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Super league Lies

Super league Lies

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
10 трав. 2017, 06:2610.05.17
my facts are straight, i only named the still active players that wanted to see LOBR wiped off the map. you were one of the still active players i named. 
10 трав. 2017, 13:3810.05.17


It boggles my mind to see these incredible posts from my Old Friend & now defunct player Iron Apex here on Chronicle, 

His last post on Jan 6 was to tell us that he had handed over his league & how we would not be seeing him again . My last exchange of Pm's with him were to do with his feelings of despair over the futility of playing this game due to the  Super Coiner armies  of Bob/mjoan  on LoBR and Plariums promotion of such large scale coining  . We had been discussing the # of Sappires & $$$ spent by mjoan to revive on each of the 9 attacks on the Castle of Bill Walker of KT ....I remember the day well , I was very sad to see a man I considered my good friend leaving the game . 

He had even gone so far to change his signature to "every day that i log in, i ask myself " is today the day i quit this game?", Does no one who actually knew Iron Apex remember him doing this?  ... This despondent signature is still written at the bottom of his posts here ! Look & you shall still see it there .

I knew Iron Apex well . I spoke with him nearly everyday when he was playing . He was a  very good player & and all around great guy who decided to get off the Hamster Wheel and devote his time (and money) to his Wife & Children instead. His wife had just given birth to their new baby boy just before Christmas. 

And now I see this incredible post  from a DEFUNCT player suddenly describing Teddy & LoBR as if they were " The Little Engine that Could " ???

This has the familiar smell of yet another league being Bullied yet again to hand over the keys to a Castle so that Teddy may write his agitprop from there . We on server 2 are very familiar with this phenomenon . If the keys to the castle are not handed over , Beacons may be missing in the morning ........

When he WAS playing the game , Iron Apex was very vocal in his Hundreds of posts on the Forum  of his True feelings &  opinions of the game & its goings on. 

10 трав. 2017, 16:4710.05.17

This is not a chronicle it should be under "LEAGUES" 

This has turned into a big flame war about server 2 of which I have no interest sorry
10 трав. 2017, 17:1610.05.17

Jezebel said:

This is not a chronicle it should be under "LEAGUES" 

actually, it should be under 'JOKES'.

do you remember the day, then " Units Will Not Be Dismissed When You Lack The Food to Maintain Them!"?

ok, now the question, whats next. do we seek revenge, and spend also thousands and thousands dollars to do that?

not me.

i have lost my appetite. wont see any point playing game against mentally ill millionare. its not game. no strategy, no tactics, no glory - just money.

i understand players, who has many alts, but i dont understand Plarium, as host, breaking the same rules. whats the point of rules?

well, actually we all understand. just get money out and close the game, then its done.

10 трав. 2017, 19:1110.05.17

Jezebel said:

This is not a chronicle it should be under "LEAGUES" 

This has turned into a big flame war about server 2 of which I have no interest sorry

You are correct in one sense Leagues is always about Server 1 leagues and their battles and defeats. Server 2 and server 3 are rarely mentioned. Is it unfair? Maybe because server 1 has more people but that does not mean that they have a monopoly on opinions, tactics, strategies or even ideas on how to improve the game.

10 трав. 2017, 19:3310.05.17

Annabella said:


It boggles my mind to see these incredible posts from my Old Friend & now defunct player Iron Apex here on Chronicle, 

His last post on Jan 6 was to tell us that he had handed over his league & how we would not be seeing him again . My last exchange of Pm's with him were to do with his feelings of despair over the futility of playing this game due to the  Super Coiner armies  of Bob/mjoan  on LoBR and Plariums promotion of such large scale coining  . We had been discussing the # of Sappires & $$$ spent by mjoan to revive on each of the 9 attacks on the Castle of Bill Walker of KT ....I remember the day well , I was very sad to see a man I considered my good friend leaving the game . 

He had even gone so far to change his signature to "every day that i log in, i ask myself " is today the day i quit this game?", Does no one who actually knew Iron Apex remember him doing this?  ... This despondent signature is still written at the bottom of his posts here ! Look & you shall still see it there .

I knew Iron Apex well . I spoke with him nearly everyday when he was playing . He was a  very good player & and all around great guy who decided to get off the Hamster Wheel and devote his time (and money) to his Wife & Children instead. His wife had just given birth to their new baby boy just before Christmas. 

And now I see this incredible post  from a DEFUNCT player suddenly describing Teddy & LoBR as if they were " The Little Engine that Could " ???

This has the familiar smell of yet another league being Bullied yet again to hand over the keys to a Castle so that Teddy may write his agitprop from there . We on server 2 are very familiar with this phenomenon . If the keys to the castle are not handed over , Beacons may be missing in the morning ........

When he WAS playing the game , Iron Apex was very vocal in his Hundreds of posts on the Forum  of his True feelings &  opinions of the game & its goings on. 

Annabella, one of my few dealings with you was when i began talks to merge AOC and DP and you decided you wanted AOC to merge into your league instead. I stepped back and let  you play with your toys in the sandbox.  You managed to achieve a rank of 18th i beleive, after that merger. quite a drop.

I believe my post on jan 6th was to announce i handed over my league to Tarkin (who has done an excellent job) and that i wouldnt be logging in as constantly as i was. 

Unless your Alt is TJBrown (who seems to have left your league) we didnt talk everyday.  we barely ever talked. 

Im still active daily. i log in, i fill my cues, and i read the forum. daily. Tarkin runs the league. and i still chime in on league issues on both servers 1 and 2.  (server 1 where we   suffer at the hand of LOBR, and Server 1 where we seem to have attained a homeostasis with them)

10 трав. 2017, 19:3610.05.17


ive known since day 1 that not jumping on the "hate lobr" train wasnt the "cool" thing to do.   but ya'll have to put your emotions to the side for a minute and look at what theyve accomplished. 
10 трав. 2017, 22:3110.05.17

'hate train' aint cool

about emotions.. 'no respect' should be correct

but, it's not Bob's fault
11 трав. 2017, 05:4611.05.17
brunsonthomas said:

Jezebel said:

This is not a chronicle it should be under "LEAGUES" 

This has turned into a big flame war about server 2 of which I have no interest sorry

You are correct in one sense Leagues is always about Server 1 leagues and their battles and defeats. Server 2 and server 3 are rarely mentioned. Is it unfair? Maybe because server 1 has more people but that does not mean that they have a monopoly on opinions, tactics, strategies or even ideas on how to improve the game.

Some of us server 3 guys are just joining this forum still.....
11 трав. 2017, 06:1011.05.17
brunsonthomas said:

Jezebel said:

This is not a chronicle it should be under "LEAGUES" 

This has turned into a big flame war about server 2 of which I have no interest sorry

You are correct in one sense Leagues is always about Server 1 leagues and their battles and defeats. Server 2 and server 3 are rarely mentioned. Is it unfair? Maybe because server 1 has more people but that does not mean that they have a monopoly on opinions, tactics, strategies or even ideas on how to improve the game.

I didn't mean it in a negative way - but this is a flame war it belongs in the Leagues tab not the Chronicles, I check the chronicles for stories and the League tab for flame wars if the flame war is of no interest to me then I move on - the story should be presented in the format as they always have been and the flame should have been taken to the League tab 
12 трав. 2017, 00:4112.05.17
I agree with DJ on this. I believe the thread should be closed but let the story that began be reposted as a chronicle. That's what he/she wanted it to be. 
12 трав. 2017, 12:2412.05.17
12 трав. 2017, 12:27(відредаговано)

djmoody said:

What has it got to do with fairness if people from Server 2 & 3 rarely take advantage of the Leagues section? They are free to do so at any time.

The point is simply that the Chronicles should be for vetted articles that are unbiased and informative. Leagues is the place for one sided, league propaganda.

If you don't maintain the split then we all lose something as the Chronicles section dies and becomes no better than the league section

The comments are propaganda, but the story is accurate. If there is any propaganda in the story, its the right of the commenter to set it right. Only articles that are published in the Chronicles, not chronicles forum page, are paid for. You might have a fun, and good story to tell, and Epic battle, a love story, you can post it on the forum, or send it to Lord Oberon( Where is will complete with dozens of others for posting in the chronicles. 

Either way, it will not be possible to say weather the story is 100% true, and is not propaganda. We had such argument about some chronicles, I even commented that some stories we not being covered. These is a chance to not let any type of story go to the void without it being covered. Weather commenters agree with the story or not, is another thing.  

But the main purpose is to make sure that stories are told, its up to the community to say these is not true or not. Articles published on stormfall Chronicles, and those written on the forum can be recanted, provided that enough evidence is provided to validate that the story is indeed false. So far I haven't seen any evidence provided to back the fact that these story is false. So it will remain.

 So you have a good story about you fighting with your neighbor, you can send it to Lord Oberon, if he accept it then it will go to the chronicles main page, and its link placed here,  if he doesn't you can place it here. 

If you want to flame, or call up leagues, wage wars ect go to the League page.

16 лип. 2017, 18:5516.07.17

Here is a reply to Conan's annoying repetitive messages:

4 серп. 2017, 12:4904.08.17

Following on from all the complaints about LotBR here is a mail I received today and my reply

[17:43] Dailach: Please note - going forward it is our expectation that any league allied with KT/RA is a true ally, wishing to support KT/RA is this war. Leagues allied with KT/RA are at risk from LotBR attacks including Beacons and Fortresses. Please check your diplomatic status and make any needed adjustments.


[13:37] gildore R.A: What utter arrogance. It is precisely why most leagues here hate LotBR so much. It is such a pity Bob is under Mad Ted's thumb, using his credit card to buy your way into power. Without him you would be little or nothing, and we would have the possibility of a fair game and that is all most of us are wanting.

You have no right to dictate who is allied with whom, since you do not know why those alliances were formed. I have no doubt you will scare some leagues but those with courage will remain firm.

Never mnd alliances, you should look to which league you call home

6 серп. 2017, 05:3106.08.17
djmoody said:

So the Chronicles section is just going to become the same as the league section? Place for people to post propaganda that leads to flame wars?
It was prob just moved here by the baby on his powertrip ...