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11 серп. 2018, 12:4111.08.18
Maleficent ® said:

I want to apologize for not having bought a bundle in months, maybe a year. Idk how long ago it was tbh. 

I think it's because of players like myself that you feel the need to up the in-game purchases.

I'm just using up server space. I scan large swaths of the map randomly or I scroll through list after list of rankings. I'm doing basically anything but playing the game. 

The hourglass is a beautiful thing. I see that hourglass a lot while I'm waiting for the map to refresh or the list to update.

Regarding the newest update:

It was cool the way we could see everyone's real name attached to their email before you fixed that nifty feature in the Tower chat. Now I've got more people to follow on those other social media sites.

Unfortunately, they won't know I'm watching. Awesome, isn't it?

Keep up the good work.

Game developers are aware of the hiccups that players have to go through. All those bugs were fixed.
11 серп. 2018, 12:4211.08.18
11 серп. 2018, 12:42(відредаговано)
lwvixen81BIA said:

I would like to see more dragon arts added. I have maxed out all of them and I have a bunch of dragon points and nothing to spend them on. Or some way to trade them in for something else.
More dragon arts will come in future for sure.
11 серп. 2018, 12:4311.08.18

NullaWolf said:

Hi everyone,   Personally I love the updates.   Everything has been geared to enjoyment in game.   Stormfall is never dull or boring.   Keep up the thoughtful additions      Go plarium 😊

Thank you for kind words

11 серп. 2018, 12:4311.08.18
Dark King Wolf said:

Enjoy this game so much!
Good to hear :)
11 серп. 2018, 12:4411.08.18

Helena's Haven said:

Don't like the latest update. Makes it hard to separate offense from defense. You are also making it harder to find where things are located. 

We have suggested game developer to fine tune the menu selection.

Give it some time.
11 серп. 2018, 12:4611.08.18

LillyVonStupp said:

The tower is confusing. Ive never liked the champions. They make the game more difficult. Youve taken the fun out of the game. We have lost good, long paying members because of the updates. Sending troops out is messed up. Change it back. Sending all of one type of troop when you click on it is wrong. Im looking to quit becauseof it.

Champs give you a free boost and is quite popular among players. Give it a try.


Unit selection will return to zero option soon in next game update.

11 серп. 2018, 12:4811.08.18
Odenstahl Sr said:

I doubt I will win, although it would be nice to have safety if they are needed for upgrading the castle or fortress. It does take more planning and strategy to survive in the game. Its just as fun as when I stsrted to play.
All new updates are long-term features, no need to rush, take your own time in upgrading them slowly.
11 серп. 2018, 12:5211.08.18

дядя женя said:

Добрый день . После обновления немного неудобен чат в игре,но это дело привычки и Как то стало неудобно делать разведку, при выборе войска заряжается сразу вся толпа,приходится постоянно регулировать количество до 1. В целом обновление не плохое. Хотелось бы еще попрасить вас,раз уж я сдесь . Для повышения интереса участников альянса к игре и к титулам ,нужно сделать какие-то бонусы к этим титулам,чем выше титул тем сильнее бонус.например такие бонусы как увеличение силы армии на какой-то %,снижение потребления мяса,увеличение количества грабов и т д. На данный момент этот момент упущен , и участники альянса не заинтересованы в титулах,а значит и не заинтересованы в развитии замка ,а с этого всё и начинается.

Good afternoon . After the update, the chat is a bit inconvenient in the game, but it's a matter of habit and As it became inconvenient to do reconnaissance, when the troops are selected, the whole crowd is charged immediately, you have to constantly adjust the amount to 1. In general, the update is not bad. I would like to pester you again, since I am here. To increase the interest of the participants in the alliance to the game and to the titles, it is necessary to make some bonuses to these titles, the higher the title the stronger the bonus. For example, such bonuses as increasing the strength of the army by some%, reducing meat consumption, increasing the number of hornbeams and t etc. At the moment, this moment is missed, and the members of the alliance are not interested in titles, and therefore are not interested in the development of the castle, and from this everything begins.

Спасибо вам за ваши предложения.

В следующем обновлении игры выбор блока вернется к нулю.

В самом ближайшем будущем разработчики игр сделают чат в Лиге открытым по умолчанию :)

Все новые обновления - это долгосрочные функции, не нужно спешить, не спеша медленно обновлять их.

Thankyou for your suggestions.

Unit selection will return to zero option soon in next game update.

In the very near future, game developers will make League chat opened by default :)

All new updates are long-term features, no need to rush, take your own time in upgrading them slowly.

11 серп. 2018, 12:5311.08.18
11 серп. 2018, 12:54(відредаговано)

Scorch-nado said:

I like the champion tower feature, but i hate the troop movements reseting you back your castle, losing the 7% resource boost, and having to deselect troops instead of picking how many you wish to send. 

Good to hear you liked it 

All these bugs were fixed in the latest update.

Unit selection will return to zero option soon in next game update.

11 серп. 2018, 12:5511.08.18

alexbeust said:

I like some of the changes and new additions to the game. However I do not like that when you go into the battlegrounds and send offence that it takes you back to the world screen and then to the castle and then you have to go back into the battlegrounds and find the defence level you want. Before it just went back to the same place you where at. I also am not a fan of the new chat layout. Or the layout of your troops when choosing them to send out on attacks. 

Good to hear you liked some part.

All these bugs were fixed in the latest update.

Unit selection will return to zero option soon in next game update.

As for chat, in the very near future, game developers will make League chat opened by default :)

11 серп. 2018, 13:0011.08.18

AJENJO ( CH ) said:

Hola consideró que los últimos cambios han sido buenos sin embargo la última actualización que hicieron no me parece porque al enviar tropas para espiar y de Ataque o defenza si uno no se da cuenta envía todas las tropas además se pierde mucho tiempo con esta actualización deberían regresarla a como estaba antes.

Deberían compensar los premios con lo que se gasta para cada participación se pierde mucha tropa y el premio no compensa lo que se gasta..

En los campos hay que invertir mucha tropas para que devuelva el premio los campos de alto nivel son una locura para botar uno se debe invertir mucha tropa.

Consideró que el juego se está volviendo aburrido sólo los Visa se divierten porque tiene  los recursos y los que no pueden comprar zafiros van dejando el juego poco a poco.

PLARIUM piensen en los que no pueden comprar zafiros.


Hi, I thought the last changes were good, but the last update did not seem to me because sending troops to spy and attack or defend if you do not realize sends all the troops and you lose a lot of time with this update should return to how it was before.

They should compensate the prizes with what is spent for each participation a lot of troop is lost and the prize does not compensate what is spent.

In the fields you have to invest a lot of troops to return the prize, the high-level fields are crazy to throw away, you must invest a lot of troops.

He considered that the game is getting boring only the Visa have fun because he has the resources and those who can not buy sapphires are leaving the game little by little.

PLARIUM think of those who can not buy sapphires.

Thank you

Gracias por tus comentarios

Actualiza tu juego de la tienda como está arreglado ahora.

Estoy de acuerdo con usted en que el pvp no puede cubrir todas nuestras pérdidas y que algunas pueden ser menos gratificantes que otras, pero se supone que las recompensas de los torneos no cubren todas las pérdidas. Los campeones y otros potenciadores pueden ayudarlo a reducir sus pérdidas, que ya conocerá. Personalmente me gusta entrenar y esperar 2.2x pvp que ofrezcan las mejores recompensas.

Las recompensas de los torneos siguen cambiando, por lo que es de esperar que veas algún torneo adecuado.

Los campos son solo una forma de convertir unidades y alcanzar niveles más altos.

Más características nuevas llegarán pronto, así que estad atentos.

Thank you for your feedback

Please update your game from store as its fixed now.

I agree with you that pvp cannot cover all our losses & some may be lesser rewarding than others, but the rewards in the Tournaments are not supposed to cover all the losses. Champions and other boosts can help lower your losses, which you will be aware of already. I personally like to train and wait for 2.2x pvp which offer best rewards.

Tournament rewards keep changing, so hopefully you may see some suitable tournament.

Fields are just a way to convert units and reach higher levels.

More new features are coming soon so stay tuned.

11 серп. 2018, 13:0311.08.18

Javierchileno said:

Las funciones van muí bien me a gustado mucho las nuevas tropas pero también debieron agregar una escriba más y gratuita por qué últimamente están pidiendo mucha visa para todo también me boi a quejar por los torneos de pvpx2 que está muí muí abandonado no le dan nada de actualización y los primos son poco atractivo,años anteriores los premios eran muí bueno y poca visa ya que los primos de pvpx2 era el más esperado sabíamos que los primos estarían buenos saludos cordiales desde Chile

The functions are going very well I liked the new troops a lot but they also had to add a more free scribe because lately they are asking for a lot of visa for everything I also wanted to complain about the pvpx2 tournaments that are so abandoned I do not give anything of update and the cousins are unattractive, previous years the awards were very good and little visa since the cousins of pvpx2 was the most expected we knew that the cousins would be good regards from Chile

Gracias por tus comentarios

Estoy de acuerdo con usted en que el pvp no puede cubrir todas nuestras pérdidas y que algunas pueden ser menos gratificantes que otras, pero se supone que las recompensas de los torneos no cubren todas las pérdidas. Los campeones y otros potenciadores pueden ayudarlo a reducir sus pérdidas, que ya conocerá.

thank you for your feedback

I agree with you that pvp cannot cover all our losses & some may be lesser rewarding than others, but the rewards in the Tournaments are not supposed to cover all the losses. Champions and other boosts can help lower your losses, which you will be aware of already.

11 серп. 2018, 13:0411.08.18
peon69 said:

Normal update, as per untested and not that functional, removing rss boost was low as it had all ready been awarded. ( would you recall a Purple Heart err sorry marine go get shot again and you can have it back ) principles....no released details on tower event was pretty lame, agree it’s fun to work it out on your own but wow epic fail. Re more useless rss champs to clog up the system yea nah...

New defence great no issues.  

Please update your game as many bugs were fixed yesterday.
11 серп. 2018, 13:0611.08.18

Bei den Updates haben sich leider ein paar Fehler eingeschlichen.  Auch das Handling hat sich deutlich verschlechtert. 

1. die alte Einheitenübersicht war untereinander angeordnet, mit Schiebebalken besser. Wenn man die Übersicht verbessern möchte wäre eine Filteroption die bessere Lösung.  

2. das jetzt mit einem Klick die Max Einheiten Anzahl ausgewählt wird ist irreführend.

3.bei der Einheitenauswahl sind oft fehlerhafte Zahlen oder es werden falsche Truppen gewählt...BUG

4. aus der Festungsliste zu spionieren ist sehr umständlich. Man endet immer auf der Map. Man kommt nicht mehr mit dem zurück Butten auf die Liste. 

5. Die animus Einheiten sind für den Verteidiger gut. Als Angreifer wird es aber noch uninteressanter anzugreifen weil die Ratio immer schlechter wird. Hier fehlt ein Ausgleich. 

6. warum ist der Ligaduell Wettbewerb so lang gezogen und Belohnungen verringert worden???

7. warum werden Änderung generell immer so kompliziert gehalten?  Für die simpelsten Dinge im Spiel klickt man unzählige Male. 

Ein Update sollte ein Spiel immer verbessern aber nicht komplizierter machen. Es wäre vielleicht von Vorteil wenn eure Entwickler das Spiel auch selber mal spielen. Dann würden viele Änderungen wahrscheinlich gar nicht auf den Markt kommen. 

11 серп. 2018, 13:0711.08.18

kingArg said:

Hola no me gusto la modificacion del duelo de ligas, un premio que antes ganabamos con 80k de puntos ahora para ganar practicamente el mismo premio tenes que hacer 250k de puntos eso me parece un abuso tener que hacer el triple de puntos por el mismo premio.

Hi I did not like the modification of the league duel, a prize that we previously won with 80k points now to win almost the same prize you have to do 250k points that seems like an abuse to have to triple the points for the same prize.

Este fue un torneo largo que duró 2 días, por lo que las recompensas se cambiaron ya que los jugadores tuvieron tiempo suficiente para participar. Las recompensas de los torneos siguen cambiando, por lo que es de esperar que veas algún torneo adecuado.

This was a long tournament lasting 2 days so the rewards were changed as players had sufficient time to participate. Tournament rewards keep changing, so hopefully you may see some suitable tournament.

11 серп. 2018, 13:0811.08.18

oliveira1234oliva said:

Of all the modifications less functional was that of when we selected the unit, be it spy, attack or defense, this selection automatically play all the units present to be used. It was better when we could indicate how many would go into action, than having to subtract all and then select one.

Unit selection will return to zero option soon in next game update.

11 серп. 2018, 13:1111.08.18

Hylde said:

Bonjour :)

J’aime beaucoup ce qu’apporte la nouvelle mise à jour, ça redonne "du sang neuf" et c’est très sympa !

Il y a cependant pour moi deux choses qui ont changé et pas forcément en mieux :

Les choix des unités qui est perturbant. Il est difficile d’évaluer la quantité envoyé. Et personnellement j’attendais l’ajout du l’icône CdP dans la sélection des unités globales.

La perte de temps lors des raids. Avant nous pouvions retourner sur la page précédente et enchaîner les raids facilement. Maintenant nous arrivons sur la carte sans bouton précédent, ce qui multiplie les manipulations et est donc beaucoup plus long... au lieu de deux cliques, j’en suis à six ! C’est vraiment trop long

Voilà mes observations. J’espère que cela vous permettra de continuer à vous améliorer et à nous offrir un super jeu !! Merci ! 👍👍👍

Hello :)

I really like what brings the new update, it gives "new blood" and it's very nice!

However, there are two things for me that have changed and not necessarily better:

The choices of the units that is disturbing. It is difficult to estimate the quantity sent. And personally I was waiting for the addition of the COP icon in the selection of global units.

The loss of time during raids. Before we could go back to the previous page and chain the raids easily. Now we come to the map without previous button, which multiplies the manipulations and is much longer ... instead of two cliques, I'm six! It's really too long

These are my observations. I hope this will allow you to continue to improve and offer us a great game! Thank you ! 👍👍👍

Bonjour merci de partager vos préoccupations

Veuillez mettre à jour le jeu depuis le magasin car nous avons corrigé de nombreux bugs

La sélection des unités reviendra à l’option zéro dans la prochaine mise à jour du jeu.

Hello Thankyou for sharing your concerns
Please update the game from store as we fixed many bugs
Unit selection will return to zero option soon in next game update.

11 серп. 2018, 13:1111.08.18
WhitePride 88 said:

Good game :)

11 серп. 2018, 13:1211.08.18

Внук Сварога 88 said:

Хорошее обновление. 

Дайте сапфиров :)

Good update.

Give the sapphires :)

Ха-ха удачи

Haha good luck

11 серп. 2018, 13:1311.08.18
Viktor Vicious said:

This game SUCKS!!!  Update is pure trash just like the creators of this game. 
Which part do you dislike?