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Lost account when connecting to Plarium ID

Lost account when connecting to Plarium ID

Jan 18, 2022, 01:1001/18/22

So I just started playing and same thing. There is no fix and no CS. I can't believe years on this is still happening. I will be getting a refund from Apple. This is terrible. about $400 pay to win dollars spent.

If a mod reads this they need to email me fast or i am refunding.

Did you open a ticket?

Jan 18, 2022, 18:0701/18/22

Did you open a ticket?

Hi Harbby, I did open and ticket and I did get a response. Waiting to see what comes of it. At least their was a response in a timely manner.

Jan 20, 2022, 16:1001/20/22

re -installation de plarium play sur un mac

Hello. My computer I was playing on was destroyed and its data is unrecoverable.

I replaced and configured it and I can't install plarium play to resume the game. The plarium page that opens is the old version that went through the browser.

I saw in the faq that you had to manually erase your identifiers but in the case if I understood correctly of an uninstallation / reinstallation of plarium play , but not uninstallation of plarium .com .

All my computers are Apples, my Apple ID is unique, and that would be the one I would have to delete. But what should I do if I don't want to lose my quote. Thank you for giving me your opinion. Daniele

Jan 22, 2022, 02:3801/22/22

Did you open a ticket?

So Harby, days have passed and I have been passed on to another supposed "team". This is not ideal as I spend money in good faith and they have a known issue with the game when people try to join PC and people lose their initial account they started when doing this process. 

They surely know this is an issue and one that is repeatable yet will not give me my game or money back. I expect all these things done in a timely manner. Now given they have millions of players and millions of dollars in cash flow they should have the resources, one to resolve my issue, two to fix the problem so it never happens again.

Game gets a big thumbs down as I do not like the idea of buy goods and having them taken away from you expecially when it is so much invested. If it was a small amount I would not care so much.

Jan 22, 2022, 02:4501/22/22

If they're still working on it there isn't much I can do. 

But like you said, they have millions of players, so they also have a lot of tickets to work through. They'll solve it as fast as they can. 

Jan 25, 2022, 15:1401/25/22

So  this  is  beyond a  joke.  The  initial  person  passed  me  on  to one  person  then  the  next  person  had  daily  discussions  until  i  gave  him  a  whole  heap  of  info  then  he  said  i  am  passing  you  on  to  another  team.  So  the  same  day  i  spend  my  money  which  was  two  weeks  ago  and  then  realise  i  can  link  my  account  goes  missing  you  are  trying  to  tell  me  i  should  be  patient.

And  i  bet  Apple  will  not  do  a  charge  back  even  though  i  put  in  a  support  ticket  within  24hrs  of  this  happening.

Jan 25, 2022, 17:3801/25/22

So  this  is  beyond a  joke.  The  initial  person  passed  me  on  to one  person  then  the  next  person  had  daily  discussions  until  i  gave  him  a  whole  heap  of  info  then  he  said  i  am  passing  you  on  to  another  team.  So  the  same  day  i  spend  my  money  which  was  two  weeks  ago  and  then  realise  i  can  link  my  account  goes  missing  you  are  trying  to  tell  me  i  should  be  patient.

And  i  bet  Apple  will  not  do  a  charge  back  even  though  i  put  in  a  support  ticket  within  24hrs  of  this  happening.

Send me a dm with your um# I'll look into it 

Jan 25, 2022, 18:0701/25/22

Okay, if you need further help, please DM Harbby as he asked above, or me. Or open a new thread for the new issues. I'm going to close this though becuase the info is 2+ years old in most cases.

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