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Military Sizes

Military Sizes

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
27 трав. 2021, 15:3727.05.21

Military Sizes

This is just a curiosity post.

I'm not asking anyone to disclose their offense/defense numbers; however, I think it would be still cool to know what people think.

There's lots of influences in regards to a players military, and the offense/defense they have, things like being good bg players, playing tournaments well, the league they are in (brawl rewards etc..), the biggest is coining of course, but there's hundreds of factors.

So my question is, what types of offense/defense do people ascribe on average to a certain level. I personally assume peoples military based off their pvp stats on their profile (lol) but I also make assumptions based on their paragon and actual levels.

For example; to me, a level 70 castle is often around 20-30mil combined offense/defense and generally paragon level 8 or 9, if they are higher paragon then I'd assume a bit more.

Level 80 might be closer to 100mil combined, and around 10-11 paragon, if they have 13+ I'd assume they have a much bigger army.

What do you guys think? Again I know a lot of things impact this and it makes it hard to estimate but I'm just curious.

27 трав. 2021, 20:2627.05.21

Hey Mehnslayer, I think I remember you back when you were a mod in Kabam. When 30m was a huge deal and Flinch was a god with 100m or so.

How things have changed:-)

28 трав. 2021, 01:3428.05.21

Hey Mehnslayer, I think I remember you back when you were a mod in Kabam. When 30m was a huge deal and Flinch was a god with 100m or so.

How things have changed:-)

That's me, and yea I remember those days too lol

28 трав. 2021, 07:4828.05.21

An player of whatever level get about 26000 dragons a year from brawl. The trick is to figure out how long that alt has been in the league. 

After that you figure out ineptidute. A captain in say, KoK will have about 600K graffins and 75K dragons. This is because they rarely do anything in KoK. But a Captain in Emperors will have about 35K dragons. 

Those are just basic army. 

Then you need to figure out if the player is an alt. If he is an alt, I add 0.5 to that. 

Then you check if he coins. A 9$ PM castle that is inept will have a huge army of collectibles. A 59$ package will certainly have a billion offence. 

Then you check his stats. The bigger the BG stats, the more  defense he has. A bigger BG stats also means a high posibility of traps. balanced stats means a hoarder. Balanced stats with low BG, means a recycler.

Levels can't tell you much. 

For Captains 

  • Recycler= 30-100 million O/D
  • Hoarder= 200-500 million O/D
  • BG= 900 million+ D but low O

For Commanders-Knight

  • Recycler= 25-75 million O/D
  • Hoarder= 50-250 million O/D
  • BG= 75-500 million+ D but low O 

28 трав. 2021, 20:5228.05.21

At this point level is irrelevant.

The biggest factor in size will be money spent. As that doesn't affect your level at all a player could in theory have 10bn troops at level 1. 

High levels are generally an indication of mass spamming BGs. As they are loss making that does not bode well for their troop power (although those kind of ppl tend to spend money as well offseting what they have wasted).

And as pointed out already - the brawl is pouring masses of troops into players, 4-6 times what you can build in a month, for those in the right leagues. So a virtually inactive alt can be pretty large now from scoring 2k a week. What league the account is in / has been in, is far more important than how good/active the player is, sadly.

PS why the completely unneccessary flame of KoK. Was just so completely unnessary and out of left field (as well as being completely baseless and just made up). If you had said, has the player lost a ton of army doing stupid stuff... might have been a bit closer to the mark but still completely unneccessary for the post/thread.

29 трав. 2021, 02:1029.05.21

Maybe naively, but i choose to believe that KoK or rebels or whoever doesn't have random players in their leagues just sapping units from brawls - Although maybe that's the case.

I do get the concept that Diamond tier, especially if you can finish all reward tiers, gives significantly more units than what I'm getting in my league, and people are more or less active over time (example is someone could login once every couple of days just to rebuild stuff and collect league rewards etc); However I feel like they would be the minority.

When I estimate a players power, it's a mixture of things. I do understand that a persons level effectively has no bearing on their army size BUT it does give me insight over have active they have been within the time they have been playing. 

As for coining, no one can really estimate that, there's a russian guy on our server that puts 600k units into 6 hamlets each, and they aren't just archers, the guy is beyond stacked, he's showed images from time to time of his account, and he had over 1.1million sapphires at the time, and he's only level 83. So it can be deceptive, but to me he is an outlier, not the normal player.

I guess my entire question is predicated on what 'average' or 'normal' is or can be, but there is way too many ways of variation to put any number. A guy from fellowship decided to attack me last night, and I wiped basically every unit he sent, but he sent 11k dragons, 3k necros virtually alone (random small infantry, cav etc between it) and the raid didn't have a champion, no legendaries, it was really just dragons, and even with all of them dying - the attack being roughly 50million offense I calculated, I feel like I barely dented his army. 

29 трав. 2021, 11:0029.05.21
29 трав. 2021, 11:01(відредаговано)

There's really no way to know these days.  A player who spends a lot of money (or heavily used the ARS exploit before it got patched) could have a massive amount of troops and be low level because they just leave them in beacons and don't do anything like bgs or pvp that gives large amounts of xp.  You also have to remember that there's a ridiculous degree of possible difference in bonuses between players.  For example: the base defense power of a griffin is 587.  With all the bonuses and a fully upgraded champ you can get a griffin up to about 8200.  That's a difference of 14x in potential power for the same unit.  I can tell you oracle's estimates are a bit off though, at least for KOK. 


That's my roving hamlet/castle trap def, have a bunch on beacons as well.  Total is around 18bil including champ bonuses (have a full set of max upgraded defense champs).  I've seen a few others with similar numbers.  

29 трав. 2021, 13:1729.05.21

I don't think I said anything remotely wrong. If anything I made KoK look good. You are probably  mad cause I understimated your numbers.  But you should be proud for having weathered the storm and stayed ahead for years while playing as moderately as you guys did. Many leagues died out, clans parished and coalitions collapsed.  You guys survived by picking your fights well, and your leaders even better. No shame in that. This allowed your players to amass billions of armies over time. Other players don't have that laxury cause of constant hate. 

by the way, defending a hamlet with that kind of defence is just an overkill. I can count in my full hands people who are daring enough to take that sort of defence down just for fun. Putting that many inside is simply inviting yourself into a no play area. You don't want to be that kid who plays alone cause every other kid leave the play ground when he approach. 

29 трав. 2021, 20:4029.05.21

There's really no way to know these days.  A player who spends a lot of money (or heavily used the ARS exploit before it got patched) could have a massive amount of troops and be low level because they just leave them in beacons and don't do anything like bgs or pvp that gives large amounts of xp.  You also have to remember that there's a ridiculous degree of possible difference in bonuses between players.  For example: the base defense power of a griffin is 587.  With all the bonuses and a fully upgraded champ you can get a griffin up to about 8200.  That's a difference of 14x in potential power for the same unit.  I can tell you oracle's estimates are a bit off though, at least for KOK. 


That's my roving hamlet/castle trap def, have a bunch on beacons as well.  Total is around 18bil including champ bonuses (have a full set of max upgraded defense champs).  I've seen a few others with similar numbers.  

Haha, thanks for showing that. Game's gone. 

1 черв. 2021, 16:4301.06.21
1 черв. 2021, 16:49(відредаговано)

So nobody speaks of SH troops? this is strange.. i had attacks with 35.000 gargoyles... a good friend has 28.000 now...  my SH army holds more than 140k units now and i keep them coming.One aspect very important when is about SH troops-their abillities.. because gargoyles reduces by 75% enemy defense... so 10.000 gargoyles can wipe out 40.000 griffins in theory.. also purgators increase defense by 50% when attacked.I personaly dont care for moment of regular troops..becouse i saw the mighty power of SH troops and it s been 3 months i invest all in them.On the other side no word about Weorian troops?..1 single Harpy can replace 4 dragons speaking of force limit units

26 берез. 2024, 11:0426.03.24

Lol ...pop up on a post from 2021...

The game changed , so the military sizes changed too...

I guess nobody will say how much he has  😁

31 берез. 2024, 01:0631.03.24

as  this  is a topic ingame troops  size  and  upgrade  levels  is  really has nothing to do with the military hardware of  any modern military items  at  all  as  here  there Be dragons Mate ! 

Our artillery looks like this 


Your link is really not in line with the game  and  is  wildly off topic  

Not  to mention you pulled it  out of mothballs just to put your link into it 

Do you even Play  stormfall or are you just putting in links AGM Global Vision to  draw customers  from the forum

31 берез. 2024, 02:2731.03.24
Wesley Pringle

as  this  is a topic ingame troops  size  and  upgrade  levels  is  really has nothing to do with the military hardware of  any modern military items  at  all  as  here  there Be dragons Mate ! 

Our artillery looks like this 


Your link is really not in line with the game  and  is  wildly off topic  

Not  to mention you pulled it  out of mothballs just to put your link into it 

Do you even Play  stormfall or are you just putting in links AGM Global Vision to  draw customers  from the forum

I assume it's some sort of spam bot, especially since it posted on a 3 year old dead thread...

31 берез. 2024, 03:0131.03.24

Lol ...pop up on a post from 2021...

The game changed , so the military sizes changed too...

I guess nobody will say how much he has  😁

I don't mind sharing.  



31 берез. 2024, 03:2431.03.24

as  it looks  like that was  the only post the account has  made  I  don't see any games attached to the account 

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