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Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
28 сент. 2017, 08:4228.09.17
28 сент. 2017, 08:43(отредактировано)

Sarah Walker said:

Plarium not doing anything about it says they support the hacking , Plarium spent enough time in frenzies pc to trace the hacker , ok they didnt give any troops back , even to the players who are innocent of any wrong doing , but they should at least make an example of the players who did this , by not doing anything tells me i dont want anything to do with a company like that 

I believe Plarium has handled this poorly.  This is a pay to win game and as such, there has to be a trust relationship between them and the players.  Most take for granted their entertainment spending is secure, right up until something like this happens.  That trust has been broken. 

 Plarium says their server is secure, and I have no reason to doubt that is true.  However, their refusal to take action when a crime has been committed on their property renders the security of their server moot.  Players can't backdoor my account through Plarium's server, but they can compromise someone else's account and destroy my units and league assets through criminal acts.  So, what does Plarium's security matter? I lose units to foul play through no fault of my own.  Do I have to perform a security audit on all players on the server to make sure their accounts can't be hijacked and used to do me harm?

I cannot say that those harmed by this are entitled to get everything back.  I can say that it would be good business for Plarium to restore a fair portion of what was lost as a gesture of goodwill.  Pixels cost them very little, losing players can potentially be very expensive.  Foolish decision on their part considering how many are announcing their intention to quit.

28 сент. 2017, 08:5628.09.17

Sarah Walker said:

look at the kettle calling the pot black here , the game is so corrupt its unreal , i bet dj moody spends all his time on the phone to the police in real life , nothing more than a tittle tattle getting involved in everyones business to try and score a few brownie points , you should be one of them special constables 

Please refrain from personal attacks.  You don't have to agree with him.  Just look at this from the point of view of those not involved.  Account sharing is the simplest explanation.  They are not party to the evidence Plarium gathered.  Neither are most of us, for that matter.  I've seen a couple screenshots that sure looked like something fishy going on, but i'm no expert.  I do know enough to know that posting such screenshots on a public forum would be stupid; it would expose sensitive system information that could be used to cause more harm.

28 сент. 2017, 09:0028.09.17

Red said:

Sarah Walker said:

Plarium not doing anything about it says they support the hacking , Plarium spent enough time in frenzies pc to trace the hacker , ok they didnt give any troops back , even to the players who are innocent of any wrong doing , but they should at least make an example of the players who did this , by not doing anything tells me i dont want anything to do with a company like that 

I believe Plarium has handled this poorly.  This is a pay to win game and as such, there has to be a trust relationship between them and the players.  Most take for granted their entertainment spending is secure, right up until something like this happens.  That trust has been broken. 

 Plarium says their server is secure, and I have no reason to doubt that is true.  However, their refusal to take action when a crime has been committed on their property renders the security of their server moot.  Players can't backdoor my account through Plarium's server, but they can compromise someone else's account and destroy my units and league assets through criminal acts.  So, what does Plarium's security matter? I lose units to foul play through no fault of my own.  Do I have to perform a security audit on all players on the server to make sure their accounts can't be hijacked and used to do me harm?

I cannot say that those harmed by this are entitled to get everything back.  I can say that it would be good business for Plarium to restore a fair portion of what was lost as a gesture of goodwill.  Pixels cost them very little, losing players can potentially be very expensive.  Foolish decision on their part considering how many are announcing their intention to quit.

Well, foul play come in many shapes and forms. If you look at this thread @ https://plarium.com/forum/en/stormfall-age-of-war/game-discussion/75529_master-and-helper/?post=393934

If you can start order hammer strikes from bot network such as Master. It as well could affect a lot of players. You could yell foul play at Plarium and demand compensation then too, but I doubt that would happen.

You can infiltrate a league and try collect the IP address of its members, then wait until some big player does a strike or send their army some place then start hammer their Ip with a denial of service. Render them not able to use their internet, and catch their units in the open. Also outside Plariums reach to do anything with. Someone with not much knowledge about computers and such might not even know they been "attacked", and think its some random internet issue. Having a good security system and a firewall up is like a must today. Going through my firewall logs I see a lot of questionable stuff that been bounced off. You want a good lock on your house, same should apply with your computer. 

I get Plariums stance, because they would get swamped in reinbursement requests if they start reinburse players for things that happened outside Plariums zone of influence. 

What happened here feels awfull for the involved people that got affected, but if you look at the whole mmo scene as total. Its nothing new ,or even grand, or unique. Its quite common, and nothing more than a drop in the ocean. Does it make it okay? No, it doesn't but its the world we live in.

28 сент. 2017, 10:0328.09.17

Gadheras said:

Red said:

Sarah Walker said:

Plarium not doing anything about it says they support the hacking , Plarium spent enough time in frenzies pc to trace the hacker , ok they didnt give any troops back , even to the players who are innocent of any wrong doing , but they should at least make an example of the players who did this , by not doing anything tells me i dont want anything to do with a company like that 

I believe Plarium has handled this poorly.  This is a pay to win game and as such, there has to be a trust relationship between them and the players.  Most take for granted their entertainment spending is secure, right up until something like this happens.  That trust has been broken. 

 Plarium says their server is secure, and I have no reason to doubt that is true.  However, their refusal to take action when a crime has been committed on their property renders the security of their server moot.  Players can't backdoor my account through Plarium's server, but they can compromise someone else's account and destroy my units and league assets through criminal acts.  So, what does Plarium's security matter? I lose units to foul play through no fault of my own.  Do I have to perform a security audit on all players on the server to make sure their accounts can't be hijacked and used to do me harm?

I cannot say that those harmed by this are entitled to get everything back.  I can say that it would be good business for Plarium to restore a fair portion of what was lost as a gesture of goodwill.  Pixels cost them very little, losing players can potentially be very expensive.  Foolish decision on their part considering how many are announcing their intention to quit.

Well, foul play come in many shapes and forms. If you look at this thread @ https://plarium.com/forum/en/stormfall-age-of-war/game-discussion/75529_master-and-helper/?post=393934

If you can start order hammer strikes from bot network such as Master. It as well could affect a lot of players. You could yell foul play at Plarium and demand compensation then too, but I doubt that would happen.

You can infiltrate a league and try collect the IP address of its members, then wait until some big player does a strike or send their army some place then start hammer their Ip with a denial of service. Render them not able to use their internet, and catch their units in the open. Also outside Plariums reach to do anything with. Someone with not much knowledge about computers and such might not even know they been "attacked", and think its some random internet issue. Having a good security system and a firewall up is like a must today. Going through my firewall logs I see a lot of questionable stuff that been bounced off. You want a good lock on your house, same should apply with your computer. 

I get Plariums stance, because they would get swamped in reinbursement requests if they start reinburse players for things that happened outside Plariums zone of influence. 

What happened here feels awfull for the involved people that got affected, but if you look at the whole mmo scene as total. Its nothing new ,or even grand, or unique. Its quite common, and nothing more than a drop in the ocean. Does it make it okay? No, it doesn't but its the world we live in.

My VIP rep tells me that every time Master and Helper are reported, they are banned.  They keep popping up again, probably because they have tons of bots, just change the name on one and they're back in business.  Plarium is taking action against these people.  I do not know if they would take action against someone paying for their services.  Plarium didn't specify other than to warn that doing business with them would be a bad idea.  

I play 2 MMOs.  Both MMOs have had incidents that make me decide to stop spending.  I can honestly see their side in the issue, but having been wronged, I also feel a strong desire for justice.  I still play and don't let such incidents drive me from games I enjoy.  I just vote with my wallet instead.

28 сент. 2017, 11:4228.09.17

Gadheras said:

- You can infiltrate a league and try collect the IP address of its members, then wait until some big player does a strike or send their army some place then start hammer their Ip with a denial of service.  

- Its nothing new ,or even grand, or unique. Its quite common, and nothing more than a drop in the ocean. 

Does it make it okay? No, it doesn't but its the world we live in.

How many years has this server been running? An how many events of this magnitude? I wouldn't say this incident is that common. Forget the world you live in for one minute Gadheras (DDOS, 'other games' etc). Stormfall has experienced a rare incident and 99.999999% of members of the community (except those with other agendas) find the actions of the minority abhorrent. 

What is done is done, and Plarium doesn't have concerns. I get it mate!!! I was offered a handful of units and the chance to buy back what I lost at a discount. Personally I will refuse their offer given the 75% revival was only offered to VIPs.

To say that this type of incident is common is simply ridiculous!!! In fact, incidents of this magnitude are almost unheard of here. I get the fact that you know how to screw a fellow player over and lower the game to the standards of games you've played in the past. Doesn't make you smart or 'worldly' at all. It does reflect on your character though. 

28 сент. 2017, 12:1128.09.17
28 сент. 2017, 12:12(отредактировано)

At the end of the day it is about morals. Some will obviously support the actions of the perpetrators as it suits their agenda. Others will see a total lack of standards and voice their concerns for the game. Personally I think the latter deserve a voice in this case rather than have to listen to arguments defending the culprits, who BTW do not deserve a voice on moral grounds.

And I keep hearing stupid analogies about lending cars etc. I think mine is more to the point

- you witness a person being set upon by a gang (i.e. a crime is taking place)

- what do you do? Ignore the crime as it doesn't affect you.  Or intervene?

In the circles I travel in (real people, not online personas) most would intervene. That was what I was taught to do. Doesn't make me a bad person. But it definitely does allow me to take the high moral ground.

What I am saying is that even in the digital world, those that shun the use of vulnerabilities (more and more vulnerabilities every day) to do harm are taking the high moral ground. Those that relish in (or make excuses for) the exploitation of these obvious vulnerabilities take the low ground. It is really as simple as that.  

28 сент. 2017, 12:2728.09.17

Trentos said:

Gadheras said:

- You can infiltrate a league and try collect the IP address of its members, then wait until some big player does a strike or send their army some place then start hammer their Ip with a denial of service.  

- Its nothing new ,or even grand, or unique. Its quite common, and nothing more than a drop in the ocean. 

Does it make it okay? No, it doesn't but its the world we live in.

How many years has this server been running? An how many events of this magnitude? I wouldn't say this incident is that common. Forget the world you live in for one minute Gadheras (DDOS, 'other games' etc). Stormfall has experienced a rare incident and 99.999999% of members of the community (except those with other agendas) find the actions of the minority abhorrent. 

What is done is done, and Plarium doesn't have concerns. I get it mate!!! I was offered a handful of units and the chance to buy back what I lost at a discount. Personally I will refuse their offer given the 75% revival was only offered to VIPs.

To say that this type of incident is common is simply ridiculous!!! In fact, incidents of this magnitude are almost unheard of here. I get the fact that you know how to screw a fellow player over and lower the game to the standards of games you've played in the past. Doesn't make you smart or 'worldly' at all. It does reflect on your character though. 

Just because I stated I know where people coming from doing such, doesn't necessary mean I agree with such or think its okay. And when you look at mmo's as whole, yeah its quite common. If you want to single out Stormfall as a special snowflake excempt from the rest, that is your choice, however more nasty stuff probably going on behind the scene that is in the dark for us. You can be a bit in awe or semi-impressed at some lenghts people go to achieve what they set out to do, but that doesn't mean you agree. 

You don't know me, my history or wtf I done and experienced. Just because I'm not blind for all the awfull things that might happen to you in mmo's doesn't make me any worse or better than anyone else. You can put on blinders and go through life as a happy gilmore, but guess what, life aint like that.

Plarium games suffers rampant use of alts, bots, account sharing and so on. If you condense down the game world to just actual players with no alts, no bots, and no dead vaccant castles. How many players do you think is actual left?

Oh while we at it your GRACE, not all the placers ge the VIP treatment and get the offers you reject in the first place. VIP treatment and prefered players is the worst thing Plarium can do to a community imho.

28 сент. 2017, 15:0728.09.17

Gadheras said:

- however more nasty stuff probably going on behind the scene that is in the dark for us. You can be a bit in awe or semi-impressed at some lenghts people go to achieve what they set out to do, but that doesn't mean you agree. 

- You don't know me, my history or wtf I done and experienced. Just because I support all the awfull things that might happen to you in mmo's doesn't make me any worse or better than anyone else.

Probably going on behind the scenes? Obviously that is what is happening as those that cannot achieve their goals fairly resort to other means. I'm not in awe (or semi-impressed) like you and your cronies. Excusing this behaviour (I'd go as far as saying you promote it) Is sad. You might be in awe and impressed but that just says something about your character. Please stop trying to push your interest in cyber crimes on the rest of us. Most find it repulsive.

Does your experience in hacking (and acceptance of it) make you a bad person? Yes it does. You've become part of the problem whether you know it or not. Didn't you have parents to teach you right from wrong? 
28 сент. 2017, 15:4728.09.17
28 сент. 2017, 15:47(отредактировано)

Most of us have been hurt by Plarium's actions. I guise it makes sense, when you see something injustice done to someone, when you see cheating and deceitful action being honoured, its only fair to act. 

I vowed never to let evil prosper in my presence. What Plarium did was injustice. The criminal inhumane actions have caused too much harm. But it matters not. Frenzie is a strong person, I know she is stronger than these. She is stronger than these. That is all that matters. 

You can hack and cheat, and lie, but that is nothing in the end.  No one will remember you, or the injustice that you've done. In the end we will remember Frenzie, a dedicated gamer, who survived from a hacker. 

28 сент. 2017, 17:1428.09.17

Trentos said:

Gadheras said:

- however more nasty stuff probably going on behind the scene that is in the dark for us. You can be a bit in awe or semi-impressed at some lenghts people go to achieve what they set out to do, but that doesn't mean you agree. 

- You don't know me, my history or wtf I done and experienced. Just because I support all the awfull things that might happen to you in mmo's doesn't make me any worse or better than anyone else.

Probably going on behind the scenes? Obviously that is what is happening as those that cannot achieve their goals fairly resort to other means. I'm not in awe (or semi-impressed) like you and your cronies. Excusing this behaviour (I'd go as far as saying you promote it) Is sad. You might be in awe and impressed but that just says something about your character. Please stop trying to push your interest in cyber crimes on the rest of us. Most find it repulsive.

Does your experience in hacking (and acceptance of it) make you a bad person? Yes it does. You've become part of the problem whether you know it or not. Didn't you have parents to teach you right from wrong? 

Didn't you learn how to read in school? Didn't I just say above there is things I don't think is okay or agree with? Name calling people because they might have greater knowledge and/or experience with what lenght certain elements might go to achieve things is just sad. My interest in "cyber crimes" as you put it, limit itself to know how to protect myself. You know "Know your enemy".

As for being in awe and somewhat impressed, you could compare that to like famous heists and robberies in real world. Like "The great train robbery".  


Majority of the people online goes through life think they are completely safe vs such dangers, they got things like Norton and similar installed to protect them. Where the biggest security issue is the one sitting between the screen and the chair.

As your example above some place about if you witness someone being set up by a gang, you would intervine. How? Rush in fist blazing vs multiple people that might be armed? Who are you superman? If you witness a crime, you call the cops. If you got a wife, gf, kids, whatever, Im sure they prefer you to be safe and sound to come home to them, than risk have to visit the morgue to identify you right?

28 сент. 2017, 17:4528.09.17
28 сент. 2017, 17:54(отредактировано)

Gadheras said:

1. Didn't you learn how to read in school? Name calling people because they might have greater knowledge and/or experience with what lenght certain elements might go to achieve things is just sad.

2. If you got a wife, gf, kids, whatever, Im sure they prefer you to be safe and sound to come home to them, than risk have to visit the morgue to identify you right?

1. Are you trying to have a laugh? Maybe I go name calling people? Get a farking life loser. The 'didn't learn to read in school' is generally a last resort for keyboard warriors like you. But that is the where you want to go is it?

2. My family prefer me to retain my morals first and foremost. They expect me to stand up for 'our' rights as they cannot. Not hide behind them as an excuse for neglecting my moral responsibility

Gadheras, we obviously come from different places, and have very different views on the world. I think you will find you are a bit different? So don't expect others to blindly believe what you post. Even if you have to post the same thing a dozen times

28 сент. 2017, 17:5428.09.17
Trentos said:

Gadheras said:

1. Didn't you learn how to read in school? Name calling people because they might have greater knowledge and/or experience with what lenght certain elements might go to achieve things is just sad.

2. If you got a wife, gf, kids, whatever, Im sure they prefer you to be safe and sound to come home to them, than risk have to visit the morgue to identify you right?

1. Are you trying to have a laugh? Maybe I go name calling people? Get a farking life loser. The 'didn't learn to read in school' is generally a last resort for keyboard warriors like you. But that is the where you want to go is it?

2. My family prefer me to retain my morals first and foremost. They expect me to stand up for 'our' right as they cannot. Not hind behind them as an excuse for neglecting my moral responsibility

Gadheras, we obviously come from different places, and have very different views on the world. I think you will find you are a bit different? So don't expect others to blindly believe what you post. Even if you have to post the same thing a dozen times

I think your family would prefer for you to be alive than dead tbh. I used the "learn how to read" because you obviously didn't understand what I wrote, or didn't want to understad, By carry on with the name calling, you are the one proving you run out of arguments. How does that fit in with your morals? Didnt your parrents teach to be better than that (to use your own words)?
28 сент. 2017, 18:0228.09.17

I was taught to stick up for what I believe in, and one occasion I landed in hospital. 13 stitches was a small cost for saving the life of a veteran. My family had no problem with that, but then again I come from a very proud country where we don't put up with nonsense. There, I just addressed the elephant in the room. Maybe this is a cultural thing?

As for name calling, I take the moral high ground. Those deciding to choose the low road only have themselves to blame.

28 сент. 2017, 18:1228.09.17
Trentos said:

I was taught to stick up for what I believe in, and one occasion I landed in hospital. 13 stitches was a small cost for saving the life of a veteran. My family had no problem with that, but then again I come from a very proud country where we don't put up with nonsense. There, I just addressed the elephant in the room. Maybe this is a cultural thing?

As for name calling, I take the moral high ground. Those deciding to choose the low road only have themselves to blame.

humility and modesty was not something high on your agenda I guess. Don't you have a wall to build to reflect the greatness of your country and your clown in charge. 
28 сент. 2017, 18:2528.09.17

Gadheras said:

humility and modesty was not something high on your agenda I guess. Don't you have a wall to build to reflect the greatness of your country and your clown in charge. 

Build a wall? Who is this clown? You have really lost it. It all makes sense now. 

At least I can be glad that you and your cronies have no idea where I live 55555 
28 сент. 2017, 18:3228.09.17
Trentos said:

Gadheras said:

humility and modesty was not something high on your agenda I guess. Don't you have a wall to build to reflect the greatness of your country and your clown in charge. 

Build a wall? Who is this clown? You have really lost it. It all makes sense now. 

At least I can be glad that you and your cronies have no idea where I live 55555 
Well, your chest beating above was just pointing at one place tbh :p
28 сент. 2017, 18:4228.09.17

Now that I know where you are coming from I won't even try to debate with you

28 сент. 2017, 18:4628.09.17
But I did't say I wouldn't comment on the 'poo pirate' type civilisation that you support. All makes sense now. Actually I got 100 phone calls from Microsoft and emails about rich African princes from you last week.
28 сент. 2017, 18:5328.09.17

Trentos said:

But I did't say I wouldn't comment on the 'poo pirate' type civilisation that you support. All makes sense now. Actually I got 100 phone calls from Microsoft and emails about rich African princes from you last week.

lul what? I feel like I should insert 'you know nothing jon snow meme" here....

You must be very special to get so many. On average I think we get like a couple calls a week from fake Microsoft support techs that found a problem on our computer. Which end up slam the phone after a technical debate where their lack of skills shine through :p at great laugh to their disticnt Indian English accent. Troll the shit out of these can be the highlight of the day I tell ya.

28 сент. 2017, 19:2728.09.17
28 сент. 2017, 19:27(отредактировано)


There is a beacon massacre and I still have 15 000 dragons itching for battle. No one want to see some Australian man cat fighting with European man on the forum about who is more Nigerian. 

Didn't you take biology at school. We all come from Nigeria, its called the ''out of Nigeria scamming-Africa hypothesis''. 

Phylogenically speaking, 99.9991% of earthings have scamming genes. 

And to Gad, trash talking a USA botard is a bad idea, 69% of gamers here are from USA, and they will take offense.