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Location Detector - & - COBRA Location Refresher : remove the usage limit of these tools!

Location Detector - & - COBRA Location Refresher : remove the usage limit of these tools!

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4 лип. 2022, 12:1704.07.22

Location Detector - & - COBRA Location Refresher : remove the usage limit of these tools!

As stated in the title, please remove the usage limit of these tools. (max 1 per day! ... WHAT ?!?!?).

What is the point of setting such a limit ?!

it's ridiculous!

If I need to update my Locations to get new ones and I have enough tools of this type stored in my inventory (which I have paid for with diamonds or obtained by working hard in the game!), Why should I be prevented from using them?

This goes against each player's freedom to manage their game in the best way they see fit ... by forcing them to play the way you want them to play!

I need to accumulate these tools and then use 20 of them all together on the day I think it is appropriate to do so !!

this is my strategy and you are preventing me from carrying it out!

As I have already asked on other occasions: please delete both the limit of accumulation of objects (ex: max 300 low / high threat dispatch ... why?!?), And the limit of use of them within the same day ! (as in this case: COBRA Location Refresher - only ONE per day !!).

These limits are ridiculous and keep you from playing the way you like! ... and this is unfair !!!


6 лип. 2022, 06:3006.07.22

Thanks Commander I have forwarded your suggestion to the Devs Team but as you know only they decide if and when a suggestion will be implemented.
