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Super league Lies

Super league Lies

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
7 трав. 2017, 14:5807.05.17

Super league Lies

Once upon a time, or so they say, there was a little league called…FatFranksCosmicTrip who grew slowly, tried hard to be honest, supportive, not too aggressive and enjoy the game and each others company. They reached a point, as all leagues do, of wanting their own beacon, nay it was imperative for growth.

Suddenly a mail arrived from a captain in a big nasty league, who we’ll call Lords of the Black Rose asking if FFCTwould like a beacon as they were running out of people to give them too. Arrogant. Yes said Gildore but when she saw an ally owned it she declined.

One fine day there was a lot of argument over beacon 30 so G thought she would try for it and succeeded. She was so excited and pleased for her league.

The marshal of BR’s, let’s call him MadTeddyBear wrote to say it was in their territory but FFCT could keep it until after the up coming massacre then they would swap it for another.

As with all stories things got complicated then. New beacons fell and G preferred to get her own and not be beholden to the BR’s. There was an empty one, 91 so quickly boosting her troops she sent. It seems BR must have sent too but G was not aware of this as she was rallying her league for defence. She won the beacon never knowing that a BR had got there seconds before her.

G did the polite thing and wrote to MTB telling him she had won a beacon and would move her troops from beacon 30. MTB had already said the BR didn’t attack beacons during massacre. What happened next?

Well of course MTB was lying. The BR’s attacked the new beacon minutes before start of massacre, loosing all G’s troops then just after start of massacre sent millions to attack 30. MTB mailed G to say she had taken 91 from them, which was their “outer edge” and attacked BR. Outer edge bears no relation to the map, almost half of which is in BR’s possession. MTB and BR took a lot of beacons during massacre so a huge lie. He accused FFCT of fighting them which astounded G since she had not so far as she knew. BR took every beacon that smaller leagues had every right too.

The conclusions to be drawn from this sad tale are, NEVER trust the BR’s and especially not MTB and it’s about time the cash cow leagues had their own land where they can buy each other to death and leave the rest of us to play the game.

And for those who are really interested I have all the proof to show this happened.



[12:27] Mad Teddy Bear: We do not take beacons during massacre any more. League should know we are controlling this outter edge. Any league trying to move in, especially ones that TAKE from us, will be taken with maximum losses

7 трав. 2017, 16:1807.05.17
Insane coining, but I believe its not in the dark plains.
7 трав. 2017, 20:2207.05.17


    Have you not looked at the map in the past 6 months? Did you actually think taking a CORNER beacon in Black Rose territory was a smart choice for your league? Any top 30 league can tell you that edge beacons are the most coveted, and corners are even more so.

   Beacon 30 was emptied to hand off to us. There was a mistake in timing and they emptied too soon and Balur came and took it. That is when your league moved in. I could have taken it back then, and killed your troops. But instead I wrote to you explaining that we were looking to hold that beacon. I offered to give you another beacon AFTER the massacre to avoid having to take it by force, and you agreed to this.

   When new beacons dropped, Jackks took 91. You proceeded to take from him. He took it a SECOND time, and once again you decided to take it from him. You then sent me a pm stating that you no longer required us to give you a beacon since you have claimed your own. Did you honestly think we did not want that CORNER beacon in our territory? 

  So we took it. We did so before the massacre, because we normally do not keep any beacons we take during. I explained all of this to you before we sent troops to take it. It was YOUR choice to try and hold that beacon. There were other leagues that held beacons along our edge who decided it was best to work WITH us, and not against us. They lost no troops, and are safely sitting within our territory.

  As for beacon 30, yes we took that as well. We did so AFTER you went on and on about us in world chat. We did that AFTER you sent me multiple nasty pm's in game. I am sorry that your league has a marshal that has no idea of how to do what is best for its members, but you were given a LOT of opportunities to expand with our help. This was YOUR choice.


7 трав. 2017, 21:0907.05.17

You do know that Plarium purposely drops beacons and has massacres at the same time frame so that people will LOSE

They hope you will spend your hard earned cash

It's a losing game and the ONLY way to hold a beacon is with enough defense that these hugely coined armies won't hit them because they will  lose too much

7 трав. 2017, 22:1007.05.17

djmoody said:

So the Chronicles section is just going to become the same as the league section? Place for people to post propaganda that leads to flame wars?

I do believe the only requirement to post to the Chronicles is 800 words or more. I am not going to count the words written.

7 трав. 2017, 22:4807.05.17

Scarlet ? I thought that Teddy told me that he was Scarlet? Scarlet , Mad Teddy Bear , Mad Beacon Bear or Mad Bacon Bear , Makes no difference  .... A rose is a rose by any other name . 

One of our wise Captains says that "Teddy is like a Drug dealer "....he goes to League Marshals  & says " Here have a Beacon , I want to be your friend  "

 And then next thing you know they have been manipulated into becoming slaves to them , totally enmeshed in Teddy's plots & intrigues. Doing morally incorrect things & humiliating "favours " for LoBR .  All the while you are wondering " How did it get like this ? I thought that he was my friend ? " 

Once you are in that spot ,you don't know how to get out of it without losing All .   You want to help your league . You want to try to protect your league . But no matter, the Big Millionaire Coiner Army will be heading your way to "Keep you in line " and if you dare not obey or dissent ....there goes all of your Beacons & your Fortress . Do not dare have too much Fortress knowledge. Do not get too strong or be too smart .  Do Not do something without Teddy's Permission OR ELSE ! Even the Mighty KT must ask for Permission from Teddy to upgrade a Fortress. Teddy has the spies everywhere , he knows all All .There is a saying on our server " What Teddy Giveth, Teddy taketh away "  

I admit that I am biased . Absolutely . I got  pulled into that web myself too. I thought that we could be friendly-ish  & ' Officially Neutral " .Wrong . 

Teddy's Hammer has taken out all of our Beacons & Fortresses not just once but twice.And Yes , LoBR does still downgrade our Fortress Daily .  But once I got off of that Hamster Wheel of " Lets be careful &  not get Teddy Angry with us " things have changed . A lot .We are Free & Fighting . It is like a great weight  taken off ones chest .  

I have seen Gildore's famously Brave letter put up on regional chat . I saw the time date stamps .Time date stamps do not lie. Plarium is not involved in any plot against LoBR .   Teddy & Co did take out those Beacons Before the Beacon Massacre started . FFCT did have  B30 days before the Beacons dropped, it had to have been w/ Teddys Blessing. No one can do anything like that without Teddy's Blessing . Certainly not a small League . 

In speaking out against LoBR & Teddy,  Gildore has been incredibly Brave. Gildore & FatFranks Cosmic Trip have inspired our league & dozens of other Leagues on sever 2 to fight against the Tyranny of LoBR and its stranglehold on us All . Teddy may be very clever & the Bob/ mjoan army may be Huge , but in the end No League is invincible . Even LoBR . 

Thank you Gildore . Thank you Very Much . 

7 трав. 2017, 22:5907.05.17

Good for you Annabelle. I feel the same. It is getting to the point where I will just walk away from the game and I know a lot of players who feel the same. I won't be their Slave under ANY circumstances. I would rather have no Beacons and just get on with enjoying the game and if that is not possible, then forget it. These coiners are ruining any prospect of enjoyment and if Plarium can't see that then they derserve to lose a lot of players. There are other games to play and teams to build there.

Prince Grandalf

8 трав. 2017, 00:5008.05.17

 I am Mad Ted, Scarlet, Mad Beacon......

8 трав. 2017, 00:5508.05.17

tony said:

Good for you Annabelle. I feel the same. It is getting to the point where I will just walk away from the game and I know a lot of players who feel the same. I won't be their Slave under ANY circumstances. I would rather have no Beacons and just get on with enjoying the game and if that is not possible, then forget it. These coiners are ruining any prospect of enjoyment and if Plarium can't see that then they derserve to lose a lot of players. There are other games to play and teams to build there.

Prince Grandalf


   It is amazing to see this from you Grandalf. I GAVE you the two beacons you currently hold. I talk with your leadership QUITE often and give advice. Your beacons are on our list that are not to be hit. 

   Give me 24 hours, and then you may return here with a VALID reason to complain.

8 трав. 2017, 01:3208.05.17
As we all say " What Teddy giveth, Teddy taketh away " 
8 трав. 2017, 01:5508.05.17
scarlet said:

 I am Mad Ted, Scarlet, Mad Beacon......

um... as alts are (supposedly) not allowed i believe here we have an confession and plarium now has the right to close your alts 
8 трав. 2017, 02:0808.05.17

FAILO said:

scarlet said:

 I am Mad Ted, Scarlet, Mad Beacon......

um... as alts are (supposedly) not allowed i believe here we have an confession and plarium now has the right to close your alts 

Changing my name in game does not qualify as an alt. I have been Scarlet, Mad Ted, Mad Teddy Bear, Mad Beacon Bear. 

   I do not think changing my name often is considered an alt =)
8 трав. 2017, 02:0908.05.17
There, is this better?
8 трав. 2017, 02:1408.05.17
8 трав. 2017, 09:39(відредаговано)

Funny how big wallets, ****** ***** and a serious ego problem make for this kind of thing. In the real world of fighting real wars, I get it. You don't lose because losing equals real dying. This is a game. In a GAME where people are playing for enjoyment Mr,/Mrs. Scarlet Teddy Ruxpins or whoever your little alter ego is, you need to understand that not everyone has pockets like yours. If you can't win by playing and paying a fair amount, then put on your  ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** **. Buddy, I tell you, if you free yourself of buying your way in a game an just earn it, you feel a lot better about yourself.


Watch your language, you have breached these forum rules. 

1. 2 a b d &h


8 трав. 2017, 02:2908.05.17

Mad Ted said:

FAILO said:

scarlet said:

 I am Mad Ted, Scarlet, Mad Beacon......

um... as alts are (supposedly) not allowed i believe here we have an confession and plarium now has the right to close your alts 

Changing my name in game does not qualify as an alt. I have been Scarlet, Mad Ted, Mad Teddy Bear, Mad Beacon Bear. 

   I do not think changing my name often is considered an alt =)

lol kk thought you meant different.

 not that plarium cares if you have alts or will do anything about it.

8 трав. 2017, 03:1608.05.17

I have noticed how Mad Ted continues to use the singular when referring to LOBR,  I did this I gave you that.  That is what happens when you think you become greater than your league.  I wonder what the other league members think.  

Mad Ted you have at least 5 alts on that server, you created a league just to be your spanking boy during challenges and your 2nd league is full of alts as well.  

The pendulum has swung towards LoBR fir the moment, it will swing back and that's when decisions and moves made now will be called to account.

That's enough deep schidt for today.   :)

8 трав. 2017, 05:4208.05.17

"Insane coining, but I believe its not in the dark plains"

But sounds like a very familiar story doesn't it.

8 трав. 2017, 05:5808.05.17

In fact having slept on it, I have decided that I don't enjoy this game anymore and am fed up with the Black Rose Bullying. By the way you didn't give us two beacons. So bye everyone I have had enough and am leaving for good.

To those Marshall that I got on with - thank you it was great. To Mad Teddy and his bunch - you don't know what you are spoiling. I will go and play somewhere else.

8 трав. 2017, 06:5108.05.17
8 трав. 2017, 06:57(відредаговано)
Mad Ted said:


    Have you not looked at the map in the past 6 months? Did you actually think taking a CORNER beacon in Black Rose territory was a smart choice for your league? Any top 30 league can tell you that edge beacons are the most coveted, and corners are even more so.

   Beacon 30 was emptied to hand off to us. There was a mistake in timing and they emptied too soon and Balur came and took it. That is when your league moved in. I could have taken it back then, and killed your troops. But instead I wrote to you explaining that we were looking to hold that beacon. I offered to give you another beacon AFTER the massacre to avoid having to take it by force, and you agreed to this.

   When new beacons dropped, Jackks took 91. You proceeded to take from him. He took it a SECOND time, and once again you decided to take it from him. You then sent me a pm stating that you no longer required us to give you a beacon since you have claimed your own. Did you honestly think we did not want that CORNER beacon in our territory? 

  So we took it. We did so before the massacre, because we normally do not keep any beacons we take during. I explained all of this to you before we sent troops to take it. It was YOUR choice to try and hold that beacon. There were other leagues that held beacons along our edge who decided it was best to work WITH us, and not against us. They lost no troops, and are safely sitting within our territory.

  As for beacon 30, yes we took that as well. We did so AFTER you went on and on about us in world chat. We did that AFTER you sent me multiple nasty pm's in game. I am sorry that your league has a marshal that has no idea of how to do what is best for its members, but you were given a LOT of opportunities to expand with our help. This was YOUR choice.


I think you have manipulated the truth again. Beacon 30 was taken well before I made any posts since I had no reason to make any before then. And it was in fact later that evening when I posted so a good 6 hours after the event. I know because I was at work before then. And as I told you I had no warning that both leagues had sent to beacon 91 and I only took it ONCE not twice. Other league also had a try for it. Your mail to me came after you took it back and I have all copies with timings on to prove it. And we were not given a LOT of opportunities to expand at all. 
8 трав. 2017, 07:0508.05.17
brunsonthomas said:

djmoody said:

So the Chronicles section is just going to become the same as the league section? Place for people to post propaganda that leads to flame wars?

I do believe the only requirement to post to the Chronicles is 800 words or more. I am not going to count the words written.

No my post was not intended as propaganda originally. It was following a suggestion in regional chat from Oracle that I try for the sapps reward by posting in the 'write about it' section. 
8 трав. 2017, 09:2308.05.17

djmoody said:

So the Chronicles section is just going to become the same as the league section? Place for people to post propaganda that leads to flame wars?

I will make an exception because its in the untamed land, and we know little of the untamed land. 

Oh by the way, that according to my knowledge is a 1 man hammer, 95 % of the army belong to one person, that is if its the same screenshot.

The league section has become Destiny Vs Unforgiven and KT vs Anarchy, KoK vs Balur section. The same old things said time and time again. These is a way of just telling people the stories they don't know. like that fascinating uncoiled hammer.

it will be moderators jobs to edit out the propaganda. As far as I know the story is accurate, and therefore not propaganda. 

Flaming stories will be removed.