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Why is Plarium giving us those waste-of-time lengendaries?

Why is Plarium giving us those waste-of-time lengendaries?

May 3, 2020, 09:1805/03/20

Dejara said:

Angwil said:

The OP  uneducated.  Right now, at this very moment, the no.1 Platinum player is running 2 skull lords and and 2 skullsworns.

Are there multiple versions of Raid: Shadow Legends.  Because the top 100 list I'm looking at doesn't have a single Skull lord on any roster.

The #1 is Longbeard, Frostking, Sinesha, and Skullcrown.

Most of the top 30 are variations of Lost Groom, Lost Bride and Valk. 

You do realize that there is a weekly reset and the top 100 today may contain different players, or the same players with different rosters, than 10 days ago when that post was made, right? You understand that when somebody writes 'right now, at this very moment' on April 23rd, it doesn't say anything about May 3rd? 

Of course that guy didn't get to no.1 in platinum by running that team and he was just trolling everyone by putting that in defense, but still he did have that team up, for long enough that many people noticed it. Pretty sure that Angwil's reply was tongue in cheek and he doesn't actually think a team with 2 skull lords and 2 skullsworns is viable to get to no.1, but what he wrote was entirely correct at that time. 
May 4, 2020, 19:4505/04/20

TheDude said:

Why is Plarium giving us those waste of time legendries like skull lord Var-Gall, and Cillian the Lucky isn't too good either.

Cillian the lucky:

Should have been of Spirit affinity, the Saint Patrick days theme is green, Cillian the Lucky is green, and so the logical thing would be that his affinity is also green. That way he would be worth using in Fire Knights castle, where his kit fits well, but right now he has weak affinity in Fire knights’ 20, rendering him useless in Fire Knights endgame.

Also he should be hitting a bit harder. His multiplies should be better.

We should start a petition to change Cillian to Spirit affinity!! What do you say community?

Skull Lord Var-Gall:

This one is competing for the title as the most useless legendary in the game.

If it was an April fool, it should have stayed that way. Make something worth fusing, or don’t make it at all. Why waste our time with such an underperforming champ, it is hardly worth fusing that champ, even though you got the resources.

Suggestion: He has very good base stats, but miserable multipliers. Just watch any content creators’ video, that has gone to depth with the champion, the ones that has really tested him, has struggled to find any use for him what so ever. Just watch Stewgaming videos on him, or Darth Microtransaction’s videos, if you are in doubt about it. They want to find something good about this champ, but they can’t, because there isn’t. It was supposed to be an Aprils fool fusion, and Plarium should have kept it like that. Now they have made the fusion real, so I think they should also make a champion that you wanna spend your time fusing. I suggest Plarium redo the champs skills, or at least give him some multipliers that makes the fusion worth the time and effort.

So people can't complain they don't have a legendary :)

I have 4 legos but still using my epic/rares in all areas
May 4, 2020, 20:2705/04/20

Plarium i and alot of players hope see a true buff at skills of skull lord soon as possíble. Skull lord even have a cinemática, when i ser that Hollywood work i tink that him will one best legos at game not the worst.

May 9, 2020, 18:3805/09/20
An easy fix for skull lord would be to make him rez any lizard man. That's not too op, sticks with his basic concept and easily accomplished.
May 13, 2020, 05:0105/13/20
So, what do people think of Gurptuk?  Is he a waste of time fusion or more worthwhile?   
May 13, 2020, 07:5605/13/20

Definetly not beginner/midgame player friendly.

May 13, 2020, 19:2605/13/20
May 13, 2020, 20:14(edited)

Judgeing by vids on youtube he can boost your speedruns a few places. As Daering said really end-game content. Like spider20 with septimus, dracomorph, Bad-el and the new guy. 

I go for him because he is legendary. And I follow the advice of "If you can get a legendary without stretching your limits do it". He might be buffed, new content migth come out or new synergies might come. He will be in vault for now.

I see a few drawbacks you need to overcome to use him and a few effects he synergies with. 

The drawback you will get a lot of damage from his poisons in sustained figths. So you need a way to deal with that.

I think effects that helps his kit are: Ally attack, counter attack, huge shields, damage based on enemy hp. Cleanse does not seem to be viable, since the poison needs to be on for the increased damage.

I also think they should rework his A2. It makes little sense with his overall kit. And it should definately not go to a 2 turn cooldown when booked. Keep that in mind if you do decide to use books. You migth end up with a ruined champion if his A2 get reduced cd before his A3.

Edit: Just watched a video from murderinc.

Seems block damage also synergies well

May 14, 2020, 03:5405/14/20

drone said:

Judgeing by vids on youtube he can boost your speedruns a few places. As Daering said really end-game content. Like spider20 with septimus, dracomorph, Bad-el and the new guy. 

I go for him because he is legendary. And I follow the advice of "If you can get a legendary without stretching your limits do it". He might be buffed, new content migth come out or new synergies might come. He will be in vault for now.

I see a few drawbacks you need to overcome to use him and a few effects he synergies with. 

The drawback you will get a lot of damage from his poisons in sustained figths. So you need a way to deal with that.

I think effects that helps his kit are: Ally attack, counter attack, huge shields, damage based on enemy hp. Cleanse does not seem to be viable, since the poison needs to be on for the increased damage.

I also think they should rework his A2. It makes little sense with his overall kit. And it should definately not go to a 2 turn cooldown when booked. Keep that in mind if you do decide to use books. You migth end up with a ruined champion if his A2 get reduced cd before his A3.

Edit: Just watched a video from murderinc.

Seems block damage also synergies well

I agree about the A2.  It seems counterproductive to the rest of his skills.  As for the poison damage, his A1 puts a 15% continuous heal every round that he uses it, which should balance out the damage from the poisons while dramatically increasing damage output of the entire team.

Seems like a good candidate for a Relentless Set and a Speed Set.  

May 21, 2020, 21:1105/21/20

I dont know why skull lord is considered as that bad. Im playin since just 5 weeks, so iam a total noob. but i was lucky to pull skull lord in first week. he was my first 6 star and i didnt regret. he does any brutal campain solo. even e few at hardest level.

 he carries me to silver II at atena. often oneshooting the whole other team with his aoe attack and def buff on him. also at a lot of dungeons he carries me to high stages. Of course i am a noob dont know a lot of things of the game. But pulling him early did a biiiig accelleration to my progress. I dint understabd why he is rated that bad and think thats wrong
May 22, 2020, 16:2605/22/20
May 22, 2020, 16:27(edited)

GrunFuzius said:

I dont know why skull lord is considered as that bad. Im playin since just 5 weeks, so iam a total noob. but i was lucky to pull skull lord in first week. he was my first 6 star and i didnt regret. he does any brutal campain solo. even e few at hardest level.

 he carries me to silver II at atena. often oneshooting the whole other team with his aoe attack and def buff on him. also at a lot of dungeons he carries me to high stages. Of course i am a noob dont know a lot of things of the game. But pulling him early did a biiiig accelleration to my progress. I dint understabd why he is rated that bad and think thats wrong

I never thought Skull Lord was bad.

Lets say there are 5 different Tier levels of a Hero.

  • God Tier 
  • Excellent Tier
  • Good Tier
  • Bad Tier
  • Trash Tier

I think Skull Lord floats around the Excellent & Good Tier.

Mar 1, 2021, 22:2403/01/21

I honestly do not like the fusion events and do not participate , too complex, I would suggest plarium to modify the fusion events so that we can input our dupes and get a champion of our choice or something similar, that would be a big help.

I would rather focus on doom tower and tournaments and events

Mar 1, 2021, 22:4503/01/21
I already went f2p, wasted over $6k in this game I wish I never spent. This game is designed around your wallet, shards, fusions everything is made to not be cheap. If i could refund all the money I ever spent on this game I would be glad to do it even with a ban.

I kind of went FTP in 2021 (guilty of a $70 so far)

But once you get a clan boss team and a decent arens gold 4 team and are able to do lvl 20 dungeons

why not back off and free to play? You really do not need  more legends at this point, but I do get the "new shinney" Legends they added thing. However that will always be the case because they will never stop adding heroes

Just grind with what you got. My only goal is better gear