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Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
26 сент. 2017, 20:4126.09.17

Sarah Walker said:

i do hope it happens to you , that way you might just realize what im saying is for all your benefit , you keep your glass half empty , bury your head in the sand and keep telling yourself hacking doesnt happen , all them playstation players never got hacked either it will never happen to you no way lol

Actually. Sony got hacked. Not individual Playstation units. To compare such would been for someone to hack the Plarium servers and get access to everyones accounts. You comparing apples to oranges. And I highly doubt there was someone at Sony that just gave someone their login details for the servers to make it happen.

Rockstar Social club got hacked once, (probably more times), One day I found my account in the hand of some russian guy. Once I managed to retreive the account I got a lot of hate mail from Russian guys because I had stolen their friends account, funny that. Majority of times when actual hacking is happening, its outside your zone of influence and control. As with Sony and the exaple with Rockstar, both was due to server side hacks. 

Despite what hollywood want you to believe about hacking and hackers. When it come to hit on individuals,  in majority of the cases its social engineering with manipulation. Because that is far easier to achieve. 
26 сент. 2017, 20:5226.09.17

Gadheras again your so hell bent on this been down to account sharing you cant see the big picture , remove your hate from the emps and take another look , while no proof of the account been hacked is there , no proof of the account been shared is either , its all what you have put because of the hate you have for emps 

if if the account was actually shared of which there is no proof , why should all the league suffer who have done nothing wrong 

what are plarium doing about the marshal (chris111) that was put in place to kick all the other members so the def would return and be taken from the fort ? 

not a single thing , thats what plarium are doing 
26 сент. 2017, 21:1726.09.17

Sarah Walker said:

Gadheras again your so hell bent on this been down to account sharing you cant see the big picture , remove your hate from the emps and take another look , while no proof of the account been hacked is there , no proof of the account been shared is either , its all what you have put because of the hate you have for emps 

if if the account was actually shared of which there is no proof , why should all the league suffer who have done nothing wrong 

what are plarium doing about the marshal (chris111) that was put in place to kick all the other members so the def would return and be taken from the fort ? 

not a single thing , thats what plarium are doing 

I hate no one. I got no reason to hate anyone. If anything I dislike everyone equaly, what most grumpy old farts do!. What I really want is to get to know if any actual hack (security breach) did happen, with actual evidence of such other than people shout hacking the loudest. Because it would get very serious fast and affect all of us if there is an actual exploit in the system. But at current time, with all said and brought into the light, the most PLAUSIBLE is this happend due to account sharing. If it happend to joe blow nobody or whoever, doesn't mater, doesn't care. 

Look, this is a fkn game, we supposed to play it to have fun, laughs, shit and giggles. There is just to much hate spewing around, the whole damn community is to toxic. I know about people in differnet leagues that have tons of alts and where account sharing does flourish. You all fkn know about it, it happen in all your leagues. to close your eyes for it, is just denial. The whole "my dad is bigger than your dad, and you hit first, and blaa blaaa blaa is getting fkn old too, you all villains, you all done shit you not proud off.

What happened is shitty for the people invovled that had nothing to do with it and feelt like innocent bystanders. But you know what? SHIT TRINKLE DOWN. Any league, guild, corp, alliance in whatever game. The success of your entity is the sum of all. Its what you do after you get kicked to the ground and have to claw your way back up that does measure your success and what, and who you are. In terms of pvp, Stormfall is more like a hello-kitty game compared to more vicious pvp games out there. And as a player of such a game, for a very VERY long time. I know where people coming from that does such things. I know what drives them. 

To repeat something I posted in another thread today "I dont care about you, I dont care about your league, my only concern is my league, my alliance (allied) and myself, if the rest of the world burns and consume you all in the fire.... I DONT CARE. And this is a pvp mantra everyone should live and die by in any pvp oriented game. Some players goes to far more extremes to achive something like that, than what others is willing to do, but it does happen. Competive PVP games bring out the big bad monster in people. The most phuny nerd could become the worst monster under your bed, you never know. 

Again, so far and to repeat, the most plausible thing to happend is due to account sharing. Then the responsiblity start and end with the account holder regardless of how much shit and damage occured due to it. And yes, even if there is a flaw in the game, so someone could accessed the account after psw was changed, but still would only been able to do so due to account was shared in the first place. It still in the hands of the account holder. 

For those of you who happen to share your accounts with someone. This should be a really good eye opener. I tried in the past to advocate for login needed on session change with captcha, but Plarium just claimed it would be to cumbersome for the users. Of course they can just wash their hands and refer to the "do not share your login details", because that is after all cheaper for them. 

26 сент. 2017, 21:5426.09.17
djmoody said:

Tychi said:

Just for the record DJ why don't you deny you know who did it as you haven't in the last 2 threads I've asked? Have you been avoiding it? I actually thought you had been offline but obviously I was wrong and you just avoiding the Q

I posted a long reply to your last question explaining exactly how and why I have come to the conclusions I have. That doesn't include knowing who did it.

hehe we crossing over. I did read. Tell me what you think of the last Q I put there
27 сент. 2017, 08:5627.09.17
27 сент. 2017, 08:57(отредактировано)

Sarah Walker said:

Gadheras again your so hell bent on this been down to account sharing you cant see the big picture , remove your hate from the emps and take another look , while no proof of the account been hacked is there , no proof of the account been shared is either , its all what you have put because of the hate you have for emps 

if if the account was actually shared of which there is no proof , why should all the league suffer who have done nothing wrong 

what are plarium doing about the marshal (chris111) that was put in place to kick all the other members so the def would return and be taken from the fort ? 

not a single thing , thats what plarium are doing 

no proof?   lol. the rebels have access to frenzies account.   dig through the forums... there was a series of account acquisitions that went of when shin left.  a certain "mad" player gained access to an account by obtaining another players account who quit.

unless the posts were deleted, its been covered on the forum  exactly who has access to the frenzie account.   there were once screen shots of emails, and facebook group chats or private chats of some sort about who was using the account posted here.  (Though, a certain biased former moderator may have gone in and cleaned that up for them)

back when plarium cared about alts, folks were quick to post that type of thing.  I thought it was common knowledge who has access to Frenzie and Shin's accounts. 

if you want to figure it out on your own.... look at server 2... find the EMPS names in Lords of the Black Rose... then go back to server 2 and see check the Rebels for Lords of the Black Rose names.......

it should all become clear what happened after you do that. 

27 сент. 2017, 14:5627.09.17

IronApex Turok said:

no proof?   lol. the rebels have access to frenzies account.   dig through the forums... there was a series of account acquisitions that went of when shin left.  a certain "mad" player gained access to an account by obtaining another players account who quit.

unless the posts were deleted, its been covered on the forum  exactly who has access to the frenzie account.   there were once screen shots of emails, and facebook group chats or private chats of some sort about who was using the account posted here.  (Though, a certain biased former moderator may have gone in and cleaned that up for them)

back when plarium cared about alts, folks were quick to post that type of thing.  I thought it was common knowledge who has access to Frenzie and Shin's accounts. 

if you want to figure it out on your own.... look at server 2... find the EMPS names in Lords of the Black Rose... then go back to server 2 and see check the Rebels for Lords of the Black Rose names.......

it should all become clear what happened after you do that. 

Are you willing to support those statements, that are all false, with evedence. 

There was no clean up or anything of sort. If Frenzie account was shared, which if very likely, does these excuse the evidence of vulnerability on Plarium.com. Does it prove that Frenzie was not hacked, something that was proved to have happened. 

The fact, or in these case charge that Frenzie shared her accounts with Friends doesn't mean that she couldn't have been hacked. She was hacked, and Plarium is using account sharing as an excuse. A good company would have something about these, and not cover it up. 
27 сент. 2017, 16:3627.09.17

Oracle said:

IronApex Turok said:

no proof?   lol. the rebels have access to frenzies account.   dig through the forums... there was a series of account acquisitions that went of when shin left.  a certain "mad" player gained access to an account by obtaining another players account who quit.

unless the posts were deleted, its been covered on the forum  exactly who has access to the frenzie account.   there were once screen shots of emails, and facebook group chats or private chats of some sort about who was using the account posted here.  (Though, a certain biased former moderator may have gone in and cleaned that up for them)

back when plarium cared about alts, folks were quick to post that type of thing.  I thought it was common knowledge who has access to Frenzie and Shin's accounts. 

if you want to figure it out on your own.... look at server 2... find the EMPS names in Lords of the Black Rose... then go back to server 2 and see check the Rebels for Lords of the Black Rose names.......

it should all become clear what happened after you do that. 

Are you willing to support those statements, that are all false, with evedence. 

There was no clean up or anything of sort. If Frenzie account was shared, which if very likely, does these excuse the evidence of vulnerability on Plarium.com. Does it prove that Frenzie was not hacked, something that was proved to have happened. 

The fact, or in these case charge that Frenzie shared her accounts with Friends doesn't mean that she couldn't have been hacked. She was hacked, and Plarium is using account sharing as an excuse. A good company would have something about these, and not cover it up. 

I could agree that she was hacked but only if you stated that she was hacked outside plarium systems

Account sharing is not an excuse but the reason why it could happen and eventually it happened.

No gaming company will reimburse you if the loss was caused by your own actions.

In this case the players that lost defence due an attack with that offence could be reimbursed but that is totally in domain of Plarium. They are not obligated to do so.

I'm also glad that finally  you admit there was account sharing. Initially it was said that she never shared her account details. 

So it seems that you think that fraud is ok. Cause lying to obtain something is fraud
27 сент. 2017, 16:4727.09.17

zapelo said:

I could agree that she was hacked but only if you stated that she was hacked outside plarium systems

Account sharing is not an excuse but the reason why it could happen and eventually it happened.

First of all we all know that is impossible for her to be hacked outside of Plarium system. The game is hosted by Plarium. Every single data is in the hands of Plarium, from the sql to the database. So there is no way of hacking her outside the domain of Plarium. 

It will be costly and stupid for someone to spend hours trying to do that outside Plarium.com

Inside job is possible, given that DOZENS of Mods, and CM, Admins, VIP agents, and Support teams members have access to all players game. 

But hacking her on Plarium.com is easy and way cheaper than hacking her outside Plarium.com. 
27 сент. 2017, 16:4927.09.17
Oracle said:

zapelo said:

I could agree that she was hacked but only if you stated that she was hacked outside plarium systems

Account sharing is not an excuse but the reason why it could happen and eventually it happened.

First of all we all know that is impossible for her to be hacked outside of Plarium system. The game is hosted by Plarium. Every single data is in the hands of Plarium, from the sql to the database. So there is no way of hacking her outside the domain of Plarium. 

It will be costly and stupid for someone to spend hours trying to do that outside Plarium.com

Inside job is possible, given that DOZENS of Mods, and CM, Admins, VIP agents, and Support teams members have access to all players game. 

But hacking her on Plarium.com is easy and way cheaper than hacking her outside Plarium.com. 
You really have no clue what you are talking about. So you just make stuff up as you go.
27 сент. 2017, 17:0727.09.17
27 сент. 2017, 17:08(отредактировано)

Sarah Walker said:

Plarium confirmed frenzies pc was in fact hacked and all they can come up with is " you can buy your troops back 75% cheaper , this is typical greedy plarium and it will cost plarium a lot more than they think as i for 1 will not be playing the game anymore , i know many will follow suit too , all that spending the emps have been doing for the past year will stop 


better games are out there and cheaper too , goodbye to the friends i have made here and sorry it has to come to this 

Sarah Walker 

Sarah don't go doing something that stupid just yet there is 1 more card for you to play :). Plarium is only interested in money and I'm with you as I will not spend a penny more with thembut they are not going to care as there are far too many people here who do not care and are in fact happy about it all so time to go ANARCHY ROGUE just like the old days.

SMASH THE MAP Sarah. Every single beacon and live up to the League everyone thinks you are. Destroy the map so much it pisses everyone off. Any beacon lvl2 or higher just SMASH IT!!!...

Then you can leave :).......Oh and when everyone thinks you have left and starts the beacon game again I'll msg you and you can come online and SMASH em again just like the good old days :).......

27 сент. 2017, 17:0927.09.17
27 сент. 2017, 17:37(отредактировано)

zapelo said:

You really have no clue what you are talking about. So you just make stuff up as you go.

I am a little versed in coding, and computer security and I know its impossible/expensive to hack a game like Plarium which have all its components hosted by Plarium severs, on a client PC. 

Games like WoW and Eve are different and you could attack players PC's as some data is stored on them. But Plarium is broswer based. 

Even if the matter is settled and the Emps are willing to fight on, I advice the KoK to consider nulifying these kind of behaviour in the future. Bieng Plarium's impimpi is not going to pay KoK or benefit them in any way.

27 сент. 2017, 17:2227.09.17
27 сент. 2017, 17:23(отредактировано)

Oracle said:

zapelo said:

You really have no clue what you are talking about. So you just make stuff up as you go.

I am a little versed in coding, and computer security and I know its impossible/expensive to hack a game like Plarium which have all its components hosted by Plarium severs on a client PC. 

Games like WoW and Eve are different and you could attack players PC's as some data is stored on them. But Plarium is broswer based. 

Even if the matter is settled and the Emps are willing to fight on, I advice the KoK to consider nulifying these kind of behaviour in the future. Bieng Plarium's impimpi is not going to pay KoK or benefit them in any way.

You see the catch is that her account was accessed by someone else other than her. The game itself was not hacked.

"which have all its components hosted by Plarium severs on a client PC. " what kind of nonsense is that

"Games like WoW and Eve are different and you could attack players PC's as some data is stored on them. But Plarium is broswer based." This statement alone tells me how little versed in coding and IT security you are.

You smarty-pants

27 сент. 2017, 17:3527.09.17
27 сент. 2017, 17:36(отредактировано)

zapelo said:

You see the catch is that her account was accessed by someone else other than her. The game itself was not hacked.

"which have all its components hosted by Plarium severs on a client PC. " what kind of nonsense is that

"Games like WoW and Eve are different and you could attack players PC's as some data is stored on them. But Plarium is broswer based." This statement alone tells me how little versed in coding and IT security you are.

You smarty-pants

I play eve and its possible to modify the codes in the file that comes with the downloads. Plarium in the other hand is browser based. You don't download anything. 

let me give you an example 

Its possible to hack your Plarium account using keylogging, a kind of hacking that uses software to records key sequences of your keyboard then send them back to a hacker. 


for these you will need a way to inject these software into Frenzie PC. You will need to know what Frenzie like, and send he a link attached to this software which will then suscessfully install itself into Frenzie PC. When Frenzie logs the details are then retrieved. 

As you can see, the hacker will needs many resources to do this, an internet connection and not to mention time or money to buy the software. time to inject the software and other. 

Virus and Trojan attacks are also possible, so is pishing, but these are very expensive and take time. 

Is easier to inject a those on Plarium.com than on Frenzies PC. 

Using a good debugger you could use a the profile page vulnerability to enter, and these is far easier.  

My statement reads

its impossible/expensive to hack a game like Plarium which have all its components hosted by Plarium severs. 

27 сент. 2017, 18:1327.09.17

Oracle said:

I play eve and its possible to modify the codes in the file that comes with the downloads. Plarium in the other hand is browser based. You don't download anything. 

It doesn't and I know that for if not a first hand, or a very second hand expeirence. Back in 2005, we had a member in our Corp in EVE, that was quite a wizard at coding. He did dissamble the EVE client, he did build in a telnet client and a own bot rutine to automate mining and other things, then re-assembled and went to town. He was after short time found out and banned from the game. Just because you can modify a game client you connect to servers with, it doesn't mean there isn't checks in place to safeguard vs that. He got caught by the simple fact he was using more bandwith than what was normal and it got picked up as an abnormality. And they beefed up security a lot since then.

On the other hand, what you can modify to some extent is textures and ship models you see on your screen, as that is files on your computer. Make the game think your lovely frigate is an titan or whatever, but that is only on your screen, and a visual illusion. In the game you still in your crappy frigate.

Most "hacks" when it come to EVE, is based on players do stupid things. Someone I know recently had his email account compromised, he still doesn't know exactly how it happened, but it was his EVE account that was the target. He lost aprox 200 billion isk, and another 100b+ worth of ships and assets. They also stripped his character for skills to create injectors to sell. He got his account semi-restored, the character got restored, and he got compensated 90b ISK, not a total wipe, but not really happy hour either. With EVE (and other mmos), sometimes there is a lot of external resources, tools and so on that require you to create user accounts and so forth. Not everyone running these is necessary looking out for your interest to put it like this.

27 сент. 2017, 18:1927.09.17

Oracle said:

zapelo said:

I could agree that she was hacked but only if you stated that she was hacked outside plarium systems

Account sharing is not an excuse but the reason why it could happen and eventually it happened.

First of all we all know that is impossible for her to be hacked outside of Plarium system. The game is hosted by Plarium. Every single data is in the hands of Plarium, from the sql to the database. So there is no way of hacking her outside the domain of Plarium. 

It will be costly and stupid for someone to spend hours trying to do that outside Plarium.com

Inside job is possible, given that DOZENS of Mods, and CM, Admins, VIP agents, and Support teams members have access to all players game. 

But hacking her on Plarium.com is easy and way cheaper than hacking her outside Plarium.com. 

Uh. you can get infected with a keylogger/maleware. bad ppls get access to your email accounts (and worse), once you got access to someones email account, you can do a psw restore on whatever games they got, and gain access to them if that is the target. Or you can be careless with your login for email etc and lt happen that way. Doesn't really matter. 

Pointing fingers at Plarium employees, you probably should be able to NAME some spesific other than shooting wide. Because. that will just get back to bite you in the ass big time. 

Hacking her on Plarium.com is easy? Care to explain how that is easy with a technical description of the way to do it?
27 сент. 2017, 19:2427.09.17
oracle, why are you working so hard to cover up the fact that the Rebels gained access to Frenzies account?
27 сент. 2017, 20:5227.09.17
Oracle said:

zapelo said:

You really have no clue what you are talking about. So you just make stuff up as you go.

I am a little versed in coding, and computer security and I know its impossible/expensive to hack a game like Plarium which have all its components hosted by Plarium severs, on a client PC

Games like WoW and Eve are different and you could attack players PC's as some data is stored on them. But Plarium is broswer based. 

Even if the matter is settled and the Emps are willing to fight on, I advice the KoK to consider nulifying these kind of behaviour in the future. Bieng Plarium's impimpi is not going to pay KoK or benefit them in any way.

Your original post
27 сент. 2017, 21:0527.09.17
27 сент. 2017, 21:06(отредактировано)

Oracle said:

zapelo said:

You see the catch is that her account was accessed by someone else other than her. The game itself was not hacked.

"which have all its components hosted by Plarium severs on a client PC. " what kind of nonsense is that

"Games like WoW and Eve are different and you could attack players PC's as some data is stored on them. But Plarium is broswer based." This statement alone tells me how little versed in coding and IT security you are.

You smarty-pants

I play eve and its possible to modify the codes in the file that comes with the downloads. Plarium in the other hand is browser based. You don't download anything. 

let me give you an example 

Its possible to hack your Plarium account using keylogging, a kind of hacking that uses software to records key sequences of your keyboard then send them back to a hacker. 


for these you will need a way to inject these software into Frenzie PC. You will need to know what Frenzie like, and send he a link attached to this software which will then suscessfully install itself into Frenzie PC. When Frenzie logs the details are then retrieved. 

As you can see, the hacker will needs many resources to do this, an internet connection and not to mention time or money to buy the software. time to inject the software and other. 

Virus and Trojan attacks are also possible, so is pishing, but these are very expensive and take time. 

Is easier to inject a those on Plarium.com than on Frenzies PC. 

Using a good debugger you could use a the profile page vulnerability to enter, and these is far easier.  

My statement reads

its impossible/expensive to hack a game like Plarium which have all its components hosted by Plarium severs. 

You clearly have no concept of how online MMO games work

"Plarium in the other hand is browser based. You don't download anything. " LOL LOL LOL now i see you know even less 

"Is easier to inject a those on Plarium.com than on Frenzies PC. " again massive LOL

Do not expect me to explain anything to you in technical or lame terms. I will just point out your dumb assumptions based on your very limited knowledge

I would like to call you for a job interview in our company..... you would not get a job but me and my coworkers would have a laugh

28 сент. 2017, 08:0128.09.17
28 сент. 2017, 09:07(отредактировано)

Sarah Walker said:

You must know more than me then as i am not aware of Plarium saying it was a result of account sharing 

Plariium never said it was account sharing.  They said that the account was not hacked.  They did not share any other details publicly, which makes sense for the privacy of the victim of the attack.  They did not even disclose any other details of the investigation to those whose accounts were not compromised but were still harmed by this.  

Those who believe account sharing is to blame take this as proof that they are right.  It is one possible angle of attack; that is impossible to deny, especially when much of the server claims she has shared her account with many.  However, it is not the only angle of attack, nor is it the only simple angle of attack.  

Just one example is that your computer can be compromised using information gleaned from TS3.  That is why Oracle's advice to use a VPN and connect to a public place is not a bad idea.  

Since Plarium has locked other threads that delve too deep into discussions of hacking, I'll leave it at that.