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Super league Lies

Super league Lies

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
8 трав. 2017, 09:2508.05.17

brunsonthomas said:

djmoody said:

So the Chronicles section is just going to become the same as the league section? Place for people to post propaganda that leads to flame wars?

I do believe the only requirement to post to the Chronicles is 800 words or more. I am not going to count the words written.

These is correct, But lets make an exception, just these time. 

498 words 2,653 characters the story half qualifies, and it's a good read. 

8 трав. 2017, 09:5908.05.17

gildore said:

No my post was not intended as propaganda originally. It was following a suggestion in regional chat from Oracle that I try for the sapps reward by posting in the 'write about it' section. 

You have to send the story to Lord Oberon, if you need sapphires. The story will then be published on the Chronicle page. Stories can also be placed here as a quick read, and story sharing. 

You send the story to Oberon using the Forum PM, then he will puplish it in the forum, and reward you if it qualifies. 
8 трав. 2017, 10:1008.05.17

Oracle said:

These is correct, But lets make an exception, just these time. 

498 words 2,653 characters the story half qualifies, and it's a good read. 

Great story guys, good to see some good struggles happening across a group of servers, if that was a single persons troops then im glad we cant cross paths.

Oracle! are you just changing the posting rules to suite yourself?
8 трав. 2017, 10:1508.05.17
Stewart_KT1 said:

Great story guys, good to see some good struggles happening across a group of servers, if that was a single persons troops then im glad we cant cross paths.

Oracle! are you just changing the posting rules to suite yourself?
I think many Lords like these story. Plus its a first time offense. We can make an exception, Just once. I like make atleast 4 exception before I take action. It's a good read, that we can agree on. 
8 трав. 2017, 12:0808.05.17

No one ever thought that this TED or the f.u.c.k he want to call himself is not from Pla.ri.um just to makes us spend money?????

Because I really find hard to belive that someone out from Pla.ri.um can spend so much money in 1 game.

In the really really end, this is only good for Pla.ri.um ....................

8 трав. 2017, 12:3208.05.17
8 трав. 2017, 13:0008.05.17

Perhaps there should be a thread dedicated to counting the numbers of those who leave the game over this.  


8 трав. 2017, 14:0508.05.17
8 трав. 2017, 14:15(відредаговано)

Got to be smarter than the megacoiners. lots of coin doesn't make up for small ***** or skill.

It sure does help though, but, death by 1000 cuts comes to mind.

8 трав. 2017, 15:5308.05.17

Mad Ted said:


    Have you not looked at the map in the past 6 months? Did you actually think taking a CORNER beacon in Black Rose territory was a smart choice for your league? Any top 30 league can tell you that edge beacons are the most coveted, and corners are even more so.

   Beacon 30 was emptied to hand off to us. There was a mistake in timing and they emptied too soon and Balur came and took it. That is when your league moved in. I could have taken it back then, and killed your troops. But instead I wrote to you explaining that we were looking to hold that beacon. I offered to give you another beacon AFTER the massacre to avoid having to take it by force, and you agreed to this.

   When new beacons dropped, Jackks took 91. You proceeded to take from him. He took it a SECOND time, and once again you decided to take it from him. You then sent me a pm stating that you no longer required us to give you a beacon since you have claimed your own. Did you honestly think we did not want that CORNER beacon in our territory? 

  So we took it. We did so before the massacre, because we normally do not keep any beacons we take during. I explained all of this to you before we sent troops to take it. It was YOUR choice to try and hold that beacon. There were other leagues that held beacons along our edge who decided it was best to work WITH us, and not against us. They lost no troops, and are safely sitting within our territory.

  As for beacon 30, yes we took that as well. We did so AFTER you went on and on about us in world chat. We did that AFTER you sent me multiple nasty pm's in game. I am sorry that your league has a marshal that has no idea of how to do what is best for its members, but you were given a LOT of opportunities to expand with our help. This was YOUR choice.

   I think you have manipulated the truth again. Beacon 30 was taken well before I made any posts since I had no reason to make any before then. And it was in fact later that evening when I posted so a good 6 hours after the event. I know because I was at work before then. And as I told you I had no warning that both leagues had sent to beacon 91 and I only took it ONCE not twice. Other league also had a try for it. Your mail to me came after you took it back and I have all copies with timings on to prove it. And we were not given a LOT of opportunities to expand at all. 

9 трав. 2017, 04:0409.05.17

For those of you who believe this is a Untamed Lands problem, I hate to burst your bubble.  Mad Ted and Bob and Bob's side kick MJoan are on Dark Plains in The Rebel League.  Bob and MJoan have very large armies there as well.   Better build up that defense you have on your beacons.   

Mad Ted and Black Rose League are no ones friends.   Their excuse for what they do, is you made us do it.  Even though Mad Ted tries to put a spin on it.   

Your only fooling yourself if you think BR is your friend, they have spies in your league either Mad Ted's alts or Hot_Nickles alts.    


9 трав. 2017, 04:2109.05.17
LadyoftheMyst said:

For those of you who believe this is a Untamed Lands problem, I hate to burst your bubble.  Mad Ted and Bob and Bob's side kick MJoan are on Dark Plains in The Rebel League.  Bob and MJoan have very large armies there as well.   Better build up that defense you have on your beacons.   

Mad Ted and Black Rose League are no ones friends.   Their excuse for what they do, is you made us do it.  Even though Mad Ted tries to put a spin on it.   

Your only fooling yourself if you think BR is your friend, they have spies in your league either Mad Ted's alts or Hot_Nickles alts.    


this would be nothing new to Dark Plains there have been alt spies and massively coined armies for quite some time now 
9 трав. 2017, 12:3409.05.17

LadyoftheMyst said:

For those of you who believe this is a Untamed Lands problem, I hate to burst your bubble.  Mad Ted and Bob and Bob's side kick MJoan are on Dark Plains in The Rebel League.  Bob and MJoan have very large armies there as well.   Better build up that defense you have on your beacons.   

I think we haven't heard complaints about us in Dark Plains lol. Not sure what exactly you want to say with the defense on beacons, but we are defensive league 

LadyoftheMyst said:

Mad Ted and Black Rose League are no ones friends. Their excuse for what they do, is you made us do it. Even though Mad Ted tries to put a spin on it.

Your only fooling yourself if you think BR is your friend, they have spies in your league either Mad Ted's alts or Hot_Nickles alts.  

As Black Rose, we do have friends, they use TeamSpeak and share some good moments with us , but there's one of the main problems server 2 always had, most of top leagues refusing to play with voice chat... 

9 трав. 2017, 18:5109.05.17

heh.. unatamed land

its gonna be beginning of the end of stormfall, if such players are allowed.

and in the end.. lonely king, ruling empty land.. business closed, goodbye cruel world.

feeling sorry for Bob..

9 трав. 2017, 18:5309.05.17
I realize many people object to this thread being posted in Chronicles. I believe it was a valiant effort to find somewhere to post a story. It has had more feedback than most chronicles. For that reason I am not moving it to the Leagues thread. 
9 трав. 2017, 19:0509.05.17
Awww, i bet it would get a LOT more replies in the league thread =P
9 трав. 2017, 19:2509.05.17
9 трав. 2017, 19:51(відредаговано)

djmoody said:

Well I will make a suggestion then.

People should have to submit Chronicles to Plarium. Once they are vetted as being reasonable unbiased and informative, rather than being written primarily to promote propaganda and cause flames, they get posted here.

If a free for all is allowed with regards new posts then this section servers no purpose over the league section. If that is allowed to happen we all lose something.

I don’t understand, but you rely on the assumption that the previous chronicles are not biased, which is not true, they rarely focus on small league and PvP battle, only focusing on LvL

And I am sure many chronicles are submitted, but Lord oberon can only accept one per week, so we lose stories with those lost chronicles.

So b allowing players to post their chronicles here, which will be checked for propaganda, then those stories will not be lost.

The idea was to encourage players, especially those from small leagues, S2 and S3 to tell their battle stories.

9 трав. 2017, 19:2909.05.17

Mad Ted said:

Awww, i bet it would get a LOT more replies in the league thread =P

The league threat has become too negative. its was exclusively for recruitment, and waging of wars, not trolling and spreading of propaganda. Blatant name calling by the same people, its just too much. 

Plus moderators tend to ignore the page, because any kind of moderation will result in the moderator being seen as taking sides. 
9 трав. 2017, 21:4109.05.17

to keep in line with this being a chronicle, a bit of back story on LOtBR.

i am rather impressed with their rise to the top.  From the moment the server was born, it seems everyone was gunning to shut LOtBR out.  i remember LadyoftheMyst, and some other marshals who have long since gone inactive trying to recruit our league into their coalition against BR. 

We (Dark Phoenix, then called Dragon's Keep)  made some long term enemies in the very beginning by not joining this coalition and hammering on BR.  Only to find ourselves at one time on BR's naughty list. 

I had expected black rose would be ransacked and split apart early on but Through Scarlet's leadership she (he, i believe there is a history of a husband and wife team, Mad Ted will have to explain that) was able to hold BR together and push forward. 

BR has surivived charges led by LadyoftheMyst, Annabella, Putin, and many more who no longer play as a result of trying to go up against Black Rose. 

Black Rose is an under dog who, against all odds, went on to become the most feared league on the this server.  thats quite an accomplishment. 

What ever tactics Mad Ted has enacted to see to this rise in power have certainly worked. And in a strategy game where becoming #1 is the only attainable goal, i dont think you can fault anyone for employing what ever tactics are necessary to achieve #1 rank. 

9 трав. 2017, 23:2209.05.17

IronApex Turok said:

Black Rose is an under dog who, against all odds, went on to become the most feared league on the this server.  thats quite an accomplishment. 

What ever tactics Mad Ted has enacted to see to this rise in power have certainly worked. And in a strategy game where becoming #1 is the only attainable goal, i dont think you can fault anyone for employing what ever tactics are necessary to achieve #1 rank. 

Scarlet (Ted) got some time of learning, from Server 1 where I invited him to play some time , of the best knowledge needed for progress on the game such us game mechanics, strategy, leadership, recruiting, teaching, team play, communication, etc. Besides a great team that was formed to distribute all league tasks (which is why Black Rose has so many great captains), having a very active TeamSpeak server, with an awesome and varied community. Another of the reasons for the league growing so much, to say screw diplomacy, less rules and more freedom to players.

So there it was, by end of October last year, from having been wiped out from the map in the past, the fastest growing, most knowledgeable and most feared league from Untamed Lands, Lords of the Black Rose.

(A little funny fact there's only 1 player in LordsOfTheBlackRose for server 1 and 2 at the same time lol).

10 трав. 2017, 02:0410.05.17

IronApex Turok said:

to keep in line with this being a chronicle, a bit of back story on LOtBR.

i am rather impressed with their rise to the top.  From the moment the server was born, it seems everyone was gunning to shut LOtBR out.  i remember LadyoftheMyst, and some other marshals who have long since gone inactive trying to recruit our league into their coalition against BR. 

We (Dark Phoenix, then called Dragon's Keep)  made some long term enemies in the very beginning by not joining this coalition and hammering on BR.  Only to find ourselves at one time on BR's naughty list. 

I had expected black rose would be ransacked and split apart early on but Through Scarlet's leadership she (he, i believe there is a history of a husband and wife team, Mad Ted will have to explain that) was able to hold BR together and push forward. 

BR has surivived charges led by LadyoftheMyst, Annabella, Putin, and many more who no longer play as a result of trying to go up against Black Rose. 

Black Rose is an under dog who, against all odds, went on to become the most feared league on the this server.  thats quite an accomplishment. 

What ever tactics Mad Ted has enacted to see to this rise in power have certainly worked. And in a strategy game where becoming #1 is the only attainable goal, i dont think you can fault anyone for employing what ever tactics are necessary to achieve #1 rank. 

Get your facts straight Iron Apex,  I still play.  We had a very good time during the recent Massacre tourney dropping BR beacons.  Now that would be very hard to do if I went inactive.  But your comments don't surprise me.  
Money can buy any league the #1 spot in this game.  That doesn't make them good at the game, it just means they spent a New house worth of cash on pixels.