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Tormin the Cold

Tormin the Cold

Dec 17, 2019, 19:3612/17/19

FlaRaven said:

Cirilla said:

This big boy was intended to introduce an alternative to the existing speed meta in PvP. But while he is doing an amazing job at that, we also realize that some of his Skills may be a little too much. 

Well he ain't an alternative he completely makes speed meta useless... if you people at plarium actually had tested him before his release you would not had this problem right now

About the nerfing.. this is a messed up situation ...  he definitely needs a nerf his pasive is beyound broken.. but plarium should give some kind of compensation to ones who fused him and you people who have him relax he is still gona be op even after nerf..

Once again, if the champ can't cause waves in the speed meta, then no one will take any notice of him and continue to play the speed meta.  As soon as people begin to counter him with resistance and reduce accuracy debuffs, people will think twice about using him and the speed meta and lockdown meta will balance out.

Tormin does not need a nerf, at least not until some real time has passed (the event isn't even over!!), and a chance has been given for teams to learn his weaknesses and not just cry about his strengths, before anything is done.  To nerf him now would be a huge mistake and any hope of changing the meta would be lost with him.  Not to mention the thousands of angry players you'll have on your hands!


Dec 17, 2019, 19:4412/17/19

Hello, Thanks for asking us first. 

First, I'm working to Fuse him but haven't yet and won't know if I can for sure until I see Summon II, Artifact II, Champ Training II, and Champ Chase    Dec 24th at the latest.  I'm somewhere between an Amoeba and Miinnow by the way. But  will come out of the woodwork  to spend if offers are extremely good, or when a nice fusion comes out. (Harvest Jack was not one I went for).

That being said, don't nerf him.  I've watched just about every video on him posted by the youtube community and yeah, he looks fun. 

Does he completely change the speed meta? Yes.  Is he in practically every team at the top of platinum? Yes. 

Let it germinate for a bit.  Lets see what happens once he starts showing up in general population (non whales like me or even big spenders who didn't have all the epics to fuse him day 1).  And honestly look  a Arena before Hegemon came out. It was mostly Arbiter teams, so how is this any different?

Just my thoughts.  For a lowly minnow/amoeba like me, This is probably the only time I do not  depend on RNG for a top legendary.  

Hegemon? Void Legendary so almost no chance for a small fry like me to get him, unless you create a Fusion event. 

Arbiter? Got a long way  to go on those missions.  

Please don't nerf him. Especially now.  Besides in 3 months you probably release another game changer or something and there will be a new meta... 

Thank you for listening. Really appreciate your asking us first. 

Dec 17, 2019, 19:5112/17/19
Dont nerf please
Dec 17, 2019, 19:5312/17/19

I don't have time to read all the previous posts right now, but I will say this...

You make multiple paywalls for a champion, the first one (Titan) being at least $300 worth of purchases (at the bare minimum, $60 for the rare instead), and now, after you got people to waste their money, you plan to nerf what they are buying?

The whole point of Tormin the Expensive was supposed to be to counter speed groups, right? If he only has a 25% chance to freeze (which a limit of 1 per action would do), it would totally defy the point of him being a speed counter. Speed will go right back to being king again.

Tormin has finally made arena a little more interesting. And a little late to nerf him after you set up so many paywalls and made him so expensive. I get nerfing the freeze on heals, but limiting it to 1 action per turn would completely break him. You pull a stunt like that after how much I have wasted on him and I promise you, not only will I go free to play, but I'll encourage all my viewers and future viewers to do the same. You're not going to rip me off here. It's like offering a Porsche, then once someone bought it, giving them a Volkswagon Rabbit.

You want to talk about nerfing, look at your BS of a champion Hegemon. He breaks your game's mechanics, yet to sell voids, you leave him unchecked and god-broken in arena.

Dec 17, 2019, 19:5512/17/19
Dec 17, 2019, 19:57(edited)

I wonder if any of you remember SB nerf. It nerf there is, they can't give rewards.

And nerf seems required. To bad for people that can't learn. If something is too good in RSL, then they prepare to mess it up fast :)

Btw it only means something in top arena league which is basically for payers no ? Because as low arena stage player (arena is nowhere near fun and only means energy refill to me), i just pick on easy fight over and over and it's not that hard ...

You want to avoid speed meta, just pick team with no speed aura or apothicary  ...
Dec 17, 2019, 20:0012/17/19


First of all, a big fan of the game! Play a lot and really enjoy it.

I am however somewhat disapointed to hear that tormin is going to be nerfed. I have finally managed to get a good legendary after pulling Yannicka and Ma'shalled two legendaries that are worse than morst rares. 

Would really like it if it was possible to buff these types of champions before nerfing someone many have just used a lot of energy and resources towards. I can see hwo this champion is somewhat "OP", however i think there are other issues in the game that are worth attending to before this. 

With that said, i believe that the idea to remove the freeze effect from enemy heals is a good idea. I do believe that this would do a lot. It is for many strange to have the meta switched up, but i believe that this will encourage to explore new champions and really get to know the game better. It could also be possible to realese a champion with a block passive attack ( don't know if this is the best idea).

How this doesn't just seem like a lot of complaining as I really enjoy the game and that is the reason I wanted to give my opinion. 
Dec 17, 2019, 21:0512/17/19
Dec 17, 2019, 21:07(edited)

well, if you nerf Tormin, then i want my money back. i've paid (a lot) to get Tormin with those skills. not others. not nerfed skills. some could say it is a fraud nerf him while the fusion time is still on!!

and, as someone else said, players will found a way to fight and win against him. like every other good champ.
Dec 17, 2019, 21:0712/17/19

Leave Tormin as he is or refund the cost of the event to everyone that has him.

There is no reason why we must live under the current speed meta indefinitely.

Dec 17, 2019, 21:4412/17/19

You pay for something virtual, in a gambling machine game. Don't blame them ! It's your fault.

You're like some money slave to plarium. You pay them expensivly to get nothing (it's all virtual, and they already proved they could change everything with no refund).

You encourage them to give the game shitty events because you want to win by paying. I hope there will be nerf so people like you eventually understand why they must not pay that much.

It's far from a 60$ worth game.

Dec 17, 2019, 22:1112/17/19
He is a void legendary - and therefore very hard to get.  Even the requirements of the fusion are ridiculously high as well.  He SHOULD therefore be strong.  Like others have mentioned, the same could be said for Hegemon and his 'always goes first' ability.  Nerfing him now will not only be a slap in the face to the players who spent time, effort, and resources to get him, but will also succumb to those in the game who want everything to be easy.  In doing so, the game becomes boring.  There are so many heroes, so many combinations - the trick is to find the right combo to beat him - there will always be one.  If anything, you should be potentially looking at other legendary heroes that are basically trash and be buffing them up to be competitive with him.  Not THAT would be a much better preference and a win-win all round.
Dec 17, 2019, 22:1412/17/19

Hegemon is the only hero that even a bad player can kit and beat a good team in arena. I usually avoid teams with him in.

Ice dwarf is simple to counter, you just need the right team, kit, masteries and strategy.

I've enjoyed arena loads more since he's been available.

Perhaps each forum poster should state whether they have or have not fused Tormin so we can see why they are commenting as they are.

I like Tormin in the arena way better than speed Arb or Hegemon teams ruling the roost as it has giving the game some more in depth strategising.

I'd suggest no nerf is required as you can avoid triggering Tormin's passive but you can't avoid Hegemon going first or a speed Arb/Lyss team wasting you before you even get a turn...
Dec 17, 2019, 22:3412/17/19
Dec 17, 2019, 22:35(edited)

Cirilla said:

Hello, Raiders! Ever since Tormin the Cold appeared in the game, he has been the main hero not only in most teams in the Platinum Arena but also in your conversations and thoughts. 

This big boy was intended to introduce an alternative to the existing speed meta in PvP. But while he is doing an amazing job at that, we also realize that some of his Skills may be a little too much. 

Now, we ourselves really like the champion and we certainly would like to keep him unique, strong and magical, as a real Christmas character should be. That's why we would like to ask your opinion on what we could tweak in Tormin so that he would remain great, but not too much :)

So, this is what we were thinking of changing:

- make his Freeze activate only once per action (right now, it is triggered by every action in the Skill description list);

- remove the Heal part that now triggers Freeze entirely from his Passive Skill.

This is not yet set in stone, so we would really appreciate it if you could share your thoughts on the matter with us and help us improve this aspect of the game. Do you agree with the suggested changes? Or would you like to add something else to this list? 

Well, this was all a giant scam lol. Not that I'm surprised, but still... It's disgusting.

Dec 17, 2019, 23:0712/17/19

I havent fussed him yet but im hoping to and i know i will spend even if its just energy to get him 

Haveing his pasive activate on heals seems a bit much and just wrong in general other than that any other change would make him pointless

My current arena team is gorgorab / rhazin / dracomorph / nethril  my armor is average i have 180-205 speed and 200 acc and finished the last 3 weeks between 3800-3900 points 

I have only seen Torvin 5 times they were all 6 star lev 60 and totaly smashed him every time 

Maybe the ones i saw had weak armor and no books but give it time befour you nerf him it may not be need 

he wont get changed back later once he is nerfed

Dec 17, 2019, 23:1912/17/19

Cirilla said:

Hello, Raiders! Ever since Tormin the Cold appeared in the game, he has been the main hero not only in most teams in the Platinum Arena but also in your conversations and thoughts. 

This big boy was intended to introduce an alternative to the existing speed meta in PvP. But while he is doing an amazing job at that, we also realize that some of his Skills may be a little too much. 

Now, we ourselves really like the champion and we certainly would like to keep him unique, strong and magical, as a real Christmas character should be. That's why we would like to ask your opinion on what we could tweak in Tormin so that he would remain great, but not too much :)

So, this is what we were thinking of changing:

- make his Freeze activate only once per action (right now, it is triggered by every action in the Skill description list);

- remove the Heal part that now triggers Freeze entirely from his Passive Skill.

This is not yet set in stone, so we would really appreciate it if you could share your thoughts on the matter with us and help us improve this aspect of the game. Do you agree with the suggested changes? Or would you like to add something else to this list? 

Decisive No to nerf! 

Its 25% chance per action, so if you make this trigger only once per action you will completely destroy him. Removing ticks on heal is again absurd. 

Your plan is to make hegemon big again and try to sell him during those nonesense tournaments. 

Ill be asking the trading standards for my money back. 

Dec 17, 2019, 23:5012/17/19

And you will get no refund because it's plarium policy. Once per buff is awesome. In most team, there is one team buffer which will trigger this passive. So even if plarium % is generally fucked up, there would be an average of one guy frozen in the first round.

If there is immortal stuff, or life steal, it triggers to so even more chance.

If you can't fight speed meta, while spending $$$ then don't fight speed team. Or get one by yourself. If you're fool enough to speend hundreds to get one legendary champions, you could have spend that much to get a whole team.

Let's nerf this payer's champion. Only the big whales will be sad but it's not a lot, and even after being abused that way, they will still be stupid enough to pay to get fooled at next fusion event
Dec 18, 2019, 00:0912/18/19

Still need to get rowan to get the fusion done, but I already like him in the arena, makes me think about new tactics and creating different teams, which is what arena should be about.

So I am more on the side to not nerf him and leave him as he is. Once the new meta is formed, you can still take a much more informed look at the situation.

(btw. for everyone whining about Hegemon, just get a cleanser in immunity gear and have your peace of mind and start beating those hegemons, it's so easy to counter)

Dec 18, 2019, 00:4512/18/19

The #1 complaint people make about Tormin, is his disruption of the status quo. In other words, they're not happy because the champion introduces change. There are however, valid concerns regarding the champ. Such as his passive triggering from buffs and procs made by gear or masteries. 

If Palarium nerfs his passive as dramatically as they have suggested, then they must counter-balance by buffing his damage and increase the chance/ rate that his passive can trigger. Otherwise, it will be entirely a bait and switch. Tormin is not anywhere close to being dynamic enough in the game to be valuable with Palarium's proposed nerfs. 

Although it's too late and the cat is out of the bag, Palarium should not have released this champion in the game's current state. There are too many balance issues that continue to go ignored. Additionally, there presently is neither a clear and viable counter to his kit, nor is there much in the way of synergy with existing champions. I am aware of immunity artifacts and resistance as potential counters. However, his passive can and has triggered successfully at the start of a round against champions wearing an immunity set. Also the resistance/ accuracy or hit/ miss mechanics of games as a whole has generally proven to be very not fun (except where caps are implemented). 

As a whale 🐳 myself, I will no longer spend, support, or play this game if Palarium can't successfully clean this mess up and start seriously balancing within the next month.

I am fed up with their incompetence, their lies, greed, and underhanded approach to business. 

I never see anyone on YouTube mention this but, the game batches drops and shard pulls. Just go look back at the day one videos of all the YouTubers from the last 2X Sacred Shard event. Pay attention especially to the epic champions that were pulled. There was over an 80% parody across all of them and of those champions pulled, only represented roughly a fifth of total epics in game. You don't believe that Palarium can or would manipulate drop rates? What do you think that they're doing with the 10X "Pull [Insert Champion]" events? 

Palarium does the exact same on artifact drops. Run a dungeon for an hour. Then observe that you will mostly have items from 2-3 sets and amongst those, a higher concentration of 3-4 slots in those sets.

Dec 18, 2019, 00:5612/18/19
Dec 18, 2019, 01:04(edited)

Ne0deis said:

And you will get no refund because it's plarium policy. Once per buff is awesome. In most team, there is one team buffer which will trigger this passive. So even if plarium % is generally fucked up, there would be an average of one guy frozen in the first round.

If there is immortal stuff, or life steal, it triggers to so even more chance.

If you can't fight speed meta, while spending $$$ then don't fight speed team. Or get one by yourself. If you're fool enough to speend hundreds to get one legendary champions, you could have spend that much to get a whole team.

Let's nerf this payer's champion. Only the big whales will be sad but it's not a lot, and even after being abused that way, they will still be stupid enough to pay to get fooled at next fusion event

Actually, you can easily get a refund.  The company's reputation is so bad that if you dispute the charge through the app store, they don't even question it.  They immediately refund you the money.  I know because I had to do this on two different occasions where Plarium double charged me and ignored my tickets about it.

And if you think him having only a 25% chance per action to freeze is going to be worthwhile, you have no idea how to play.  The nerf they are proposing would make him complete garbage.

And I get your animosity about this game being so pay to win.  I understand why you're frustrated with those players.  However, the whales won't care.  They'll just buy more shards and buy there way to something else OP.  The people this hurts most is the people on a budget, who saw how powerful this champion was, and budgeted to get him.  

Legally, the company cannot change what you are receiving and not offer a refund if you don't want the new product.  With that said, if they do nerf Tormin the Expensive (LOVE that name AscendantGod ;)), I will be disputing the $80 I have wasted on purchases to get him.  They already ripped me off TWICE, once when I maxed Pain Keeper and they destroyed her, then again with Steel Bowyer when they destroyed her as well.  Third time and I am OUT!

And you might want to be a little less rude to others with your criticisms.  You know what else is stupid?  Someone expecting this game to ever NOT be pay to win.  It always will be to some extent, but I am sure we feel the same way in that the prices are absolutely absurd in their current state.  No reason to attack others though that are being wasteful with their money.

Dec 18, 2019, 01:2212/18/19

The whole post is a joke. Its basically this:

' hi guys thanks for paying for our purposefully OP Tormin. We are going to nerf him now like in:

a) ...  and

b) ... 

Please list us your suggestion how else do you want us to dilute your purchase. 

Dec 18, 2019, 01:2312/18/19
Dec 18, 2019, 10:19(edited)
 Сейчас он кажется имбой еще и потому, что часто его заморозка срабатывает на таланты, вот если бы можно было только это отключить, тогда и хил резать не нужно было бы. Не знаю возможно ли, но если вы сделаете что бы его пассивка работала на баффы, заливку и лечение ТОЛЬКО со скилов, этого уже было бы достаточно. Сейчас когда он реагирует еще и на таланты, это кажется чрезмерным. 
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