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Get a chance to win 10,000 Sapphires!

Moderators for Stormfall: Age of War wanted
26 фев. 2017, 16:2326.02.17
26 фев. 2017, 16:42(отредактировано)
okay i have found one strategy that i found doing battlegrounds its an old strategy that works in taking less troop losses at battleground it goes like this send all selection in troops types meaning send all infantry types of defense troops that's archer dwarf  arbalester bear rider warden ballista huntress lost one same with cavalry nomad barbarian reiter same goes for occult units golem demon bestiary griffin dont send in undead dragon or eldritch golem and eldritch griffin now numbers to send them in send them in a base number like 500 or 1000 or more depending on the level of the battleground and depending on how much troops balur has at that battleground but for the less losses in troops strategy to work one must send in all selection of troops types and they must all be at a base number do not send one certain troop type that has one troop less or one troop more the damage system on battleground will target your most less number or more number troops causing you to lose more troops in that troop type keeping them all at the same number like 500 or 1000 or more means that the damage and troops you lose will be less and the same as the other troop types that were sent in at the same number like 500 or 1000 or more meaning troop lost becomes less this strategy can also be done without sending all troop selection types as long as their all sent at the same number like 500 or 1000 or more but its still best to go in with all troop selection types because the more selection types you send in the lesser the troop lost for this strategy to also work all troop selection types must exceed all balur troops selection types numbers like marennon orc orc rider orge send in one wraith to scout how much they have but beware balur troops numbers can go up to 20000 and more if you dont have enough troops to send in all selection in troops types then send in a small task force of 30 or more but keep it small all at the same number of all selection in troop types to weaken the battleground until they are at the numbers that all your troop selections type numbers can exceed balur troops selection types numbers if this strategy is done correctly you will suffer less troop losses when i did it correctly i won at a 40 or level 50 something battleground with dark forces strength at overwhelming and done the battleground with only 156 troop loss of all troops selection types expect for reiters as didn't have any back then because i use all the maranian amulets to train undead dragons because i got the call of blood lost art before i got maelstrom of souls lost arts and at that battleground i also use undead dragons that might of not been such a good a idea but if done correctly losses in troops should around about that 156 for troops selection types depends on the level of battleground too and troops they had its the only strategy i have found in battlegrounds that actually works apart from the yellow line strategy this strategy works as good if not better than the yellow line strategy this strategy works the same for offensive battlegrounds too just remember the same as defensive battlegrounds dont send dragon or eldritch necromancer or eldritch dragon and make sure and your resources are at the max and full gold iron and food and you have a lot of troops que up in training resources full for you get more troops from the troop payout instead of them giving you resources instead of troops and que up your troops for a bigger troop payout do that before you start trying out this strategy
26 фев. 2017, 23:4826.02.17
27 фев. 2017, 00:17(отредактировано)

Lord Oberon said:

Share your tips for winning at Battlegrounds and get a chance to win 10,000 Sapphires!

Do you have some sound advice on how to always be successful at Battlegrounds? Perhaps you have a tried-and-true strategy you are willing to share. Go ahead and do so in the comments below! The author of the most useful tip will get 10,000 Sapphires! In addition, our Community Managers will contact the winner for an interview that will then be published on our Blog on plarium.com!

Leave a comment if you have something to say about Battlegrounds!

Okay, I'll give it a shot.  This is advice I've heard from multiple players who have been doing bgs with a good degree of success for 1-2 years.  

1) For bgs, higher resource cost troops feed the bank faster.  Build pathfinders, reavers, golems, and chimera for bg.

2) Make sure to do bgs with your barns and warehouses full; this reduces the odds of getting a large payout of resources instead of troops.

3) The level of the bg can affect your payout.  Generally higher level bgs will give you better chance of occult or beastiary payout.

4) Level 61+ bgs will give you gear that boosts all 4 troop types.  The really high level bgs (such as level 100) give better odds of having the rare gear drop without being in a chest.

5) If you know roughly when your payout is coming, you will want to aim for the payout on your 2nd highest level bg.  The skull runes count as part of the payout and can end up reducing your reward if you get the payout on your highest level bg.

6) You can "spy" a bg by sending a weak troop to see what troop types oppose you.  This can help in clearing higher level bgs, since it lets you see the troop types you should use to most efficiently clear the bg.  This tactic helps when your goal is to get gear from bgs.

7)  Make sure to use your wraiths to slowly clear the saga bgs (the ones the give eldrich troops and sometimes legendary troops as reward).  Saga bgs have a set reward and are not connected to the bg bank.  Don't forget to use the league help feature to ask league members to come raise a wraith (defense request and description asking for them to raise a wraith generally works well).  This lets you get your wraiths back in action faster =)

Note:  The bank is a reference to the fact the bgs track the resource value of troops killed in the bg as well as the rewards you've earned from the bg.  Using the spreadsheets and calculators some others have mentioned, you can track how much you've paid in, how much you've gotten back (in the form of troops or resources), and estimate when your next payout should be coming (its a bit more randomized now, but in general, if you still "owe" from your last payout, you're not going to see another big payout until you've paid more back in).

Note2:  Wraiths and amulet troops do not feed the bank.  Imperial troops have a lower resource value assigned to them and feed the bank less than normal troops.  Eldrich and darkened troops have the same resource value as normal troops, even though they are superior troops.  Keep this in mind when deciding what troops to use in your bgs. 
27 фев. 2017, 17:1127.02.17
ThatGuy said:

Lord Oberon said:

Share your tips for winning at Battlegrounds and get a chance to win 10,000 Sapphires!

Do you have some sound advice on how to always be successful at Battlegrounds? Perhaps you have a tried-and-true strategy you are willing to share. Go ahead and do so in the comments below! The author of the most useful tip will get 10,000 Sapphires! In addition, our Community Managers will contact the winner for an interview that will then be published on our Blog on plarium.com!

Leave a comment if you have something to say about Battlegrounds!

Okay, I'll give it a shot.  This is advice I've heard from multiple players who have been doing bgs with a good degree of success for 1-2 years.  

1) For bgs, higher resource cost troops feed the bank faster.  Build pathfinders, reavers, golems, and chimera for bg.

2) Make sure to do bgs with your barns and warehouses full; this reduces the odds of getting a large payout of resources instead of troops.

3) The level of the bg can affect your payout.  Generally higher level bgs will give you better chance of occult or beastiary payout.

4) Level 61+ bgs will give you gear that boosts all 4 troop types.  The really high level bgs (such as level 100) give better odds of having the rare gear drop without being in a chest.

5) If you know roughly when your payout is coming, you will want to aim for the payout on your 2nd highest level bg.  The skull runes count as part of the payout and can end up reducing your reward if you get the payout on your highest level bg.

6) You can "spy" a bg by sending a weak troop to see what troop types oppose you.  This can help in clearing higher level bgs, since it lets you see the troop types you should use to most efficiently clear the bg.  This tactic helps when your goal is to get gear from bgs.

7)  Make sure to use your wraiths to slowly clear the saga bgs (the ones the give eldrich troops and sometimes legendary troops as reward).  Saga bgs have a set reward and are not connected to the bg bank.  Don't forget to use the league help feature to ask league members to come raise a wraith (defense request and description asking for them to raise a wraith generally works well).  This lets you get your wraiths back in action faster =)

Note:  The bank is a reference to the fact the bgs track the resource value of troops killed in the bg as well as the rewards you've earned from the bg.  Using the spreadsheets and calculators some others have mentioned, you can track how much you've paid in, how much you've gotten back (in the form of troops or resources), and estimate when your next payout should be coming (its a bit more randomized now, but in general, if you still "owe" from your last payout, you're not going to see another big payout until you've paid more back in).

Note2:  Wraiths and amulet troops do not feed the bank.  Imperial troops have a lower resource value assigned to them and feed the bank less than normal troops.  Eldrich and darkened troops have the same resource value as normal troops, even though they are superior troops.  Keep this in mind when deciding what troops to use in your bgs. 
Nicely organized information. Thank you for the knowledge being passed on.
27 фев. 2017, 20:3427.02.17
You're not getting our tips so you can adjust the bg's again
28 фев. 2017, 00:0828.02.17
28 фев. 2017, 05:1728.02.17
Eugenia Misura said:

It's nice to see you're using different tips, Lords and Ladies! 
When does this discussion close? You should really but in a date at the top of the post
1 март 2017, 07:1601.03.17
open bgs just for freeing up quests. do quests - generate your army from quests. don't involve with bg's otherwise. no good reason.
2 март 2017, 12:5202.03.17

I'm not good at advice but here is some. Go to http://stormfallbgscalculator.com/offensebgs and you can calculate resources for a raid or defense and offense troops. If you have failed a raid got to Defense Bgs and type in how ever many Orcs, Marrennon, Orcish Raiders, or Orges. Click submit and see how much offense Balur's troops have. If you need more help go to  Offense Bgs and type in however many unit Balur is still holding. Type them in and then it will show you the best units to attack back.

For Example:

Marrennon  Orc  Orcish Raider  Orge

44                    35               1                 6

The best unit for attacking Offense Bgs is Calvalry                                                                    I am only a level 34 so I'm still getting used to the game. I registered only

                                                                                 Bestiary                                                                    one week ago.



2 март 2017, 22:0802.03.17
3 март 2017, 17:0303.03.17

Thank you for sharing your experience, Lords and Ladies! It's time to announce a winner! Congratulations to RANDOMDROP! Thank your detailed post!

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