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Advices for UNM without unkillable, block damage or counter attack

Advices for UNM without unkillable, block damage or counter attack

Nov 20, 2020, 11:0011/20/20

Advices for UNM without unkillable, block damage or counter attack

Hello guys !

I'm struggling a bit to set up an UNM team with my box (no counter attack, block damage or unkillable champ). I'm between 10-15M/key with my current team (20-25M on NM boss) as you can see on the screen.


Here is my box:




I have nearly all rare in my chamber if it can help for a team.

I link also the stat of my current team in case I could do some changes:




As you can see I try to have a team attacking as often as it can and applying all debuff and buff (decrease attack, decrease def and weaken for debuff and speed, increase def and block debuff as buff). I'm not sure I can get a lot more with this team unfortunately.

My thinkings atm are to change Scyl odf Drakes for:

1/ Kreela: she will provide a rally attack every 3 turns (even more if I build her in relentless) and also a bit of increase crit so a bit more damage

2/ Catacomb councilor: Same as Kreela for rally. Advantage is he is already booked. But his base stats are pretty weak and I'm afraid he might die too quickly.

3/ Drogkul: He will provide increase def and attack and block damage sometimes. He will also heal a bit. And provide a counter attack when the boss makes enough damage. The plan is to build him high def low hp (I'll be around 40-45K HP) to ensure the counter attack happens as soon as possible.

Well guys you have all the infos ! I'm really struggling with my unlucky box for CB (I think it is) so any advice is welcome ! I'm not against to up a new champion if it can make a difference. I have a lot of books in case of so :)

Thank you for reading and for you advices !

Nov 20, 2020, 11:0911/20/20

You seem to be sleeping on Lightsworn. I would use him instead of Apothecary. I do not have UNM unlocked, but Lightsworn is great in my Nightmare team.

Scyl of the Drakes could use more speed to heal more often, and to get rid of the cooldown on her revive faster.

Nov 20, 2020, 11:2711/20/20
Nov 20, 2020, 11:30(edited)

You seem to be sleeping on Lightsworn. I would use him instead of Apothecary. I do not have UNM unlocked, but Lightsworn is great in my Nightmare team.

Scyl of the Drakes could use more speed to heal more often, and to get rid of the cooldown on her revive faster.

Thank you for you answer !

Lightsworn was actually in my previous CB team. But he cannot replace Apo. Apo provide a boost turn meter et increase speed on the whole team. 

For example with apo my Banshee attacks 5 turns every 4 tours for the boss where she attacks only 1/turn without apo.

And Lightsworn only add the revive on death buff (decrease attack and increase def are provided by Cerber)

Regarding Scyl of Drake, I hesitated between a bit more speed or relentless gear. I think that relentless provide more turn then more speed. But I d'like to increase her speed at +190. But the problem is not a lack of healing in my team. It is just that under a decrease atk, the boss starts to hit 70-80K damage on 3.5K DEF heroes so at this point, it's just a wype ^^

But those changes might add a few millions damages if they work and I actually need around 20M/keys to ensure a 4 keys UNM boss.

Nov 20, 2020, 11:4511/20/20

Thank you for you answer !

Lightsworn was actually in my previous CB team. But he cannot replace Apo. Apo provide a boost turn meter et increase speed on the whole team. 

For example with apo my Banshee attacks 5 turns every 4 tours for the boss where she attacks only 1/turn without apo.

And Lightsworn only add the revive on death buff (decrease attack and increase def are provided by Cerber)

Regarding Scyl of Drake, I hesitated between a bit more speed or relentless gear. I think that relentless provide more turn then more speed. But I d'like to increase her speed at +190. But the problem is not a lack of healing in my team. It is just that under a decrease atk, the boss starts to hit 70-80K damage on 3.5K DEF heroes so at this point, it's just a wype ^^

But those changes might add a few millions damages if they work and I actually need around 20M/keys to ensure a 4 keys UNM boss.

A wipe is exactly where your Lightsworn comes in handy. Even a full team wipe.

By the way, are you working on the free Drexthar Bloodtwin? It may take a while, but he is awesome. Geared well (and not needing any books at all) he is a fantastic tank. His HP Burn will make your damage output go up sharply.

My NM team is far from being min-maxed and perfectly speed tuned. I do use a Counterattack champion, but you can still see how much damage Drexthar's attacks and HP Burn do.


Nov 20, 2020, 14:3911/20/20

Yeah if at the time of a full team wype, you have Revive on death buff, you can play an extra turn. But then your team wype and it's finish. I don't think a loss of few millions or more is worth an extra turn.

To comparison, I just run vs Nightmare boss:


You can see that even my FB has no counter attack she is dealing more then yours having a counter attack buff. It's obviously due to the fact I have decrease def and weaken. But also because apo is speeding her up allowing extra turns. It is not as good as counter attack but I believe that changing Apo for lightsworn will decrease the overall damage of the team quiet significantly. 

I'm 67/100 for Drexthar so it is not for anytime soon. But I also think that a DEF/HP champ that can maintain Burn debuff could be a nice addition to the team.

Nov 20, 2020, 15:1311/20/20

Your Frozen Banshee has much higher Accuracy and higher Speed than mine. As I said, my team is not min-maxed or speed tuned.

If you can spare a key, try Lightsworn, please. It would be interesting to see how he would fare in this team composition.

Nov 20, 2020, 22:2911/20/20

I tested it UNM since I do not needed more keys for NM.

The team did not really survive longer (I manual at start de desync Sepulcher increase def and Lightsworn increase def). The team attacked less and di not get a lot more survivability resulting in general less damages for everyone in the team since they all attack less often.


If anyone has other suggestion, please do not hesitate, i'm really struggling.

And if you have a comment about my 3 possible solution: Kreela, Drogkul or Cat. Concil. instead of Scyl please go ahead! :)

Nov 20, 2020, 23:2311/20/20

If you don't consider it inappropriate for some reason, then you can make as many tests as you want with 1 key closing game client before battle ends. Clan boss keys are not spent this way contrary to other game areas.

As to ideas what to test... If Apo speed boost is so important, may be try the second one, Seeker or Arbiter. Or cycle poisons with FB and Zavia.

You may also try to increase crit rate, at least put gloves on Rhazin.

Nov 21, 2020, 00:3511/21/20

Have you considered using a Rally hero?

Catacomb C. or Kreela

I have seen people run 1 Rally hero when they don't own Unkillable - Block D. - Counter A.

Maybe, you can replace Scyl of the Drakes for C.C or Kreela?

Nov 21, 2020, 00:5311/21/20

Thanks for the answer guys !

@SunnyRay: I haven't think about that. I'll do that for some testing ! Nice idea :)

@Player J: It's actually the ideas I have for the moment. Here is my suggestions in the original post, what sounds the best for you ?

"My thinkings atm are to change Scyl odf Drakes for:

1/ Kreela: she will provide a rally attack every 3 turns (even more if I build her in relentless) and also a bit of increase crit so a bit more damage

2/ Catacomb councilor: Same as Kreela for rally. Advantage is he is already booked. But his base stats are pretty weak and I'm afraid he might die too quickly.

3/ Drogkul: He will provide increase def and attack and block damage sometimes. He will also heal a bit. And provide a counter attack when the boss makes enough damage. The plan is to build him high def low hp (I'll be around 40-45K HP) to ensure the counter attack happens as soon as possible. "

Nov 21, 2020, 01:3511/21/20
Nov 21, 2020, 01:38(edited)

It sounds like you already have Catacomb leveled up + fully booked.

I would try him out first just to see if it makes any difference at all.

In situations like this, You are most likely going to want to experiment.

You might try all 3 of the heroes in the end to see if they make any difference.

Nov 21, 2020, 10:5311/21/20

Testing ally attack options makes sense. I do think, as suggested above, that using Arbiter instead of Apo might be an improvement as well. 

And as for the point about full team wipes after a certain point, the strongest defense buff you can get is the one from Wurling Frostking, increased defense plus strengthen. But whether that makes him worth using, since you'd obviously have to fully build and book him still, I'm not sure. 

Nov 21, 2020, 18:1211/21/20

Thank you for replies guys !

Well at the moment Arbiter is unbook and masteries are not completed and for Arena. So even booked, I don't know if Arbiter would be better then Apo. I'll try to run it un clan boss calculator :)

Regarding Rally ally, I think Kreela is better because more useful for the team and better base stats. At the moment none of them are full masteries and Cat. Comb. is booked when Kreela. Question is should I book Kreela or Arbiter.

I just dropped Wurlim yesterday so he is not ready at all but he couldn't replace Sepulcer that have decrease attack and if he replaces Scyl, I think a rally attack might be a better option.

Nov 21, 2020, 18:4511/21/20
Nov 21, 2020, 18:46(edited)

I don't like the idea of using Arbiter in Clan Boss because it will ruin her gear build for other stuff.

Arbiter can't keep herself alive long enough in Speed Gear.

You would have to run a Dedicated Sustain hero along with her in the team.

Or you would have to put Arbiter in Lifesteal gear.

Most players I know like using Apothecary as their main turn meter cycling champion.

Some of them even put Apothecary in Lifesteal gear for a Clan Boss/Dungeon Build.

Apothecary A1 is 3 hit which works well with Giant Slayer.

The Lifesteal gear combined with the G.S can keep him alive.

Nov 23, 2020, 09:0611/23/20

I agree about arbiter. Maybe with 2 of her but she is too important for my tag team arena.

Yeah but playing him in life steal gear would be a great loss of speed. And here I "speed tune" my team. Apo has the 256 speed allowing him to play 11 times on 6 boss attack (I wish I could have him higher but I need to have decent defensive stats). And this is key for my comp. The more Apo plays, the more the others heroes play. Since he plays a lot and the other heroes are in lifesteal gear, he can heal himself most of the time and stay alive quit long. I'm afraid when Scyl will be out that he will heal more other champ.

I'm building Kreela at the moment. I hop she will be build for Wedsneday/thursday for some testing. She looks like the best option for more attack.

Nov 23, 2020, 12:2411/23/20

The more I look at your champs the more I think that increasing their damage can help. Crit chance and crit damage.

Boss damage increases so quickly that gaining more turns is very difficult.

Warmaster is not everything. It's 0.6 * 53756 = 32253 damage per hit (+25% if weaken is up).

Rhazin can deal more than that with his normal damage.

It can be a way to improve damage further after building Kreela.

You have seeker for additional turn meter boost testing, it doesn't have to be Arbiter. But he is probably arena champ too.

Nov 23, 2020, 18:2111/23/20

@SunnyRay Actually, warmaster is 53756 damage per hit without weaken, not sure why you're multiplying by 0.6 there... nevertheless, it's still true that some champs can hit significantly more than that on every hit, but it takes quite an advanced team/roster to be able to afford using champs who just hit really hard without contributing any important buffs/debuffs. 

Nov 23, 2020, 19:4611/23/20

@SunnyRay Actually, warmaster is 53756 damage per hit without weaken, not sure why you're multiplying by 0.6 there... nevertheless, it's still true that some champs can hit significantly more than that on every hit, but it takes quite an advanced team/roster to be able to afford using champs who just hit really hard without contributing any important buffs/debuffs. 

0.6 is probability of warmaster proc.

I'm not talking about champs that contribute nothing, I'm talking about Rhazin. He can hit hard with crit chance and crit damage, at least on Youtube :)

Nov 23, 2020, 19:5111/23/20

0.6 is probability of warmaster proc.

I'm not talking about champs that contribute nothing, I'm talking about Rhazin. He can hit hard with crit chance and crit damage, at least on Youtube :)

Oh duh, good point then. True, if you can get Rhazin to do more damage without losing the accuracy and speed he needs (and OP's Rhazin actually seems to have too much accuracy, too much for CB at least), that's great - it helps obviously that he's def-based. 

Nov 24, 2020, 16:0111/24/20

I'm not super advanced in this game, I just started on UNM myself.  But in my opinion, you're at a wall right now.  You're probably not going to improve your damage much until you get better champs.  You either need unkillables or counter attacks, or someone like duchess who's going to drastically reduce the amount of damage you take.  You might be able to increase your damage by 3-4 mil by tweaking your gear, but you're probably not making it past turn 30 right? That's where those stronger champs will come in.

Nov 24, 2020, 17:5411/24/20

I'm not super advanced in this game, I just started on UNM myself.  But in my opinion, you're at a wall right now.  You're probably not going to improve your damage much until you get better champs.  You either need unkillables or counter attacks, or someone like duchess who's going to drastically reduce the amount of damage you take.  You might be able to increase your damage by 3-4 mil by tweaking your gear, but you're probably not making it past turn 30 right? That's where those stronger champs will come in.

Thing is, with 4 mill more damage, if he can do it reliably, he can 4-key the top UNM chest.