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Current Battlegrounds Algorythim Mechanics

Current Battlegrounds Algorythim Mechanics

Nov 13, 2017, 20:1811/13/17

Current Battlegrounds Algorythim Mechanics

The only problem I have is not the mechanics of how to seek a payout. But the repercussions of seeking that payout. I find this to be the biggest current problem. And it's time for a change. Palarium is working in a downhill spiral now and this is BS. Not only has Palarium increased our kill tax but now 0 payout BGs are even more common. I however teach BGs and no one on this forum is gonna sit here and tell me I am wrong. It's funny how I can seek a payout on 164, reinvest to meet the invisible 80% threshold and have to expend 5 to 10 bgs adding tax as I go just to seek a payout in the 80% specrum that should have hit, it shouldn't have had a choice. Battlegrounds is part of our in game environment. The lack of Palariums care is reflecting on Line App. And all of the BG heads are really getting fed up and pissed. If you keep taxing us more than our gain through Daily Troop Training and Reward Brackets then what is the point of even participating. We understand what is going on, the philosophy is withhold and they will pay. This philosophy is not okay because Battle grounds are the heart and soul of the game. And we should not be punished with tax and limiters for playing this position of the game. Losses should be done in PvP not Battlegrounds. The battlegrounds are where we come to spend our time. But the Algorythums are built to entrain harder and rape our RRS recovery. And this is ridiculous. Without BGs the game is boring. Palarium needs to take a little bit better care of the Battlegrounds. Does it need to be challenging sure. I am sorry but no one is gonna just join the game and figure it out without a training program. And input to output shouldn't change but it shouldn't be built to bury us either. You can't even hit top 10 anymore without burning 10 to 30 million power. Taken, gone, never to be returned. We have to burn the nest repetitively to hit top 10, there is no challenge in that, just depression and anger. Someone with some intelligence and pull needs to reach out to me. Because this is a very serious problem, things need to change and I can give the proper advice on how to and why. Because this is starting to be detrimental to our gaming communities. Lets take some actual pride in the game and bring BGs back to the Beginner and Mid Crowd and not just the individuals who spend a lot of money and can absorb the TAX. Thank you for reading. 

Nov 14, 2017, 11:5511/14/17
I would suggest taking breaks between major battleground payouts if at least a few days. It will help cut down the amount you lose to BGs significantly
Nov 14, 2017, 14:5011/14/17

Hello, my Lord! Thank you for your feedback, it will be passed to our team. I want to focus your attention that we didn't change the BG in last updates. They work as they worked before. 

As for the rewards, by completing BGs you get some regular rewards and some huge ones. Keep in mind that you get regular rewards almost every successful completion of the BG. And you need to consider these regular rewards when you build your strategy. 

BG it's a difficult part of the gameplay. I know a lot of players who lose their troops. On another hand, I know players who get their rewards constantly. What does it mean? It means some players have a strategy and another part doesn't have any strategy or tactics. Of course, you attack BGs and lose some troops. After that, you get the reward. So, you can conclude that you need to lose something to get the reward. Be really careful, because you need to use the mechanics and try to get the profit from this process. Try to send not so expensive units to get expensive troops which will have higher characteristics (power of attack or defense).  

I think you could ask other players for help. I`m sure that someone has some sort of a strategy for the BGs. You can ask for help on our official forum. Also, you could find players who can share the tactics with you in our Facebook official group. There must be players who know how the BG works and how to catch a prize. 

Don`t give up! Every successfully completed BG brings you closer to the reward. 

Nov 14, 2017, 15:1811/14/17

Lol. So outside of the 24hr proc and the 7 day event proc. How long do you suggest to wait. Because inside tournament these issues are enhanced. Outside its not as bad but still there. I am talking about playing the game around "Tax" this is a problem. And it's became a lot heavier. And that is not okay. And to perform in tournaments and take a major hit to your rewards from these taxes is ridiculous. We lose enough in PvP. And a castle mechanic shouldn't be included in our losses.

Nov 14, 2017, 15:4411/14/17

Alina, You have to bejoking right. Please refrain from not only coming in here with copy and paste but bounding into a discussion and assuming that I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. This is another problem with our Palarium management skills. Some view us as ignorant. I claim my input to output RRS 3 to 4 times a week. I possibly have one of the best strategies from RRS to power mechanics you can do. And don't come in here spouting off that things haven't changed without showing me your in game experiences before Dragon stone and Champion implementations. Almost everyone of my "BG" friends ya know ones that play this field on a daily basis are having the same issues. Reguardless of the RRS being entrained in the nest which I do not care about. There are a higher amount of 0 payout BGs. And do not deny that. If you do then you are not in the game playing. You are solely defending. I don't want free shit, I am not here begging for help, I am here as a knowledgeable money paying player that has been here since the beginning of SF. Paying, learning, calculating, tracking bgs in spreadsheets. I know what's going on reguardless if y'all will admit that the game has spun out into a money hungry environment. Battlegrounds are an internal mechanic supplied to castle to castle. Meaning this is a part of the players castle event atmosphere. And this game is set up to pirate the playing of this atmosphere. And it's getting out of control. The nest took a hit when dragon stone hit the playing field too. But you threw in a vision perk to offensive bgs which was wonderful but this was the first shock to the nest also. Give and take method. When the champion playing field hit SF we took a tax increase. And this is what I am complaining about. The 0 payout BGs do not bother me. It's the fact that they are thrown back to back and through killing to seek this payout the TAX is amplified. This is my problem. We need to lower the TAX. New beginners are already at a castle disadvantage now we dorce them to sit and wait and build. People and quitting on a daily basis. But yet we are not complimenting to make their environment or playing platforms more reasonable. Please reach out and tel me I am wrong and then prove me wrong with your in game experience. I want to see the rebuttal. I am a "customer" a paying customer. And for once I am giving you all a legitimate complaint. Please prove me wrong. Play this game in its current building frame. Go complete amelias BG missions to 165 and kill it. And prove to me that after this is succeeded you can take payouts in the same faction as before you took Amelia out of the nest. I want to see it. 

Nov 14, 2017, 16:1811/14/17
DestinysLight said:

Lol. So outside of the 24hr proc and the 7 day event proc. How long do you suggest to wait. Because inside tournament these issues are enhanced. Outside its not as bad but still there. I am talking about playing the game around "Tax" this is a problem. And it's became a lot heavier. And that is not okay. And to perform in tournaments and take a major hit to your rewards from these taxes is ridiculous. We lose enough in PvP. And a castle mechanic shouldn't be included in our losses.

I try to only take one or two large payouts per reset. It helps to minimise the massive tax.
Nov 15, 2017, 04:1411/15/17
Right I don't blame you. I also do the same. I also limit myself from burning multiple bgs. Like this evening. I accounted for tax and applied my skills and comped a payout at 106 which is within the 80% realm. This BG paid a return of 14%. 879 Warlocks and 176 Demons. I am sure you have a RRS chart, do the math. Now keep in mind I have completed my 164 mission and I have left 165 open. Now the fact that 106 paid! Reguardless of RRS this means I have a minimum of 213 mill entrained. 80% is BG 149 on a mission clear of 164 and 165 open. So explain to me why once reinvested it has now taken me another 7 BG kills to proc a payout. If the limiters are not amplified why am I now having to hit not only more bgs but implement more RRS to cover cracking 7 bgs just to seek a payout. On an entrained nest that should have paid. Please give me more excuses. 
Nov 15, 2017, 04:1611/15/17

I only do bgs when BG tournaments are inactive. Because when The Tournaments are live things get even worse. 

Nov 15, 2017, 04:1711/15/17
Nov 15, 2017, 04:36(edited)

Prezzy what league are you in BTW. I know a prezzy. In A☆G is that you by chance. 

Nov 15, 2017, 15:5511/15/17

Hello, my Lord!

Unfortunately, I can't share some tips because players need to learn by themselves this part of the gameplay. All my suggestions were given in my comment above. 

I'll pass your feedback to our team as well. 

Nov 16, 2017, 03:0611/16/17
Nov 16, 2017, 14:27(edited)

Alina do not speak to me about tips. Your tips are idiotic!!! What is the point of being asked to share the flaws of StormFall on this forum if information given is not taken seriously. You still think I am digging for advice. Why!!! What would possibly make you think i want your advice on BGs. You have obviously not read what I've wrote. And if you had taken my conversations seriously, you could gather the considerations I am asking you to take in. You are here to speak on behalf of StormFall. And by speaking for us means you take these conversations to Palarium. Because our gaming environment is important. Enough is enough. Making BGs harder is destroying the New Member platform of success. I mean my goodness I have players get stuck for months on end because of the algorythims. And I feel like the management here doesn't care about the game. 

Nov 16, 2017, 03:1411/16/17
As developers and business operation. Your job is to also cater to your customers needs. Palarium has destroyed the battle ground platform for beginners. The taxation needs to change. Take this game seriously for once. Give the battleground platform back to your customers, to enjoy the game again. You have pissed in the faces of begging and average players. Battlegrounds are our enjoyment. Stop making it harder on the new environment. 
Nov 23, 2017, 09:3911/23/17
Nov 23, 2017, 09:45(edited)

Let me share some real tips on bg:

---- bg is easy and fun... if we care for its details...

---- slight ing is a must.


if we invest 100 mil RSS --> we need to have lvl that payout around 110 Mil, 105 Mil, 100 Mil, 95 Mil, and 90 Mil, and 85 Mil.

so.. if we hit that lvl with 110 Mil payout and failed.. we still have its lower levels to take and salvage our investment.

even if nothing pays until we only GET PAYOUT IN 85 Mil (minus 15% from current investment)..  thats just the flow we must take.

thats just mean next time should be better.. until we reach plus/profit from bg's payout...


Dec 9, 2017, 22:2212/09/17
... if nothing pays, you end up overpaying and "lose" your current bank.
Dec 31, 2017, 00:2512/31/17

You get out what you put in over a long enough time line. The key is putting high rss units in and taking out low rss units.

Jan 19, 2018, 13:0901/19/18

I’ve had an issue with BGs for over six months and only had one payout over lvl 100 in that period. Now I can’t get a pay over lvl 80 I’ve lost everything I had (about 40M troop strength) when I ask Admin to check I get the same response - there is nothing wrong with game.

I now start each day with little troops and complete lowest level and move up. I re-invest everything I gain but still can’t get a troop pay over lvl 80.

Been playing this game for three or four years so know how it works. I no longer spend on it because I know it makes no difference.

Any ideas would be appreci
Jan 19, 2018, 15:0801/19/18

tonysummers72 said:

I’ve had an issue with BGs for over six months and only had one payout over lvl 100 in that period. Now I can’t get a pay over lvl 80 I’ve lost everything I had (about 40M troop strength) when I ask Admin to check I get the same response - there is nothing wrong with game.

I now start each day with little troops and complete lowest level and move up. I re-invest everything I gain but still can’t get a troop pay over lvl 80.

Been playing this game for three or four years so know how it works. I no longer spend on it because I know it makes no difference.

Any ideas would be appreci

Hello, my Lord! I hope there will be shared some tips from players who play BGs constantly. I just can suggest that you attack the same levels which you attacked before. For example, if you attack 80-100 levels, will be better continue to attack these levels. If you will attack small levels, you won't get a big trophy. The higher level of the BG, the higher the reward.     

Jan 20, 2018, 07:4001/20/18
Jan 20, 2018, 07:40(edited)
What a strange thing to say.  What is the point in you commenting if you’re going to say the obvious. As well as completing small BGs I have also completed much higher ones and not had a payout. My highesBG is lvl 169.
Jan 20, 2018, 14:2101/20/18

you dont get payout at levels higher than 120?

I believe thats overbanking, for what i have read in this forum..

My league-mates keep earning rewards at that levels, a big ones.

Jan 22, 2018, 06:2701/22/18
Jan 22, 2018, 10:00(edited)

My highest is 131 and I have been getting payouts as expected in past. 

There are some good groups related to BG on LINE messenger app run by many leagues and some good players which you may want to search for and join to.

Jan 25, 2018, 14:3201/25/18

Chascon said:

you dont get payout at levels higher than 120?

I believe thats overbanking, for what i have read in this forum..

My league-mates keep earning rewards at that levels, a big ones.

I have seen people get payouts on every one. It’s how you play them whether you want gear or troops in my opinion for how you want to hit.