a pharagraph is and how to use them 😁

Second so instead of going with the Meta your advice is to spend more time farming resist items in a harder dugeon, I hope you understand how this logic falls way short ( I doubt it but one can hope )

Also please understand not everyone comes at the game from a 3 year end game player perspective.

I believe he's on mobile, which is what leads to the wonky formatting. It's possible to fix that by backspacing a lot but considering how in depth Player J is sometimes that could be rather time consuming. 

Feb 7, 2022, 20:1002/07/22
Feb 7, 2022, 20:23(edited)

I believe he's on mobile, which is what leads to the wonky formatting. It's possible to fix that by backspacing a lot but considering how in depth Player J is sometimes that could be rather time consuming. 

TY I did not know that about mobile posting 😉

I always just took it as part of Player Js condesending and arrogant attitude😋


Yes i do see the irony of calling him condesending and arrogant when I am acting the same way towards him 😁

Feb 7, 2022, 22:4202/07/22

I thought I was?😜

Insulting people and telling them to go back to the hole they crawled out of is not civil. 

I know you do not appreciate Player J's opinion, but I am asking you to tone it down the same way I have him.

Feb 7, 2022, 22:4602/07/22

I believe he's on mobile, which is what leads to the wonky formatting. It's possible to fix that by backspacing a lot but considering how in depth Player J is sometimes that could be rather time consuming. 

tbh I simply cannot post from mobile. I have no idea why, but every time I hit the space key, the text I entered disappears.

Feb 7, 2022, 22:5302/07/22

tbh I simply cannot post from mobile. I have no idea why, but every time I hit the space key, the text I entered disappears.

I have this exact problem. Makes it hard to moderate.

Feb 7, 2022, 23:0902/07/22

tbh I simply cannot post from mobile. I have no idea why, but every time I hit the space key, the text I entered disappears.

On android, mine will underline the word I'm currently typing. If i don't hit space before tapping elsewhere or posting the comment it will delete whatever word is underlined -.- 

And if I backspace too fast I have to reload because it will stop backspacing completely. 

AND I can no longer paste url's unless I put them into another app and then re-copy. 

Working as intended 

Feb 7, 2022, 23:0902/07/22

Insulting people and telling them to go back to the hole they crawled out of is not civil. 

I know you do not appreciate Player J's opinion, but I am asking you to tone it down the same way I have him.

Message received, sorry Player J posting style ( now learned it is from moblie posting) and attitude just rub me the wrong way and I can not hold back, but will do better for my 2 fav mods.

I understand that Player J is the number 1 fan of go second teams, but for new and newer players it really is not an option IMO.

Reason being is that instead of gearing 2 heros Main for speed and either 2nd as CC with speed or TM boost with Speed, in a go 2nd team I have to gear all 4 with 300+ resists, tons of HP and Def and also have the time for 10 to 20 min fights in the Arena because you have next to no offense IMO.

Feb 7, 2022, 23:2502/07/22

Just finished watching Reacher Season 1. Player J kind of talks like Reacher. 😉

Feb 8, 2022, 07:0402/08/22

I understand your frustration of Gold arena, having gotten squeezed down in the last six weeks or so as well. It's been a lot more difficult and forced me to build a go second team around Seeker to try to combat Arbiter/speed lead teams that don't have Madame in them, for example. Having Dark Elhain ready for Tormin teams too, as another example. It's forced myself and a lot of others to have answers ready for more teams now that arena has gotten harder, as we were warned about months ago.

In theory, Gold (and arena in general) should get harder over time as more players play and make their way towards the end game. Teams get faster and more efficient and that in turn forces us to have to make adjustments to our teams. 

Can you post your roster, champions that are geared out for arena? It could be possible to make improvements and we have quite a few players on this forum who are strong in arena. I would prefer you don't quit and get to enjoy the game again.

-4There needs to be a better way of pairing opponents! Like Possible 1 level Above and 1 level below Your Current Lvl. At gold 1 you shouldn't have to play Lvl 3-4 gold.

Feb 8, 2022, 07:0702/08/22

Plus stoneskin armor is way OP!

Feb 8, 2022, 12:2302/08/22

Hey guys. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the topic. Arena is the most competitive mode of the game, where players are facing each other. The further the game is evolving and the more players are progressing in it, the harder Arena is becoming. Therefore, we are constantly monitoring its difficulty and improving the matchmaking system. Moreover, we are planning to extend the tiers to Gold 5 and extend the Platinum.

Just my thoughts:

Only adding Gold 5 will not change anything, it will only change the titles from "cannot reach Gold1" to "cannot reach Gold2" and so on

I agree Arena should be competitive so the people can have fun , but the goals for the Arbiter and so on shouldn't be reach rank this or that. It should be more "earn 500/1000/2000/3000 Goldmedals" or something like that or simply exchange them with graet hall archivement goals like those already existing.  So it will be grinding like any other part of the game. The current goals are simply not at the same level. Reaching gold 2 and autofarm level 13!! dungeon(which is next goal) are not on the same level or gold3 and level15 dungeons and so on. There are many people who can already farm lvl20-25 dungeons, and still cannot reach gold 2 or 3 , because they have no luck with speed rolls or do not have the right champs for go2 team. 

Change that and most of the topics "i will quit because of arena" or "arena is mess" will disapear because only people who want to compete and have fun will try to reach higher gold ranks. 

Also another matter, you have to find a way to use gold medals for those who already have maxed their great halls 

Feb 8, 2022, 12:3702/08/22

The  real  tragedy  of  this  thread  is  the  Misguided views  people have  about  Arena.

3  years  ago,  I  was  a  beginner.

Do  you  want  to  know  what  people told  me?

They  said  Go  2nd  teams  don't work  in  Arena.

It  isn't even  possible to  have  Go  2nd  team.

2  years  ago,  I  was  intermediate  player.

I  created  an  entire  Thread  trying  to  teach  people how  Go  2nd  teams  work  as  well  as  show  players different Go  2nd  teams  I  run  across  in  Arena.

Do  you  want  to  know  what  people told  me?

They  said  my  Forum  Thread  was  a  lie.

They  said  Go  2nd  teams  are  trash  and  Speed  Teams  are  the  only  viable  Set  up.

1  year  ago,  I  was  an  Advanced  player.

The  game  released  heroes  such  as  Tormin  &  Rotos  who  excel  on  a  Go  2nd  team.

Do  you  want  to  know  what  people told  me.

They  said  Go  2nd  teams  were  still  not  viable  the  only  exception was  Tormin  &  Rotos  teams  due  to  them  being  complete broken.

The  game  nerfed  Tormin  &  Rotos  -  Players  said  you  see  the  much  needed  nerf  finally  came  and  Go  2nd  teams  are  now  dead  only  viable option  is  Speed  teams.

3  years  later,  A  new  player  by  name  of  Minin joins  the  forums.

He  tells  me  Go  2nd  teams  are  really  not  viable.

Of  course,  You  tell  me  Go  2nd  teams  are  not  viable.

I  have  heard  this  statement my  entire  Raiding  life

My  first  Defensive  Go  2nd  team  had  Executioner.

The  Farmable  Campaign Champions from  Chapter  11.

Feb 8, 2022, 13:1402/08/22
Feb 8, 2022, 14:02(edited)
Player J

The  real  tragedy  of  this  thread  is  the  Misguided views  people have  about  Arena.

3  years  ago,  I  was  a  beginner.

Do  you  want  to  know  what  people told  me?

They  said  Go  2nd  teams  don't work  in  Arena.

It  isn't even  possible to  have  Go  2nd  team.

2  years  ago,  I  was  intermediate  player.

I  created  an  entire  Thread  trying  to  teach  people how  Go  2nd  teams  work  as  well  as  show  players different Go  2nd  teams  I  run  across  in  Arena.

Do  you  want  to  know  what  people told  me?

They  said  my  Forum  Thread  was  a  lie.

They  said  Go  2nd  teams  are  trash  and  Speed  Teams  are  the  only  viable  Set  up.

1  year  ago,  I  was  an  Advanced  player.

The  game  released  heroes  such  as  Tormin  &  Rotos  who  excel  on  a  Go  2nd  team.

Do  you  want  to  know  what  people told  me.

They  said  Go  2nd  teams  were  still  not  viable  the  only  exception was  Tormin  &  Rotos  teams  due  to  them  being  complete broken.

The  game  nerfed  Tormin  &  Rotos  -  Players  said  you  see  the  much  needed  nerf  finally  came  and  Go  2nd  teams  are  now  dead  only  viable option  is  Speed  teams.

3  years  later,  A  new  player  by  name  of  Minin joins  the  forums.

He  tells  me  Go  2nd  teams  are  really  not  viable.

Of  course,  You  tell  me  Go  2nd  teams  are  not  viable.

I  have  heard  this  statement my  entire  Raiding  life

My  first  Defensive  Go  2nd  team  had  Executioner.

The  Farmable  Campaign Champions from  Chapter  11.

Player J

I understand you love Go 2nd , but no where did i say they were not viable.

What i have said is that it is not a realistic goal for a new player.

As I said in another post Speed team you need to gear 2 champs with 1 stat speed.

go 2nd team you have to gear all 4 champs in either resist gear or gear with high resist rolls on them and you also have to have high HP and Def. Also Ideally you want a resist champ lead which even after a year of playing 2 accounts I do not have 1.

To me for a new or newer player this is not realistic IMO, and also I believe you would need more time for your Arena Battles as  with high resists and HP/Def you will hit like a wet noddle( even more so for a new/newer player with lesser gear choices)

So from my perspective it is you trying to hand out misinformation 


I am done talking circles with you 😀.

You love go 2nd, about 90% of the player base loves Speed teams, not much left to say from either me or you 🙈🙉🙊

One last thought I really should stop argueing against you because a poorly put together resist team is much easier fodder than a poorly put together speed team IMO

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