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26 нояб. 2015, 03:4526.11.15
DavidSkulski - you're comments are appreciated. I do see many of the points you've made. Many others have given similar suggestions. I cannot give an exact time table but you should start to see some excitement. Just give our devs sometime. Our suggestions are being listened to more frequently. Please do leave more feedback though, its much appreciated to help improve the game for all of us.
26 нояб. 2015, 09:1826.11.15

Woow... that's Very Cool Capt. Anne, 

could I ask for something, you can make we can highlight and copy the chatter of our Brotherhood members.

9 дек. 2015, 13:2009.12.15

There is a HUGE bug in the game. Nautical Charts can not be used to speed up your raid. When you want to use it and push the Naut.Chart button it gives you a message that Nautical Charts cant be used for this action.

Wonderful, now I can wait for an hour to finish my raid and the one that is being rated has plenty of time to get reinforcements or put his Defence out. Proberly this is going to cost me a lot.

Please FIX THIS!!
Anne BonnieCharacter
10 дек. 2015, 13:0910.12.15
Liz LB said:

There is a HUGE bug in the game. Nautical Charts can not be used to speed up your raid. When you want to use it and push the Naut.Chart button it gives you a message that Nautical Charts cant be used for this action.

Wonderful, now I can wait for an hour to finish my raid and the one that is being rated has plenty of time to get reinforcements or put his Defence out. Proberly this is going to cost me a lot.

Please FIX THIS!!
Ahoy Captain! Have ye tried clearing yer browser's cache? If it is not helpful, try using another browser, Google Chrome, fer example.
18 дек. 2015, 02:3118.12.15
29 дек. 2018, 17:07(отредактировано)

fun game

6 июнь 2016, 20:5106.06.16
29 дек. 2018, 16:46(отредактировано)
wonderful thanks
7 июнь 2016, 12:3707.06.16
I love this game and the three years I've been playing between here and Kabam's website emphasize that fact.  As far as the activity level, it is what you make it.  I've gone months without battle interactions between players as I was laying low and building troops, then had times where I could get ships in the water fast enough.  It is a strategic game and can be played and enjoyed in many ways.  Be careful what you wish for as well, there's some who mention not enough activity and then some who have posted about losing all their D or too many tourneys going on at once.  Again, the game is what you make of it.  I for one have made a life of it, I'll be a Pirate until I'm deep in Davy Jones Locker.  
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
8 июнь 2016, 13:5408.06.16
ASH said:

I love this game and the three years I've been playing between here and Kabam's website emphasize that fact.  As far as the activity level, it is what you make it.  I've gone months without battle interactions between players as I was laying low and building troops, then had times where I could get ships in the water fast enough.  It is a strategic game and can be played and enjoyed in many ways.  Be careful what you wish for as well, there's some who mention not enough activity and then some who have posted about losing all their D or too many tourneys going on at once.  Again, the game is what you make of it.  I for one have made a life of it, I'll be a Pirate until I'm deep in Davy Jones Locker.  
Thank you for your feedback 
8 июнь 2016, 23:5308.06.16
29 дек. 2018, 16:59(отредактировано)

DavidSkulski said:

Your analytics should have showed you ppl leave the game after a day or two


Hey Guys

Im a new user, in that im playing my third day now of the game (but ive been playing online games for years, one you can figure from my id)....

what I would say Ive found in the first few days I find, either offputting or as a new user would find daunting...

1) theres just way too much going on... theres the in game tutorial type quests, then theres the daily quests, then theres the events, the prestige thing, add in the various "spend money on me" icons and there is just way too much going on for a new user. Its almost daunting. Its clear theres a great deal of depth with all these different reward, and obviously the game makers want to showcase all of that, but there is sometimes too much of a good thing.. maybe just have the tutorials and daily quests initially, introduce prestige after a few day, events a week or so later.. 

2) the helpfile needs work, its not very, dare I say it helpful. Even looking at the helpfile it didnt really explain what the difference between a raid and a blockade was, and the blockade element, I pretty much had to figure out for myself.. theres no real guide to a. what a blockade is b. how you do it c. what you actually do once the blockade is in place. And this is the case with a lot of things. Ive been kinda ok because im a pretty experienced MMO player, but ive still made a shed ton of mistakes and had to figure out a whole load of things myself because the help files are kinda vague. 

3) The constant popup saying to invite your friends by facebook etc is REALLY REALLY ANNOYING. 

4) The biggest problem is the sketches. Early on in the game (the first 2-3 days) you can make really good progress. Building troops, buildings, discoveries etc but then you hit the wall as I have done today. Basically all progress is now pretty much stopped by the fact that to progress any further i need sketches to research the discoveries that i need to unlock new buildings, units etc.

This is where you hit the paywall. Because 1 sketch a day really doesnt get you very far. It will take me six days to be able to get mathetics (if im lucky), four days to get grappling hook. Thats ten days to research the next two key discoveries, if im lucky and get the right ones every day. 

This is where the problem comes.. Im three days in, made good progress, but now im looking at 4-10 days before I can make any more progress, (and im looking down the line at the other "discoveries" and thinking, yeh, its gonna be christmas before i get any of them)

Dont get me wrong, its a solid game, graphically its great, the balance of free to play and pay to win isnt that horrendous in that you can still play without spending anything and you can spend just a little and benefit pretty well. The teamwork aspect is fairly good, could possibly do with more than just a shared chat , but the teamplay aspect is there. 

I shall keep playing, its just my thoughts as a new user, a bit too much going on, will confuse people who are new to online games, and the wall you hit very early on with "discoveries" is a real tough one, its basically, "you are stuck here for 6-10 days or you can pay to unlock sketches now)"


11 июнь 2016, 12:2411.06.16
  I have sent messages about this and received there are other options. I prefer payments from gift cards. I have always been a cash player to keep in several toun at one time. Usa passed a law that only accounts that have personal information may make an overseas purchase on line. This was not an issue since plarium used to process in California. it is now when you moved it out of the county from here. Safety in gift cards keeps the down side of a large game being hack etc and having to worry about it.(it did happen when the ad hackers did it a few months ago) I cannot be the only one who is very hesitant to use any other method than a tried and true safe one? Looking at our player base, we have alot in usa and Spanish speaking and German speaking...along with many others since they are allowed to process over seas and we are not..why not move it back to what we had before?  Arrr my last complaint on this issue. I will continue to enjoy and play the game just maybe a bit slower..
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
13 июнь 2016, 10:0413.06.16
Thank you for your feedback, guys. If you have any suggestions, please share in Suggestions and Feedback thread. I would really appreciate it.