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Removing the use of cobra units in repos other than Parts repo

Removing the use of cobra units in repos other than Parts repo

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16 трав. 2023, 13:2516.05.23

Removing the use of cobra units in repos other than Parts repo

Recently I got hold of a Thulium repo in conjunction with the PvP Event hoping to get some points for the event. However in an event of an attack, the offender's forces which consists of mainly cobra units wiped out all my stationed units worth around 140mil defensive points. After checking in the Event ranking I find out he scored 5x more points while suffering less than 1/10 of losses. Thus, I appeal to remove cobra completely for repos other than Parts repo. Here's some reason I can provide to aid in decision making:

  1. COBRA units have more significant advantage over normal units that is trainable with resources. (I guess we can alll agree with that)
  2. COBRA units have special abilities (def bonus increase, enemy def decrease etc.), which normal troops alone doesn't posses, and thus needing support from Strategic units, which is only obtainable via Events or purchased with in-game currency.
  3. With basic off and def statistics nearly 10x more compared to normal trainable troops, offenders can basically roll-over any lightly protected repo using cobra units with little to no losses. Which can in term decrease player's will in capturing repo fearing of total losses.
  4. COBRA units cannot be used in defending repos other than Parts repo, however in the contrary can be used as offensive or be use in aiding the main forces. Defensive players were relatively disadvantaged when required to reinforce the repo with more defensive troops yet receiving lesser points compared to the offender. (Like my example above)
  5. Removal of COBRA in normal repo doesn't go against the game's values, as we still can use trainable troops or specialized troops obtained via events or purchased with. Though specialized troops still have major advantage compared to normal troops, they however are more valuable than COBRA units and players is highly unlikely to use them in casual PvP events. Still, COBRA's statistic stands way above specialized troops and they are obtainable freely via training , which is comsuming free Parts produced daily from COBRA base.

I am hoping that the stated points above can be considered and changes made accordingly. I support repo pvp events, but in a more orderly manner. In a player's point of view, if one specific troop type cannot defend something, but can take it offensively, and have significantly advantage over a majority of troops, is freely obtainable, and one tries defending it for points but score less, that doesn't seems fair.

DariaCommunity Manager
13 черв. 2023, 09:3613.06.23

Commander, thanks for sharing such a detailed and structured suggestion 🤗

I'm glad to see such a reasoned opinion and see your point about removing the use of cobra units in repos. However, our team is currently unable to accept new suggestions due to the many others that have accumulated and need to be carefully processed. I appreciate your input, and thanks again for helping! 

Appreciate your understanding! 💪