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(Patch Notes) (25.11.2019) Update 1.12

(Patch Notes) (25.11.2019) Update 1.12

29 нояб. 2019, 09:3529.11.19

Pleas fix + rebalance Richtoff the Bold, hes a legendary made for CB but he suxs + hes bugged do to the fact Flesh-Tearer A3 will not exstend Ritchofs 5% poison debuffs on CB

Improvment sugestion exept fixing the bug.

Make Richtoff A1 50% atk down debuff

Or make his A2 put up 4 or 5,  5% poison debuffs 100% it´s only 3 now

Best would be
A1 50% atk down aoe
A2 4 5% poison debuffs
A3 like it is (make him a true legendary for CB buy giving him enemy max hp on this spell)

But pleas fix the bug with Fles-Tearer not exstending Richtoffs debuffs

30 нояб. 2019, 18:0830.11.19

Richtoff the bold as he is really doesnt fit anywhere so some love for him would be great.

His Spread debuffs is a fun ablility but very hard to utilize.i think he really should get a damage based on enemy-max HP on his A3. that would make him a good legendary and useful for most dungeons, his A1 looks ok on paper but the damage is so low that its almost not noticeable. A2 is fine though.

1 дек. 2019, 01:4901.12.19

The patch v1.12 does not work for Fenax A1 skill (Put Down) - Attacks 1 enemy. Places an extra hit if the target has any debuffs. Enemies killed by this skill cannot be revived.


quote from patch v1.12

Skills that prevent Champions from being revived nwo work as intended when Champions are killed with Giant Slayer and Warmaster Masteries.
4 дек. 2019, 09:2104.12.19

I really appreciate a lot of the changes made in this update. Nightmare campaign has been good so far, the difficulty level seems to be appropriate. I am a little less than half way through it so far. The 1 mil+ silver rewards for starring the campaign have helped me massively and made it so I could finally start getting somewhere with building my champs and completing challenges.

 Some of the champs you buffed are champs I have (Excrutiator, Grimskin) and I was excited to see that because I figured they were going to be useless champs that were ignored permanently. I haven’t tested them out yet but I was just happy to see they were improved at all.

 I was also happy to see the Reinbeast balance. Now he’s a champion I can sometimes beat, but he wasn’t nerfed to the point that I can easily beat him. Now I will attempt to fight arena teams with him and I win *sometimes*, whereas before I would usually never even attempt. If I did attempt in the past, 9/10 times I would fail even against solo Reinbeast using my best 6* champs with stun or heal reduc.

 I was very happy to see the difficulty reduced for faction wars. For every faction I was able to 3* all the levels up to the first boss and then I was stuck before the update. I knew I would need at least two 6* champs from each faction to get farther, so I was seemingly stuck forever. Now I’m able to beat the first boss and get a few levels farther with one or less 6* champ on my team. The only problem I’ve run into so far is the first boss in the Undead Hordes faction. I have a fully leveled and ascended (and 1 book away from fully booked) Bad-El-Kazar and a handful of other good 4* champs from that faction and I still can’t beat the first boss. It seems like I’m able to do plenty of damage but that boss is so strong that it one-shots all of my team except Bad-El on the first hit, and then my Bad-El is killed after the next hit or two. It seems like that boss is disproportionately stronger than the first bosses from all the other factions. Bad-El is my strongest champ, he has more than double the HP of all my other champs (except Hakkorhn Smashlord) and he can solo most of the mid-late stage dungeons, so it’s crazy that he barely makes a dent in the first boss of faction wars with a full team. Even with the current difficulty of faction wars Im pretty sure I will never be able to get far enough to earn a sacred shard. It seems that far out of reach. I’m level 54 with 5 6* champs, not f2p but not a whale either. Not sure how attainable you want faction wars to be for the average spending player, but I feel like someone at my level of playing (and spending) should be able to get to the second boss of faction wars with their strongest faction(s). 

4 дек. 2019, 14:1104.12.19
Hello, guys! Thank you very much for your inspiring words and for your understanding. We will keep re-balancing champions, Faction Wars, preparing an interesting New Year Fusion and the remaining things from the Roadmap for you.
5 дек. 2019, 11:5005.12.19
That's sound like good news. I really hope that Sir Nicholas will get back ! :-D
6 дек. 2019, 09:5906.12.19

I love visuals at the portal for 2x summon chance. So clear what is it all about.

I hope that light pillar matches color with shards having double chances (blue for ancients and violet for voids) same as we have gold one for sacreds right now.

11 дек. 2019, 02:0911.12.19


I need the Update 1.12.1. Where I can find the right Download?

11 дек. 2019, 16:3411.12.19

Hello! You can always find the most recently released version of the game in your store under My apps. 

As for the color of the fire in the Portal during x2 events, let's wait for the next one and see :)
11 дек. 2019, 23:2811.12.19

Is there a list of changes that happened during the most recent update the other day?

I only ask because I was so pumped to finally get my Skullcrown to 30,100 Power,

Now when I logged in after the update, my Skullcrown is down to 29,000 power :( Curious what changed. 

Hope someone can assist, I have been unable to find anything.

Thanks :)

12 дек. 2019, 18:5212.12.19
Hey, i saw you said lugan and sethallia would be looked at once more. Any indication of when this would be? I was surprised about lugan tho, he seems great already!
13 дек. 2019, 08:5813.12.19
13 дек. 2019, 08:58(отредактировано)

Please, for the love of god, add descriptions to version fixes you are releasing! I want to know why I have to download a new version!

As it is, it's just the same description as the last "big" update. There's absolutely no info on what the fix includes.

19 дек. 2019, 12:0219.12.19
Is it confirmed that Ma'Shalled is part of 1.13 balance updates? I've been waiting a loooong time for this to happen
19 дек. 2019, 15:4519.12.19

Hi guys! We do understand your confusion over these small releases and not knowing what they are about. The thing is that most of the releases that come with dots and numbers (like 1.12.3, 1.12.4) are hotfixes. They only contain some technical updates for improving the game performance. The situation with fixing Jack's AI was rather an exception and we will make sure that you are notified about significant changes like that in the future. 

And yes, Ma'Shalled is on the list for re-balancing in 1.13.
20 дек. 2019, 03:2020.12.19

Very little difference in Faction Wars for me.  I only have a handful of 60s.  So FW is still lame to me.  My toons just get CC locked on a lot of the bosses, and it's not like there is a wide variety to handle the different situations.  When FW was announced I thought it was going to be the four races in each faction, not the single races.  Seems like it should be called 'Race Wars'.

Nightmare campaign is impossible unless you have uber champs with uber gear.  I used 4 of my top toons with good gear and stalled out on Durham Forest boss.  It's not fun, it's just frustrating.  And for twice the energy that Brutal costs it's not worth it to me.

How bout a little love for rare champs for us normal players?  I noted that Guardian's A1 which says it's supposed to reduce all enemies buffs when it procs, but it doesn't work.  It's only working for the target.  That was the only reason I leveled him and now it's wasted.
2 янв. 2020, 13:0202.01.20
Cirilla said:

Hello, guys! Thank you very much for your inspiring words and for your understanding. We will keep re-balancing champions, Faction Wars, preparing an interesting New Year Fusion and the remaining things from the Roadmap for you.
Any rough dates for the new year fusion and 1.13?
2 янв. 2020, 15:4802.01.20

Hello! The New Year Fusion is already over :) It was the one for Tormin. There will be another exciting Fusion launched a little later. We do need to give you guys a break and some time to replenish your resources before the next one.

As for 1.13, can't give any ETA, either, yet. We are actively preparing for it.

Gateway inc said:

Cirilla said:

Hello, guys! Thank you very much for your inspiring words and for your understanding. We will keep re-balancing champions, Faction Wars, preparing an interesting New Year Fusion and the remaining things from the Roadmap for you.
Any rough dates for the new year fusion and 1.13?

2 янв. 2020, 18:3502.01.20
Thanks for the clarification, I took tormin as an Xmas one and thought this was separate.
8 янв. 2020, 10:4408.01.20

Marius said:

Greetings, Raiders!

Mastery Scrolls Purchase For Gems

As of Update 1.12, it will be possible to max out Mastery Scrolls for a chosen Champion at the cost of 800 Gems. The price does not change no matter how many Scrolls the Champion has at the time of the purchase. This can be done at any point (unless the Champion’s Scrolls are already maxed out, then the purchase is not available), but keep in mind that the Champion will still need to reach Rank 6 to use the highest tier Mastery.

Could you please do the same with champions skills like max out all skill without books will cost x amount gems?

8 янв. 2020, 13:4608.01.20
Loserion said:

Marius said:

Greetings, Raiders!

Mastery Scrolls Purchase For Gems

As of Update 1.12, it will be possible to max out Mastery Scrolls for a chosen Champion at the cost of 800 Gems. The price does not change no matter how many Scrolls the Champion has at the time of the purchase. This can be done at any point (unless the Champion’s Scrolls are already maxed out, then the purchase is not available), but keep in mind that the Champion will still need to reach Rank 6 to use the highest tier Mastery.

Could you please do the same with champions skills like max out all skill without books will cost x amount gems?

Also, why is purchasing scrolls always 800 gems? Why isn't there a discount if you have reached a certain level of masteries already?