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Why is Plarium giving us those waste-of-time lengendaries?

Why is Plarium giving us those waste-of-time lengendaries?

Apr 28, 2020, 22:1504/28/20
Nny said:

you are uneducated. he can run it because of his defense team. no one will ever break it. he never loose point

with enough legendary item and speed and by choosing who you attack it is easy.

he could run a team of five bully in attack with the same result.

Hem, I think you're wrong.  The teams listed ARE the defense teams.  
Apr 29, 2020, 04:3804/29/20
Apr 29, 2020, 04:40(edited)

Trips said:

Player J, I want more details. 

If I was to explain why I think Skull Lord is a great hero, It would take a mile long reply.

The result would be as following:

  • 25% of the players would skip my comment because they would be to lazy to read it all.
  • 25% of the players would read my comment, but not be able to understand it.
  • 25% of the players would read my comment, but think I was wrong.
  • 25% of the players would read my comment and think I was brilliant

However, even if they did think I was brilliant, They wouldn't be able to make use of my information.

The reason why is because they would say they lack Legendary Tomes - 5 Star Chickens - Potions.

Things which I have no control over and are entirely unrelated to my information.

Thus, There is a 100% chance anything I say on this thread is completely irrelevant.

I will do what I always do when I think a hero is Great.

I will ignore everyone in the forums saying Skull Lord is bad.

And I will proceed to build up my Skull Lord to crush them in Arena.

Than they can create Forum Threads crying about Skull Lord.

Like they always do!

Apr 29, 2020, 07:2204/29/20
Apr 29, 2020, 08:0104/29/20

Every time when there is new champion fusion, that new champion start to pop up in Arena almost instantly. First was the whales, then all other and at some point Arena is flooded with that champion. They all run their new champion to see how he perform. And after some time some of them disapeared from Arena and other are here to stay like forever. 

Strange things is I still haven't foght any of that King guy. 
Apr 29, 2020, 08:3604/29/20
1 day left and I've only got 3 Drakes, so yeah we need an extension.
Apr 29, 2020, 17:0104/29/20
Apr 29, 2020, 17:02(edited)

In THEORY, Skull lord can be annoying in arena def by:

A. Equipped him with Destroy gear. His aoe can deal decent damage, once enemy hp is destroyed enough. He can proc True Fear 50% of the time when he is attacked. Build him as damage dealer. 

B. Equipped him with Taunt gear, pair him with destroy hp damage dealers like Cagebreaker(?) or other champions that has Destroy gear. Build him super tanky.

The goal is to utilize his True Fear passive. Might work in faction wars too. Again I have not test this, this is only a theory after reading his kit. 
Apr 29, 2020, 18:0204/29/20


90% SKIP




1. But I am that 1% :)

2. I have NINE 5* chickens

3. I am swimming in potions

4. I have 4 drakes ascended ready to fuse

5. I have plenty of brews

6. I run slow defense in gold 4 arena

7. I have 29 (not a typo) lego books, my other options are wurlim and grohark the bloodied

With training event, I will be 6starring 1 or 2 for sure. Other options rearguard, aothar, spider, golden reaper, lightsworn, baerdal, cardinal, sepulcher, romero, atur, stag knight, shatterbones, lutheia, jingle, warcaster, kalia, vrask and more...

None of these help me in spider (I need aoe hp burn!) unless I'm missing something. 

So I may have to build this guy, lol.

May 1, 2020, 11:1405/01/20
Trips said:

1. But I am that 1% :)

2. I have NINE 5* chickens

3. I am swimming in potions

4. I have 4 drakes ascended ready to fuse

5. I have plenty of brews

6. I run slow defense in gold 4 arena

7. I have 29 (not a typo) lego books, my other options are wurlim and grohark the bloodied

Did you fuse him?  If so, good luck with him!  I fused him, and he is hanging out in my sparring pit.  I will build him, but he will have to wait his turn.  I am working on Thenasil & Skullcrusher right now.         
May 1, 2020, 14:2605/01/20

Yes. Really had to. Not going to use 4 fully ascended drakes lol. But just in my sparring pit as well for now. I'll decide who to 60 today I hope. Honestly I am considering him... not sure why. Also wurlim maybe, I don't think hes great but I think I can make him work in my CA team. I think sepulcher may be my best unused epic, but not sure if the incremental gain she gives my team is worth the books. That's the rub. 

A second skullcrusher is probably the smarter move.
May 1, 2020, 21:4005/01/20
May 1, 2020, 22:03(edited)

Skull Lord has the best base stats in the entire game for a Tanky hero.

  • Insanely High HP
  • Insanely High DEF
  • Insanely High SPD
  • Insanely High RESIST
  • Insanely High ACC

All while being a Defensive based champion.

It is unheard of for the game to make a Tanky hero like that.

The draw back is he doesn't hit has hard as other Defensive Champion's.

However, he can be one of the most annoying champions ever!

All his skills are annoying.

  • Heal Block
  • AOE Atk Down
  • Single Target Provoke
  • Passive which has a Built in Destroy Set
  • True Fears

I put a Frost Set on my Skull Lord.

I think he is going to be insane.

Maybe, I am reading to much into my Skull Lord.

I just don't see how he is bad.

Skull Lord reminds me of Harvest Jack - Merely a Defensive Version.

People said Harvest Jack was a trash hero.

Than I looked in Arena 1 day

I saw a dozen teams running Harvest Jack. lol

I think the Raid Community really undervalues annoying heroes.

I think the Raid Community in general doesn't comprehend the power of a hero who is constantly in your face.

The Hero isn't doing damage to you, but they are constantly in your face.

The Hero is constantly hounding you to death.

It really puts a huge pressure on a person.

And the strange thing is I feel like Skull Lord is overpowered.

The game gave Skull Lord a Mini-Destroy Set as his Passive.

The game has never given a defensive based champion a Destroy Set Mechanic.

Most Destroy Mechanic heroes don't live long enough to fully get the benefit from it.

The heroes are often to squishy to keep alive.

They are fragile attack types such as I.Bloodtwin.

Skull Lord has the best base sets in history - It seems like he is going to live a long time.

He is going to wreck people total health.

Doesn't that seem a tad over powered.

May 2, 2020, 13:4605/02/20

Baste stats mean not all

like bystophus i have...he has highest base attack.......and ....hes total uselsss maybe a beginner can use him a s a nuker in arena

i tried some builds with skulllord...i must say i cant use him anywhere...for me he is total uselss

i put my heaviest def critdamage gear on him and i dont find that his damage is insane...

but everyone like he wants...for me he is absolut useless
May 2, 2020, 15:0505/02/20
May 24, 2020, 18:18(edited)

Dup RNG in general. How have I gotten so many of the same rares, void, etc when there are SO MANY. I have almost no one from several factions, but so many dups

But definitely more sad with sacreds. They are already so expensive. Maybe the people who buy them don't care, but seems like a waste to buy them


mcdvoicesurvey mybkexperience

May 2, 2020, 18:1005/02/20

Plarium please see a Seer champion because her attack is based on the horrible maximum life, and a Legedary Sethallia champion is very bad, add a Speed Buff for 2 turns to the skill Aggress ...

May 2, 2020, 19:0405/02/20

joaopedro230505 said:

Plarium please see a Seer champion because her attack is based on the horrible maximum life, and a Legedary Sethallia champion is very bad, add a Speed Buff for 2 turns to the skill Aggress ...

Are you serious? Sethallia is a great champion, whether in arena, dungeons or CB. Big heals, enemy buff removal, turn meter boosts and HP burn for CB. 

I don't have Seer but she looks like she's very useful in some situations as well. Certainly most people wouldn't agree with you that attacks which scale off enemy max HP are 'horrible'... 
May 2, 2020, 19:0405/02/20

Gerkules said:

Baste stats mean not all

like bystophus i have...he has highest base attack.......and ....hes total uselsss maybe a beginner can use him a s a nuker in arena

i tried some builds with skulllord...i must say i cant use him anywhere...for me he is total uselss

i put my heaviest def critdamage gear on him and i dont find that his damage is insane...

but everyone like he wants...for me he is absolut useless

You are part of the 25% of the players who read my comment, but not understand it.

Base Stats mean a lot!

Bystophus is a bad comparison to Skull Lord

Bystophus is a squishy attack type with crazy high base attack, but has bad damage multipliers.

This is why his attacks are weak.

The Damage Multipliers don't help Bystophus base attack deal insane damage.

Skull Lord has bad multipliers as well which is why he isn't hitting hard.

But Skull Lord doesn't have to hit hard in order to be effective.

May 2, 2020, 22:0305/02/20

I read ur comments and i understand it.

What i mean is i dont need high basestats when the multiplieers are bad.

I agree in most parts of ur explanation and u make a good work. What i mean is for me he is trash. I tried him everywhere, but i couldnt find any place where he is able to fill the spot of any of my heroes.

Every dungeon i had a bader time.

Campaign we dont need to talk about

Faction wars: I only have rhazin and jareg who are good in lizardmen so there he was a help

arena: i play between arena 4 and platinum....i never see skulllords and i can tell u the reason he is just a tank nothing special more...but there are much other champs which are tanky too with better skills

So for me he is at moment absolut useless, bader then most of my lvled epics and rares.......,,but maybe he will come one day :-)
May 3, 2020, 06:3805/03/20

Angwil said:

The OP  uneducated.  Right now, at this very moment, the no.1 Platinum player is running 2 skull lords and and 2 skullsworns.

Are there multiple versions of Raid: Shadow Legends.  Because the top 100 list I'm looking at doesn't have a single Skull lord on any roster.

The #1 is Longbeard, Frostking, Sinesha, and Skullcrown.

Most of the top 30 are variations of Lost Groom, Lost Bride and Valk. 
May 3, 2020, 07:1205/03/20
Angwil said:

The OP  uneducated.  Right now, at this very moment, the no.1 Platinum player is running 2 skull lords and and 2 skullsworns.

Funny how there is no evidence, no screenshot, wait.. no truth?
May 3, 2020, 07:1205/03/20

I mean you do get all these supposed experts, that build their Skull-lord to 100k gear and then say it out damages some epic or lower geared champion.  LOOK - It's like 10% better!

May 3, 2020, 08:2905/03/20

Funny that i never played against a skulllord and i never saw one since he was released.....but i was only from arnea 4 to platinum place 100

....maybe the best ones run all skulllords :-) :-)