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"Mercy" system * rage ahead*

"Mercy" system * rage ahead*

Nov 1, 2021, 13:0811/01/21

A couple of issues that I have:

  • The first is negativity bias, which is essentially means that everyone dwells more on negative events than positive ones, which skewers the perception of things.  This isn't helped by the fact that people are more likely to post the negative experience than their positive one, which means more negative messages out there, which turn fuels the theory that everything is going wrong.  Since we are never hearing the positive side of things, we can never understand the balance, so everything always seems lower
  • The second is limited sample data.  To truely determine if the percentages are accurate we need to get significantly more data than just 30 shard pulls.  Yes, 1 epic out of 30 shards is only a 3% chance of success, but in a random environment this is an achievable outcome.  If you pulled 27 epics out of 30 shards, would you start to believe that the chance is 90%?  I doubt it.   To get a true reflection you need hundreds of thousands of data, or even millions, to be able to weigh it up

Don't get me wrong, I was honest above when I said that I felt bad for you getting only 1 epic from 30 shards, and I still do.  That said, I do still genuinely believe it is bad luck

"To truely determine if the percentages are accurate we need to get significantly more data than just 30 shard pulls."

Not significant ? 10 clanmembers plus 3 friends plus me. Thats over 250 shards and 8 epic char. Very nice percentage is not ? Bad RNG for everyone , accidentally. HAHAHA

Plus read the messages, how many players got "bad luck". We got significaly numbers to see Plarium did the RNG rules. >D

Nov 1, 2021, 13:5011/01/21

Since I became a mod I have had a massive bad luck streak. But this weekend alone I pulled several legendaries from aboug 40 shards. I'm a whale (retired this weekend) and I have gone from January - July pulling a bunch of shards on 2x events and not getting anything. It happens. 

Better luck in the future, hope you get something good soon. 

how many is several?  who did u get?  I also pulled 40 and got Lil miss annie and Riho (in last 10 after I read your post before I went to bed... lol wasn't going to open anymore)

Nov 1, 2021, 14:0811/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 14:10(edited)

how many is several?  who did u get?  I also pulled 40 and got Lil miss annie and Riho (in last 10 after I read your post before I went to bed... lol wasn't going to open anymore)

Dupe Arby, Turvold, LMA, and Hege since last week. Got hege during the 10x from pulling 20 shards and the other 3 from my 40 shards this weekend. 

Nov 1, 2021, 14:0911/01/21

"To truely determine if the percentages are accurate we need to get significantly more data than just 30 shard pulls."

Not significant ? 10 clanmembers plus 3 friends plus me. Thats over 250 shards and 8 epic char. Very nice percentage is not ? Bad RNG for everyone , accidentally. HAHAHA

Plus read the messages, how many players got "bad luck". We got significaly numbers to see Plarium did the RNG rules. >D

250 is a rather small number when it comes to these things. 

Nov 1, 2021, 15:0211/01/21

While I understand the rage, and this won't help but RNG is RNG.

The last 2, 2x void event I got nothing useful, this time out of the 30 shards I got a Demytha, rune keeper Dazurk and a paragon so I would say not to bad.

This game in more about patience than anything else IMO, if you want to beat it right now and can't wait you better be willing to fork over big cash other wise it is a long haul.

Nov 1, 2021, 21:0611/01/21
David Tan

I've no idea why it's showing up like that. What I said in my original message is;

I can understand plarium is a business and nothing in this world comes for free...but this past void 2x event has just pissed me off. I already had my own void shards saved up but I still bought additional shards with all of the promotion's going on now. Yes, yes, I know. It's my own choice if I want to make these purchases, nobody is to blame but myself if the outcome I expect isn't the one I get in the end. 

But seriously .... 35 shards, only 1 epic, a bunch of dupes and only 4 decent champions. This mercy system is a joke.

Edited by moderator. -Harbs

Removed swear. 

In theory, 70 voids guarantees you an epic...even with 2x event, it won't drop that much since pulling an epic is 8%, 2x is 16%, so the 70 voids drops to 66 ...

Yeah, it sucks.

Nov 1, 2021, 22:4811/01/21

I thought you were serious for a second there >.> Pantera hmph. 

I'd be semi-satisfied if they included epic pulls as a non-legendary pull instead of excluding it.

Nov 2, 2021, 16:4811/02/21

I got 1 epic from 46 shards as well :)

Still don't believe in conspiracy theories, the chances are rather dim to get anything good, and even with x2 rates I didn't expect much out of it.

Don't spend your money on shards, rather spend it on books or don't spend at all, gambling will always in long run end up in disappointment.