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Another example of Plarium screwing the players

Another example of Plarium screwing the players

Nov 1, 2021, 10:2311/01/21

Another example of Plarium screwing the players

In yet another example of the now to-be-expected underhanded buggery players recieve courtesy of Plarium here is evidence of me being chain attacked by multiple higher tier arena players just before ranking cutoff to ensure I won't be advancing. I have noticed this before, but was never on to get screenshots of it occurring right away.  I had a screenshot of me getting defeated twice within two seconds before but cannot find it. Since this is impossible from a human standpoint it means either Plarium is using bots to screw the players (and it DOES use bots,) or it allows multiple human opponents (even from higher tiers) to attack you simultaneously - both options are totally underhanded BS, which is how Plarium loves to operate. Keep the player at a disadvantage by any means necessary so they'll open their wallet. Since the purpose of this game is to take your money and not to provide entertainment it seems to be working as intended.  


Nov 1, 2021, 10:3711/01/21

Sorry I fail to see your issue, you got defeated 52 seconds ago and the previous defeat was a minute and 21 seconds, nothing wrong with that, and yes, teams will attack a lot just before cutoff to ensure they stay in their tier at reset.  That happens in every tier always has always will

Also you don't advance at cutoff, everyone goes to the base level of the tier they are in

To be honest - you're getting defeated by some pretty low level teams so you are probably seen as an easy win and will get attacked a lot

Nov 1, 2021, 10:5111/01/21

I'm confused.  I thought I knew what the word 'impossible' meant.  But evidently not.

Nov 1, 2021, 10:5811/01/21
or it allows multiple human opponents (even from higher tiers) to attack you simultaneously 

Of course that is the case. Why not? Your arena defense is AI-controlled, it could handle doing a million fights at the same time.

Nov 1, 2021, 10:5811/01/21

When I'm not working on these days I will fight whatever teams I can smash the easiest. Once you get up towards plat you can refresh the page and get the same team again. And yes your defense can be fought by multiple people at the same time. 

The last few minutes are a massive rush to rank up. I've only finished in plat twice because I keep getting smacked back out, it happens. 

Nov 1, 2021, 11:1311/01/21

It  looks  to  me  like  another  example of  you  getting spanked  in  arena.

How  about  fixing  that  Arena  Defense?

Nov 1, 2021, 11:3711/01/21

Come on guys, be nice - we all remember how frustrating arena can be.

Anyway OP, people tend to hit a lot just before cut off if they are close to dropping tiers, they want to stay up- so you will see an unusual amount of hits just before cut off if people view your defence as 'easy'

You might also see a lot of hits just after reset, i tend to do a lot of runs just after reset to get some breathing space in my tier.

If you are interested in help, posting your roster will no doubt result in help getting a defence that wins more often or is hit less often

I do agree the reset is frustrating, when you go right to the bottom of the tier.

Nov 1, 2021, 17:0811/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 20:11(edited)

So. To move it away from how frustrating it is, or how the team might be an easy win, lets be constructive.

Arby, if you're game, l would you like to post your arena defense and their builds? Maybe your roster? I'm sure some folks can make suggestions for improving the team and making it look less enticing to hit right before resest.

Nov 1, 2021, 19:5711/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 19:58(edited)

Mmmmm..the game is essentially AI driven - why are you surprised that multiple people can attack you simultaneously?  We all  probably show up on multiple lists - if they all choose to attack us at the same time , while improbable, is 100% possible.

As Harlequinn suggested - post your roster - have a better Arena defense team.  

Nov 1, 2021, 20:0611/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 20:13(edited)

"Sorry I fail to see your issue, you got defeated 52 seconds ago and the
previous defeat was a minute and 21 seconds, nothing wrong with that,
and yes, teams will attack a lot just before cutoff to ensure they stay
in their tier at reset.  That happens in every tier always has always

-  I have stated that this happens routinely in as little as two seconds.

"Of course that is the case. Why not? Your arena defense is
AI-controlled, it could handle doing a million fights at the same time. "

- If you require me to point out to you why this is egregiously unfair game design I severely doubt you are the reasonable type, so I shall save my breath.

When I have some more free time I'll try to get some screenshots posted of my roster, I would love any advice or constructive criticism any of you have to offer.  Something I do find suspect, however, is that each time I have posted something critical about Plarium's obviously dubious design practices there is always a handful of commentors ready to jump into the fray with remarkable rapidity and defend them.  Either these people are sadly naive, or are - quite simply - shills.  Before anyone rushes in to comment "this is your only post!" I shall clarify by saying that it has happened on other venues, and on more than one occasion. 

To those that commented constructively - thank you - I will be back later with some screenshots.


Edited by moderator. - Harbs 

Removed swear. 

Nov 1, 2021, 20:4111/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 21:43(edited)

People having another opinion than you are either dumkb or work for the Plarium intelligence agency? 🕵

If you get attacked often or not has to do with your def team, nothing else. Your team doesn't even have to be good, it just has to look scary to possible attackers. 


I got attacked only 4 times today, and all attacking teams had 30% speed aura and really strong champs. I don't get attacked very often, because my def team is Arbiter, Lyssandra, Uugo, Magnarr. Double speed booster, decrease def + big nuke. Attackers don't know how fast my Arbiter is. If she is fast enough they could get defeated. So just a few attackers try. Maybe others could win as well. But they don't try a speedrace vs. Arbiter + Lyssandra if they see opponents that seem to be easier prey. The speed of my Arbiter and Lyssandra could be slow as a turtle due to bad gear - attackers wouldn't know, so they don't attack.

If you have really good gear (really good!), you could even try to take advantage of the typical behavior to attack the team that seems the weakest and build a "trap team". Something like no speed lead, but Umbral with still more than 300 speed and some nukers. You will get attacked very often, even by weaker teams that think they could get a free victory vs. your "slow" team, but you would gain arena points from that.

Nov 1, 2021, 20:4811/01/21

"Sorry I fail to see your issue, you got defeated 52 seconds ago and the
previous defeat was a minute and 21 seconds, nothing wrong with that,
and yes, teams will attack a lot just before cutoff to ensure they stay
in their tier at reset.  That happens in every tier always has always

-  I have stated that this happens routinely in as little as two seconds.

"Of course that is the case. Why not? Your arena defense is
AI-controlled, it could handle doing a million fights at the same time. "

- If you require me to point out to you why this is egregiously unfair game design I severely doubt you are the reasonable type, so I shall save my breath.

When I have some more free time I'll try to get some screenshots posted of my roster, I would love any advice or constructive criticism any of you have to offer.  Something I do find suspect, however, is that each time I have posted something critical about Plarium's obviously dubious design practices there is always a handful of commentors ready to jump into the fray with remarkable rapidity and defend them.  Either these people are sadly naive, or are - quite simply - shills.  Before anyone rushes in to comment "this is your only post!" I shall clarify by saying that it has happened on other venues, and on more than one occasion. 

To those that commented constructively - thank you - I will be back later with some screenshots.


Edited by moderator. - Harbs 

Removed swear. 

There's pointing out actual gaming flaws, and then there's complaining that the game design is not in your favor.  You are complaining that the gaming design is not in your favor - it's not an actual flaw.  You can go through my post history - you'll find that I'm extremely critical of Plarium and their actual flaws(moderators can attest to that :-P ) but this is not a flaw - this is you thinking something is unfair because it stops you from being in a specific tier - that frankly, you don't belong in - contrary to your belief.

That being said - you can continue to complain - and nothing will get done because it's not a game issue, it's your issue - or you can post your roster as suggested by Harlequinn and we can come up with suggestions.  I'll caveat I'm in the same boat as you - I can get into Platinum tier pretty easy - but staying there is another issue  - ESPECIALY in the last 30 min's. My defense just isn't strong enough and I know the champs I need I just don't have them.

Nov 1, 2021, 21:1511/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 21:35(edited)

Something else I would like to point out that is VERY suspicious as well has been my clan boss performance.  In the past while I swapped in a new champion (I got Geomancer, how lucky!) and decided to up my game and start attacking the boss on Nightmare.  Curiously, I was being defeated just below the cutoff for a one-key chest.  And I do mean just.  By a few thousand hitpoints in most cases - in a scope of several millions.  No big deal, use another key and get loot, right?

Fast forward to the most recent Clan vs. Clan and I (finally!) used the all the skill tomes I had been hoarding for extra points - this was six epic tomes and three legendary.  This maxxed out all of Geomancer's skills, and put Ninja very close as well.  This should have had some appreciable effect on my damage total - a rather remakable effect you would be correct to say.  But it hasn't.  None whatsoever. This is after testing with all my keys as they come in since then to give a reasonable sample size for analysis and smooth out any anomalous bumps.  In addition to ensuring a reasonable sample size I also have not altered my battle strategy so it should be a pretty fair test. My pvp tier bonuses are still the same (as discussed above) as well. 

Not only have I invested all those skill tomes, I have also made many other upgrades to the team also.  I have upgraded several pieces of gear to level 16 at a huge cost in silver - and finally got the tier six offensive mastery for Apothecary (I chose Giant Slayer for this very purpose.)  I chose to get his Tier 6 offenseive mastery last since he hits less than the other four, a perfectly logical decision. Now surely all of these things combined should push my damage above that threshold - after all I was very close before - but it hasn't.  Just this morning in my clan boss fight, thousands short of a one-key chest.  Still.  I will also state that it isn't an accuracy issue either, as all team members have enough accuracy to land their abilities at this difficulty consistently.  It also isn't a case of only getting skill upgrades that are buff/debuff chance - Geomancer's cooldowns and Ninja's Hailburn +10% damage should bring a remarkable improvement to my damage total.  But they haven't. 

If any of you have any explanation for how this is possible, I'd love to hear it.  The only logical explanation that comes to mind - quite simply - is that Plarium's algorithm actively manipulates the battle outcomes to disadvantage the player.  Now I have set my tinfoil hat aside and given this curious conundrum some serious thought, and still fail to come up with a reasonable explanation to how this is possible - so I'll ask the community at large for their thoughts. I'd love to hear what you have to say. 

Nov 1, 2021, 21:3111/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 21:41(edited)

Something else I would like to point out that is VERY suspicious as well has been my clan boss performance.  In the past while I swapped in a new champion (I got Geomancer, how lucky!) and decided to up my game and start attacking the boss on Nightmare.  Curiously, I was being defeated just below the cutoff for a one-key chest.  And I do mean just.  By a few thousand hitpoints in most cases - in a scope of several millions.  No big deal, use another key and get loot, right?

Fast forward to the most recent Clan vs. Clan and I (finally!) used the all the skill tomes I had been hoarding for extra points - this was six epic tomes and three legendary.  This maxxed out all of Geomancer's skills, and put Ninja very close as well.  This should have had some appreciable effect on my damage total - a rather remakable effect you would be correct to say.  But it hasn't.  None whatsoever. This is after testing with all my keys as they come in since then to give a reasonable sample size for analysis and smooth out any anomalous bumps.  In addition to ensuring a reasonable sample size I also have not altered my battle strategy so it should be a pretty fair test. My pvp tier bonuses are still the same (as discussed above) as well. 

Not only have I invested all those skill tomes, I have also made many other upgrades to the team also.  I have upgraded several pieces of gear to level 16 at a huge cost in silver - and finally got the tier six offensive mastery for Apothecary (I chose Giant Slayer for this very purpose.)  I chose to get his Tier 6 offenseive mastery last since he hits less than the other four, a perfectly logical decision. Now surely all of these things combined should push my damage above that threshold - after all I was very close before - but it hasn't.  Just this morning in my clan boss fight, thousands short of a one-key chest.  Still.  I will also state that it isn't an accuracy issue either, as all team members have enough accuracy to land their abilities at this difficulty consistently.  It also isn't a case of only getting skill upgrades that are buff/debuff chance - Geomancer's cooldowns and Ninja's Hailburn +10% damage should bring a remarkable improvement to my damage total.  But they haven't. 

If any of you have any explanation for how this is possible, I'd love to hear it.  The only logical explanation that comes to mind - quite simply - is that Plarium's algorithm actively manipulates the battle outcomes to disadvantage the player.  Now I have set my tinfoil hat aside and given this curious conundrum some serious thought, and still fail to come up with a reasonable explanation to how this is possible - so I'll ask the community at large for their thoughts. I'd love to hear what you have to say. 

Don't use Geomancer and Ninja in the same team. Geomancer's passive clearly sayes: Decreases the damage all allies receive by 15% and deflects that damage onto each enemy under a [HP Burn] debuff placed by this Champion. If Ninja uses his Hailburn skill, Ninja's hp burn will override Geomancer's burn. No deflected damage anymore.

Probably the gear upgrade changed the speed of this two champs, making this override happen more often. And with the turnmeter effect of Ninja's A1 you can't really control if it happens or not, even if your team is speedtuned.

I think the best way (if you want to use both) is Ninja beeing 1 speed faster than Geo, so Geomancer goes second and can override Ninja's burn, and it will take a while for Ninja to push them out of order with his A1 if the speed is very close.

Nov 1, 2021, 21:3811/01/21

Something else I would like to point out that is VERY suspicious as well has been my clan boss performance.  In the past while I swapped in a new champion (I got Geomancer, how lucky!) and decided to up my game and start attacking the boss on Nightmare.  Curiously, I was being defeated just below the cutoff for a one-key chest.  And I do mean just.  By a few thousand hitpoints in most cases - in a scope of several millions.  No big deal, use another key and get loot, right?

Fast forward to the most recent Clan vs. Clan and I (finally!) used the all the skill tomes I had been hoarding for extra points - this was six epic tomes and three legendary.  This maxxed out all of Geomancer's skills, and put Ninja very close as well.  This should have had some appreciable effect on my damage total - a rather remakable effect you would be correct to say.  But it hasn't.  None whatsoever. This is after testing with all my keys as they come in since then to give a reasonable sample size for analysis and smooth out any anomalous bumps.  In addition to ensuring a reasonable sample size I also have not altered my battle strategy so it should be a pretty fair test. My pvp tier bonuses are still the same (as discussed above) as well. 

Not only have I invested all those skill tomes, I have also made many other upgrades to the team also.  I have upgraded several pieces of gear to level 16 at a huge cost in silver - and finally got the tier six offensive mastery for Apothecary (I chose Giant Slayer for this very purpose.)  I chose to get his Tier 6 offenseive mastery last since he hits less than the other four, a perfectly logical decision. Now surely all of these things combined should push my damage above that threshold - after all I was very close before - but it hasn't.  Just this morning in my clan boss fight, thousands short of a one-key chest.  Still.  I will also state that it isn't an accuracy issue either, as all team members have enough accuracy to land their abilities at this difficulty consistently.  It also isn't a case of only getting skill upgrades that are buff/debuff chance - Geomancer's cooldowns and Ninja's Hailburn +10% damage should bring a remarkable improvement to my damage total.  But they haven't. 

If any of you have any explanation for how this is possible, I'd love to hear it.  The only logical explanation that comes to mind - quite simply - is that Plarium's algorithm actively manipulates the battle outcomes to disadvantage the player.  Now I have set my tinfoil hat aside and given this curious conundrum some serious thought, and still fail to come up with a reasonable explanation to how this is possible - so I'll ask the community at large for their thoughts. I'd love to hear what you have to say. 

Based on what you said, I think you are 100% correct that Plarium has coded the game to manipulate battle outcomes specifically against you and only you.  Not sure how this is not the only logical conclusion.   Because otherwise we would be assuming your CB team is poorly built like your arena team, and you have not presented that evidence.  Well other than a CB team with Apo, Geo, Ninja, +2 Others is bound to both be not great and have high variance in damage totals.   So yes, actively programmed against you sounds reasonable.

Nov 1, 2021, 21:5111/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 21:56(edited)

Don't use Geomancer and Ninja in the same team. Geomancer's passive clearly sayes: Decreases the damage all allies receive by 15% and deflects that damage onto each enemy under a [HP Burn] debuff placed by this Champion. If Ninja uses his Hailburn skill, Ninja's hp burn will override Geomancer's burn. No deflected damage anymore.

Probably the gear upgrade changed the speed of this two champs, making this override happen more often. And with the turnmeter effect of Ninja's A1 you can't really control if it happens or not, even your team is speedtuned. 

You are very quick to reply! Have you ever thought about applying for a job at Plarium in customer support? It seems like they could use more staff!  While I do appreciate your insight, I find the chances that a couple of speed points would have the result of completely and precisely negating the effect of all the upgrades I have made and keeping my damage exactly below the loot tier threshold to be - quite frankly - preposterous.  Like winning the lottery slim.  Also, with the turnmeter effect you mention and other random factors there should be some anomalous fights where the odds fall in my favor and give me a boost - yet they don't. At least it hasn't in a week's worth of boss keys.  There have been fights with worse outcomes, but no big swings in my favor.  Also, Geomancer's reduced cooldown should mean his HP burn is up more - and should be another boost to the outcome. 

Nov 1, 2021, 22:0311/01/21

Based on what you said, I think you are 100% correct that Plarium has
coded the game to manipulate battle outcomes specifically against you
and only you.  Not sure how this is not the only logical conclusion.
  Because otherwise we would be assuming your CB team is poorly built
like your arena team, and you have not presented that evidence.  Well
other than a CB team with Apo, Geo, Ninja, +2 Others is bound to both be
not great and have high variance in damage totals.   So yes, actively
programmed against you sounds reasonable. 

I have never stated that these occurences happen ONLY to me, and have made it abundantly clear that these are my personal observations. Now you are insulting my intelligence and insinuating that I am a liar. I can assure you that I am many things, but dishonest is not one of them. If you have evidence that points to the contrary, please post it - if not, kindly refrain from slinging insults to damage my credibility. Plarium however has a documented history of dishonesty - how do you feel about that? Would it not be prudent to give me the benefit here, as I have no proven proclivity to lie? 

Nov 1, 2021, 22:0411/01/21

Don't use Geomancer and Ninja in the same team. Geomancer's passive clearly sayes: Decreases the damage all allies receive by 15% and deflects that damage onto each enemy under a [HP Burn] debuff placed by this Champion. If Ninja uses his Hailburn skill, Ninja's hp burn will override Geomancer's burn. No deflected damage anymore.

Probably the gear upgrade changed the speed of this two champs, making this override happen more often. And with the turnmeter effect of Ninja's A1 you can't really control if it happens or not, even your team is speedtuned. 

You are very quick to reply! Have you ever thought about applying for a job at Plarium in customer support? It seems like they could use more staff!  While I do appreciate your insight, I find the chances that a couple of speed points would have the result of completely and precisely negating the effect of all the upgrades I have made and keeping my damage exactly below the loot tier threshold to be - quite frankly - preposterous.  Like winning the lottery slim.  Also, with the turnmeter effect you mention and other random factors there should be some anomalous fights where the odds fall in my favor and give me a boost - yet they don't. At least it hasn't in a week's worth of boss keys.  There have been fights with worse outcomes, but no big swings in my favor.  Also, Geomancer's reduced cooldown should mean his HP burn is up more - and should be another boost to the outcome. 

Judging by the fact that you can't even find the quote button or figure out how to post screen shots, I'm not surprised that all the advice/insight posted innthis thread has gone right over your head.

So instead of wasting anyone's time here and trying to give advice I will keep it short and simple for you :

Get good.

Nov 1, 2021, 22:1111/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 22:12(edited)

Don't use Geomancer and Ninja in the same team. Geomancer's passive clearly sayes: Decreases the damage all allies receive by 15% and deflects that damage onto each enemy under a [HP Burn] debuff placed by this Champion. If Ninja uses his Hailburn skill, Ninja's hp burn will override Geomancer's burn. No deflected damage anymore.

Probably the gear upgrade changed the speed of this two champs, making this override happen more often. And with the turnmeter effect of Ninja's A1 you can't really control if it happens or not, even your team is speedtuned. 

You are very quick to reply! Have you ever thought about applying for a job at Plarium in customer support? It seems like they could use more staff!  While I do appreciate your insight, I find the chances that a couple of speed points would have the result of completely and precisely negating the effect of all the upgrades I have made and keeping my damage exactly below the loot tier threshold to be - quite frankly - preposterous.  Like winning the lottery slim.  Also, with the turnmeter effect you mention and other random factors there should be some anomalous fights where the odds fall in my favor and give me a boost - yet they don't. At least it hasn't in a week's worth of boss keys.  There have been fights with worse outcomes, but no big swings in my favor.  Also, Geomancer's reduced cooldown should mean his HP burn is up more - and should be another boost to the outcome. 

I hope I'm allowed to respond allready, or is it too early after your question?

Ninja's A1 fills the turnmeter allways 15% when used against bosses. There is no condition like critical hit or anything. What odds should fall in your favor here?  

Nov 1, 2021, 22:1211/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 22:30(edited)

Judging by the fact that you can't even find the quote button or figure out how to post screen shots, I'm not surprised that all the advice/insight posted innthis thread has gone right over your head.

So instead of wasting anyone's time here and trying to give advice I will keep it short and simple for you :

Get good.

Please point me to this advice and insight on the clan boss conundrum - aside from the already mentioned preposterous statement that a couple of speed points perfectly and precisely negates all the upgrades I have made (and continue to make - just this morning before my fight I upgraded Vogoth's HP by a sizeable sum with no effect.) If you cannot, then please refrain from posting if you have nothing to add but insults to the topic.  Your demeanor here speaks volumes about your intellect and character. 

Nov 1, 2021, 22:3011/01/21

Honestly - you really just don't get the mechanics of this game. Sorry, but your responses to people pretty clearly indicate this. Simply put - a single speed point on a single champion could completely change the outcome of the fight. A single change in mastery, change in item set bonuses, change in champions, change in champion booking, etc - can all drastically change how the fight plays out.

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