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Arena. Considering to quit now

Arena. Considering to quit now

Jan 31, 2022, 20:0701/31/22

 Arena is the most competitive mode of the game

You do understand that Arena is not competitive, it is all about how many refreshes someone is willing to go thru.

I disagree entirely with this. It might be the case that for weaker teams, your only real chance of staying in G4 is to keep refreshing until you find teams to beat, but I'm usually up at around 3500 by the end of the week, and it's definitely not just from beating "bots".

Jan 31, 2022, 20:1301/31/22
Jan 31, 2022, 20:29(edited)

I disagree entirely with this. It might be the case that for weaker teams, your only real chance of staying in G4 is to keep refreshing until you find teams to beat, but I'm usually up at around 3500 by the end of the week, and it's definitely not just from beating "bots".

So you fight every battle on every page you pull?

PS I guess I would ask you or any other End game player to look beyond just what you can do.

I do not have any issues staying in G4 I just really loathe Arena and would like to see improvments to the fun of the game.

Also if you do not believe the majority of people playing this game do a ton of refreshes for Arena, I have a Bridge I can sell you 😀

Jan 31, 2022, 20:2801/31/22

So you fight every battle on every page you pull?

PS I guess I would ask you or any other End game player to look beyond just what you can do.

I do not have any issues staying in G4 I just really loathe Arena and would like to see improvments to the fun of the game.

Also if you do not believe the majority of people playing this game do a ton of refreshes for Arena, I have a Bridge I can sell you 😀

I certainly don't lol, I think both Kram and I would be in G3 if we did that :).  The actual "bots" may be extinct, but I consider the full page of player level sub-85 to be the new "bots".  Usually it is a page of all 100 or close to it.  The fact that you get a full page of these every few refreshes means that even in G4 its not a free for all.

I hit the solo defenses and will attack the full "bot" pages (will lose sometimes) or just not use my tokens.  I am too lazy to switch my team to fight any of the more challenging teams, even the ones I know I will beat LOL.  If I am going to spend any more than 10 seconds on an arena fight it is in Tag, but I am taking a break from that and sitting in S4.  Going to terrorize everyone who has a "Help3v3Gold" name with my Ramantu I am building tomorrow LOLOLOL

Jan 31, 2022, 20:3401/31/22

So you fight every battle on every page you pull?

PS I guess I would ask you or any other End game player to look beyond just what you can do.

I do not have any issues staying in G4 I just really loathe Arena and would like to see improvments to the fun of the game.

Also if you do not believe the majority of people playing this game do a ton of refreshes for Arena, I have a Bridge I can sell you 😀

Certainly on the weekly reset, I'll be battling most, if not all of them, but yeah as the week goes on, the teams I can fight will shrink in size.

That being said, I've now found a workable comp to counter almost all the teams I see, so there are far more that I'll fight with than I used to. I now basically only avoid Leorius and Tormin teams, and even those there are a few I will take on anyway.

Jan 31, 2022, 20:4301/31/22


So I am one of the accounts you and Trips call a bot 😀

only at I think 78 account level and my Arb only has 310 speed easy pickings for you big guys 😁

Jan 31, 2022, 20:4501/31/22


So I am one of the accounts you and Trips call a bot 😀

only at I think 78 account level and my Arb only has 310 speed easy pickings for you big guys 😁

I forget - is your team Arb + Kymar + Serris + Trunda? If so, no, that would be a team I would avoid. Just too much of a coin flip.

Jan 31, 2022, 20:4601/31/22
Jan 31, 2022, 20:47(edited)

I forget - is your team Arb + Kymar + Serris + Trunda? If so, no, that would be a team I would avoid. Just too much of a coin flip.

No Tundra

Arb Kymar Serris Roto.

Jan 31, 2022, 21:0501/31/22
Jan 31, 2022, 21:05(edited)

No Tundra

Arb Kymar Serris Roto.


Bot :)

Jan 31, 2022, 21:0701/31/22
Jan 31, 2022, 21:18(edited)


Bot :)

Thanks for the confirmation 😁

At least I am so easy you only got 8 points out of me 😍

Jan 31, 2022, 21:1901/31/22
Jan 31, 2022, 21:20(edited)


Bot :)

Forum on forum violence! Y̶̷o̶̷u̶̷  L̶̷̶̶̷̷̶̷O̶̷̶̶̷̷̶̷V̶̷̶̶̷̷̶̷E T̶̷̶̶̷̷̶̷O̶̷̶̶̷̷̶̷  se̶̷e̶̷  i̶̷t̶̷! Errrm, I mean you HATE to see it.

Jan 31, 2022, 21:2601/31/22


From just now, not to beat the Bot conspiracy to death but... 😆 

Jan 31, 2022, 21:3101/31/22


From just now, not to beat the Bot conspiracy to death but... 😆 

How come I do not get pages like that lol

Jan 31, 2022, 21:4401/31/22

No Tundra

Arb Kymar Serris Roto.

That one I might actually fight, because most people have Rotos set to default AI, which usually means opening with A2. Even if you win the speed race, you'd just have your Rotos auto target my Maulie, due to bad affinity. She'd almost certainly die, but then the rest of my team would get the speed boost, wake up, and probably I'd go next with my Arb. I'd revive, speed boost, and then it'd be all over for you.

Jan 31, 2022, 21:4501/31/22


From just now, not to beat the Bot conspiracy to death but... 😆 

All teams are bots on defense, Trips. :D :D

Jan 31, 2022, 22:1801/31/22

So you fight every battle on every page you pull?

PS I guess I would ask you or any other End game player to look beyond just what you can do.

I do not have any issues staying in G4 I just really loathe Arena and would like to see improvments to the fun of the game.

Also if you do not believe the majority of people playing this game do a ton of refreshes for Arena, I have a Bridge I can sell you 😀

As a mid game player i fight maybe half the teams on the list, there are certain teams i just ignore

Hedgemon teams, tormin teams, teams with siphi and rotos and duchess in the same team.

I switch champs in and out according to the team (arbiter/deacon/tormin/nuker is standard speed nuke team) but i change it about based on who i am fighting)

Win rate is normally 95% ish on offence, but i don't really class it as pvp - its pve to me. 

So yes with me ignoring at least 50% of teams i refresh a lot.

Feb 1, 2022, 04:1502/01/22


From just now, not to beat the Bot conspiracy to death but... 😆 

Arena is supposed to be competitive. Works as intended. They just didn't tell us that the competition is not building the best team, but klicking the refresh button as often as possible.

Feb 7, 2022, 08:5902/07/22

I understand your frustration of Gold arena, having gotten squeezed down in the last six weeks or so as well. It's been a lot more difficult and forced me to build a go second team around Seeker to try to combat Arbiter/speed lead teams that don't have Madame in them, for example. Having Dark Elhain ready for Tormin teams too, as another example. It's forced myself and a lot of others to have answers ready for more teams now that arena has gotten harder, as we were warned about months ago.

In theory, Gold (and arena in general) should get harder over time as more players play and make their way towards the end game. Teams get faster and more efficient and that in turn forces us to have to make adjustments to our teams. 

Can you post your roster, champions that are geared out for arena? It could be possible to make improvements and we have quite a few players on this forum who are strong in arena. I would prefer you don't quit and get to enjoy the game again.

The problem is not picking your own battles, it's losing when you can't defend yourself... all those arbiterteams keep hitting on my defteam and make it impossible for me to get to... arbiter... this allready made me cut down on the time i spend on Raid, it made me decide not to spend another dollar on it, and i feel very soon i will quit completely

Feb 7, 2022, 09:0202/07/22

What does this mean ? No more arbiter for who doesn't have him allready ? That must be the solution... great thinking !

Feb 7, 2022, 09:1802/07/22

I am not sure what this post is, was this communication you had with support?

Are you real person or bot? If person, please try again without cut and paste from somewhere else?

Feb 7, 2022, 10:2502/07/22

I was a while ago in Gold.  Got pushed down to silver, and can't get out of silver because the whales have dropped down.  Unless they delete the dead teams this Arena is completely FUBAR.  Hey but a) they wont fix it and b) you fanbois will defend them, again and  again.  You fanbois are probably why they do nothing.  Reflect. 

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