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"Mercy" system * rage ahead*

"Mercy" system * rage ahead*

Oct 31, 2021, 12:3310/31/21

"Mercy" system * rage ahead*

444 2xe  t 44 . 1   ,  ... 1 .44 .... 

 T *  

Oct 31, 2021, 12:4310/31/21


Oct 31, 2021, 13:3410/31/21

WTH are you trying to say?

Oct 31, 2021, 17:4510/31/21
Nov 1, 2021, 02:32(edited)

I've no idea why it's showing up like that. What I said in my original message is;

I can understand plarium is a business and nothing in this world comes for free...but this past void 2x event has just pissed me off. I already had my own void shards saved up but I still bought additional shards with all of the promotion's going on now. Yes, yes, I know. It's my own choice if I want to make these purchases, nobody is to blame but myself if the outcome I expect isn't the one I get in the end. 

But seriously .... 35 shards, only 1 epic, a bunch of dupes and only 4 decent champions. This mercy system is a joke.

Edited by moderator. -Harbs

Removed swear. 

Oct 31, 2021, 18:1910/31/21

The 35 shards no epic is stretching the bad luck, but not outside the norm.  Since I've been keeping track, i've never even initieated the mercy probability, very close though.  For example right now I'm on 196 ancients since my last legendary.  But  on the other hand I've pulled 7 shards and got two increadible legendaries.  Do you never have good streaks?  Looking back over 10 months of data I can see some awesome stretches that, overall, actually make up for the bad streaks.  Better luck in the future.

Oct 31, 2021, 18:3110/31/21
Oct 31, 2021, 18:33(edited)

It looks like a casino

You can play several times for free for an invitation card with fixed rates, well, or pay.

Either I misunderstood something, or you explained it that way)

Oct 31, 2021, 18:4410/31/21

"stretching the bad luck" if i made videos of game play I would be more than happy to post it.  Last week 20 shards, I got a godseeker aniri and 2 kurzad deephearts. That's the closet to luck I've had when it comes to 2x events. 

The pull system is the main reason why people are leaving this game, it's sickening. I actually look forward to seeing posts about this game community dying and raid losing more players.

Oct 31, 2021, 18:4810/31/21
Nov 1, 2021, 02:34(edited)

Last week wasn't a 2x event but that's the best voids I've gotten so far. My best ancient shard pull miscreated monster and that was over a month ago. 

Even for the champion chase event I've pulled over 70+ uncommons without seeing one rare type.....what is this crap seriously

Edited by moderator. -Harbs 


Oct 31, 2021, 20:4710/31/21
Oct 31, 2021, 21:34(edited)
David Tan

Last week wasn't a 2x event but that's the best voids I've gotten so far. My best ancient shard pull miscreated monster and that was over a month ago. 

Even for the champion chase event I've pulled over 70+ uncommons without seeing one rare type.....what is this crap seriously

Edited by moderator. -Harbs 


Mystery shards only have a 1.4% chance of pulling a rare.  Statistically, pulling 70 of them and only getting uncommon is par for course.  Running 35 void shards with only 1 epic is pretty bad luck though so I feel for you on that front.

For me, I don't view open shards with the intention of getting champions.  I view shards as a currency that allows me to complete events for guaranteed legendaries.  Any champions that I get on the way is just a bonus, and I don't build my accounts around it.

For example, I have about 18 void shards saved up on my main account but pulled 0 in this 2x event, largely because I could get the 5 fragments I planned for from existing fusions.  I will then aim for the 20 fragments in summon rush which I know will be about 3500 points, so I will use a couple of sacred, voids and a lot of mystery shards to get that then, but not all.  

I never run down to 0 and always bank more per month than I use, and it allows me to walk away with a consistent stream of legendaries on both my accounts.

Oct 31, 2021, 21:1810/31/21

I do the same with my shards, the 2x event was just extra icing for the cake. .....what was supposed  to be a cake of joy and happiness turned out to be full of sh*t.

I didn't know that about mystery shards, so thanks for that information. Usually when I pulled them it's like 20-30 *boom* rare champ!  So thank you for that.

I think the mindset  of  most people are having when they read my posts is just like "oh poor baby raging" which is fair enough. But the thing that pisses me off is that it was just  one, two, or even 10 void shards. It was 35 voids. Yes I know some people pull over a 100 sometimes during these events. But 35 and only get 1 epic....who wouldn't be pissed about that ?

Oct 31, 2021, 21:2910/31/21

The probability of an epic on a 2x event weekend is 16%. That means yes, on average, you'll get an epic one every 6 shards. But that's not a guarantee. The probability of not getting an epic after 35 pulls is (1-0.16)^35 = 0.22%. That's a very low probability, it's true - roughly one in every 200 tries will you not get any. But it will happen to someone, eventually - just bad luck for you that it happened to be you.

Nov 1, 2021, 00:0111/01/21

The probability of an epic on a 2x event weekend is 16%. That means yes, on average, you'll get an epic one every 6 shards. But that's not a guarantee. The probability of not getting an epic after 35 pulls is (1-0.16)^35 = 0.22%. That's a very low probability, it's true - roughly one in every 200 tries will you not get any. But it will happen to someone, eventually - just bad luck for you that it happened to be you.

But he did get 1 epic.  We don't know which in the 35 shard sequence that epic was pulled.  It could have been the 17th shard, which would still put him at a low % (0.15%) of getting at least one epic, and also leave him near the same percentage.  We also don't know when the last previous epic was pulled.  It may have been the last one before the series of 35.  Either way it is bad luck.

Nov 1, 2021, 02:3611/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 02:37(edited)

Since I became a mod I have had a massive bad luck streak. But this weekend alone I pulled several legendaries from aboug 40 shards. I'm a whale (retired this weekend) and I have gone from January - July pulling a bunch of shards on 2x events and not getting anything. It happens. 

Better luck in the future, hope you get something good soon. 

Nov 1, 2021, 05:0611/01/21

RoseRoyal. Pretty bud luck ? Do you still believe in fairy tails ?

Every my friends,clan members etc got same results at epix 2x event.

From 20-30 try, they got nothing or just one crap epic hero, just like me.  This is 16% chance ?

Where ? From 10, zero. Equal zero. From 20, zero. Equal zero. From 30, 1. Equal 0,3 percent to me.  Thats lower chance, than 1%  to get legendary champ. "IN PAPER" 

And i talk now just epic drop numbers.

But we know those numbers not really true. Just in paper.

Nov 1, 2021, 05:1111/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 10:05(edited)

I understand where you're coming from. But it also feels like you're rubbing salt into the wound ( not on purpose....I would think).

I get bad luck just happens but it's not I'm talking about a small amount of shards. This isn't my first 2x event I've been over also.

I mean seriously.....

Edited by moderator - Harbs


Nov 1, 2021, 08:2511/01/21

A couple of issues that I have:

  • The first is negativity bias, which is essentially means that everyone dwells more on negative events than positive ones, which skewers the perception of things.  This isn't helped by the fact that people are more likely to post the negative experience than their positive one, which means more negative messages out there, which turn fuels the theory that everything is going wrong.  Since we are never hearing the positive side of things, we can never understand the balance, so everything always seems lower
  • The second is limited sample data.  To truely determine if the percentages are accurate we need to get significantly more data than just 30 shard pulls.  Yes, 1 epic out of 30 shards is only a 3% chance of success, but in a random environment this is an achievable outcome.  If you pulled 27 epics out of 30 shards, would you start to believe that the chance is 90%?  I doubt it.   To get a true reflection you need hundreds of thousands of data, or even millions, to be able to weigh it up

Don't get me wrong, I was honest above when I said that I felt bad for you getting only 1 epic from 30 shards, and I still do.  That said, I do still genuinely believe it is bad luck

Nov 1, 2021, 08:3211/01/21

strange though there are many more 'bad rng' especially in a double event - me I had 24 void and got one epic dupe, four guys in my clan all did more than 20, one did 38, no legendaries and nobody got more than one epic

Nov 1, 2021, 09:3711/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 10:07(edited)

Hey Rose, yeah I understand what you're trying to say. But this isn't the first time the "mercy" system has been bad. This weekend in particular I spent a fair amount of change  on shards to give me better odds on getting something good....and it blew up in my face.

Even if I get 3-4 epics I would of been happy. Even a coldheart or a Madame serris for my collection would of been great. But the champions were just terrible and ended up as food. Food is good but I am still building a proper team for DT and a stronger team for CB. 

All and all I think the game is just  poopies now..... I am seriously looking forward to seeing videos on YouTube about players being so angry with plarium that the game community eventually dies

Edited by moderator. - Harbs 

Swears on swears on swears.

Nov 1, 2021, 10:0611/01/21
David Tan

Hey Rose, yeah I understand what you're trying to say. But this isn't the first time the "mercy" system has been bad. This weekend in particular I spent a fair amount of change  on shards to give me better odds on getting something good....and it blew up in my face.

Even if I get 3-4 epics I would of been happy. Even a coldheart or a Madame serris for my collection would of been great. But the champions were just terrible and ended up as food. Food is good but I am still building a proper team for DT and a stronger team for CB. 

All and all I think the game is just  poopies now..... I am seriously looking forward to seeing videos on YouTube about players being so angry with plarium that the game community eventually dies

Edited by moderator. - Harbs 

Swears on swears on swears.

Dude, stop swearing. 

Nov 1, 2021, 10:1011/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 10:11(edited)

Plarium...i strongly suggest you, to reduce pull rate chances for Epics from Void Shards...for 2 years free-to-play, 5 epics are too much...and also can reduce chances for Legos, because i cant bare even with Visix and Arbiter, so there is no point to get another...i will very appreciate some more rare duplicates (except Coldheart of course, its very weak, so i just need more Pantera dupes)...good luck (if RNG rng gods are willing, but we know this is not the case with login rewards, so there are doubts are only one Cleopterix will be enough, so we cant wait to get duplicate before this 4 months event over)...and finally "finally" - dont  listen all this people, dont make dupe system too early, wait untill they spend at least 99pr for skills and food..too, mercy system counter was always in another world, so who the hell need it ...farewell and good luck...meanwhile you can still continue nerfing most of too strong epics CB heroes, good work, nice done...

Nov 1, 2021, 11:0011/01/21

Plarium...i strongly suggest you, to reduce pull rate chances for Epics from Void Shards...for 2 years free-to-play, 5 epics are too much...and also can reduce chances for Legos, because i cant bare even with Visix and Arbiter, so there is no point to get another...i will very appreciate some more rare duplicates (except Coldheart of course, its very weak, so i just need more Pantera dupes)...good luck (if RNG rng gods are willing, but we know this is not the case with login rewards, so there are doubts are only one Cleopterix will be enough, so we cant wait to get duplicate before this 4 months event over)...and finally "finally" - dont  listen all this people, dont make dupe system too early, wait untill they spend at least 99pr for skills and food..too, mercy system counter was always in another world, so who the hell need it ...farewell and good luck...meanwhile you can still continue nerfing most of too strong epics CB heroes, good work, nice done...

I thought you were serious for a second there >.> Pantera hmph.