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Arena. Considering to quit now

Arena. Considering to quit now

Jan 28, 2022, 03:2501/28/22

Arena. Considering to quit now


Another topic which is full of hate. I have a nice team setup with madam and seeker and they have speed aura and speed 300+ and  another blablabla 

What is the point to keep losing this bullshit combination battles? 

Does plarium sell "extra" stat artifacts?  

And I really would like to have an answer why I have that kind of teams against me in gold 1?


After 1.5 years and huge waste of money I don't want to continue playing with stupid algorythms, the game brings me anger and frustration instead of joy

Jan 28, 2022, 03:3601/28/22

Bring back previous arena and people will bring you money. Abosulutely not sensible to increase difficulty for any reasons and lose money which  players could pay you

Any game has to bring fun and joy, games are designed to be for that purpose. 

Arena balance has to be reconsidered before you lose a tone of players

Not only taking about getiitng arbiter, but also that the only stat that matters is speed, so much wrong on that 

Jan 28, 2022, 04:0901/28/22

Bring back previous arena and people will bring you money. Abosulutely not sensible to increase difficulty for any reasons and lose money which  players could pay you

Any game has to bring fun and joy, games are designed to be for that purpose. 

Arena balance has to be reconsidered before you lose a tone of players

Not only taking about getiitng arbiter, but also that the only stat that matters is speed, so much wrong on that 

I understand your frustration of Gold arena, having gotten squeezed down in the last six weeks or so as well. It's been a lot more difficult and forced me to build a go second team around Seeker to try to combat Arbiter/speed lead teams that don't have Madame in them, for example. Having Dark Elhain ready for Tormin teams too, as another example. It's forced myself and a lot of others to have answers ready for more teams now that arena has gotten harder, as we were warned about months ago.

In theory, Gold (and arena in general) should get harder over time as more players play and make their way towards the end game. Teams get faster and more efficient and that in turn forces us to have to make adjustments to our teams. 

Can you post your roster, champions that are geared out for arena? It could be possible to make improvements and we have quite a few players on this forum who are strong in arena. I would prefer you don't quit and get to enjoy the game again.

Jan 28, 2022, 08:0201/28/22

I understand your frustration of Gold arena, having gotten squeezed down in the last six weeks or so as well. It's been a lot more difficult and forced me to build a go second team around Seeker to try to combat Arbiter/speed lead teams that don't have Madame in them, for example. Having Dark Elhain ready for Tormin teams too, as another example. It's forced myself and a lot of others to have answers ready for more teams now that arena has gotten harder, as we were warned about months ago.

In theory, Gold (and arena in general) should get harder over time as more players play and make their way towards the end game. Teams get faster and more efficient and that in turn forces us to have to make adjustments to our teams. 

Can you post your roster, champions that are geared out for arena? It could be possible to make improvements and we have quite a few players on this forum who are strong in arena. I would prefer you don't quit and get to enjoy the game again.

I agree Arena should get harder as you progress, however surely the issue is Plarium make it artificially harder due to their matchmaking

There must be tens of thousands in the lower Arena tiers, and everyone in any tier has got their by right, so why, FGS WHY can't they remove matchmaking and just bring back ten random opponents from your current tier to battle?

Jan 28, 2022, 11:2001/28/22

In theory, Gold (and arena in general) should get harder over time as more players play and make their way towards the end game. Teams get faster and more efficient and that in turn forces us to have to make adjustments to our teams.  

I disagree with this The Arena over time should be pretty staic IMO.

I say this because while new teams are moving up old inactive teams should be getting removed ( I do not beleive this happens).

Also Plarium really needs to stop makeing their crappy PVPVE system so important to game progress.

Sorry Plarium once you realize your game is a PVE game it will improve greatly IMO

Jan 28, 2022, 12:2301/28/22


The  problem is  with  you,  not  Arena.

You  should  try  to  improve yourself.

Making  excuses  for  your  own  inferiorities  is  the  true  waste  of  time  &  money.

Instead  of  pointing  fingers  to  others,  why  not  point  the  fingers  to  yourself and  improve.

You  allowed  yourself to  get  beat  by  a  team  half  your  power.

How  embarrassing to  lose  in  such  a  manner.

Doesn't  losing  to  a  person  half  your  power  with  lvl  50  heroes upset  you?

Doesn't  it  give  you  any  desire at  all  to  be  better?

Jan 28, 2022, 13:5101/28/22

The always insightful and supportive Player J shows his face 😭

You know all your companions over the years must have loved you when you broke it off.

It is not me it is you, do not worry the sun still shines on my Arse all day long 🤔

Jan 28, 2022, 14:0201/28/22

I'm sure that pep talk will work wonders Player J, as usual thanks for the supportive comment

And maybe the Arena is ' WORKING AS  INTENDED! ' 

For Plarium perhaps, maybe for a lot of the player base not so much

Jan 28, 2022, 14:0201/28/22

Back in the day, sometime arpund 2019, I remember puting only level 40 speed booster champion, Doomscreech (very underrated, most thinks I have noob defense because of using him), just to have very low team power. This is to bait a lot of players to attack my defense without them knowing that it has 290-300 speed. 

Most players probably rage and thinks of quiting like the OP after seeing they got beaten by half of their team power :D :D

But now 2022, this year is not going to be about speed or team power. Use go 2nd team, whether offense or defense, with stone skin artifacts, and you should be fine going to gold 4. Winning in pvp this year is probabbly going to be decided base on rng. Sigh. 

Jan 28, 2022, 14:4501/28/22

 whether offense or defense, with stone skin artifacts 

I really hope this is not the case ( even though I think you are right) as this will just put new/newer people further behind .

I am a newer player coming up on a year and can only get the first or second chest on normal for Hydra ,I do not put alot of effort into this as I find it really unfun to have to manaul all these battles and if RGN goes wrong to have to start all over.

Jan 28, 2022, 15:3801/28/22

I sympathise and think 300 speed should be sufficient for gold one. I am still finishing mid G4, but its largely because i can use tormin on offence against speed nukers - which means if i lose the speed race i still usually win the fight

As for stone skin artifacts, they are almost impossible for new players to get, even mid game players will struggle to get them, so they are not really an answer.

Your average mid game player might get 2xwarrior chests a week from hydra- and the odds are the pieces will be crap anyway ...

Jan 28, 2022, 16:3901/28/22

In theory, Gold (and arena in general) should get harder over time as more players play and make their way towards the end game. Teams get faster and more efficient and that in turn forces us to have to make adjustments to our teams.  

I disagree with this The Arena over time should be pretty staic IMO.

I say this because while new teams are moving up old inactive teams should be getting removed ( I do not beleive this happens).

Also Plarium really needs to stop makeing their crappy PVPVE system so important to game progress.

Sorry Plarium once you realize your game is a PVE game it will improve greatly IMO

I think it's an interesting debate. Any competitive game in which there are a limited number of spots/leaderboard and strats that are or were seen as most efficient (in this case speed), it should get harder, over time. There begins to be a rock paper scissors element to challenging teams, needing to have counters at certain levels.

However I can buy the argument that arena tiers should be expanded or adjusted in a way to reflect the amount of players that are now in the game. Arena feels very, very difficult right now, as is. 

Jan 28, 2022, 16:4901/28/22

I think it's an interesting debate. Any competitive game in which there are a limited number of spots/leaderboard and strats that are or were seen as most efficient (in this case speed), it should get harder, over time. There begins to be a rock paper scissors element to challenging teams, needing to have counters at certain levels.

However I can buy the argument that arena tiers should be expanded or adjusted in a way to reflect the amount of players that are now in the game. Arena feels very, very difficult right now, as is. 

If you are playing regularly it should not become harder to keep your current tier, because you should naturally increase in capability though playing?

I totally understand why people who have been in G4 but now find themselves in G1 are extremely frustrated, i would be.

Jan 28, 2022, 17:0501/28/22

If you are playing regularly it should not become harder to keep your current tier, because you should naturally increase in capability though playing?

I totally understand why people who have been in G4 but now find themselves in G1 are extremely frustrated, i would be.

I think there's a balance to be struck between hyper competitiveness and accessibility, and I'm one of those who was in G4 and have been slowly squeezed down to G3. The start of the week after reset is an absolute battle. 

On top of our matchmaking options getting harder, we're also dealing with wanting/needing specific champions in matchups while also needing to get better gear on those champs. It can be a lot of work at the moment if you're trying to do other content. I believe that can lead to it becoming harder to keep your current tier in normal arena situations, let alone now. 

Jan 28, 2022, 17:2001/28/22

Every  player  I  have  ever  helped  has  been  successful in  reaching  Gold  4.

You  may  not  agree  with  my  methods,  but  it  doesn't mean  my  methods  are  wrong.

I  am  a  Master  Arena  Specialist.

I  have  taught  others  to  be  successful in  Arena.

BUT  being  a  Teacher  by  itself  isn't enough  for  success.

In  order  for  success,  It  requires a  skilled  Teacher  &  a  Student  willing  to  learn.

All  my  Teaching  &  Help  will  do  nothing if  the  OP  choses  to  lay  on  the  Floor  curled  up  in  a  ball  in  the  fetal  position.

How  unextraordinary  Master  Yoda  would  be  if  Sky  Walker  layed  on  the  floor  saying  he  quits  being  a  Jedi.


Jan 28, 2022, 18:1801/28/22

I am not normally forthright with views but can we get one thing straight?

Success in arena requires grinding until your eyes bleed, grinding some more and then grinding even more- on dragon/fireknight/spider

It requires a reasonable spread of champs, but gear > champs generally (some key champs such as duchess/hedge/siphi are huge however)

Whaling makes it considerably easier since you can buy tonnes of speed packs and get the best champs such as duchess/siphi/hedge etc

Yes in plat there seems to be tactics from watching plat push vids

But in gold? no, it is not some sort of mythical 'skill' game.

It requires you to have basic knowledge of what champs do

But it is not about skill it is about grinding and/or whaling. 

Jan 28, 2022, 18:2701/28/22

I am not normally forthright with views but can we get one thing straight?

Success in arena requires grinding until your eyes bleed, grinding some more and then grinding even more- on dragon/fireknight/spider

It requires a reasonable spread of champs, but gear > champs generally (some key champs such as duchess/hedge/siphi are huge however)

Whaling makes it considerably easier since you can buy tonnes of speed packs and get the best champs such as duchess/siphi/hedge etc

Yes in plat there seems to be tactics from watching plat push vids

But in gold? no, it is not some sort of mythical 'skill' game.

It requires you to have basic knowledge of what champs do

But it is not about skill it is about grinding and/or whaling. 

Very well said.

I am in G4 and since listening to people on these fourms, I have been abe to stay there pretty easy last couple resets.

But the biggest factor IMO is I farmed Dragon so much that i wanted to quit and finially got  some good rolls on my speed gear that I can compete  speed wise more often than not.

I really do not buy the whole skill thing, even for Plat as i watch the vids and all people do is auto battle, there is no skill involved IMO.

The only skill involved is experience in knowing what champs does what .

Jan 28, 2022, 18:3301/28/22

If you are playing regularly it should not become harder to keep your current tier, because you should naturally increase in capability though playing?

I totally understand why people who have been in G4 but now find themselves in G1 are extremely frustrated, i would be.

To combine both your posts there Trevor, it seems to me that many people who were in Gold 4 that are in Gold 1 now have just been out-geared. The rest of the people have continued to farm daily. But when the unhappy folks hit some speed, like a 295 Lyssandra or High Khatun or Arbiter, they pretty much stopped farming speed gear. 

Okay, I made Gold 4, no need to worry about speed again! Let me focus on other things exclusively for three to six months, and only farm dragon or spider during fusion tourneys.

Meanwhile, as other players improve, Gold 4 kept getting more difficult for them, but they just managed to stay in, so they didn't start farming again. And now that they've fallen back into Gold 3 or 2 or even Silver, it seems like an impossible task. And they are upset.

How many people do we see hop on and say "Why THE 5^%!$ doesn't my 280/297/294 Arbiter or Lyss not cut it anymore? It USED to win months ago!" And then when the suggestion comes to farm gear for a month or two, people flat out say they are not interested. They refuse and get angry at the suggestion, demanding the game and speeds go back to what the speeds where when that player first made Gold. People on here even suggest gearing for a go second team, and do so quite often, but that is usually flat out refused as well.

If you've fallen out of Gold 4, and you want to be there, the solution is to farm gear to be faster, or farm gear to go second. Cause frankly Trevor, I wholeheartedly agree with this:

Success in arena requires grinding until your eyes bleed, grinding some more and then grinding even more- on dragon/fireknight/spider
It requires a reasonable spread of champs, but gear > champs generally (some key champs such as duchess/hedge/siphi are huge however) 

Arena is about gear. Get the gear to get and stay in Gold.

Jan 28, 2022, 18:3401/28/22

Very well said.

I am in G4 and since listening to people on these fourms, I have been abe to stay there pretty easy last couple resets.

But the biggest factor IMO is I farmed Dragon so much that i wanted to quit and finially got  some good rolls on my speed gear that I can compete  speed wise more often than not.

I really do not buy the whole skill thing, even for Plat as i watch the vids and all people do is auto battle, there is no skill involved IMO.

The only skill involved is experience in knowing what champs does what .

Hey! Congrats Minin! Well done. :)

Jan 28, 2022, 18:3601/28/22

Very well said.

I am in G4 and since listening to people on these fourms, I have been abe to stay there pretty easy last couple resets.

But the biggest factor IMO is I farmed Dragon so much that i wanted to quit and finially got  some good rolls on my speed gear that I can compete  speed wise more often than not.

I really do not buy the whole skill thing, even for Plat as i watch the vids and all people do is auto battle, there is no skill involved IMO.

The only skill involved is experience in knowing what champs does what .

Now enjoy grinding for the next two years to get speed set items with speed substats that you can throw away after missing the speed substat on your upgrade roll :)

Jan 28, 2022, 18:4101/28/22

Now enjoy grinding for the next two years to get speed set items with speed substats that you can throw away after missing the speed substat on your upgrade roll :)


I have already had to do some house cleaning for more gear room if an item did not roll a double Speed or % stat it got sold.

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