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Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
26 сент. 2017, 18:1126.09.17
look at the kettle calling the pot black here , the game is so corrupt its unreal , i bet dj moody spends all his time on the phone to the police in real life , nothing more than a tittle tattle getting involved in everyones business to try and score a few brownie points , you should be one of them special constables 
26 сент. 2017, 18:1626.09.17
Plarium froze frenzies pc for evidence as far as im aware , they must of been in remotely and looked , anyway i dont need to explain to anyone , we all know it happened , inspector moody and your sidekick , do yourselves a favor and keep outa this , there are way too many players willing to quit and are looking for something to smash the offence into 
26 сент. 2017, 18:1626.09.17

I do not usually speak on forums, sorry for my bad English

there will always be players on one side or on another side

I respect all the players, enemies or friends that these people are right or wrong,

do not judge without knowing, this may have happened to you all, and that day the first

people like you, will scream at the scandal

it's a shame to see how people can be disrespectful towards other players and come to feast on the misfortune of others

I really hope for you that this story does not happen to you


26 сент. 2017, 18:1826.09.17

c_jules77 said:

From Plarium Community Manager

"And as for the situation that has arisen, unfortunately Mad Frenzie was REALLY HACKED"


Did you forget to include;


Our Support Team investigated the issue in more details, and it came out that my conclusion regarding this situation was made too fast.

Support team representative discussed this case with the owner of the account once again and informed her about our Support Team's decision.

We won't announce either the results of investigation or decision made by Support team as it's against our Privacy policy.


Just release any technical evidence of hacking and make public the communication with Plarium and that would settle the whole thing right?

26 сент. 2017, 18:4326.09.17
nothing to settle , why do we have to prove anything to you , you make issues out of every post on forums , wind your neck in 
26 сент. 2017, 18:5526.09.17

Sarah Walker said:

obviously your not paying attention , the screenshot clearly states the pc was hacked 

Either you have blinders on or serious problems with comprehending what you are reading. It is very plain. On the 22nd CM Sergey said Mad Fenzie was hacked. Then with the update he stated the initial assessment ie being hacked was wrong. 

Everybody in Emperors league has ever right to be mad but it is not Plarium that deserves their anger. It is Frenzie and each and everyone of you who shared her account that deserves the leagues anger. Your actions caused this to happen, not Plarium. Plarium offered you a huge gift in allowing troops to be revived at %75 discount. It is much more than any of you who was in on the sharing deserves. 

26 сент. 2017, 19:0226.09.17
sharing ? where does it say that ? 
26 сент. 2017, 19:3626.09.17

Sarah Walker said:

Plarium froze frenzies pc for evidence as far as im aware , they must of been in remotely and looked , anyway i dont need to explain to anyone , we all know it happened , inspector moody and your sidekick , do yourselves a favor and keep outa this , there are way too many players willing to quit and are looking for something to smash the offence into 

You on the other hand inform your self how these thing work.

Not everyone on this forum is a complete an utter illiterate in "magic" of IT to believe just about anything you guy make up.

As for the screenshot you all seem to get stuck on the word hacked in that post and do not even bother to read till the end.

26 сент. 2017, 19:4226.09.17
26 сент. 2017, 19:45(отредактировано)

[20:39] Sarah Walker: keep sticking your nose into things that dont even concern you and see how long your leagues beacons last 


So you think you will silence people by threats

26 сент. 2017, 19:5926.09.17

zapelo do you think for a second plarium will admit the flaws in the system ? 

if they say frenzie was hacked then that puts everyone in line to be hacked and will cause panic in the game 

why do you continue to back them up and say we are making this up , do you think we would all just jump leagues and let our fort be smashed to make up a big lie ?

what planet are you on ?
26 сент. 2017, 20:0426.09.17
maybe when something like this happens to you , you may just understand where im coming from , players have lost big amounts of troops here and have done nothing to deserve it , there is no evidence that it was down to account sharing , just accusations from kok players 
26 сент. 2017, 20:0626.09.17
Sarah Walker said:

zapelo do you think for a second plarium will admit the flaws in the system ? 

if they say frenzie was hacked then that puts everyone in line to be hacked and will cause panic in the game 

why do you continue to back them up and say we are making this up , do you think we would all just jump leagues and let our fort be smashed to make up a big lie ?

what planet are you on ?
Well if its the flaw Dj posted about you refer to. That flaw could only be abused if the account was SHARED to start with. Which again put the fault at the account holder. It doesn't excuse Plarium to have such flaws in the system though. If any of you play from school, internet cafes and such you should take heed though.
26 сент. 2017, 20:1526.09.17
26 сент. 2017, 20:22(отредактировано)

Sarah Walker said:

zapelo do you think for a second plarium will admit the flaws in the system ? 

if they say frenzie was hacked then that puts everyone in line to be hacked and will cause panic in the game 

why do you continue to back them up and say we are making this up , do you think we would all just jump leagues and let our fort be smashed to make up a big lie ?

what planet are you on ?

I never backed them up..... if you go back in older posts you will see that i'm their avid critic almost all time.

But on the other hand you must admit that you are not showing any proof other than a premature CM post.

My logic is if as you say that "her pc that was hacked" it is not Plarium problem. 

As bad as that sounds it is true.

Let me give you an example in three steps

1. You go to a shop and buy a bottle of milk.

2. In front of the shop you put that bottle in the hands of your friend.

3. Your friend drops it on the floor breaks the bottle and spills the milk.

Now do you think the shop will just give you another one?

If you are sure and have proof that someone gained access to the account not trough sharing access. Contact the authorities. Beleve me Whoever will investigate this will ask Plarium for all the data available.

26 сент. 2017, 20:1826.09.17

Sarah Walker said:

maybe when something like this happens to you , you may just understand where im coming from , players have lost big amounts of troops here and have done nothing to deserve it , there is no evidence that it was down to account sharing , just accusations from kok players 

I hardly see it happening to me.

And it was not an accusation but a LOGICAL conclusion based on all information.
26 сент. 2017, 20:1826.09.17
the same thing happened to someone on server 2 , too many coincidences there just like here , you keep telling yourselves this is all a big lie , hope it happens to you one day , you will be the first on the forums having your say 
26 сент. 2017, 20:2026.09.17

Sarah Walker said:

the same thing happened to someone on server 2 , too many coincidences there just like here , you keep telling yourselves this is all a big lie , hope it happens to you one day , you will be the first on the forums having your say 

That post again shows just what kind of a person you are.

Again I hardly see it happening to me.

26 сент. 2017, 20:2526.09.17
i do hope it happens to you , that way you might just realize what im saying is for all your benefit , you keep your glass half empty , bury your head in the sand and keep telling yourself hacking doesnt happen , all them playstation players never got hacked either it will never happen to you no way lol
26 сент. 2017, 20:2826.09.17
djmoody said:

Sarah Walker said:

if the account was shared or not is not the issue here , the pc has still been remotely entered (hacked) maybe thats ok in your book but if it happened to you would say the same ?

there are lots of innocents involved here that lost troops for no fault of there own 

You can't deny anything that I posted can you. Come on, time for someone on Emps side to take some ownership for the truth and your part in your own downfall.

- the account was shared across a number of Emps captains

- the account was shared with players outside of Emps

- the account has been part of hammer blows, with people other than the owner at the helm

- that the massive extent of the account sharing was not shared with Plarium when the matter was reported

Just for the record DJ why don't you deny you know who did it as you haven't in the last 2 threads I've asked? Have you been avoiding it? I actually thought you had been offline but obviously I was wrong and you just avoiding the Q
26 сент. 2017, 20:3026.09.17

Sarah Walker said:

i do hope it happens to you , that way you might just realize what im saying is for all your benefit , you keep your glass half empty , bury your head in the sand and keep telling yourself hacking doesnt happen , all them playstation players never got hacked either it will never happen to you no way lol

I'm sorry but you picked the wrong guy to teach about cyber security.

But still thank you for your concern it is much appreciated.

I suggest you read one of my posts before this where i made a suggestion on what to do.