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10 серп. 2018, 15:4810.08.18

New improvements are okay, but to early to tell if I still want to play this game.

Not sure why you had to change up the catacomb area, it was less complicated before and now it just takes more time to move troops.

You can tell though, that the people at Plarium are bored of this game and make silly changes for nothing and you know what, that boredom rubs off on the playing public. 

Look at how many people have abandoned their castles in the game.

So far it looks like 1 in a hundred actually plays longer then 2 days.

What the game needs is animation of the battles, when attacking other castles. 

Also the name has been changed to Jabberwocky 77, thanks.

10 серп. 2018, 15:4810.08.18

Привет.Мне понравился инттєрфейс(нов.), башня 50% на 50% полностью не разобрался, на варотах нов. юнит.(духи), правда меня давно ужє не атакуют но кагда закончится прокачиванние основ. способом пригодится.Не нравится при отправке разведки виделяет сразу всех, по невнимательности можна погнать всьо кодло.Государствен.,особ.,......., дела Я сабирать долго долго а тут опа 200 рубинов чтоб включить, хотьби предупредили. Игра почуть чуть услажняется и новечкам будет трудно розобратся по началу.Можєт стоилоб зделать по єтапно внидрение разних фишок.Ну на Вашу росмотрел.Если гдето ошибка не обисути русской язика нет.

С уважєнием Генрих.
10 серп. 2018, 15:5710.08.18

Hola estimadosla verdad que la última actualización no es para nada buena . Resulta más complicado hasta para mandar espías. NO ES BUENA AL ACTUALIZACION 

10 серп. 2018, 16:0910.08.18
Good night...I would like you to supply more sapphires, keys to the chests and the famous SOULSTONES.....there is very little supply in the tournaments...thanks Marcelo ( Mr. Punhetao ) level 69.
10 серп. 2018, 16:1210.08.18
Some of new features ar ok , but new gui make BG almost impossible to play. u leave BG menu after sending troops and when u choose one troop u get all as defult
10 серп. 2018, 16:1410.08.18

The game will be more interesting when beacon game will be back. Champion's game improvment looks cool with league's tower... Need to test some more. But please change the chat ! Come back to the one we had before... 

10 серп. 2018, 16:1410.08.18
Das truppenhandling is nicht so gut. Die turmevent challange sollte mit den Champions zu machen sein die man zur Verfügung hat und nicht nur einmal einsetzbar sein. Diverse Booster so teuer anzupreisen ist auch nicht so toll. Einzig die neuen Künste die man Lvln darf sind ne saubere Sache geworden. Alles andere von diesem Update ist reine schikane im Game. Danke
10 серп. 2018, 16:1710.08.18
Pour faire le raide de château de quelques chose pourquoi le retour les image directement à mon château 
10 серп. 2018, 16:1910.08.18
shortfall is a amazing game , and all the many additions now it fun to play.. my only suggestion is to have some sort of translation option in the game , so others can have multi culture leagues.. it can and will help out with all aspects in the game, and being able to meet new players around the world.. thank you for your time , and hope this game play can be added in the near future, Mike
10 серп. 2018, 16:2110.08.18


Sorry, i'm french but i will do my best.

Thank's for the good work your team doing!

One thing i really don't like on the new update it's when you send troop, the game send you at the map.

Before, we are in the attack page and can get back to message or bg page. It's lot of trouble now for bg or raids. Have to find the good message to erase it or go back to bg page for send a new attack. It's a lost of time to make the game lest attractive.


10 серп. 2018, 16:2210.08.18
10 серп. 2018, 16:30(відредаговано)

Hi there,

in advance sorry for the elongated post,

I've tried for a long, long time to find good things in Plariums changes to the game but the last ones are just stupendously bad. NO balance, not usable for the majority of players, like the stupid sword thing, just ruining game fun, game achievements, like ranking and on top of all this: an "update" which is so buggy, that even our clear names were visible to everyone in the game.

Cutting rewards on all corners and ways possible, making it impossible for the average gamer to achieve success in the reward system or to max out the rewards is not the way forward, to keep your customers, us, happy!!!

I am a veteran gamer, playing PC- and Console-games for +30 years, but the way you treat us gamer is by far the worst I have ever witnessed and experienced. If you write something to the normal support, the first 2 to 3 replies are standard computerized messages, often not even remotely answering the problem being stated.

Then, next thing, which a couple of players are currently checking, because most of us invest some money in this game and hence paying for your salary, bills etc, are in the legal aspect of certain things. For example: stating that the reward for winning a round of the Duell Event is the fortress skin, but only after you have won it, it is obvious that this skin is only for a limited amount of time.

I myself have spent + 300kk off troops in the first two rounds of Duel-event to get the skin; my college more than that; others more than 1kkk, just to realize the fraud your company has done. What have you given us in return for an answer: “you have to go to the forum, to inform yourself.” Sorry, but no, legally this is not true, you have to state this properly in-game and there are many more such things.

I realize that your employer doesn't care; otherwise there would have been many changes, amendments and another way of speaking with us, your customers, the players, would be in place. Think about it, what if the thousands of players which are upset, angry and willing to quit the game, write their opinion in the Playstore or i-store? What if, we make a movement to legally prosecute your company, what if, we go to the press and put your company into the spotlight? You think that your company can survive this without losing any jobs, any financial benefits etc.?

Think about it, discuss it with your colleagues and superiors, but your company is, at the moment, perceived even worse and much greedier than EA had been when they had been on the chopping block. What was it, "worst company in America" for 4 consecutive years? Something like that. Your company doesn't have the financial background to survive something like that, meaning if worst come to worst you're out of a job.

Honestly I don't know if it isn't already too late to change things and get on the good side, increase player numbers and manage to get a normal company-customer-relationship, but honestly I don't see it and I play this game for a very long time more than I have played WoW on a continuous time span.

I strongly hope that finally some decision makers will realize the position your company is in, because it is a very dangerous one. I like the game, the community, don´t get me wrong, but it is borderline if I stay and spend any more on this game, not only time, or if I say that’s enough and leave.

Please take this criticism seriously, I know from multiple discussions with not only my league and my alliance members that these points are very, very seriously discussed all over the place, US, Europe, Russia, etc etc…

For us this is a game, which we can switch or stop playing and the earth would still move on. On the other hand your company is relying on us, players, in order to survive, if we stop playing, your company must declare bankruptcy, simple as that. Currently your game is rated 4 ½ star with about 240k people giving it a positive rating with 4 & 5 stars in the play store, BUT there are +10million downloads of the game, are you not worried what could happen, if you continue on this path of treating the players, us, as your enemies? I would, if I would work for Plarium, luckily I don´t, I am just someone who plays the game.

Best regards Blue

10 серп. 2018, 16:2710.08.18

I've been playing storm fall for 3 years with different account. My best account would be this one because of the new updates and features. Sad to say i accidentally press some icons sending all my troops to a raid. At the end i loss more than 75 percent of my troops. Ending from 8,000+ troops to just 871. Plus how come i can't revive them? I can't find my loss troops at my Infirmary. I think one reason would be i update my apps but it all happen after my update. It doesn't make sense. 

But i love the warden thing. Oh one more.. where i can see the loots i can get at my hamlets before sending my troops to hamlets? That's bothering me if i will sacrifices my troops over the loots or giving up my raid.. thanks

10 серп. 2018, 16:4210.08.18
Vocês estão conseguindo acabar com um jogo maravilhoso como esse, depois da última atualização piorou tudo, a começar pelas incursões que ficar horríveis para fazer, os Campos de Batalha estão ruins, vocês atualizaram o jogo visando lucrar mais, porém só vão conseguir perder jogadores, em 2 anos que jogo está é a primeira que me sinto pressionado a parar. Se não concertar essas coisas serei obrigado a desinstalar o jogo.
10 серп. 2018, 16:4610.08.18

Vocês estão conseguindo acabar com um jogo maravilhoso como esse, depois da última atualização piorou tudo, a começar pelas incursões que ficar horríveis para fazer, os Campos de Batalha estão ruins, vocês atualizaram o jogo visando lucrar mais, porém só vão conseguir perder jogadores, em 2 anos que jogo está é a primeira que me sinto pressionado a parar. Se não concertar essas coisas serei obrigado a desinstalar o jogo.

10 серп. 2018, 16:4610.08.18
New GUI make this game not worth playing any more 
10 серп. 2018, 16:4910.08.18
Poderia acerta porque tá complicado espionar vários castelos, e agora o quando seleciona uma tropa o jogo envia toda, já perdi muita tropa assim.. 
10 серп. 2018, 16:5310.08.18

Poderia acerta os campos de batalha tanbem..

Acerta quando estamos vendo relatório de batalha, invez de continuar lá quando fizer alguma ação não fica saindo toda hora , antes não acontecia 
10 серп. 2018, 16:5910.08.18

Eai plarium , essa nova atualização veio com alguns problemas, antes estava melhor

Notei que o campo de batalha está diferente 

Quando espiona castelo o jogo te volta pro seu castelo novamente, mesma coisa quando está vendo relatório se faz alguma ação o jogo te tira do relatório e tem que volta toda hora, tá difícil espionar muito castelo, e quando vai fazer alguma manobra o jogo seleciona suas tropas toda não era assim antes 
10 серп. 2018, 17:1110.08.18
Con cada actualización solo están logrando que muchos jugadores se alejen del juego. Hacen más lento el luego y cada torneo pide más y más puntos pero los premios no valen la pena. Deberían mejorar sus premios. Psdt se que talvez ni lean esto los de plarium pero es lo que pienso 🙄
10 серп. 2018, 17:1210.08.18