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Demytha behind a paywall and it's crap

Demytha behind a paywall and it's crap

Oct 8, 2021, 20:2110/08/21

I got my frags for her and all the other epics without spending money.

I do buy the monthly gem pack but that has had no impact on any of the events cause I'm lazy and spend gems on masteries every time.

A few sacreds off the last 20 or so UNM chests and i would too, but there is physically nothing i can do about that.

Oh well, i am over it already :)  i still havent 6 starred alure and with no decent champs incoming i might as well do it now and forget the fusion

Oct 8, 2021, 20:2710/08/21

They  do  that  depending  on  whether  you  get  the  champion  or  not  :)

And  well,  yes,  of  course  the  best  champ  is  behind  a  paywall.

I might understand to pay something for a great lego champ .

But for some epic that is not a MUST TO HAVE ????

that will never happen :)))

Oct 8, 2021, 20:3110/08/21

Not a huge fan of the 3k points. I did end up using four sacreds to get up to the 2000 mark, and I'll probably use some combination of voids, ancients, and regular shards to get to 3000, but I dislike being forced to spend sacreds on a non-2x weekend.

I understand why they are doing this, but I dislike it. It's dirty.

Oct 8, 2021, 20:3110/08/21
Oct 8, 2021, 20:39(edited)

Ok, so here's the thing.  Should a FTP account preserve all shards for fusions?  Or should they use the 2x summoning events?  You can't do both.

Also, I kill NM clanboss every day and get 2x reward, and I maybe get 1 yellow shard every 10 days or so.  Maybe.  So I can tell you that there was absolutely no way I could get the Dwarf.  I can get her fragments from 1 event but no way in hell I can get them from 2 events.

I can beat all dungeons at max level.  I can clear normal Doomtower.  I'm in Gold IV arena every week.  So while my account is not elite, it is pretty decent for a FTP.

If you are at the stage where you can beat all dungeons at max level, clear doomtower normal and stay in gold 4, then my advice is to never pull shards outside of a fusion/fragment event.  The only exception to this is any guaranteed summon if you need the champion (e.g. the recent coldheart is a great example where it is more beneficial to use void shards).  Every shard should be saved up and you should only use the 3 Mysteries per day for the daily quests

The reality is that the fusion/fragment events also always has a 2x event during them, so skipping a 2x outside of these costs you nothing.  

The next thing you need to consider is whether the upcoming fusion/fragment event contains a champion that will help your account.  Don't participate in it just for the sake of it, as getting another champion to sit in the vault won't help you at all.  You'll end up spending a lot of resources on something you will never use, and if the event after that looks good then you will be screwed.  

My final advice is that the champion chase and summon rush events both need to be approached differently:

Champion chase - You gain points for getting champions by any means, and not just shards.  This includes drops from campaign, fusions using other champions (e.g. Broadmaw) and fragments from other sources (e.g. doom tower, Tag team arena, clan shop).  

Did you finally complete all of the Drex fragments?  Did you participate in the current fusion event and get all fragments for one of the champions?  Don't actually summon them until the next.  A legendary summon is 500 points and an epic is 250.  I always keep spare champions of Broadmaw in my vault and can currently summon him up to 3 times if needed (which I haven't had to yet).  I also have enough rares to summon the epics for Rhazin multiple times.  Finally, I am on track to get 3 of the epics for this fragment event but I will not summon them until the next, because that is 750 points waiting.

I usually finish Champion Chase tournaments without using many shards.  When I do use shards though, I never use Sacred Shards in champion chase.  From a pure cost to reward ratio it doesn't make sense, and you are better off using mystery, ancient or void shards to make the difference (with the priority being in that order).  

Summon Rush - From a pure economical point of view, Sacred Shards offer the biggest value in rewards for any Summon Rush.  A Void shard gives 120 points but a sacred gives 500.  This means that you would have to use almost 5 void shards to get the same benefit as 1 sacred, which is a complete waste of resources.  As a result, I only ever use my sacred shards during a summon rush, and even then I only use the bare minimim.  If you can make up any difference with Mystery Shards then they take priority over using any more sacreds.

For example, in the current event I had 11 sacreds saved up, and have opted to use 4 to get 2000 points, and then 1000 Mystery shards to get the remaining.  I could use 6 sacreds but it is much easier for me to get Mystery shards than to get sacreds.  

Oct 9, 2021, 08:2210/09/21
Oct 9, 2021, 08:33(edited)

so, you know what Plarium says, everything is accecibble and doable for f2p accounts....just forgot to tell, that this can take 10+ years, at least 4 hours daily and  you can still be outmached from someone with bigger credit card, who playing from 3 basically there are 2 games - one is f2p and can be progressed for decade, and one for walle(t)s...and so, players are equal, but some of them are more equal than others...i personally dont participate in 75% of Fussions already...and dont care a lot of login daily, since they "reduce rng" by just removing best prizes...whats the point, there are lot of bigger wallets and a lot of people with more free i decide to move in games, where everyone pay the same and get the same, because personaly find this for fair...but thats personal opinion....

Oct 10, 2021, 11:4010/10/21

Well i got bloody minded about it and burned gems to win fireknight

So i am on target for all the epics, this fusion has been far more work than the rewards are worth though so i am definitely having a break from fusions.

Oct 10, 2021, 12:0210/10/21

i hate the game already , i worked so hard on getting demytha only  i dont care about the lego i just wanted her but i wont get her cuz of the stupid event , the idea that i have to always face huge p2p players in every tournment i killing me and i quit the game for good 

Oct 10, 2021, 12:2510/10/21
Trevor Wilson

Well i got bloody minded about it and burned gems to win fireknight

So i am on target for all the epics, this fusion has been far more work than the rewards are worth though so i am definitely having a break from fusions.

That's what I said leading up to this fusion, but then I found out an epic would be an unkillabe component so that went out the window. Oh well. 2k mysteries and 2 sacreds (got a Geomancer out of it, so not a complete waste) put me on track to getting her, so I guess it could've been worse. Will get the rest just because I might as well, though Dhur is the only one I really care about. Too bad they scheduled the training for after rather than during the summon, such a waste...

Hopefully the next fusion will be trash so I can skip it without feeling bad about it.

Oct 10, 2021, 21:1310/10/21

That's what I said leading up to this fusion, but then I found out an epic would be an unkillabe component so that went out the window. Oh well. 2k mysteries and 2 sacreds (got a Geomancer out of it, so not a complete waste) put me on track to getting her, so I guess it could've been worse. Will get the rest just because I might as well, though Dhur is the only one I really care about. Too bad they scheduled the training for after rather than during the summon, such a waste...

Hopefully the next fusion will be trash so I can skip it without feeling bad about it.

In all honesty if i had known this fusion was going to be so insane i would have skipped it, its almost as bad as brogni (and he is far better).

Oct 11, 2021, 00:0610/11/21
Oct 11, 2021, 00:07(edited)

While it's certainly not impossible to access Demytha without spending money, I think some players here are seriously overlooking the context of the added difficulty in this fusion. Yes, during summon events one of the champs or frags is usually back there in the 3k range but you don't normally have to pick those up if you prepare in other events. Usually you can either pick up an extra epic in a classic fusion or obtain sufficient frags from other events.

 For the life of me, I don't understand why any of you think it's acceptable for Plarium to offer us such abysmal 10x events during a summon rush. Not to mention, the 10x itself is already abysmal regardless of what champ is on the list because the total champion pool makes 10x statistically insignificant.  

On top of the added summon event difficulty and abysmal 10x, we can't forget that this particular fusion is tightly sandwiched between two others. Halloween anyone? Good luck. 

Those of you who are dismissive of Plarium's actions here are only encouraging more of this behavior. Personally, I'm peeved enough to skip this fusion even though I've completed every single one since I started playing 13 months ago. I'm also going to point and laugh in a very obnoxious way at those of you who complain about not having enough shards for the Halloween fusion. You should be complaining now. 

Oct 11, 2021, 08:3110/11/21

It was the dishonesty in the announcement that made it so heartbreaking .  The event announcement made it seem so possible... 140 shards are obtainable and you only need 100!  

I figured I had the teams now to beat all dungeon levels and most content outside of hard doom tower so I should be able to pull off a weekend event if I had the time and I had saved up shards to get past the champion chase so I thought it was worth it.

Why are the summon events even included?  Players don't get sacred shards anymore as login rewards because they were supposed to be a special reward for content and not a 'currency'.  Instead, it is just something you have to save up 6-10 for each event and the shard rewards don't count.  If the shard rewards were important they would be something you saved for a particular champion offer or double chance...

I am very happy for Plarium to make money, they need it to make more content.  But why not keep the f2p element separate?  Include the new super champions as extras in an event that are clearly identified as extra for the whales and spenders or high-end game who can do what they want and collect trophiesies!

1. Make the events something that only depends on your skill and your champions over the time of the event..

2. Make it clear from the start what will be required.

3. Add some more difficulty instead of time requirements.  Like make the event things like you need to beat all different levels of the dungeon for variety,  or with some specific faction to get bonus points instead of just click repeating the same team 200 times...

4.  Why not make all the event tasks simultaneous, so you can work on them as you need to with resources and you know what is required at the start?

5  Drop the events that are skillless like just opening shards...  or at least make them about earning the shards during the event time.

6.  And some bonus champion or reward that clearly requires spending or the big resources of top players.  Dont try and hide the fact that you want to make some money, it is nothing to be ashamed about.  Just separate it out from an event so we don't get stuck 95% through

Oct 11, 2021, 10:0110/11/21

I feel for you all that have missed out on this reward because of the summon rush, I really do.  I think it's a really shit situation and I wish there was a solution that I can provide.

But I really do think that one of the major lessons out of this needs to be that you check and double check everything before committing your resources.  The fragment count per event was listed at the start, and even though they did word it to say that there are 140 to 150 fragments available for each champion, they did add "if you top the leaderboards".  

Even though I agree that this is underhanded, it doesn't matter as the breakdown of fragments has always shown that only 95 were available without summon rush. The points required for these events are also consistent with every other fragment/fushion event that have taken place.

That said, I cannot fault people for not noticing this.  Even Hell Hades didn't notice it and will miss out on the dwarf on his FTP account, and this is a content creator that knows the game much more than most others.  If it can happen to the best then it can happen to others, but it is critical that people sit down and do the numbers going forward.

Right now, the best I can do is hope that they throw another event in the future to let people catch up on missing fragments.  They have done this before whereby they ran some tournaments and events to allow us to get 10 or so fragments for past fragment summons, so if you are sitting on 95 then you could be in luck.  It won't be tomorrow, but it could happen

Oct 11, 2021, 10:2710/11/21

That these events will always have a level of scumminess to them is a given. Plarium is in it for the money and it's naive at best to think they care at all about players beyond the absolute minimum to keep them around and p(l)aying. As such, as much as I'd like, it's unlikely to change.

What I do find pointlessly cruel, however, is Plariums policy of basically waiting until the last second to release any sort of information about the requirements. You are told nothing whatsoever about what events will be part of the fusion or which ones are required for which fusion component up until, at best, a day before it actually starts and usually not even that. And even then, you are not told what the requirements for the individual events are until the actual event in question starts. This is critical, because it prevents any sort of planning ahead of time. It means that even if one of the later events turn out to be impossible, your choice is basically to take a risk by participating in the earlier events and hope that the later ones won't be unreasonable, or skip it entirely if it's clear that you won't be able to do it. This is especially problematic in a fusion like this, when there's no consolation price. 95 fragments or 0 is the same thing.

I mean, fine. You want people to spend their resources (and replenish them with money preferably). Cool, that's what you do and we all know it. But at least give us the ability to make an informed choice about it. It is unbelievably annoying to have that taken away for no reason (or at least no reason that isn't pure coldhearted greed). The game is already based on gamling, there's no need to add another layer of uncertainty to it.

Oct 11, 2021, 10:4910/11/21

That these events will always have a level of scumminess to them is a given. Plarium is in it for the money and it's naive at best to think they care at all about players beyond the absolute minimum to keep them around and p(l)aying. As such, as much as I'd like, it's unlikely to change.

What I do find pointlessly cruel, however, is Plariums policy of basically waiting until the last second to release any sort of information about the requirements. You are told nothing whatsoever about what events will be part of the fusion or which ones are required for which fusion component up until, at best, a day before it actually starts and usually not even that. And even then, you are not told what the requirements for the individual events are until the actual event in question starts. This is critical, because it prevents any sort of planning ahead of time. It means that even if one of the later events turn out to be impossible, your choice is basically to take a risk by participating in the earlier events and hope that the later ones won't be unreasonable, or skip it entirely if it's clear that you won't be able to do it. This is especially problematic in a fusion like this, when there's no consolation price. 95 fragments or 0 is the same thing.

I mean, fine. You want people to spend their resources (and replenish them with money preferably). Cool, that's what you do and we all know it. But at least give us the ability to make an informed choice about it. It is unbelievably annoying to have that taken away for no reason (or at least no reason that isn't pure coldhearted greed). The game is already based on gamling, there's no need to add another layer of uncertainty to it.

Man u are absolutly right.

But Plarium do this on purpose .... if they announced from the beginning that Demitha will have 25 frags on 3500 points on Champ chase  and another 25 frags on Sumon rush at 3000 points than for sure I was not going for this fusion ( and probably many other players) and kept resorces for next fusion ( probably Hallowen one ??)

Without information and hopping ( I really dont know why) that still will be possible Ive spent resources until now ... and I shall have 3 epics that worth 0 ( except the Demonspawn maybe) and 95 frags of Demitha .

And no resorces to go for Hallowen Fusion ( if will be one) and no intention to spend anything in this game 4 ever :)

Oct 11, 2021, 11:2110/11/21

Let's look at the previous 6 champion chase and summon rush events shall we:


If you are looking specifically at Summon Rush, then with the exception of 2150 for Versulf's second milestone, every other recent event has been around the 3000 to 3500 mark.  Infact, Sigmunds 3000 mark for the second milestone is technically on the lower scale.

You can also see that every Champion Chase is pretty consistent too, at around 1150 for milestone one, and 2500 for milestone two.

In other words, for each upcoming event you can get a rough estimate on what to expect.  If you think that it'll be around the 2000 mark then I think you should reconsider

Oct 11, 2021, 12:4710/11/21

Let's look at the previous 6 champion chase and summon rush events shall we:


If you are looking specifically at Summon Rush, then with the exception of 2150 for Versulf's second milestone, every other recent event has been around the 3000 to 3500 mark.  Infact, Sigmunds 3000 mark for the second milestone is technically on the lower scale.

You can also see that every Champion Chase is pretty consistent too, at around 1150 for milestone one, and 2500 for milestone two.

In other words, for each upcoming event you can get a rough estimate on what to expect.  If you think that it'll be around the 2000 mark then I think you should reconsider

II do fusion starting with Kantra ( if i remeber corectly) and only one I missed was Rue .

I know that last milestone for Sumon Rush is at 3000/3500 points.

But more ethic ( why I ask for that on plarium) was to split Demytha frags on 2 - 5 frags or 10 at 500 points and rest at 3000. That way was possible to achive 100 frags without obligation to reach 3000 points .

The way they done it this fusion is impossible to get 100 demytha frags without doing last milestone of both Champion Chase and Summon rush . can u pls be so nice and check when all frags for some champ where achivable only at last milestone of each event ? Or when a champ was obtainable only if u did Champ chase and Sumon rush at maximum?

Oct 11, 2021, 13:5910/11/21

If you are at the stage where you can beat all dungeons at max level, clear doomtower normal and stay in gold 4, then my advice is to never pull shards outside of a fusion/fragment event.  The only exception to this is any guaranteed summon if you need the champion (e.g. the recent coldheart is a great example where it is more beneficial to use void shards).  Every shard should be saved up and you should only use the 3 Mysteries per day for the daily quests

The reality is that the fusion/fragment events also always has a 2x event during them, so skipping a 2x outside of these costs you nothing.  

The next thing you need to consider is whether the upcoming fusion/fragment event contains a champion that will help your account.  Don't participate in it just for the sake of it, as getting another champion to sit in the vault won't help you at all.  You'll end up spending a lot of resources on something you will never use, and if the event after that looks good then you will be screwed.  

My final advice is that the champion chase and summon rush events both need to be approached differently:

Champion chase - You gain points for getting champions by any means, and not just shards.  This includes drops from campaign, fusions using other champions (e.g. Broadmaw) and fragments from other sources (e.g. doom tower, Tag team arena, clan shop).  

Did you finally complete all of the Drex fragments?  Did you participate in the current fusion event and get all fragments for one of the champions?  Don't actually summon them until the next.  A legendary summon is 500 points and an epic is 250.  I always keep spare champions of Broadmaw in my vault and can currently summon him up to 3 times if needed (which I haven't had to yet).  I also have enough rares to summon the epics for Rhazin multiple times.  Finally, I am on track to get 3 of the epics for this fragment event but I will not summon them until the next, because that is 750 points waiting.

I usually finish Champion Chase tournaments without using many shards.  When I do use shards though, I never use Sacred Shards in champion chase.  From a pure cost to reward ratio it doesn't make sense, and you are better off using mystery, ancient or void shards to make the difference (with the priority being in that order).  

Summon Rush - From a pure economical point of view, Sacred Shards offer the biggest value in rewards for any Summon Rush.  A Void shard gives 120 points but a sacred gives 500.  This means that you would have to use almost 5 void shards to get the same benefit as 1 sacred, which is a complete waste of resources.  As a result, I only ever use my sacred shards during a summon rush, and even then I only use the bare minimim.  If you can make up any difference with Mystery Shards then they take priority over using any more sacreds.

For example, in the current event I had 11 sacreds saved up, and have opted to use 4 to get 2000 points, and then 1000 Mystery shards to get the remaining.  I could use 6 sacreds but it is much easier for me to get Mystery shards than to get sacreds.  

This is really good feedback with sound advice.  Thank you for taking the time to post this response.


Oct 11, 2021, 14:1910/11/21
Oct 11, 2021, 16:29(edited)

I am a light spender, but after this show I will not be spending much if anything. I get that Plarium need to make some cash, but screwing their player base over and over will eventually just lead to a drop. plonkers. 

Edited to remove cursing.

Oct 11, 2021, 16:1910/11/21
Oct 11, 2021, 16:27(edited)

If you are at the stage where you can beat all dungeons at max level, clear doomtower normal and stay in gold 4, then my advice is to never pull shards outside of a fusion/fragment event.  The only exception to this is any guaranteed summon if you need the champion (e.g. the recent coldheart is a great example where it is more beneficial to use void shards).  Every shard should be saved up and you should only use the 3 Mysteries per day for the daily quests

The reality is that the fusion/fragment events also always has a 2x event during them, so skipping a 2x outside of these costs you nothing.  

The next thing you need to consider is whether the upcoming fusion/fragment event contains a champion that will help your account.  Don't participate in it just for the sake of it, as getting another champion to sit in the vault won't help you at all.  You'll end up spending a lot of resources on something you will never use, and if the event after that looks good then you will be screwed.  

My final advice is that the champion chase and summon rush events both need to be approached differently:

Champion chase - You gain points for getting champions by any means, and not just shards.  This includes drops from campaign, fusions using other champions (e.g. Broadmaw) and fragments from other sources (e.g. doom tower, Tag team arena, clan shop).  

Did you finally complete all of the Drex fragments?  Did you participate in the current fusion event and get all fragments for one of the champions?  Don't actually summon them until the next.  A legendary summon is 500 points and an epic is 250.  I always keep spare champions of Broadmaw in my vault and can currently summon him up to 3 times if needed (which I haven't had to yet).  I also have enough rares to summon the epics for Rhazin multiple times.  Finally, I am on track to get 3 of the epics for this fragment event but I will not summon them until the next, because that is 750 points waiting.

I usually finish Champion Chase tournaments without using many shards.  When I do use shards though, I never use Sacred Shards in champion chase.  From a pure cost to reward ratio it doesn't make sense, and you are better off using mystery, ancient or void shards to make the difference (with the priority being in that order).  

Summon Rush - From a pure economical point of view, Sacred Shards offer the biggest value in rewards for any Summon Rush.  A Void shard gives 120 points but a sacred gives 500.  This means that you would have to use almost 5 void shards to get the same benefit as 1 sacred, which is a complete waste of resources.  As a result, I only ever use my sacred shards during a summon rush, and even then I only use the bare minimim.  If you can make up any difference with Mystery Shards then they take priority over using any more sacreds.

For example, in the current event I had 11 sacreds saved up, and have opted to use 4 to get 2000 points, and then 1000 Mystery shards to get the remaining.  I could use 6 sacreds but it is much easier for me to get Mystery shards than to get sacreds.  

Rose, this is a good post. It is difficult to have the patience to do all this, but it is certainly necessary to save everything you can when not during a fusion event, if you want to get all these done while remaining a very low spender or F2P.

For me, I realized I wasn't going to make the summon rush, even if I spent all my gems on shards, but thankfully I am still on track for Demytha by pushing hard and dropping a couple thousand saved gems into the Fire Knight tourney and getting those extra 10 frags for winning/second place.

I think I could have been on track though for the summon rush, had I followed some of this advice a little better. If I had stocked away copy or two of Broadmaw, I could have fused him during champ chase, allowing me to save the extra shards I had to pull for the upcoming summon rush. I also need to do a better job of holding onto the fusion event fragment champs for two weeks, and NEVER summoning them until I am short points in a champ chase.

With Broadmaw fusions and always saving the fragment fusions from events, and getting even tighter about never pulling shards outside of an event, I might be able to start getting almost every fusion/fragment champ. Normally I skip every other, or sometimes only go for every third, because the Summon Rush/Champ Chase combo is very difficult every single event.

Thank you for the advice! 

Oct 11, 2021, 16:2510/11/21

Let's look at the previous 6 champion chase and summon rush events shall we:


If you are looking specifically at Summon Rush, then with the exception of 2150 for Versulf's second milestone, every other recent event has been around the 3000 to 3500 mark.  Infact, Sigmunds 3000 mark for the second milestone is technically on the lower scale.

You can also see that every Champion Chase is pretty consistent too, at around 1150 for milestone one, and 2500 for milestone two.

In other words, for each upcoming event you can get a rough estimate on what to expect.  If you think that it'll be around the 2000 mark then I think you should reconsider

This chart shows what I meant above. The Champ Chase and Summon Rush ALWAYS is what gets me. I can usually do one of the two, but have a LOT of trouble doing the second. In fact, I only have two of those champions on the list because of exactly that, although Mother Cybele I was happy to get two epics instead of her.