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14 січ. 2020, 04:5214.01.20


Battlegrounds (or BGs in short)

what are battlegrounds ? how do u do defense and/or offense BGs ?

what is a bank system people keep referring to ? 

these all will be answered to shortly in details, but first what u need to do

1. max ur Resources both in barns and warehouses( reasons are explained later) this is a must !

2. activate XP boosters if ur over lvl 90, dnt (or do if thats ur game plan ) if under,i blame myself for even saying this as i know questions will follow, but this is something important.level means nothing.lower levels also come with greater benefits. dnt be in a hurry

3. send one single unit to each battleground as a trip,this will show u how many units Balur has in each level

4. boosters/enhancers : these also depend on each player,still if activated or not it wont affect ur payout,it wil just prolong the process

5. unit xp boosters are to be activated if u have some

when u go for a payout,after the first 5 steps ,u need to fill ur bank,to do so u need to kill as many units as ur bank requires. in simple words,u kill units to win units,this brings me to another point ! units die but they dnt disappear.they contribute to ur Bank which u will eventually win back, even if u send defensive units to an offense BG by mistake ( this will als be explained in length...) 

when i am going for defense BGs i fill the bank with offense units with no boosts or enhancers so i kill more of them,so the bank fills faster, then i change to defense and win my payout in defense...lets go with examples

its totally on u,u can sacrifice defense units if u want ! better use infantry and cavalry units which not only consume more food but also need more iron and gold to train,like pathfinders/Reavers

anyways i do this few times till i fill my bank to some good extent,then when i see a pay out is due i change to defense and try to win defensive units

1212 griffins,not bad ! but we need to keep going !

415 demons and 138 warlocks ! here pls note 2 things

1.Prior to this i'v already killed alot of units doing offense BGs,do i panic ? wow i've lost so many units already... no ! what u do in BGs is simple,u kill units,then u win units !

2. here i also won some warlock, i usually send those warlocks back in so they also contribute to my best payout ! i usually send to ,y last BG ( or rune BG as people usually call it ! )

i go on

here i also get some necros too ! well i send the to my last offense BG too ! then i go to next one

every time i get both kind of units i try to sacrifice so my bank fills,check my reports

and then when i'm ready and the bank is full,i get my reward

Few Things u need to consider here

1. as u can see here,its always better to do BGs in the same level Range ! i fil the bank as much as lvl 110s so i usually do from these ranges around 110s

2. when u go for Defense BGs its always better to win Defense units which is easily achievable( this will also be explained in length)

3. no matter the level u should always fill ur bank and do the BGs in a level range according to ur bank... if u have filled ur bank with about 3k griffs if u do a lvl 100,u wont win.. a win is a win,does it really have to be a big one ? u will understand this by these images.

or this one

or this one

look for the levels or wins to optimize ur payout ! dnt look for miracles ! yes everyone's would love to win almost 44k griffs,who wouldn't ! but u cant expect to win that much if ur bank is set only for 3k griffs ! that is also a win

BGs are resources in and out ,u will see in this section ! also units dnt disappear in BGs, they die, yes, but theyr still there.even if u send ofense to defense BGs u will win them all back eventualy.after explanation the last part will be about this topic..


i will start by explaining the simple things that other tutorials failed to

they just mention these and even though they all are true u might always be wondering why.they are as follows:

1. always have ur warehouse and barns full before doing BGs

2. BGs are resources in and resources out 

3. u get a good payout after u fill ur BG bank  !

4. u can calculate ur resources sent to BGs and even ur payout

u surely have heard everyone of these which of course all are correct. they should be followed and acted on,but u might have wondered why ?  and what are these things... after im done ull understand every concept and reason !

i dnt use BG calculators,i dnt use anything and after u read this ull be able enough to do the same...

pls bear with me as i progress through this tutorial as everything i explain is crucial for battlegrounds even though it might not seem the case at first glance

every unit is worth some resources,u can check this in unit production buildings :

to train a griffin u need 3700 gold+1500 iron+2300 food= 7500 total resources

to train a pathfinder u need 300 gold+ 500 iron+ 500 food= 1300 total resources

what has this got to do with a BG guide ? 

these amounts apply to BGs too. what u are basically doing is just simply sending 7500 resources ( one griffin) or 1300 resources (one pathfinder) into Battlegrounds !!! its that easy

when u send 1000 griffins into a battleground ur actually sending 7.500.000 resources ! this will clarify few things

1. any unit u send to BGs(equivalence in resources) will contribute to the bank or total resources stored in BGs( pls note this definition is not completely correct but will do for now)

2. now u also know why people say BGs are resources in and resources out. u send resources in form of units into battlegrounds and u get paid in resources in form of units...

3. always have ur warehouses and barns at max : the reason for this was also kind of self explained ! when u dnt have them maxed ull be paid in pure resources ... 

4. calculating stuff: with these data now u can calculate everything,and i mean everything 

a. for example u can max iron and food and leave some space for ur gold like 30k... u will see that u will get paid 30k gold while doing BGs,and i mean just gold no units

b. or u can keep track of resources u send to battlegrounds .how much gold and iron or food u have sent into BGs and when u will be paid. u dnt need a caculator,u dnt need to be a genious or try to act like one.just write down the units u send to BGs

first introduction is done

BG tax : there is a tax on BGs.. its about 5% of what u invested so far which leads to notion of the hypotheses that BGs are loss making (i try to use less numbers in my tutorials cuz they tend to confuse players,still,yes there is a tax on BG payouts) so why people keep playing them ? this will be answered shortly. some say different numbers for tax then again>>

for any hypotheses to become a scientific theory all u have to do is just test it ! and iv explained to u how to calculate stuff previously if u are interested in numbers....keep track of units(resources u send into BGs) and ur pay outs and see for urself how much the tax is...

so why do people keep doing BGs ? even if its a loss considering the tax ? 

a.tournaments: people do BGs during tournaments to collect rewards in BG tournaments including units and other rewards,so can u..

b.food problems : BGs are good to exchange ur smaller units i.e infantry and cavalry to occult and beasts..

c.unit exchange: people need to exchange defense units to offense  or opposite

these will be discussed in length when explaining how to do BGs..

lets get on with how to then

u might have heard why send more of what balur has less of in an offence BG or opposite in defense ! the reason for that is simple...or triple the numbers for each kind of balur army by their offense power ,where does that triple comes from... first lets check balur units and see what they are.send a single unit to a BG and u will see balur forces

1. Balur bestiary units or Marennon : u have griffins or dragons,this is what balur has of the same type..

as u can see this is a bestiary unit, so what unit would u use to attack this unit with ? or what would u use to defend against it ? it has triple defense against bestiary (this is that 3 factor comes from,numbers just confuse people ! u dnt need to know that,its pretty much useless if u look at it just by their type) so if u were to attack Marennon u should use anything other than bestiary,anything ! or if ur defending against it the best unit to use against it is bestiary...pls also note there are also infantry units like balista which specialize against bestiary..

2. Balur occult unit, Ogre : u have necros,warlocks and demons,they have this

what kind of unit would u use to defend against or attack this unit with ? 

3,4 : Balur also has infantry and cavalry units namely orcs and orcish raiders !

each of these type of units can be attacked or defended against with respective suitable units so note what kind of units u use..

knowing these lets have a look at this BG

if this was an offense BG,what kind of unit would be best suited to attack with ? with former data at hand,its a pretty simple thing, Balur has less of bestiary so the best kind of unit to attack this BG would be bestiary..

that's what calculator apps or websites do..they check how many of which unit there is in a BG and tell u what to send.2 points here

a. the ultimate unit composition for an army is of dragons,so i wouldn't use dragons

b.chimeras are what people train more for this purpose,and also if u dnt want u can always ignore this kind of BG and look for the ones they have less infantry,cavalry or occult and just attack those.. that easy ... !!! if it was defense BG u should use whatever Balur has more of.. or any unit that has more defence against that kind of unit.. for example demons or wardens...lets look at another one

the best unit to attack this BG with are cavalry and/or occult units which balur has less of...defense is just the opposite,so the more of which units balur has u should use that same type of units,namely bestiary (like griffin) or any type that has better defense stats against bestiary(like ballista or huntresses)

one more point here,defense BGs difference isnt much in stats so it dsnt really change anything if u use any kind of units... i myself use demons for almost all the defense BGs for following reason:

1. demons worth alot of resources and are cost efficient to try and change to griffins

2. golems are better than demons if u want occult defense units statistically against bestiary...almost the same against occult.not only that the highe the power,the better bonuses they get from percentage increasing items and equipments

3. griffins and golems have eldritches and most tournaments give them as reward and also have relic advantages increasing their power by 10 % which demons dnt get

4. i hate demons

defense/offence enhancer items,defense/offense boosts in dragons and champions :

activating/using these items is just a matter of perspective .first please note that the whole purpose of BGs are to kill units to get units, so i wouldnt be surprised if someone dsnt make use of these,still if ur in middle of ur BG road and a long way to ur final payout these things can surely prolong it,meaning u can get paid one or 2 times in more than one BG tournaments..making up for that tax...

XP boosters and unit XP boosters : these are always worth the activation if u have some in ur items laying around specially if there are XP tournaments going on..

yellow bars and yellow barring: this is a strategy still conducted  by some players. simple and effective too.. they yellow bar few BGs and hit more so they could collect higher resources (units) 

this method has been around for since the day i started playing this game,more than 5 years ago and is still in practice: please note there are many methods in use regarding BGs,i don't yellow bar except for one 

no units sent to BGs is ever lost,they all contribute to ur total banks so u dnt need to worry about losing them,still around 30% of units used in each yellow bar will remain there in that level,thats the reason i dnt yellow bar ... after being paid well and good they go and finish those yellow and theyr paid that 30% left too so there is really no problem there

Rune BGs : u might have heard about this one.the last 2 BGs are called Rune BGs(one offense,one defense. they are called as such cuz they also give skull runes beside the payout u receive(one ,any u finish first). the payout is usually a mix of both offense/defense units... they dnt pay u a max full payout so u shouldnt arrange a payout for these 2 ! some people say u can get a max payout from rune BGs,i haven't seen it or experienced such a thing myself,still I've seen people in forum talk about it,so i wont disagree but a safe bet would be to assume they dnt pay a full payout...

each BG level has a cap or minimum payout : if u do ur calculations right u will always know when a pay out is due,still there are things u need to consider Regarding each level... u cant expect a level 50 to pay u 20.000 griffins which is as much as uv invested so far,so even if u win that wont be good in ur BG record as the tax will be applied twice for ur next win too

or u can also not expect a lvl 160 to pay 10.000 griffins as well...if u finish a very high level the same condition applies there too.then ur payout would be a mix of both defense and offense units which would preferably be avoided

last BG level (or Rune BG) wish someone told me this before i started goin as high as i am now.its a better option to stay at a lower level as the higher u go u will need much more units to finish a BG.. the safe bet which almost everyone agrees on is 110-130... in the end it all comes down to how each player plays his/her own game but the lower u stay the better... this also has another reason but for now just try not to go so high in ur last BG...

how to do BGs

please note there are many ways to do BGs, ill try to explain 2 ! the whole purpose of BGs is to send in resources (in the shape of units)and get paid in resources(in the form of units) so u need to maximize the input if u want a big win

one more thing,units u send to BGs dnt disappear,they are there,even if u send offence to defense or vise versa by mistake(this will also be be discussed) so if u have good unit counts and dnt know how to do BGs u will still be paid,it wont be an optimum trade but units dnt just get lost,anything u contribute(such a nice word for sacrifice ha :p ) will add up to ur bank,this bring me to my last very important point before how to,always have what i call a safe unit count before trying any BG method if u are a new player and just dnt know how to do BGs, ur last level is 90 ? if u have an army capable of finishing 5,6 lvl 90s,there is just no way u might lose .so a safety net is always advised...

and now ! have u ever made a mistake of sending offense units to a defense BG or vise versa ? dnt worry im here ! a teammate had made the same mistake ! he was so upset that just to cheer him up i did it intentionally just to make him feel better ! BGs are resources in and out ! check these as we go on ! 

a friend made a mistake as previosly mentioned,note that how others also say theyv done the same thing once 

thats for the first time i tried,and as i also showed u guys ,u will win em all back in second time,so comes the second time,please note the expressions my teammate make when they see my last payout after the mistake i made intentionally and send defense to offense BGs

this tutorial was a very time consuming one,still if there is something u need being explained ,ad down here and ill add it here. or if u need something explained more just let me know !




Heir to nothing,



15 лют. 2020, 09:5115.02.20
if there is anything u guys want included ,or any unclear part ,pls let me know ! so i can make changes
3 трав. 2020, 19:4403.05.20
Hey Fury, thanks for the very informative tutorial. My question is simply, why have Plarium included Offensive and Defensive battleground champions? They appear to have no role. They have included them, so I'm thinking that maybe they do have a role to play, and we are just not seeing it. You mentioned a 'tax' for playing the bg's. Is it possible that the champs are there to offset that? i.e. If you kill the enemy more efficiently, then there will be reduced tax? Has anyone played around with this idea? 
5 трав. 2020, 16:3705.05.20

no one said or can say champions are useless

champions are not to offset the tax,but can offset the tax if used wisely,how ? this simple

during each BG tournament using a werewolf u can kill more units in an offensive BG and get good rewards for it too .

i have never paid the tax once,not only havnt paid it but also come up with much extra

BG is only for people with some patience 

11 трав. 2020, 19:0811.05.20

I have a few questions fURY.

1. How certain are you that the BG bank is based on resources? Could it not be something else. Plarium says all units of all types have value in the BG when calculating rewards. The only thing all units in the game have in common is sapphires, not gold or iron.

2. Yellow Bar, plarium also says this is fiction, yet after testing in the SH BGs I have determined with a high confidence that in fact these loss's are added to the bank before the BG is clear, with SH this is much easier to visually see.. If so then why not with normal BGs?

Thanks, I am very curious as to what you think on this questions.
12 трав. 2020, 09:5612.05.20

Head Games said:

I have a few questions fURY.

1. How certain are you that the BG bank is based on resources? Could it not be something else. Plarium says all units of all types have value in the BG when calculating rewards. The only thing all units in the game have in common is sapphires, not gold or iron.

2. Yellow Bar, plarium also says this is fiction, yet after testing in the SH BGs I have determined with a high confidence that in fact these loss's are added to the bank before the BG is clear, with SH this is much easier to visually see.. If so then why not with normal BGs?

Thanks, I am very curious as to what you think on this questions.

i cant express enough how important it is not to compare SH and normal BGs as mechanics differ,so do the tax and some extra factors involved

1. this explanation i have given makes it possible for everyone to test any and everything about or on BGs if u read the tutorial.factors are there. add resources input and rewards output.u will see that its based on resources

2. i have never seen a plarium official saying yellow barring is a myth.still its highly ineffective for my way of doing BGs for many reasons. but its legit.it works ,all the resources are added to ur bank .its not the way i do it but some do 

12 трав. 2020, 18:1412.05.20
12 трав. 2020, 18:15(відредаговано)

fURY said:

2. i have never seen a plarium official saying yellow barring is a myth.still its highly ineffective for my way of doing BGs for many reasons. but its legit.it works ,all the resources are added to ur bank .its not the way i do it but some do 

Yes, at one point Plarium had stated that units lost in the Battle Ground were applied to the reward system after the BG was cleared. I am looking for that now but I remember it clearly and so may others.

I agree that it is bad for my style of play as I am a mono-stacker of dragons and avoid large payouts of any kind, they can be troublesome to pay off and ineffective in PVP according to my play style. I use all medals to only upgrade dragons and gain all my exp on them.

The reason I have asked is that I think it maybe useful to those who seek a thrill in landing the largest payouts the system can reward, there seems to be some debate as to weather it works because of what plarium had said or not said.
13 трав. 2020, 13:5113.05.20

Head Games said:

fURY said:

2. i have never seen a plarium official saying yellow barring is a myth.still its highly ineffective for my way of doing BGs for many reasons. but its legit.it works ,all the resources are added to ur bank .its not the way i do it but some do 

Yes, at one point Plarium had stated that units lost in the Battle Ground were applied to the reward system after the BG was cleared. I am looking for that now but I remember it clearly and so may others.

I agree that it is bad for my style of play as I am a mono-stacker of dragons and avoid large payouts of any kind, they can be troublesome to pay off and ineffective in PVP according to my play style. I use all medals to only upgrade dragons and gain all my exp on them.

The reason I have asked is that I think it maybe useful to those who seek a thrill in landing the largest payouts the system can reward, there seems to be some debate as to weather it works because of what plarium had said or not said.

ah stacking dragons... this old thing,and yet i didnt know its stll a thing                                                                                       

when u reach to that level of proficiency in battlegrounds u can win what u want to or chose to ! well im a defensive player,so i want griffins,well then why not always win griffins instead of stacking them  does it show here that im kinda showing off ? if not then yes its true  battlegrounds are so reliable u should even be able to know when and how many of which units u will win 

u ever had a gut feeling u wont win in a BG but still u send in cause well,uv come so far ? that is not a gut feeling.that is ur brain remembering a similar feeling just like that goin bad. so trust ur guts .this also is a factor .beyond that its just numbers and numbers and drink ruining numbers again 

then ur brain gets so used to it that u dnt even need to calculate stuffs.i look at a fe BGs and instantly know how many and in which turn ill win 

13 трав. 2020, 15:5113.05.20
Head Games said:

fURY said:

2. i have never seen a plarium official saying yellow barring is a myth.still its highly ineffective for my way of doing BGs for many reasons. but its legit.it works ,all the resources are added to ur bank .its not the way i do it but some do 

Yes, at one point Plarium had stated that units lost in the Battle Ground were applied to the reward system after the BG was cleared. I am looking for that now but I remember it clearly and so may others.

I agree that it is bad for my style of play as I am a mono-stacker of dragons and avoid large payouts of any kind, they can be troublesome to pay off and ineffective in PVP according to my play style. I use all medals to only upgrade dragons and gain all my exp on them.

The reason I have asked is that I think it maybe useful to those who seek a thrill in landing the largest payouts the system can reward, there seems to be some debate as to weather it works because of what plarium had said or not said.
There's a split, 70% of losses are applied to the bg bank immediately, the other 30% stay with each bg until it's cleared.  This was done to prevent a trick that involved yellow barring a lot of bgs.  
13 трав. 2020, 15:5713.05.20
BiohazarD said:

There's a split, 70% of losses are applied to the bg bank immediately, the other 30% stay with each bg until it's cleared.  This was done to prevent a trick that involved yellow barring a lot of bgs.  
Thanks for the clarification BioHazarD, good day and happy hunting.. :)
13 трав. 2020, 23:5313.05.20

Head Games said:

BiohazarD said:

There's a split, 70% of losses are applied to the bg bank immediately, the other 30% stay with each bg until it's cleared.  This was done to prevent a trick that involved yellow barring a lot of bgs.  
Thanks for the clarification BioHazarD, good day and happy hunting.. :)

ah u were asking about why not yellow bar , maybe its language difference but i didnt get that

yes 30% of each unfinished BG level stays there in resources

but thats not the reason i said this method is not suitable for me.also from what iv heard from ur talks not for u too

few things here

1.yes 30% remains there. but as u finish in other levels and tax is payed on other one u arnt payed that 30% immediately,u will win in ur next pay out and tax

2. u yellow bar a few and finish in the one u expect a win. next u go and try and finish yellow bars right ? in doing so u get payed in different unit types. for example if ur best payout in the winning BG is dragons,when u go finish those yellow bars,u also get paid in necros and golems,and warlocks and demons.its simply just not possible to avoid it as it messes up resource output. the payout being ended up in 6 kind of units

there are many more reasons which isnt necessary to be discussed here
27 груд. 2020, 13:3027.12.20

Hello ! 

Thanks for this Tuto :)

I have some questions :

Today, whats the level max ?

I am lvl 230 and blocked. How does it work ? 

Thanks to the charitable soul who can enlighten me  ;) 

27 груд. 2020, 14:1527.12.20
27 груд. 2020, 14:30(відредаговано)
Ksou Pikaksou

Hello ! 

Thanks for this Tuto :)

I have some questions :

Today, whats the level max ?

I am lvl 230 and blocked. How does it work ? 

Thanks to the charitable soul who can enlighten me  ;) 


the max levels for each platform is diferent !

it might even differ depedning on which server on platform u play ! 

here in plarium page max is 210 !

for u guys in facebook its 260 ! 

but depending on the necessity the levels might be increased in future ! it all depends on the players ,the more its played ,they add extra levels in time

have a good day

27 груд. 2020, 16:0627.12.20

Thank you for your reply.

I understand some things better !

But, there is one more thing i don't understand.

yesterday, i have done some BG "rune".

I've done lvl 228 ,229  and my new max was 230 but with no more task to do it. (The little quest we gain when we done BG max.)

There is a prerequisite to obtain the new task for doing 230 (and the other after that) ? 

There is a timer to slow down progress ? (Wait a week between 10 max lvl)

Thank you one more time for taking the time to explain.

27 груд. 2020, 19:2227.12.20
27 груд. 2020, 19:31(відредаговано)
Ksou Pikaksou

Thank you for your reply.

I understand some things better !

But, there is one more thing i don't understand.

yesterday, i have done some BG "rune".

I've done lvl 228 ,229  and my new max was 230 but with no more task to do it. (The little quest we gain when we done BG max.)

There is a prerequisite to obtain the new task for doing 230 (and the other after that) ? 

There is a timer to slow down progress ? (Wait a week between 10 max lvl)

Thank you one more time for taking the time to explain.

ah u mean this here


first, your problem might be from somewhere else

you need to know if its about quest u have to claim the reward for each level of BG before the other quest appears ! u will still have higher Rune BGs but no quests for them !

for example your Rune BG(last BG lvl) is 209 !

if you finish this you get to claim the reward in the quest i sent the picture of ! 

but if u dont claim this,u can still do 210 but u wont receive the quest for it ! so u have to claim the reward for each level's quest otherwise u wont receive a quest for next level !

i didnt understand ur second question completely but yes ! there is a limit to how many u can do a day which not only depends on the number of BGs uv got but also daily ones .not sure about the numbers but 2,3 certainly aint the ones.


27 груд. 2020, 21:4827.12.20

Yes that's this quest.

I have done the BG 229 and the next BG 230 appears.

I have claimed the reward 229 but the quest 230 didn't appear.

I'll wait a little... but this week i have done only 3 quest for BG 227, 228 and 229.

I remember a few year, i have done 10 level the same day. But there are some changes maybe... ?

I will come back to explain how the situation evolved.

Thank you one more time ! ;) 

28 груд. 2020, 08:0828.12.20
Ksou Pikaksou

Yes that's this quest.

I have done the BG 229 and the next BG 230 appears.

I have claimed the reward 229 but the quest 230 didn't appear.

I'll wait a little... but this week i have done only 3 quest for BG 227, 228 and 229.

I remember a few year, i have done 10 level the same day. But there are some changes maybe... ?

I will come back to explain how the situation evolved.

Thank you one more time ! ;) 

ah how many BGs uv got total ?

if ur over 110,120(not sure about exact numbers) new ones just wont appear

i mean the count of BGs u got at total...

if u kept doing Rune BGs and the lowers piled up new ones wont show till ur count goes down 

can u let me know how many uv got ?

28 груд. 2020, 12:3428.12.20

I had 104 BG total.

I made some to go down to 98.

A friend made the same thing than me and he have 140 BG total.

I seek some informations and my provost say that our server is blocked at 230.

But a league's friend show us a screen of a 237 BG while a brawl. He speak us about a 255 BG too... i want to ask him if it's on the server 1 or 2. (I play on the 2, Untamed Land)

It seems he's on holyday. It's maybe the good reason.

28 груд. 2020, 14:4028.12.20
Ksou Pikaksou

I had 104 BG total.

I made some to go down to 98.

A friend made the same thing than me and he have 140 BG total.

I seek some informations and my provost say that our server is blocked at 230.

But a league's friend show us a screen of a 237 BG while a brawl. He speak us about a 255 BG too... i want to ask him if it's on the server 1 or 2. (I play on the 2, Untamed Land)

It seems he's on holyday. It's maybe the good reason.

u can always make a ticket to plarium if it does not give u the usual !

if something is wrong it will be fixed,if not theyll let u know what the problem is !

here is the link 

28 груд. 2020, 16:2428.12.20

It's done ! 

I'll come back with their answear :) 

Thank you ! 

11 січ. 2021, 14:2211.01.21

HeLLo ! 

After a second round of questions, i have an answear !

"On server 2 the max level currently is 230.
On server 1 the max level is 260."

Simply... 😂