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Invaders, the way forward,  and are old tactics redundant?

Invaders, the way forward, and are old tactics redundant?

Mar 14, 2022, 03:0203/14/22
Mar 14, 2022, 03:04(edited)

Many of you seem to only be looking at the cost reduction aspect of the royal guardian gear,there is more value to it than just that

Most of the pieces also increase heros offence against invaders and also offer reduced invader defence which means you hit the invaders harder which in turn reduces the number of hits needed to kill the invader thus making it cheaper in that aspect also,personaly i very rarely will ever 1 hit a L6 or Uber but we all play differently,i hope this adds some more perspective on the topic

Mar 14, 2022, 10:1703/14/22

I was going to add in my response to Blazeo and John.

The question of whether to blow out a lot of energy on killing higher levels, or steadily plow through level one, remains part of the original question, especially now since the introduction of achievements and goodness knows what else.

 Also,I may now just have enough keys and books to finish all the way to hero 70, but as with other reasons for not maxing out invader knowledge, it may be time to reconsider.

WDYWTNTF  I seriously doubt you have enough keys to get through hero 70 ... you can look up how many you need ... 

Mar 14, 2022, 10:2003/14/22
Mar 14, 2022, 15:09(edited)

Another reason you want guardsman gear (I usually first recommend get unusual then go for legendary) ... Is so you can use it to attack higher level invaders to get knowledge and build hero and shaman gear ... that takes a lot of time off those processes ... 

Mar 14, 2022, 10:3203/14/22
Mar 14, 2022, 15:10(edited)

Based on players complaints and my own experience, the special gems and keys  do not drop like manna from heaven.

As I have pointed out, hitting Ubers  as you seem to do would drain my energy stock faster than it would be replaced.

Others may want or need or find a use for levelling up special gear but it's most unlikely I will  in the forseeable future, if ever.

You can certainly play the game as you desire, but all that chasing is going to give you so little benefit from having them that you, and others, would see if only the scales fell from your eyes.

Curiously I had been unable to find any RGM on the map,but they now appear to have respawned.

When you hit lvl 1 invaders ok the guardsman gear hardly helps (for that I do not even bother to put it on ... also I do not put it on for lvl 2 invaders) ... when you are hitting lvl 6 and ubers it helps ALOT ... as you already said you spend 1.5 times as much on an uber if you do not have it ... if you want to get top knowledge and building gear for hero and shaman ... I do not think there is enough time in a person's life to get it hitting level 1 invaders ... 

That being said for points in certain events you can get more points hitting lower level invaders/ghosts than higher level ones with same amount of energy ... but then again time is a problem and also what you get as far as drops per energy ... 

And the "if only the scales fell from your eyes" comment ... totally unnecessary and quite condescending  ...

Mar 14, 2022, 12:3803/14/22

WDYWTNTF  I seriously doubt you have enough keys to get through hero 70 ... you can look up how many you need ... 

 I wrote I may have enough keys,wasn't certain on anything, it was so long ago that I looked at the requirements, I hadn't even got to Hero 60,so it wasn't urgent. 

I think I just spent 16,000 keys to open up the next level,it's of so little consequence to my game that I haven't even used the 12 special skills given.  

For conformation of the process, I may fast track to the next level.  

I don't know if the amount of keys needed has gone up, it wouldn't surprise if it had, its the sort of thing they do. 

Checked amount of keys needed and reckon I can get to 68 with what I have, so you are right,  presently I do not have enough keys for level 70.  

Got Hero level 60, 14 months ago,so may have enough by the time I need them.

Mar 14, 2022, 14:0003/14/22

I killed ten Ubers this morning and gathered a bit of data along the way.

With a legendary RG set (and maxed hero skills) the energy cost on a Monday (with the 10% energy depletion bonus) is 934 units per normal attack, with no gear the energy cost is 1,075.

With gear and a 20% hero's offence item it took between 52 and 56 hits to take down each Uber (with one maverick 47) with  a mean of about 54 (from the very small sample).  So the saving achieved with the gear is about 7,600 units per Uber.

Energy cost would also be increased w/o gear by an increased number of hits being required as the gear increases the power of each hit.  I did no test to see how many more hits might be required.  For the same reason the drops achieved would be of lower quality w/o gear.  I was getting quite a lot of epic (purple) items and gems and the occasional legendary, maybe an average of a bit less than three legendary per kill.  Again I do not know the degree to which having no gear would reduce quality.

There is another small benefit in that checkpoints in events such as Fighting Invaders are reached more quickly with gear.  Again I made no attempt to quantify this.

And there is a saving in time.

Mar 14, 2022, 15:2703/14/22
Mar 14, 2022, 15:30(edited)

 I wrote I may have enough keys,wasn't certain on anything, it was so long ago that I looked at the requirements, I hadn't even got to Hero 60,so it wasn't urgent. 

I think I just spent 16,000 keys to open up the next level,it's of so little consequence to my game that I haven't even used the 12 special skills given.  

For conformation of the process, I may fast track to the next level.  

I don't know if the amount of keys needed has gone up, it wouldn't surprise if it had, its the sort of thing they do. 

Checked amount of keys needed and reckon I can get to 68 with what I have, so you are right,  presently I do not have enough keys for level 70.  

Got Hero level 60, 14 months ago,so may have enough by the time I need them.

The amount of keys has not gone up ... so if you just spent 16k keys to
go to next level you are at hero lvl 63 ... and if you can get to hero
level 68 then you have at least 365k keys ... and then need another 360k
keys to get to hero level 70 ... and you said you are not thinking of
doing anything but hero experience equipment until you get to hero level
70 (yes I deduced that from your posts cuz that was pretty much what
you said) and now you say that leveliing up your hero that "it's of so
little consequence to my game that I haven't even used the 12 special
skills given" ... so do tell what is of consequence to your game??? 

Mar 14, 2022, 16:1803/14/22
Mar 14, 2022, 16:49(edited)

The scales fell from my eyes, so I can no longer take the game seriously,too much manipulation by too many types of people,instigated  partly by the changes to the game which has effectively  locked players out of certain aspects of it, seemingly to force players into a specific, and faster way of play that only results in harder objectives ( e.g. no runic coins till level 33,and only in the higher leagues like you complained about) and more time and cash needed.

 There is so little to be gained  for me otherwise so I now play mostly to the pass the time and whatever I do or can do is not really by design, but by accident.

Like I said,time for a rethink,maybe forget the few goals, and using up what I have quickly, and actually stop altogether, which I have considered, they are making it so much easier to do, I still curse when I miss the opportunity to claim something, but what the heck, it now doesn't matter like it did when I started  this thread, and perhaps the time is more precious spent elsewhere.

All I can say is good luck to rest.

I already have the hero experience equipment and yes thats about all I'm doing,upping the level,apart from similarly with ghosts and occasionally trying to finish floor 10.

Forging the rest of the RGM  and seeing the results will provide some different ertainment and enlightenment.  

Didn't get to address the other points about building and learning, already got the maximum from Inga, need more charms for Baggi to get his, but I am not building or learning, so I don't need the shaman gear, nor better special equipment that  I have no access to, but couldnt forge if I did because I don't have the gear to forge them with, cause it takes too much to get them, no, not be gettting mega energy pots and hitting umpteen ubers to speed that  journey up .

Mar 14, 2022, 19:0403/14/22

No problem. I wish you well in the game.😀

Mar 15, 2022, 12:1203/15/22
Mar 16, 2022, 12:20(edited)

Many of you seem to only be looking at the cost reduction aspect of the royal guardian gear,there is more value to it than just that

Most of the pieces also increase heros offence against invaders and also offer reduced invader defence which means you hit the invaders harder which in turn reduces the number of hits needed to kill the invader thus making it cheaper in that aspect also,personaly i very rarely will ever 1 hit a L6 or Uber but we all play differently,i hope this adds some more perspective on the topic

Thanks for your input, I knew, and others probably did also, that the RGM hero gear does the things you describe, but as you point out, it's still all about cutting the overall energy cost in killing invaders.

Also, because I  had only built White boots, and the reduction in energy required per hit is obvious when you put them on, is why I only mentioned this part.

 Edited below.

It is highly deceptive when they quote X % reduction, because the base level is obscured.

Mar 16, 2022, 02:4303/16/22

WDYWTNTF ,I realise a lot has changed since this thread was created,the biggest change being the need for legendary gems to transform to dust for any clan that has a L4 sh and is capable of running a stronghold defence (IMO) this is where a full set of invader gear is really important to help get a better quality drop of gems.

Plarium is constantly moving the goalposts and should they continue to do so i too may reconsider my commitment to the game and part ways

Mar 16, 2022, 12:0503/16/22
Mar 16, 2022, 12:11(edited)

WDYWTNTF ,I realise a lot has changed since this thread was created,the biggest change being the need for legendary gems to transform to dust for any clan that has a L4 sh and is capable of running a stronghold defence (IMO) this is where a full set of invader gear is really important to help get a better quality drop of gems.

Plarium is constantly moving the goalposts and should they continue to do so i too may reconsider my commitment to the game and part ways

You are right, much has changed,such that I can't recall the timeline, except I do know it's around 2 years ago that the achievements were introduced,and the real rot intensified for me when they changed the parameters.

It is also certain that this post has had more attention since its surprising recent revival, than when I first posted and really needed the advice on how best to use the little amout of hero energy that I had, was available then. 

Mar 21, 2022, 00:0103/21/22

Yes, the game keeps changing more and more. Now it is Ubba gear and Reine gear that you need- and to upgrade that gear as high as you can.

For that you need incredible amounts of materials- so you need to hit those uber chiefs A LOT, all 4 of them.

Don't even think of hitting an uber chief without full invader gear, a 20% hero booster, and your hero points adjusted.