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(Patch Notes) (19.08.2020) Update 2.12

(Patch Notes) (19.08.2020) Update 2.12

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
20 авг. 2020, 14:3320.08.20

Greetings and Salutations!

I want to clarify some of the effects of the changes involved in this patch.

Haha, opponents in the Classic Arena are now even stronger than before!!!
In the classic arena nothing has changed :(

Changes to matchmaking and the inactive players handling algorithm will not fix an increase in difficulty curve on Classic Arena right away. We did not change the current placement of players in their Tiers and did not affect their scores. By this patch, we remove inactive players from influencing overall rating and encourage movement between active players. This will alleviate some tension over time.

We are working on changes to the current matchmaking algorithm and will add them to the game over the next couple of patches. This is only the starting point.

Expand G4, Platinum or both to fix.
The real problem with arena is that player power and account growth has kept going up, but the amount of space in the arena tiers have stayed the same. The stronger the whale accounts are, the more push-down occurs. 

There are no limits to the number of players in each tier of the Classic Arena, except Platinum. The Push occurs due to the activity and competitiveness of players in the Gold Tiers overall. Other competitors usually target Non-Meta teams due to the permanence of the current Meta.

Inactive players are not the real problem in Arena, so this part will fix nothing
What did you do to "improve matchmaking" ? What do you call "closer to your strength" ? 

Sadly, several smaller problems greatly contribute to the situation overall, and we are working to mitigate their influence.

 Improvements in matchmaking are changes to the current algorithms that form opponents list closer to our vision of the feature and fairer to the players involved, "closer to your strength," so to say.

ive noticed since the patch yesterday the purchasing of cb keys which use to go into your inbox went straight into my cb key register throwing my key countdown out and basically turning what I was storing into having to use straight away
greenknight ive sent you a dm about this not sure if you sure or not 

There might be some misunderstanding involved. Key, which everyone can buy for gems are always going straight to the game, and keys from offers and gifts go to the mail. There was no change to the feature in 2.12.

However, if they don't fix arena, then your solution may be a viable one. just adjust the missions to be bronze, high bronze, and silver instead of silver, gold, etc. I'm in your situation now myself. I can finish about 80% of the missions that are in place, I've done pretty much all of them already, but can't get the arena ones done because power is too lopsided.

Thank you for the suggestion, we are considering similar changes to the missions. We will inform you of any developments on that front in our bi-weekly reports.

Have a nice day and stay safe.

20 авг. 2020, 20:5120.08.20
20 авг. 2020, 20:53(отредактировано)

caldarolad said:

As a fairly new player, I started about 40 days ago.  I very quickly reached the "Reach Silver 1" mission.  This was not feasible at all, until I hit the 30 day mark and got Khatun.  It's a struggle to get past bronze 3.  I managed to reach bronze 4 by refreshing every 15 minutes for the entire day, then I used about 80 gems worth of refreshes to boost up to silver 1 to complete the mission.  I finished like 5 more missions and now there's another one to get 50 silver medals.  It's been about 2 weeks since then, still don't have a single silver medal.  Looks like there's basically no way to progress through the missions at this point unless I get an extremely lucky shard draw.  The average attack power of teams is 110k, and the average speed, with the aura is above 247 (cause that's what I have, and I am never going first) in bronze 4.  Silver 1 is above that.  If I look at my next mission after the silver medals, it's to clear fire knight stage 3 on auto, and then to clear stage 7 or durham forest on hard with 3 stars.  I've already got every star in brutal, and am on fire knight 12.  The order of these missions may be off......in fact, I could clear the next 25 missions immediately, until it gets to upgrade a great hall bonus to level 4, which is again locked behind silver medals.  If you removed the arena missions, I could very easily clear that whole segment of the missions.

Maybe the arenas are at their expected difficulty, but the missions are out of order?

I have been stuck on this mission for 2 weeks now, they need to nerf the missions never mind arena! Absolute nightmare at just under 40 days and I cant get a sniff at the missions.

21 авг. 2020, 00:4721.08.20
The arena is so messed up feels like a waist of time doing any more than enough battles required for clan activity 
21 авг. 2020, 15:0321.08.20
why dont make a diamond rank for the highest players or up the number of players in each rank 
24 авг. 2020, 07:5424.08.20

After nearly a week with the new Arena Setting in classic and 3v3 I have to say the "matchmaking" algorythm is …. crap.

I'm at 110k power and Need to refresh at least 10 times a day to get my 5 battles a day for the daily Mission done, as I nearly only get Teams served which have 150k+ power.

Before there were some 100k power Teams in upper Gold 3 and lower Gold 4 …. and they couldn't all have been inactive or they would have gone a lot earlier. 

In Addition the "1-champ-defence-teams" are nearly completely gone. I guess a lot of them were from Players you now removed as "inactive" even though they do farm their Points (else they'd also be gone from Gold 3/4 super fast) and those popped up a lot the last few weeks and I know of many who still do this but in a massive amount of refreshs (what feels like a Trillion) I saw Maybe two of those Teams where before I'd find at least 2 per day.

So besides the "easy to beat" Teams which dissapeared the difficulty of normal Teams you see (at least I find) in classic and 3v3 Arena jumped MASSIVELY (classic - 90-130k Teams nearly completely gone when I refresh, only 150k+ for instance).

Not fun. 

I mean, Arena was never fun for me, but it's a forced upon-us mechanism (you Need GH Bonus for PVE Progression. You Need your tier-Bonus for PVE Progression. You can't just take a week off, as then you'd find yourself in lower silver or even bronze and have to work days or even weeks to get back to where you were …..) but this kills the last bit of "ok, I'll just get over with it" positive mood I still had for it and just makes it a pain in the ass and underlines why Arena will be the reason I'll stop playing this game. Just way too frustrating for the  limited amount of reward you get.

I mean, the only reward is tier-Bonus + GH. The gear? fuck that. Even on Gold 4 you get only crap. Why not at least 6-star or stuff WITHOUT FLAT STATS as main stat in Gold 3 & Gold 4 ? It doesn't have to be the Special O.P. armor from Platin, but at least GIVE THE PLAYERS something they CAN USE in the TIER they are in. Not 4* crap which you can't even use in upper silver anymore…. (not Talking About how bad the rewards are "down there" compared to what you Need either…..)

26 авг. 2020, 00:2126.08.20

So i investeted in this game ks of euros....and they chooise to spit in my face....let this be a warning for All new players..dont spend a penny!

26 авг. 2020, 23:3826.08.20

longer you take to actually fix the arena both classic and 3 v3 or more importantly the mission setup the more unhappy players you ll continue to have

I wont be rushing out to spend $$$$ on your game

cant believe how long its taking to get this sorted

arbiter mission push dead for me now since gold 1 is so out of reach due to OP teams let alone trying to get to gold 3

the hall upgrade resource setup needs changing as no one esp FTP or minor spenders is going to be slaying it to gold 3 anytime soon the way arena is going at the moment

GreenKnightCommunity Manager
28 авг. 2020, 15:5628.08.20
28 авг. 2020, 15:56(отредактировано)


Before there were some 100k power Teams in upper Gold 3 and lower Gold 4 …. and they couldn't all have been inactive or they would have gone a lot earlier.
In Addition the "1-champ-defence-teams" are nearly completely gone. I guess a lot of them were from Players you now removed as "inactive" even though they do farm their Points 

The main criterion for a player to become inactive is the lack of offensive matches from the player.

The Gold tiers have a very active competition, so those with the one champion defense would lose their placement fast. If that was an active player, he will pop in more opponents and lose his placement more quickly after the removal of inactive ones.

longer you take to actually fix the arena both classic and 3 v3 or more importantly the mission setup the more unhappy players you ll continue to have
cant believe how long its taking to get this sorted 

While Arena matchmaking is one of our top priorities, such changes should not be rushed, to not сouse farther escalation of the issue.

The arena is so messed up feels like a waist of time doing any more than enough battles required for clan activity 

Sorry to hear that. We are working on a big matchmaking update in the near future, hope it will bring back your interest in the Arena.

Have a nice day, and stay safe!

30 авг. 2020, 09:3030.08.20
Valkyrie said:

As of version 2.12, Raid: Shadow Legends will no longer be supported on x86 (32-bit) Android devices

That means have no chance to play on linux anymore =(
GreenKnightCommunity Manager
1 сент. 2020, 13:1301.09.20


chrono said:

Valkyrie said:

As of version 2.12, Raid: Shadow Legends will no longer be supported on x86 (32-bit) Android devices

That means have no chance to play on linux anymore =(

Sadly, those devices are no longer compatible. If you are using an emulator, I would recommend checking additional settings. There might be a system workaround.

Have a nice day and good luck.

3 сент. 2020, 16:2003.09.20
This is a joke. Having this pvp mechanic is a predatory business tactic which has taken any semblance of fun away from this game. How can you make MILLIONS yet cant hire a decent programmer to fix this? I'm done. I'm changing all my reviews. This won't be tolerated by any player base. It actually detered me from spending my money,  why spend my money to still get beat? Why is it all your content creators are laughing at the state of your game? Why is your new player base leaving? Your fix has done nothing to help. Remove the challenge all together so people can have a chance at playing your game. Nerf your arena before we nerf our spending. Thanks for not listening as always <3
4 сент. 2020, 02:4704.09.20

Thanks for breaking the game even MORE than it was before - Tormin attacking for no reason, coming out from death with no freeze, arena people coming out of sleep and attacking immediately, Rotos attacking for no reason.

Awesome - how much more can you break the game?

12 сент. 2020, 07:4012.09.20
12 сент. 2020, 07:40(отредактировано)
Before the upgrade I was reaching up to gold 2 with legendary heroes with around 110k. Now i can't reach silver 1. I have fights in bronze 3 or 4 in which i can't stand round 1. For me you guys are destroying a great game!! I'm not a great pay gamer but up from €50 to €100 per month was ok if i have fun with the game. But now it is not so funny anymore. Pls change it back before the upgrade. Or fix it that it will be work better