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Let's make the event even more impossible

Let's make the event even more impossible

11 июль 2019, 05:2211.07.19
11 июль 2019, 05:29(отредактировано)

God said:

Darkfire said:

Just wanting to point out you can easily get dungeon diver points from campaign.

Im sitting on over 1000 from just today by running through 12-3 to level food.

Its not ideal but I in my mind devs were thinking:

"People are already running campaign repeatedly for levels, lets put in an event that they can complete WHILST still farming food" 

Maybe I've just been brainwashed into thinking the devs aren't as bad as people make out though :/

I believe you are lying.  Not sure *why* you are lying, but pretty sure you are.

I have been farming brutal 12-6 literally ALL day long since early this morning.  Literally non-stop since an hour or two after the event started.  Not even sure how much energy I used, but I would say at least 2,000 energy, probably closer to 2,500 and I am only at this:

There is NO chance in hell that you have been running 12-3 and are at 1,000.  Only way I could see that is if you are farming it with a fully-geared group for fast clears and have spent well over 3,500 energy in the process.  Why don't you send us a screenshot, eh?

And for the sake of argument, IF you are at 1,000, then you know very well how much energy it costs to get there, and you know very well the point of people complaining about how much it costs to get there.  Not to mention the fact that your life has to be THIS game 24/7 to make it happen.  The game is no longer enjoyable - it is life-consuming. 

Personally, I think you are an employee of Plarium who is lying to save public image.  I just don't believe for one second someone who is not employed by them could have possibly gotten up to 1,000 already doing only 12-3.  Maybe if you were farming a top-tier dungeon all day, then sure.  But 12-3?  No, I don't believe you for one second.

If someones opinion is different than your then they all are lying...

But here i see that it's u lying. 2500 energy and only 624 points? Don't lie. Also u are all the time crying about peoples who are spending money on this game that that money can be spent on your family better etc...Where did u get 2500 energy in day 5 of the event?

Also u are lying because i'm also doing 12-3 and have spent ~2000 energy and was close to ~1200 points.

Also on Reddit there are posts about calculations how much points per energy we get doing 12-3 and based on that and on what Darkfire said and my experience i can say that u are lying that spent 2500(or if only 2000 energy) and got only 624 points.

Edit: Found reddit post i was talking about.


0.6 points per energy on brutal 12-3.

Which is also what i got ~2000 energy and ~1200 points.

11 июль 2019, 07:0611.07.19
11 июль 2019, 07:06(отредактировано)

My concern is also with the drop rate of Treefall. 

I have been doing just spider for the whole day. 

I had energy saved up and was doing farming constantly, when one run ended I started the next. 

The item drop rate is a joke, But after doing runs for the whole day I still have no Treefall. 

That is ridiculous and something is wrong. 

If you run any campaign where champions are dropped if you do it for the whole day you will get few champions during that time. 

Treefall is not dropping what so ever.


11 июль 2019, 09:0911.07.19

Dimmakaren said:

My concern is also with the drop rate of Treefall. 

I have been doing just spider for the whole day. 

I had energy saved up and was doing farming constantly, when one run ended I started the next. 

The item drop rate is a joke, But after doing runs for the whole day I still have no Treefall. 

That is ridiculous and something is wrong. 

If you run any campaign where champions are dropped if you do it for the whole day you will get few champions during that time. 

Treefall is not dropping what so ever.


I was farming him too and wasted ~2000 energy, then i just gave up...

But after that i got him from ancient shard. And today got 1 more from mystery shard.
11 июль 2019, 14:3511.07.19
TurboLv said:

If someones opinion is different than your then they all are lying...

yes and no, he didnt say how much energy he put in to that much out of it. but the whole the made two event running together yea they nerfed the frak out of the drop rate soo.. i mean i get its RNG but thats god teir RNG luck of getting items. other wise the item even is dead to me..
11 июль 2019, 15:1611.07.19
The drop rate for rotting mage is so screwy. On my alt account I ran the dungeon about 14 times and got him. On my main I’ve run it over 400 times now (literally spent all day yesterday) and still haven’t got him to drop.
11 июль 2019, 19:2911.07.19

TurboLv said:

God said:

Darkfire said:

Just wanting to point out you can easily get dungeon diver points from campaign.

Im sitting on over 1000 from just today by running through 12-3 to level food.

Its not ideal but I in my mind devs were thinking:

"People are already running campaign repeatedly for levels, lets put in an event that they can complete WHILST still farming food" 

Maybe I've just been brainwashed into thinking the devs aren't as bad as people make out though :/

I believe you are lying.  Not sure *why* you are lying, but pretty sure you are.

I have been farming brutal 12-6 literally ALL day long since early this morning.  Literally non-stop since an hour or two after the event started.  Not even sure how much energy I used, but I would say at least 2,000 energy, probably closer to 2,500 and I am only at this:

There is NO chance in hell that you have been running 12-3 and are at 1,000.  Only way I could see that is if you are farming it with a fully-geared group for fast clears and have spent well over 3,500 energy in the process.  Why don't you send us a screenshot, eh?

And for the sake of argument, IF you are at 1,000, then you know very well how much energy it costs to get there, and you know very well the point of people complaining about how much it costs to get there.  Not to mention the fact that your life has to be THIS game 24/7 to make it happen.  The game is no longer enjoyable - it is life-consuming. 

Personally, I think you are an employee of Plarium who is lying to save public image.  I just don't believe for one second someone who is not employed by them could have possibly gotten up to 1,000 already doing only 12-3.  Maybe if you were farming a top-tier dungeon all day, then sure.  But 12-3?  No, I don't believe you for one second.

If someones opinion is different than your then they all are lying...

But here i see that it's u lying. 2500 energy and only 624 points? Don't lie. Also u are all the time crying about peoples who are spending money on this game that that money can be spent on your family better etc...Where did u get 2500 energy in day 5 of the event?

Also u are lying because i'm also doing 12-3 and have spent ~2000 energy and was close to ~1200 points.

Also on Reddit there are posts about calculations how much points per energy we get doing 12-3 and based on that and on what Darkfire said and my experience i can say that u are lying that spent 2500(or if only 2000 energy) and got only 624 points.

Edit: Found reddit post i was talking about.


0.6 points per energy on brutal 12-3.

Which is also what i got ~2000 energy and ~1200 points.

1)  It's not an "opinion" it is based on my personal experience. 

2)  I am not even bothering replying to you.  You are a forum troll.  All you do is post snide remarks to people on the forums.  Never anything constructive.  Just a bully trying to get his self-aggrandizement through a forum.  Go get a life and quit being an @sshole to people on the forums.
11 июль 2019, 19:3311.07.19

TurboLv said:

Also u are lying because i'm also doing 12-3 and have spent ~2000 energy and was close to ~1200 points. 

I spent all day farming too and was only at about 850 points.  No idea why you'd farm 12-3 over 12-6, but regardless, it's not an "opinion" of someone's when they are pointing out facts.  No need to be a douche to him.  But like he said seems like that is your favorite pastime on here.

I could see a troll like you lying a lot sooner than the person you're attacking yet again on the forums.

11 июль 2019, 23:0311.07.19
11 июль 2019, 23:06(отредактировано)
michaelgsunday said:

The drop rate for rotting mage is so screwy. On my alt account I ran the dungeon about 14 times and got him. On my main I’ve run it over 400 times now (literally spent all day yesterday) and still haven’t got him to drop.
We are on the same boat.  My alt new account got it after 3 runs at stage 7.  My main account went thru hell and finally got it at stage 11 after crazy runs at stage 13 and 10.   I don’t wanna think about the spider yet while I already had a nightmare with fire knight.  
12 июль 2019, 01:2312.07.19

I'm a f2p player and was doing ok on the 20.000 event.. until the last dungeon diver came. I almost gave up there. I had enough energy to finish just 1 of those 2 events. But I don't have any legendaries so I went "all in". I used my 2 void shards and got the Tower epic hero, so I was luck enough to get a shortcut.

Regarding the dungeon diver, I started farming campaign on normal but was getting A LOT of green shards. Then I moved to dungeons level 7. I got a good result there, a little over  6  points per 10 energy. And got 2 Rotten hero from fire knight.

Now I only need the Centurion. Hopefully it won't be as hard as the dungeon diver or I'll just quit the game, at least for a while. This fusion event is really taking a lot of effort, not to mention the energy, time, etc.
12 июль 2019, 04:3812.07.19
The best we can do at this point is to stop supporting Plarium pushing the pay 2 win tactic here.  If people stop making an effort and stop buying energy, they will eventually realize that is not the way they are going to make their revenue.
14 июль 2019, 12:5014.07.19
God said:

The best we can do at this point is to stop supporting Plarium pushing the pay 2 win tactic here.  If people stop making an effort and stop buying energy, they will eventually realize that is not the way they are going to make their revenue.