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I disagree with the content creators again

I disagree with the content creators again

Aug 21, 2021, 15:1408/21/21

Never  look a gift horse  in the mouth

You may be too young to know that phrase

yes never look a gift horse in the mouth, I fully aggree.

It makes so much sense to choose a guaranteed trash lego over the the chance to get a non trash lego, that gives me the choice on when to acquire it and thus advancing my acount in other ways even if the resulti pull is utter useless. Makes total sense!

Aug 21, 2021, 15:2308/21/21

I would take the guaranteed legendary every time now. 

Are you really that short on shards? Are you past the 270 day point yet? Becuase, at least for me, I get my shards from Clan Boss, and have worked hard to get my team to the point where I can hit UNM, NM and Brutal every day. And I didn't drop money on that, I started with the farmable champs, my starter and my rando Rowan and have worked my way up.

Aug 21, 2021, 16:0908/21/21
Aug 21, 2021, 16:10(edited)

I would take the guaranteed legendary every time now. 

Are you really that short on shards? Are you past the 270 day point yet? Becuase, at least for me, I get my shards from Clan Boss, and have worked hard to get my team to the point where I can hit UNM, NM and Brutal every day. And I didn't drop money on that, I started with the farmable champs, my starter and my rando Rowan and have worked my way up.

and how long did it take you?300 days? more?less?

I am now 2 months in on my first account. Granted i gimped myself by starting with elhaine but I opened approximately 40 ancient shards (5 or so before the last 2x and 35 at the last 2x). Pulled nothing of note for anything except a coffin smasher.

Out of the 3 sacreds I got Maeve, Sinesha and some other trash epic. My current roster currently contains:

Elhaine, Dark |elhaine, Apo, Coffin smasher, Khatun, Sinesha, Yaga(Tomorrow), Psylar, War maiden, Hope, Relic keeper (have all the fusion ppieces just need to level them up), Jizoh, Ninja, Knight Errant, Mycolus.

I can fusion Lich for Rhazin and missing half the rares for the other epics of the hazin fusion

I challenge you to put a Brutal/NM capable team together out of my roster before the 270 days hit. 210 days left.

Looking forward for the suggestion for my Brutal/NM team capable of pushing into UNM.

The removal of the shard wil lhurt me pretty badly. And I am guessing I am not the only one.

Aug 21, 2021, 16:2108/21/21

Like others have said the Chicken and shard have so many other uses other than just getting a champ and that is where this really hurts.

Heck I am 6 months in and can only do Brutal CB ATM.

Aug 21, 2021, 16:2208/21/21

and how long did it take you?300 days? more?less?

I am now 2 months in on my first account. Granted i gimped myself by starting with elhaine but I opened approximately 40 ancient shards (5 or so before the last 2x and 35 at the last 2x). Pulled nothing of note for anything except a coffin smasher.

Out of the 3 sacreds I got Maeve, Sinesha and some other trash epic. My current roster currently contains:

Elhaine, Dark |elhaine, Apo, Coffin smasher, Khatun, Sinesha, Yaga(Tomorrow), Psylar, War maiden, Hope, Relic keeper (have all the fusion ppieces just need to level them up), Jizoh, Ninja, Knight Errant, Mycolus.

I can fusion Lich for Rhazin and missing half the rares for the other epics of the hazin fusion

I challenge you to put a Brutal/NM capable team together out of my roster before the 270 days hit. 210 days left.

Looking forward for the suggestion for my Brutal/NM team capable of pushing into UNM.

The removal of the shard wil lhurt me pretty badly. And I am guessing I am not the only one.

I mean, it's obvious you are sarcastically challenging me to build you a team out of your champs. Nevertheless, it definitely sounds like you have the makings of a good Brutal/NM team. We can build one right now if you have the gear.

My first 4 and then 3 key NM team was High Khatun, Athel, Klodd, Warmaiden, and Rowan. I eventually moved into running Athel, Klodd, Dhukk, Uugo and Rowan as I got more champs. And then I kept going from there. I believe my account power was right at 300k when I first 4 keyed NM.

I would suggest you make a separate post with your champs and builds and I know folks would be happy to help. But in short, with your champs my team would start somewhere like: High Khatun for her speed aura, Hope for shields and buff duration, Ninja for Dec Defense, huge damage and HP burn, Coffin Smasher for Dec Attack, 3 hit multihit with Giantslayer and more HP burn to keep it up the whole fight, and Apothecary for heals, more speed and more TM boosts.

Aug 21, 2021, 16:3208/21/21

I find it really hard to beleive you were getting the top chest on NM with this team 🤓

High Khatun, Athel, Klodd, Warmaiden, and Rowan 

Aug 21, 2021, 16:3908/21/21
Aug 21, 2021, 16:49(edited)

I find it really hard to beleive you were getting the top chest on NM with this team 🤓

High Khatun, Athel, Klodd, Warmaiden, and Rowan 

shrug Took me 4 keys but I did it, just barely. To be honest I'd miss out here and there based on Rowan landing 4 poisons each round. Perception gear coupled with farming lifesteal is the way to go. Don't wanna get too off topic though. If folks want help from the forums with a clan boss team, they are welcome to start a thread.

Aug 21, 2021, 17:1308/21/21

I find it really hard to beleive you were getting the top chest on NM with this team 🤓

High Khatun, Athel, Klodd, Warmaiden, and Rowan 

I  can  confirm  this,  I  was  slightly  skeptical when  she  first  told  me,  but  after  she  showed  me  proof  I  immediately requested  her  help  building  my  teams.  She  then  took  me  from  4  keying  UNM  to  2  keying  in  one  night.  

Aug 21, 2021, 17:3308/21/21

I mean, it's obvious you are sarcastically challenging me to build you a team out of your champs. Nevertheless, it definitely sounds like you have the makings of a good Brutal/NM team. We can build one right now if you have the gear.

My first 4 and then 3 key NM team was High Khatun, Athel, Klodd, Warmaiden, and Rowan. I eventually moved into running Athel, Klodd, Dhukk, Uugo and Rowan as I got more champs. And then I kept going from there. I believe my account power was right at 300k when I first 4 keyed NM.

I would suggest you make a separate post with your champs and builds and I know folks would be happy to help. But in short, with your champs my team would start somewhere like: High Khatun for her speed aura, Hope for shields and buff duration, Ninja for Dec Defense, huge damage and HP burn, Coffin Smasher for Dec Attack, 3 hit multihit with Giantslayer and more HP burn to keep it up the whole fight, and Apothecary for heals, more speed and more TM boosts.

It was clearly not sarcastic. It was an earnest question. You are interpreting offense where none was given or intended.

This is the list of my roster, i can link a screenshot if you insist. Yes I know, what masteries to get, the gear is the problem

of course it might be manageable with "the right gear". Much is possible with the "right gear". Of course getting to the "right gear" is a problem in itself. Since all my nukers are Magic and as well as you know dragon 14 is force affinity. Nevertheless I almost managed to down dragon 14 but I did not get there yet. Still I do not see myself gettin past dragon 14 anytime soon. Dragon 13 does yield some acceptable pieces but nothing so amazing, that its a huge improvement upping clanboss damage dramatically.

I have tried several configuations with my roster, but can only farm Mino 13 safely, Mino 14 is touch and go and Mino 15 is out of reach.

Spider I can get to 11 but no further, so no 6 star p;ieces there.

I have currently over 300k acount power, which says absolutely nothing, since out of the 130v champs on my account maybe 20 are utilised for general gameplay and ow level faction wars the rest is food

Also you must be getting at least 15 sacred a month, since if it would be ten or elss the removal of one would still hurt. Not as badly as someone not being able to do NM/UNM but still.

I alo wold like to know, if you reached NM/UNM before or after 270 days. Since your assertion is the removal of the shard doesn't hurt because clanboss.

Then of cours eyou ned to get into a clan that does NM/UNM daily and doesn't have ridicolous rquirements for cvc.

The removal of th emost v aluable login ressource affects everyone. Some more, some less.

Aug 21, 2021, 17:5208/21/21
Aug 21, 2021, 17:56(edited)

It was clearly not sarcastic. It was an earnest question. You are interpreting offense where none was given or intended.

This is the list of my roster, i can link a screenshot if you insist. Yes I know, what masteries to get, the gear is the problem

of course it might be manageable with "the right gear". Much is possible with the "right gear". Of course getting to the "right gear" is a problem in itself. Since all my nukers are Magic and as well as you know dragon 14 is force affinity. Nevertheless I almost managed to down dragon 14 but I did not get there yet. Still I do not see myself gettin past dragon 14 anytime soon. Dragon 13 does yield some acceptable pieces but nothing so amazing, that its a huge improvement upping clanboss damage dramatically.

I have tried several configuations with my roster, but can only farm Mino 13 safely, Mino 14 is touch and go and Mino 15 is out of reach.

Spider I can get to 11 but no further, so no 6 star p;ieces there.

I have currently over 300k acount power, which says absolutely nothing, since out of the 130v champs on my account maybe 20 are utilised for general gameplay and ow level faction wars the rest is food

Also you must be getting at least 15 sacred a month, since if it would be ten or elss the removal of one would still hurt. Not as badly as someone not being able to do NM/UNM but still.

I alo wold like to know, if you reached NM/UNM before or after 270 days. Since your assertion is the removal of the shard doesn't hurt because clanboss.

Then of cours eyou ned to get into a clan that does NM/UNM daily and doesn't have ridicolous rquirements for cvc.

The removal of th emost v aluable login ressource affects everyone. Some more, some less.

I was hitting NM daily sometime after 60 days. Before 90. I don't remember exactly when that would have been anymore though! 

I think it's possible for anyone to get to NM if you focus on Faction Wars to craft 5 star perception gear and farm Dragon 13 and above for 5 and 6 star speed and lifesteal gear. If you seriously want some help with some brainstorming for CB, or even for dragon, mino and spider, start a post Stormwind!

Aug 22, 2021, 01:1408/22/21

I was hitting NM daily sometime after 60 days. Before 90. I don't remember exactly when that would have been anymore though! 

I think it's possible for anyone to get to NM if you focus on Faction Wars to craft 5 star perception gear and farm Dragon 13 and above for 5 and 6 star speed and lifesteal gear. If you seriously want some help with some brainstorming for CB, or even for dragon, mino and spider, start a post Stormwind!

You were lucky enough to find those champions early and lucky enough to get acceptable lifesteal gear fromd ragon with a minimum of farming. Not everyone is so lucky.

I have yet to find a single lifeteal piece, that is usable. Not that I can do that many runs since ftp access to energy is severly limited and I hav to burn 4000 renergy each month campaign farming wether I need to farm xp or not..

Plarium invented a nice enrgy sink to prevent people farming dungeons too much I guess.

You need to realise, not everyone gets lucky pulls in the firts three weeks. Yes people can hit NM after 60 days ftp. I am willing to wager that is not the average, though.

On my second account I pulled isnstead of total crap Fahrakin, Geomancer, Chamfrt, Zargala, Baroth. Of coursse I will be hitting brutal so much sooner with these pulls.

Aug 22, 2021, 01:3808/22/21

You were lucky enough to find those champions early and lucky enough to get acceptable lifesteal gear fromd ragon with a minimum of farming. Not everyone is so lucky.

I have yet to find a single lifeteal piece, that is usable. Not that I can do that many runs since ftp access to energy is severly limited and I hav to burn 4000 renergy each month campaign farming wether I need to farm xp or not..

Plarium invented a nice enrgy sink to prevent people farming dungeons too much I guess.

You need to realise, not everyone gets lucky pulls in the firts three weeks. Yes people can hit NM after 60 days ftp. I am willing to wager that is not the average, though.

On my second account I pulled isnstead of total crap Fahrakin, Geomancer, Chamfrt, Zargala, Baroth. Of coursse I will be hitting brutal so much sooner with these pulls.

Hmm.  In  a  RNG  based  game,  she  RNG'd  some  good  champs,  true.  But  even  if  you  don't  have  "good"  champions  you  can  still  do  amazing  things  with  "ok"  champs  as  long  as  you  know  how  to  build  them  for  whatever  content  you're  shooting  for.  And  as  for  getting  lucky  on  the  gear..  that  just  takes  time  and  dedication.  30-40  auto  runs  a  night,  not  to  mention  whatever  you  run  while  you're  playing, as  ftp for  60  days will  have  similar results  for  almost  everyone  unless  you're  the unluckiest  person  in  the  world.

The  main  difference  between  her  and  other  newer  free  to  play  players  is  that  she  does  her  research  and  actually  knows  how  to  build  successful  teams.  

Aug 22, 2021, 04:0908/22/21

Hmm.  In  a  RNG  based  game,  she  RNG'd  some  good  champs,  true.  But  even  if  you  don't  have  "good"  champions  you  can  still  do  amazing  things  with  "ok"  champs  as  long  as  you  know  how  to  build  them  for  whatever  content  you're  shooting  for.  And  as  for  getting  lucky  on  the  gear..  that  just  takes  time  and  dedication.  30-40  auto  runs  a  night,  not  to  mention  whatever  you  run  while  you're  playing, as  ftp for  60  days will  have  similar results  for  almost  everyone  unless  you're  the unluckiest  person  in  the  world.

The  main  difference  between  her  and  other  newer  free  to  play  players  is  that  she  does  her  research  and  actually  knows  how  to  build  successful  teams.  

I have done my reesearch, too.

wherever did you see me complain about luck? of coursse I am disappointed, that i didn't get anything relevant. I will still soldier on and make the best with what I got. I am jsut saying, the login change will affect accounts, which are in a similar position of mine far more than someone who got lucky. And I am postulatin, there are more players in my position than those in the lucky bracket.

I am postulating, that the average player will have trouble hitting NM/UNM clanboss daily before the 270 days are over and therefore th login reward change impact them massively. You ar eof coursse free to post data proffing the opposite. Please note, the th requirement would be 1-2 key NM and 2-3 key UNM for max chests on both UNM and \NM as per your collegues assertion.

For this setup it requires you to have a team capable of 1-2 key NM/2-3key UNM ready (ascended to at least 3, level 60) at day 30. Means you need to ha ve pulled all champions capable of this by day 21 plus got all the required books. I don't know about you, but in my opinion, that scenario seems highly unlikely. 

Good for anyone who can pull it off. I am not saying it's impossible. I am just saying it's not what the average player can pull off. 

The login reward change removes player agency and ressources (chicken=energy)

Now if we would get at least mid tier stuff, but alas.

I have little hope for the future when looking at the pre270 days login rewards.

Yaga - trash, Tainix-trash,Lordly legionaire ("worst epic in the game")-trash, Dark athel-trash, Dark Elhaine - good in a dungeon no one farms...,Scyl - Amazing, Visix - amazing, Khatun very useful early to midgame.

Going with the same rate of usefulness after 270 days out of the next 32 months you can expect:

2 amazing leggendaries, 1 situationally good one and 5 trash tier ones.

Means you trade 32 sacre shards for 2 amazing and one situational champion. I don't know about you but for me that sounds not a good trade. as a sacred shard can also pull a good epic. Also how many guaranteed legos will you get out of the pity timer for 32 sacred shards?

Now if we ccould choose from a fixed pool of champions to use the shards on it would be a differnt matter. Player agency and all that. It would also help if the champions in questions would not be general trash tier but at elast situationally useful.

Aug 22, 2021, 05:4708/22/21
Aug 22, 2021, 05:48(edited)

I'm not sure where you get your numbers or postulations. Needing to hit NM and UNM by Day 30? To somehow get your way to what? Why? It's a grind to get to top chest UNM and top chest NM every day. I lterally just started doing that this week. Finally. It was a very long grind. So very much farming.

I disagree with how hard it is to build a successful NM/Brutal team. I disagree with which free champs are useful and not, and I've listed above how many of them I use. And I disagree that I'd rather have sacreds at this point than specific champ fragments.

If you end up playing past 270, and I hope you do, I think you'll at least be able to appreciate my perspective a little more. Until then, I hope you pull some champs you feel are useful. If you have anything like my luck, you will be 4+ months into the game before you pull your first leggo. So keep your chin up! Once you power your way up in Clan Boss though, things start getting a lot easier and the pulls start getting a lot more frequent!

I like the suggestion about a fixed pool of champ to choose from. That would be cool.

Good luck continuing to progress your account, Stormwind!

Aug 22, 2021, 07:3908/22/21

I'm surprised people are still defending this change.  Even people who won't personally be affected by it because they have thousands of sacred shards already have to admit it's to the greater detriment of the game and player community.  

A cursory glance at the Raid Reddit section has shown at least 10 posts in the last couple of days where people have already pulled Cleo from Ancients, and now have 4 months of guaranteed duplicate shards to look forward for, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

I can only assume that those who continue to defend it either a) don't want to admit they were wrong, b) only care about themselves and not the game itself, or c) are paid by Plarium.

People need to start seeing the bigger picture here

Aug 22, 2021, 08:4008/22/21

I'm not sure where you get your numbers or postulations. Needing to hit NM and UNM by Day 30? To somehow get your way to what? Why? It's a grind to get to top chest UNM and top chest NM every day. I lterally just started doing that this week. Finally. It was a very long grind. So very much farming.

I disagree with how hard it is to build a successful NM/Brutal team. I disagree with which free champs are useful and not, and I've listed above how many of them I use. And I disagree that I'd rather have sacreds at this point than specific champ fragments.

If you end up playing past 270, and I hope you do, I think you'll at least be able to appreciate my perspective a little more. Until then, I hope you pull some champs you feel are useful. If you have anything like my luck, you will be 4+ months into the game before you pull your first leggo. So keep your chin up! Once you power your way up in Clan Boss though, things start getting a lot easier and the pulls start getting a lot more frequent!

I like the suggestion about a fixed pool of champ to choose from. That would be cool.

Good luck continuing to progress your account, Stormwind!

I get the number from you...Direct quote of what you wrote earlier:"I was hitting NM daily sometime after 60 days. Before 90. I don't remember exactly when that would have been anymore though! ""

To be able to hit NM at day 75 (lets take the middle ground) you need to have your NM capable team assembled by week 3, 6starred and ascended by week 4 and got enough good drops from dragin 19 by day 60 and then farm potionss for ascnesion.

I am not sure on how you can think, that is the case for the average player.

For the login shard not to matter you need to be capable of at least 2 keying brutal and 3 keying nm at day 180. 

I am not sayinng the login shard is the beginnig and th end and nothing is ever better. I am saying, judging on the login champions, the numbe rof trash to amazing is severly skewed as to trassh.

You have said, where you use Khatun, Visix and Scyl. I a not recalling you mentioning Legionaire, Tainix, Yaga, Dark Elhaine, Dark Athel. I get, why there are fixed champions for early login rewards, I just dont get why some of the worst are included, which do absolutely nothing to help you out.

BTW after geetting max chests on various clanbosses up to hard in about 45 days exactly 2 shards dropped for me...I am on hard cb double max chest for almost a month now. Extrapolating from that, my hopes of sacreds from cb are not that high...

You personally might not be affected that much from the change. But please don't assume jsut because you aren't no one else will.

It's also not just the shard, also the chicken. Losing 1500 nergy is nothing to sneeze at either.

Aug 22, 2021, 09:0608/22/21
Aug 23, 2021, 15:22(edited)

I'm surprised people are still defending this change.  Even people who won't personally be affected by it because they have thousands of sacred shards already have to admit it's to the greater detriment of the game and player community.  

A cursory glance at the Raid Reddit section has shown at least 10 posts in the last couple of days where people have already pulled Cleo from Ancients, and now have 4 months of guaranteed duplicate shards to look forward for, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

I can only assume that those who continue to defend it either a) don't want to admit they were wrong, b) only care about themselves and not the game itself, or c) are paid by Plarium.

People need to start seeing the bigger picture here

I  believe the  same could be said  for  the  other  side  as  well, people who don't realize a guaranteed legendary  is  better  than  a  gamble with  Plariums  RNG.  I  will add  a  bit  though.  

I can only assume that those who continue to hate it either a) don't want to admit they were wrong, b) only care about themselves and not the game itself,  or  c) are  too  new to know what they're talking  about.

Keep  in mind,  moderators aren't paid  by plarium  and  we  definitely do not always  support  changes.  The  community  managers  encourage feedback from us especially if  it's  negative.  

Aug 22, 2021, 09:3108/22/21

I  believe the  same could be said  for  the  other  side  as  well, people who don't realize a guaranteed legendary  is  better  than  a  gamble with  Plariums  RNG.  I  will add  a  bit  though.  

I can only assume that those who continue to hate it either a) don't want to admit they were wrong, b) only care about themselves and not the game itself,  or  c) are  too  new to know what they're talking  about.

Keep  in mind,  moderators aren't paid  by plarium  and  we  definitely do not always  support  changes.  The  community  managers  encourage feedback from us especially if  it's  negative.  

The overwhelming majority of the raid community don't like this change, including the content creators, and you really think that this change is a win for the people and game?

As I've said above, the biggest piece of evidence that these shards and chickens were heavily valued by the community is the fact that Plarium chose to remove them.  They were having so much of an impact to sales and players games that they had to be replaced, and Plarium likely went through hundreds of different ideas to do it.  The fact that they settled on a subpar potentially duplicate legendary is probably the biggest insult.

Those 2 rewards cannot be both valuable for Plarium to remove, and not valuable for all players at the same time.

Aug 22, 2021, 10:2108/22/21

I  believe the  same could be said  for  the  other  side  as  well, people who don't realize a guaranteed legendary  is  better  than  a  gamble with  Plariums  RNG.  I  will add  a  bit  though.  

I can only assume that those who continue to hate it either a) don't want to admit they were wrong, b) only care about themselves and not the game itself,  or  c) are  too  new to know what they're talking  about.

Keep  in mind,  moderators aren't paid  by plarium  and  we  definitely do not always  support  changes.  The  community  managers  encourage feedback from us especially if  it's  negative.  

Crap legendary better than an chance for UUgo,Miscreated Monster, Tyrel, Skullcrusher, Gorgorab,Royal Guard,Stag Knight, Deacon Armstrong, Fahrakin the Fat etc.  epic which one is more better than this 4 months free for nothing lego ? Plus one availabilty for an lego which should be more better ??? Ridiculous example.

Aug 22, 2021, 10:5208/22/21

I'm surprised people are still defending this change.  Even people who won't personally be affected by it because they have thousands of sacred shards already have to admit it's to the greater detriment of the game and player community.  

A cursory glance at the Raid Reddit section has shown at least 10 posts in the last couple of days where people have already pulled Cleo from Ancients, and now have 4 months of guaranteed duplicate shards to look forward for, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.

I can only assume that those who continue to defend it either a) don't want to admit they were wrong, b) only care about themselves and not the game itself, or c) are paid by Plarium.

People need to start seeing the bigger picture here

And I personally cannot believe people are still so blind to not realize a Guarantee Legend is so much better than some dismal RNG Luck in a gotcha game

I will work for something I know I am getting at the end of a grind. I HATE taking  my chances with RNG luck 

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