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Game Updates! 1.89

Game Updates! 1.89

13 окт. 2017, 14:0513.10.17
I like IT :D 
13 окт. 2017, 14:0613.10.17
This game is cool :D 
13 окт. 2017, 14:1513.10.17
We need 500k & 1M gem packs
13 окт. 2017, 14:2913.10.17

The game are using too much system resources, keeping game slow due bad programation. 

Bugs, disturbing game, like essence usage in beacons.

Combat report show enemy base status strength, no the real, thats why most time report in combats pvp green numbers are higher than red. Neglect of owners. They show events that promise improvements and show that them cares with us, offering us alms to help them. I am really discredited about them.

Around 2 years I try get resourses in hamlets, which always have owner. Most of them is unclaimed, but if you claim any, you will be attacked about 15 minutes. People ready to atk any time for no reason, all indicate people using bots. I believe there's some kind of monopoly and that may involve real life commerce, but the responsible do not investigate, while that hamlets are useless for the most.

13 окт. 2017, 14:3113.10.17
Top schon besser . Langam läuft es besser. Auch mit den neuen features
13 окт. 2017, 14:3513.10.17
i cannot upgrade my gate even i have enough sapphire.:((
13 окт. 2017, 15:2713.10.17
® adolf said:

It's not bad,i would like to have option on offence units reinforcement use
Hi! What do you mean, my Lord?
13 окт. 2017, 15:4713.10.17
artem252008 said:

Обновлеие это хорошо.но есть много нюансов.1.игра станивится для телефонов тяжелей и что бы подолжить игрт нужно покупать нове модели телефона или планшеты.это я та понимю разработчики не учитывют.2.просьба учитывать мнени играков и сделат игрушку легче чт бы телефон н пиходилось меять.
Приветствую! Если у вас наблюдаются трудности с производительностью, я рекомендую обратиться в службу поддержки
13 окт. 2017, 15:4813.10.17
This new version it much better than the old one ty
13 окт. 2017, 15:5213.10.17
Buenos días me gustaría que las misiones diarias y semanales se reinicien una vez completadas y no esperar 24 hs o 48 horas para poder completar otras misiones 
13 окт. 2017, 15:5513.10.17

MamaIlay said:

Very nice the new Update <3>
Thank you! :)
13 окт. 2017, 15:5613.10.17
Buenos días me gustaría que cuando uno recibe un ataque con bolas de fuego o cuando alguien le destruye su castillo reciba un escudo de 12 horas para poder volver a empezar 
13 окт. 2017, 15:5813.10.17
Interstellar TK said:

It's smoother than previous version. Stats increase on resources champs and good. But a big issue to address is wastage of items due to bad layout designs.

Have you tried activating paragon from divine quest window? It stops for a fraction of a second and when you again touch on the same button it ends up activating champion XP boosts. This has happened with many items and it just complete waste of an item. Please try  correcting that layout, may be arrange buttons in such a way that they don't overlap.

 Interstellar KT forest of the spirits

Thank you

Hello, my Lord! Please contact Help Center in this case. 
13 окт. 2017, 15:5913.10.17
Buenos días me gustaría poder ver cuando uno ataca a otro castillo y poder ganar los zafiros sin otro asunto me despido atte y gracias 
13 окт. 2017, 16:0313.10.17
Thii reAly love this game.   Ive  pLaying for almost 3 yars now.
13 окт. 2017, 16:0413.10.17
Game is good, great would be if players could be more stategic. Allow us to be offensive or defensive players/ raid / hamlet etc
13 окт. 2017, 16:1013.10.17

Buenas tardes

Me encantaria que podamos entrenar nuevas tropas. Y que saquen a todos los castillos abandonados de nive 1 al 20 :D
13 окт. 2017, 16:1613.10.17
Llevo jugando este juego mas de un año.. Me parece entretenido y me ayuda a distraerte en momentos de soledad... Lo único malo es que a veces demora en cargar alguna orden..se pone lento y ocurre cuando mas prisa tengo por realizar una acción que necesitó de urgencia, y por esta razón, he perdido tropas y recursos ... Le agradecería que hagan un softwere con ejecución inmediata a las ordenes.
13 окт. 2017, 16:1613.10.17
excelente actualizacion
13 окт. 2017, 16:1713.10.17

волк 59 said:

Новые герои хоршие и еще зделайте чтобы можно было видеть сколько видно было солдат на тебя идет

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Hi there! We don't plan to add such changes. If you have other suggestions, please leave them in this topic
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