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New Years Free Gifts

New Years Free Gifts

Jan 2, 2022, 14:3801/02/22

There are more top tier champs now, and I believe anyone doing fusions the last year and opening shards for the guaranteed events like geo could do all content regardless of shard rng.

And the new epics are way better than all but a few void epics. 

Anyone struggling to progress isn't willing to grind gear and 12.3 (or spend $$$ to accelerate).  The new champs have made all content way easier except for what I consider the 2 endgame areas (tag and hydra).

Jan 2, 2022, 15:0601/02/22

No, that is not what I am saying.

I am saying,t hat the ratio between champions good to very good in all areas of the game to those who are bad/niche useful/useful only on small areas of the game was better way back when. Of champions reasonably obtainable aka from shards. Of course most champs back then where bad to moderately useful, but the ratio was better way back when.

I am also far from the opinion, that all champions whay back when were good, as I repeatedly stated, that the ration between s tier and non s tier has been lowered even more over time. This presupposes it has been low in the first place...

I don't see it.  The ratio of goodchamps:badchamps really has not noticibly changed as far as I can tell.  If you'd care to present a break down I'm more than willing to review it.  But when you say 'champions reasonably obtainable aka from shards"  There is no such thing as a leggo reasonbly obtainable from shards, except perhaps garnteed champ events.  In fact there's no such thing as an epic reasonably obtainable from shards until you have played long enough to hit a certain saturation level, such that you have obtained 70% to 90% of all epics.  Is that reasonable?

I just don't see how the ratio has changed.  When I look at any tier list, or at my own most wanted list, I see at least as many newer champs.

Jan 2, 2022, 15:3001/02/22

Wherever did I say, that every new champ released since launch has been bad?

That is a misrepresentation of my argument. You, sir, however cannot deny,that the majority of champions released since launch have been on the not good/niche side in every bracket. Thus the diluting of the champion pool, that is good for any content/account changers.

Whatever is considered good can only be assessed in relation to what else is on the account. For instance I pulled Roric, which is for anyone not having counterattack a pretty disappointing pull. However I am happy to experiment with him, since i have a valk....However the number of account changers in relation to the compelte chapion pool has not gone up in the years for sure. And that is the only reasonable measurement, since everything else can be complete crap for account a while being able to advance account b.

Also an incidental reference to a person, who has reached the highest level of gameplay ftp has also no impact on the argument in question, SINCE THE POINT OF CONTENTION IS THAT REACHING THAT LEVELS IS NOT GUARANTEED, NO MATTER HOW KNOWLEDGABLE YOU ARE IN THE GAME. Pointing out that person x managed it does in no way, shape or form invalidate the argument. For it to be invalid EVERYONE playing that amount of time with careful ressource management needs to have reached that level of gameplay. Is that the case in raid? I highly doubt it, though, drawing on my experience on getting actually only 1 extremely niche useful legendary and one good overall epic in hm 6 months. No careful ressource management will advance the account signifcantly...

Of course energy is now more plentiful and it is appreciated. There is also more content which is only the natural progression. There is no living online game, that doesn't expand content over time....

You, sir, however..

I think you mean ma'am. 

However the number of account changers in relation to the compelte chapion pool has not gone up in the years for sure. 

Not every champion can be game changing, of course most of the champions are going to be "not good", and most of those champions are blue or lower they're not supposed to be game changing. Not every champion released can be amazing, regardless of whether it's epic or legendary. The number of good, quality champions that can move you up to end game without being ridiculously overpowered has in fact gone up over the years. 

Now for the game changers you seem to think are absolute necessity...

No careful ressource management will advance the account signifcantly...

Again, you're saying this to someone who did exactly this. 

Plarium has been releasing many fantastic and game changing legendaries through fusion events, which you can easily attain by managing your resources. The best part about that is that not every fusion is game changing! This means that you can save your resources for the actual A tier champions and then advance your account significantly! But how would you know which ones would be game changing? Their kits get released before they do and you can assess it yourself, then you can watch countless content creators talk about it! 

16/12/2021 ~ 31/12/2021 : Tatura Rimehide
24/11/2021 ~ 03/12/2021 : Vildrax
28/10/2021 ~ 14/11/2021 : Vlad the Nightborn
30/09/2021 ~ 17/10/2021 : Sigmund the Highshield
06/09/2021 ~ 21/09/2021 : Roric Wyrmbane
05/08/2021 ~ 23/08/2021 : Mother Cybele
02/07/2021 ~ 18/07/2021 : Versulf the Grim
07/06/2021 ~ 23/06/2021 : Hurndig
11/05/2021 ~ 24/05/2021 : Ruel the Huntmaster
13/04/2021 ~ 30/04/2021 : Underpriest Brogni
16/03/2021 ~ 01/04/2021 : Yoshi the Drunkard
12/02/2021 ~ 27/02/2021 : Astralon
14/01/2021 ~ 28/01/2021 : Iron Brago
14/12/2020 ~ 31/12/2020 : Pyxniel
25/11/2020 ~ 01/12/2020 : Bergoth the Malformed
30/10/2020 ~ 11/11/2020 : Elegaius
05/10/2020 ~ 23/10/2020 : Vergumkaar
18/09/2020 ~ 28/09/2020 : Drokgul the Gaunt
14/08/2020 ~ 31/08/2020 : Kreela Witch-Arm
13/07/2020 ~ 31/07/2020 : Kantra the Cyclone
12/05/2020 ~ 31/05/2020 : Gurptuk Moss-Beard
08/04/2020 ~ 30/04/2020 : Skull Lord Var-Gall
13/03/2020 ~ 31/03/2020 : Cillian the Lucky
14/02/2020 ~ 06/03/2020 : Rotos the Lost Groom
13/12/2019 ~ 29/12/2019 : Tormin the Cold
15/11/2019 ~ 24/11/2019 : Brakus the Shifter
25/10/2019 ~ 10/11/2019 : Harvest Jack
20/09/2019 ~ 06/10/2019 : Maulie Tankard
07/07/2019 ~ 25/07/2019 : Foli
11/10/2019 ~ 20/11/2019 : Alika
11/03/2019 ~ 05/04/2019 : Shamrock
14/02/2019 ~ 28/02/2019 : Sir Nicholas

There have been many game changing legendaries that Plarium has given out to those who have the resources to earn them. Not to mention all of the amazing epics that were released with the fusions, many of them released with legendaries that players considered not worth pushing for which just means free amazing epics for everyone. 

Jan 2, 2022, 15:3301/02/22

And let me just add that in the last year I have obtained 5x more s-tier leggos than the previous 2 years; from shards, not counting fusions.

Jan 2, 2022, 16:5001/02/22

I don't see it.  The ratio of goodchamps:badchamps really has not noticibly changed as far as I can tell.  If you'd care to present a break down I'm more than willing to review it.  But when you say 'champions reasonably obtainable aka from shards"  There is no such thing as a leggo reasonbly obtainable from shards, except perhaps garnteed champ events.  In fact there's no such thing as an epic reasonably obtainable from shards until you have played long enough to hit a certain saturation level, such that you have obtained 70% to 90% of all epics.  Is that reasonable?

I just don't see how the ratio has changed.  When I look at any tier list, or at my own most wanted list, I see at least as many newer champs.

I don't see how the ratio has changed at all either. In fact, I strongly believe that new champs have made content significantly easier than it used to be.

However, his argument doesn't just hinge on this thing he is saying yet not saying about how new champs are overwhelmingly bad versus useful. He also seems to depend on RNG being the only thing that can progress an account. Little does he know that a large percentage of my account's progress came from fusion champs.

Like you Angwil, I have obtained so many more excellent champs in the last year than I ever had gotten before. A strong account is the payoff of making it through all the early struggles with Frozen Banshee, Coffin Smasher, Rowan and Athel.

Jan 2, 2022, 19:1601/02/22
You, sir, however..

I think you mean ma'am. 

However the number of account changers in relation to the compelte chapion pool has not gone up in the years for sure. 

Not every champion can be game changing, of course most of the champions are going to be "not good", and most of those champions are blue or lower they're not supposed to be game changing. Not every champion released can be amazing, regardless of whether it's epic or legendary. The number of good, quality champions that can move you up to end game without being ridiculously overpowered has in fact gone up over the years. 

Now for the game changers you seem to think are absolute necessity...

No careful ressource management will advance the account signifcantly...

Again, you're saying this to someone who did exactly this. 

Plarium has been releasing many fantastic and game changing legendaries through fusion events, which you can easily attain by managing your resources. The best part about that is that not every fusion is game changing! This means that you can save your resources for the actual A tier champions and then advance your account significantly! But how would you know which ones would be game changing? Their kits get released before they do and you can assess it yourself, then you can watch countless content creators talk about it! 

16/12/2021 ~ 31/12/2021 : Tatura Rimehide
24/11/2021 ~ 03/12/2021 : Vildrax
28/10/2021 ~ 14/11/2021 : Vlad the Nightborn
30/09/2021 ~ 17/10/2021 : Sigmund the Highshield
06/09/2021 ~ 21/09/2021 : Roric Wyrmbane
05/08/2021 ~ 23/08/2021 : Mother Cybele
02/07/2021 ~ 18/07/2021 : Versulf the Grim
07/06/2021 ~ 23/06/2021 : Hurndig
11/05/2021 ~ 24/05/2021 : Ruel the Huntmaster
13/04/2021 ~ 30/04/2021 : Underpriest Brogni
16/03/2021 ~ 01/04/2021 : Yoshi the Drunkard
12/02/2021 ~ 27/02/2021 : Astralon
14/01/2021 ~ 28/01/2021 : Iron Brago
14/12/2020 ~ 31/12/2020 : Pyxniel
25/11/2020 ~ 01/12/2020 : Bergoth the Malformed
30/10/2020 ~ 11/11/2020 : Elegaius
05/10/2020 ~ 23/10/2020 : Vergumkaar
18/09/2020 ~ 28/09/2020 : Drokgul the Gaunt
14/08/2020 ~ 31/08/2020 : Kreela Witch-Arm
13/07/2020 ~ 31/07/2020 : Kantra the Cyclone
12/05/2020 ~ 31/05/2020 : Gurptuk Moss-Beard
08/04/2020 ~ 30/04/2020 : Skull Lord Var-Gall
13/03/2020 ~ 31/03/2020 : Cillian the Lucky
14/02/2020 ~ 06/03/2020 : Rotos the Lost Groom
13/12/2019 ~ 29/12/2019 : Tormin the Cold
15/11/2019 ~ 24/11/2019 : Brakus the Shifter
25/10/2019 ~ 10/11/2019 : Harvest Jack
20/09/2019 ~ 06/10/2019 : Maulie Tankard
07/07/2019 ~ 25/07/2019 : Foli
11/10/2019 ~ 20/11/2019 : Alika
11/03/2019 ~ 05/04/2019 : Shamrock
14/02/2019 ~ 28/02/2019 : Sir Nicholas

There have been many game changing legendaries that Plarium has given out to those who have the resources to earn them. Not to mention all of the amazing epics that were released with the fusions, many of them released with legendaries that players considered not worth pushing for which just means free amazing epics for everyone. 

This year alone we got Mordecai, Giscard, Skathix, Hoforees, Magnarr, Conellia, Thylessia, Scabrius, Duhr and Demytha, and that's just assuming players with limited resources/time are outright ignoring the legendary fusions themselves and just trying to get attainable epics. You have a spider MVP, legitimately great arena nuker, tons of FW staples, a champion capable of soloing hard Bommal and a legitimate clan boss all star in there, to name a few. 

Not to mention for those willing to save shards for guaranteed this past year, was possible to pick up epics like Ursala, Madame and Rector this weekend, and I'm sure I'm forgetting others. 

Jan 3, 2022, 00:5701/03/22

This year alone we got Mordecai, Giscard, Skathix, Hoforees, Magnarr, Conellia, Thylessia, Scabrius, Duhr and Demytha, and that's just assuming players with limited resources/time are outright ignoring the legendary fusions themselves and just trying to get attainable epics. You have a spider MVP, legitimately great arena nuker, tons of FW staples, a champion capable of soloing hard Bommal and a legitimate clan boss all star in there, to name a few. 

Not to mention for those willing to save shards for guaranteed this past year, was possible to pick up epics like Ursala, Madame and Rector this weekend, and I'm sure I'm forgetting others. 

Giscard, Hoforees and Demytha were huge in finishing up FW for me finally.  Actually I kept all the epics for Sigmund, (Dhur, Demytha, Thylessia and Scabrius) since they were all darn good and I was beginning the final push of my FW to try and beat Shadowkin Crypt's arrival. :)

Jan 3, 2022, 01:3301/03/22
Jan 3, 2022, 01:34(edited)

Giscard, Hoforees and Demytha were huge in finishing up FW for me finally.  Actually I kept all the epics for Sigmund, (Dhur, Demytha, Thylessia and Scabrius) since they were all darn good and I was beginning the final push of my FW to try and beat Shadowkin Crypt's arrival. :)

Skipped Sigmund, but got all the epics and the non Demy ones were pretty critical in finishing those FW21s. Thankfully I had an embarrassment of riches (Brog/Hurndig from fusions, Geo/MK) in Dwarves before so Demy was icing on the cake there. Though I can say she's been pretty good overall. :)

While we're on the topic of epics, I completely forgot about the free Fayne everyone got, too. There really was a lot of ways in '21 to get meaningful epics, whew. 

Jan 3, 2022, 07:5901/03/22

Happy new year everyone.  I received my gift it was good because I'm an amateur 

Jan 5, 2022, 05:4801/05/22
Jan 5, 2022, 05:53(edited)
You, sir, however..

I think you mean ma'am. 

However the number of account changers in relation to the compelte chapion pool has not gone up in the years for sure. 

Not every champion can be game changing, of course most of the champions are going to be "not good", and most of those champions are blue or lower they're not supposed to be game changing. Not every champion released can be amazing, regardless of whether it's epic or legendary. The number of good, quality champions that can move you up to end game without being ridiculously overpowered has in fact gone up over the years. 

Now for the game changers you seem to think are absolute necessity...

No careful ressource management will advance the account signifcantly...

Again, you're saying this to someone who did exactly this. 

Plarium has been releasing many fantastic and game changing legendaries through fusion events, which you can easily attain by managing your resources. The best part about that is that not every fusion is game changing! This means that you can save your resources for the actual A tier champions and then advance your account significantly! But how would you know which ones would be game changing? Their kits get released before they do and you can assess it yourself, then you can watch countless content creators talk about it! 

16/12/2021 ~ 31/12/2021 : Tatura Rimehide
24/11/2021 ~ 03/12/2021 : Vildrax
28/10/2021 ~ 14/11/2021 : Vlad the Nightborn
30/09/2021 ~ 17/10/2021 : Sigmund the Highshield
06/09/2021 ~ 21/09/2021 : Roric Wyrmbane
05/08/2021 ~ 23/08/2021 : Mother Cybele
02/07/2021 ~ 18/07/2021 : Versulf the Grim
07/06/2021 ~ 23/06/2021 : Hurndig
11/05/2021 ~ 24/05/2021 : Ruel the Huntmaster
13/04/2021 ~ 30/04/2021 : Underpriest Brogni
16/03/2021 ~ 01/04/2021 : Yoshi the Drunkard
12/02/2021 ~ 27/02/2021 : Astralon
14/01/2021 ~ 28/01/2021 : Iron Brago
14/12/2020 ~ 31/12/2020 : Pyxniel
25/11/2020 ~ 01/12/2020 : Bergoth the Malformed
30/10/2020 ~ 11/11/2020 : Elegaius
05/10/2020 ~ 23/10/2020 : Vergumkaar
18/09/2020 ~ 28/09/2020 : Drokgul the Gaunt
14/08/2020 ~ 31/08/2020 : Kreela Witch-Arm
13/07/2020 ~ 31/07/2020 : Kantra the Cyclone
12/05/2020 ~ 31/05/2020 : Gurptuk Moss-Beard
08/04/2020 ~ 30/04/2020 : Skull Lord Var-Gall
13/03/2020 ~ 31/03/2020 : Cillian the Lucky
14/02/2020 ~ 06/03/2020 : Rotos the Lost Groom
13/12/2019 ~ 29/12/2019 : Tormin the Cold
15/11/2019 ~ 24/11/2019 : Brakus the Shifter
25/10/2019 ~ 10/11/2019 : Harvest Jack
20/09/2019 ~ 06/10/2019 : Maulie Tankard
07/07/2019 ~ 25/07/2019 : Foli
11/10/2019 ~ 20/11/2019 : Alika
11/03/2019 ~ 05/04/2019 : Shamrock
14/02/2019 ~ 28/02/2019 : Sir Nicholas

There have been many game changing legendaries that Plarium has given out to those who have the resources to earn them. Not to mention all of the amazing epics that were released with the fusions, many of them released with legendaries that players considered not worth pushing for which just means free amazing epics for everyone. 

And you assumed of course me to be male, too. 

Not that you are wrong, but still.

And the person that did this feat, reached endgame content WITHOUT ANY ACCOUNT CHANGERS, yes? UNM 2key clanboss with rares only, yes?

Eite to add:

So what if one person manage the feat? one person managing this feat does not guarantee the next 5 perspons being able to do the same taking the exact same steps in game behavior. And that is what the argument is all about.

It is undeniable, that through careful managing of ingame ressoruces you are able to reachthe highest elvels of play ftp in RAID, BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE LUCKY.

Jan 5, 2022, 06:3501/05/22
Jan 5, 2022, 06:35(edited)

And you assumed of course me to be male, too. 

Not that you are wrong, but still.

And the person that did this feat, reached endgame content WITHOUT ANY ACCOUNT CHANGERS, yes? UNM 2key clanboss with rares only, yes?

Eite to add:

So what if one person manage the feat? one person managing this feat does not guarantee the next 5 perspons being able to do the same taking the exact same steps in game behavior. And that is what the argument is all about.

It is undeniable, that through careful managing of ingame ressoruces you are able to reachthe highest elvels of play ftp in RAID, BUT ONLY IF YOU ARE LUCKY.

Between the legendaries listed above and the epics I listed from last year - just from fusions - if someone came in before those and spent their resources wisely they would have an account flush with game changers. Yes, fusions take work, but they cut down if not out the luck factor the game you are so hyper focused on.

It's not just one person managing this. It's tons of good/successful players in the game who are low to no spend but manage resources wisely, grind efficiently and build sensical teams which allow them to beat some of the hardest content in the game. There are tons of these players. Yes, it can take longer for some players than others due to specific champs that help make some content easier, but it doesn't refute the overall point that it is managable if you make good decisions. 

If you rely on shard luck and shard luck alone, yes, this game can take a long time to get to where you want to go. Between log in champs, timed fusions, permanent fusions and free champions (Ninja, Fayne, Aleks, clan shop, 3v3, so on and so forth) there are more than enough ways for people who play the game intelligently to get to good spots in the game. A lot of those are game changers, by the way.


I just want to hit on this before I finish up because this is a pretty bad strawman. No one is doing these things without acquiring the necessary champs and gear, but you can pretty easily do that by having the start Quinn did and making good decisions afterwards. You are just flat out wrong about the role resource management plays in this game.

Jan 5, 2022, 07:5301/05/22

Between the legendaries listed above and the epics I listed from last year - just from fusions - if someone came in before those and spent their resources wisely they would have an account flush with game changers. Yes, fusions take work, but they cut down if not out the luck factor the game you are so hyper focused on.

It's not just one person managing this. It's tons of good/successful players in the game who are low to no spend but manage resources wisely, grind efficiently and build sensical teams which allow them to beat some of the hardest content in the game. There are tons of these players. Yes, it can take longer for some players than others due to specific champs that help make some content easier, but it doesn't refute the overall point that it is managable if you make good decisions. 

If you rely on shard luck and shard luck alone, yes, this game can take a long time to get to where you want to go. Between log in champs, timed fusions, permanent fusions and free champions (Ninja, Fayne, Aleks, clan shop, 3v3, so on and so forth) there are more than enough ways for people who play the game intelligently to get to good spots in the game. A lot of those are game changers, by the way.


I just want to hit on this before I finish up because this is a pretty bad strawman. No one is doing these things without acquiring the necessary champs and gear, but you can pretty easily do that by having the start Quinn did and making good decisions afterwards. You are just flat out wrong about the role resource management plays in this game.

Yes and my point is, NO ONE is guaranteed to get the encessary champs for dom tower hard bosses, UNM clanboss.

Sure I can 4key NM with many things. I can't 2key Nm or better with the same many things anymore.

The only good permanent fusion is Rhzain, which relies on....shard luck. HM.

The decent free champs are Drex and Yannica. They are good.

Half the login champs are trash. The other half is good.

Aleks is hardly earth shaking. Booking him instead of  a Warmaiden?

Then yes, there are fusions. You already need good champs to even attempt one. My unlucky accoount cna barely do IG 13, FK13, Spider 13, Dragon 16. To do a fusion would take me the amount of ressources to fully master 10 champs....

Sure on my God account I can do IG 20, Spider 13, Dragon 20, FK 16 and probably higher, much easier to do a fusion.

The point is NO ONE IS GUARANTEED to get account changers (apart from Scyl), therefore no one is guaranteed to reach the same endpoint,t hat Quinn reached while making the same decisions. Sure by making smart decisions one cna stil lget far, but at a certain point decisions aren't enough.

Jan 5, 2022, 09:4201/05/22

I don't understand at all, why people play more than one account and start to cry that it's to hard to get fusions. Of course it is. To do a fusion as f2p is close to a full time job. Content creators blame Plarium for the time sink necessary to play Raid. And you can do that twice?  

Jan 5, 2022, 18:1201/05/22

I don't understand at all, why people play more than one account and start to cry that it's to hard to get fusions. Of course it is. To do a fusion as f2p is close to a full time job. Content creators blame Plarium for the time sink necessary to play Raid. And you can do that twice?  

Sure I can't do a fusion on 2 accounts.

I can however progress 2 accounts with doing all the dailies. Nott hat I can do a fusion as ftp anyways after 6 months...

Jan 5, 2022, 18:3701/05/22

Sure I can't do a fusion on 2 accounts.

I can however progress 2 accounts with doing all the dailies. Nott hat I can do a fusion as ftp anyways after 6 months...

Anyone can do a fusion after 6 months of f2p, IF they PLAY the game.  Doing the dailies is just scratching the surface.  2x the effort on one account is better than doing dailies on 2.

Jan 5, 2022, 18:4801/05/22

Anyone can do a fusion after 6 months of f2p, IF they PLAY the game.  Doing the dailies is just scratching the surface.  2x the effort on one account is better than doing dailies on 2.

No, I can't do a fusion with only being able to do Dragon 16, IG 13, Spider 13 and FK 13. Since I pulled mostly total and utter crap in 6 months....

Jan 5, 2022, 18:4901/05/22

How often do we see people with 2, 3, or 4 accounts angry they can't progress? It's crazy to ever think some volume of shards and basic dailies will "outluck" focusing on gear, grinding out fusions and sniping out tourney wins when you can get them for that juicy relentless gear.

I also find arguments that login champs are trash silly. You can beat the entirety of normal Doom Tower with just login champs, an uncommon champ and 5 star gear. And it can't be argued otherwise, I did it and posted about it here, with champs and builds. Ninja, Dark Elhain, Kael, High Khatun and Armiger are just too strong. I didn't even use Scyl, Ghrush or Visix. Maybe I should do that when I finish Hard this time.

@dthorne04, you up for some login champ only normal DT this rotation?

Jan 5, 2022, 18:5101/05/22

No, I can't do a fusion with only being able to do Dragon 16, IG 13, Spider 13 and FK 13. Since I pulled mostly total and utter crap in 6 months....

blah blah blah.  Nothing to do with what you pulled from shards... If you aren't at Dragon 20 you are doing many things wrong still after 6 months. 

Jan 5, 2022, 19:1201/05/22

blah blah blah.  Nothing to do with what you pulled from shards... If you aren't at Dragon 20 you are doing many things wrong still after 6 months. 

Blah Blah Blah, I am sure you can build a dragon 20 team out of Elhain, Kael, Sinesha, Pslyar, FB, Ninja, Deacon, Coffin Smasher, Aleks, Apo, Gorgarab, Scyl. and nobody else...Care to share the amazing dragon 20 team?

Jan 5, 2022, 19:1601/05/22

No, I can't do a fusion with only being able to do Dragon 16, IG 13, Spider 13 and FK 13. Since I pulled mostly total and utter crap in 6 months....

You should be able to do all those Level 20 Dungeons with your 6 month login champs, your starter and Armiger. Ninja and Aleks just makes it even easier. That is, if you focused on forging 5 star perception gear, and farming for the proper main and double substat rare Lifesteal, Speed and Accuracy gear in the Campaign boss stages. You don't even need Dragon to farm for gear to beat Dragon. 

That is not even assuming you have any other champs at all. No Apothecary, no Dagger, Armina, Deacon, Dhukk, Fodbar, Stag, Tayrel, Uugo, etc... (although you've got Aleks now, and Warmaiden for that AoE Dec Def role)

Spider 20 might be the only one that takes more work, I haven't done that one with only login champs. although I have with Drex + Armiger teams. But I'm sure you actually have more champs than just login champs I would hope. If you want help with a build for that, you should start a thread seeing if the folks here can suggest a team for you.